Our private Christmas porn | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Copyright by ne, the one and only Stardustdeluxe ☆uccApp!“I stop in the door frame and try to understand what my eyes see, with my frozen brain at the moment. You stand next to our decorated Christmas tree, a wide, very satisfied grin on your lips, and have spread your arms in classic “Tadaaaaa” manner. So far so clear. In addition to numerous nicely packed packages of different sizes on your bare feet, however, a naked blonde kneels.

Her, admittedly, probably proportioned body only adorns a red ribbon made of satin that was carefully tied around her neck to the loop. My mouth becomes dry. Other areas of my body quite moist. Fuck. The fairy lights in the tree and a few candles dive the room in warm light and I can’t help but admire that your hair looks like liquid gold. A twitching goes through my fingers while thinking about gliding through the silky strands with my hands and a suffocated noise penetrates my ear as if by cotton wool.

Only when I lift my gaze confused and with my eyes I find that the noise has come out of my own mouth. Your grin speaks volumes: a little wider and many times dirty. “So you like my gift. “A determination. No question. I’m speechless. And that rarely happens. I send an internal prayer to the sky and thank you who or whatever up there that at least I hadn’t chosen for the couple of pizza socks, which I had fallen into the hands of the right gift for you on a desperate search for the right gift for you.

That would have become nice … “Hi darling, here, for you: the fulfillment of one of your hottest sex fantasies!”” Yes, thank you, wool? Here, a few socks for you. With pizza. Schüss, ne?!“I escape an amused snort. Then I pull myself together and concentrate completely on the here and now. I am nervous. And excited. I take a shaky step towards you and my gift, then one more, I am hot. And it doesn’t get better than I approached you close enough to see that the hands of the blonde are also fixed with a red ribbon behind her back.

Hallelujah!It’s Tuesday, the 24. December, Christmas Eve. And I have the feeling that this evening will be anything but sacred … and I love it!I love Christmas. And I especially love all the delicacies that are available at Christmas time. I am a real sweet cat. No matter whether gingerbread or marzipan, spray biscuits or baked apple … but there is nothing better than the very own taste of a freshly shaved pussy under my tongue. I glide with the tip of the tongue over her lips to circle your pearl shortly afterwards and to delight me with this incredibly hot whimper, which then gives my gift from itself.

I still don’t know what it is called or where it comes from and how you have brought her to spend the Christmas Eve with us. But I don’t care either. Everything that counts at this moment is that she kneels in front of me, head on the carpet right in front of the Christmas tree, butt in the air and right in front of my face and I have free access to extensively too lick. Now I know why you enjoy it such a fun.

It is really intoxicating!Meanwhile, you kneel behind me, your hot breath on my neck, and examined my work, help me to push your round baking a little so that I have more space for my tongue or whisper a tip in the ear here and thereI regularly run a shower over my back. I let her off a short moment and turn my head to you. Without having to say something you catch my lips in one kiss and our tongues meet.

You greedily lick your juice from my mouth and I have to grin. “Delicious, hm?”” Yes, “you answer softly and let your tongue slide again between my lips. “But not as tasty as you. “My heart stops for a moment before it starts almost twice as quickly shortly afterwards. How you can give me security yourself and show me that despite the horny naked naked blonde, I am still your absolute number 1 and always be … Incredible.

I take your face in both hands and look deep into your eyes before we sink into a kiss again that takes my breath away. I grab air and panted my forehead to yours. “Do you think she can squirt?“I ask hoarse and try to get my breathing halfway under control again. “Who knows, who knows …,” you answer with a smile and wipe me a wet strand of hair out of my sweaty face.

“Show her how to do it. “I nod slowly and a dark grin play around my lips. Oh yeah. I will not only show her, she will be allowed to look at it up close … I turn to my gift and glide with my hand over her bouncer ass, Up your back and reach into her blonde strands. With a jerk I pull on it and command her to straighten up. A moan escapes your lips, which a lightning strike exactly between mine Legs broadcast.

She painstakingly rattles and now kneels in front of me, pressed her bare body on me and her head stretched back on my shoulder, because my hand is still stuck to steal her silky strands. “I will now show you how it works with the squirt,” I whisper in your ear and watch with a mixture of amusement and excitation how goosebumps overturn her arms and her nipples pull together even more closely when my words sounds.

“You will be a good girl and look closely, we got on?“She nods and brings a quiet“ Jaaa… ”, which I reward my tongue in her ear and harvested another groan. I solve my hand out of your hair and start with the red tape around your wrists to open. You have now moved out of your position and now sits at an angle next to me. I take a look at you and hunger in your eyes makes me almost dizzy.

For a short moment my fingers start to tremble and I fumet a little clumsy on their handcuffs, but then they finally get them solved. “On the back, head to me,” I command quietly but no less sharp, my eyes are still sunk into yours. Your pupils are so expanded with lust that you can only guess a narrow, blue ring around it. Incredible sexy. I bite my lip and can hardly wait for what will happen now.

Blondie has now put on the carpet exactly as I wanted and I climb over her, my knee on the right and left of her head. Perfect, I look over my shoulder and mean to position you with a nod behind me. While I dive off with my head again between the spread legs of my blonde, I feel your hands on my hips, on my back, on my ass. You scratch my spine with your fingernails and I moan, steamed by the moist pussy under my mouth.

Blondie is now groaning again and presses her pelvis towards me, on the desperate search for more Contact. I grin badly and pull my head back a bit, so I only touch it very easily with the tip of the tongue. We play here according to my rules, sweetness. In the meantime, your fingers have found my wet pussy and before you penetrate me with middle and ring fingers, you irritate my swollen pearl in circular movements with your thumb.

My legs start to tremble and these little touches are enough to make me completely insane. I imitate your thumb with my tongue on blondie pearl, which also begins to twitch under me and gets up as your fingers penetrate my wet heat. Fuck. It won’t be long today. With every movement you will continue to massage my G-spot and the region around it and with every push you increase your pace. I can no longer concentrate and stop licking blondies pussy as foreign -controlled.

I can only moan in her lap helplessly and feel how the pressure continues to build up in me. “Oh god …,” it breaks out of me and I throw my head back. With a jerk you pull your fingers out of me and quickly rub over my clit and while my mouth escapes a cry and I get your “mouth away, blonde!“Listen, I inject my gift carefully in the face and mouth opened.

I snap panting to air and blondie coughs. She probably choked. Poor mouse. With trembling limbs I straighten up and now lie down on her to let my tongue slide my tongue in her still open and air -ringing mouth and taste myself on your lips. I encompass her chin and turn your face back and forth while I lick every drop of my juice from your skin.

I feel your fingers in my hair and look up. I know what you want. I come to you with my head and again we sink into a deep kiss, where it is now on you to lick my juice from my lips and my tongue. Heavily breathing I loosen from you, a big grin on my face. “I know …,” I put on and my grin will be a little more miserable. “Actually that’s my gift here.

But since I like to share everything with you … “I take a look at the gray armchair and look at you again. After a brief moment of confusion (your blood is finally in other body regions), you seem to understand and slowly consider you falling on the piece of furniture I indicated. “So blondie …,” I start quietly and grab her hand to help her. I lean my head on her shoulder, sling my arm around her waist and enjoy her warm skin by my side.

I put my index finger on my lower lip and look deep into your eyes. “I want you to get the hot guy there properly there tail suck. I’ll make a video of it, so give you an effort. Make him hard and wet so that he can fuck me until I scream. Understood?“Blondie nods and again a shower runs down my back for vertebrae. Such a good girl. I put my hand on her lower back and push it towards the armchair while going to the coffee table and mine mobile Schnap and start the recording.

“And now nice to your knees … yes, that’s how it is good. Ah ah ah, not so hasty. We start slowly. Yes exactly. Beautifully grip the shaft and only cautiously circle the acorn with the tip of the tongue … Yeahaaa … Brave girl, that looks good. “I go on my knees and films next to her, as she slowly lets your hard cock disappear into her mouth. She does it well.

But there is more. “So mouse and now you’re going to do it very far … yes … just like that …,” I whisper in your ear, grab your hair and press your head on your cock with a jerk. She has to choke and grabs for air, but I keep her head down a few seconds longer. Then I pull her back on her blonde strands and attack her mouth with mine. Her eyes have started to tear and still snap for air and I feel so powerful at that moment that I could come again on the spot.

I put my cell phone in your hand and your head back on your cock. I enjoy the feeling that they delivered is and I have the rhythm with my hand, firmly anchored in her hair. And I want a quick rhythm. Again and again I watch your cock sink deep in her throat, chokes her and gurgling noises, grabs for air and her mascara leaves black stripes on her bright cheeks.

God, the twisted video here will definitely be my dearest in the near future porn, So much is clear. For the last time I press her head completely on your cock until her nose touches your abdominal blanket and hold it down until it begins to fidget. Then I let her get up and struggle for breath, take your cell phone out of your hand and put it in your trembling fingers. I need you now in me. Immediately. I reach for your hand and pull you out of the armchair.

On the tips of the toe and my arms wounded around your neck, I kiss you as if there would be no tomorrow. Breathing I break the kiss and pull yourself towards the sofa with me. “Fuck me, baby,” I press out and go to all four in front of you, my ass and my pussy nice as on the presentation plate for you. You don’t let yourself be asked for long and immediately comprises my hips to slide into my wet heat with a strong push.

“Oh God Jaaaa … please…. fuck me … please … nnaaaahhh “it breaks out of me and almost sinks into the subsequent moan in the sea, which bubbles out of my mouth. I forget everything around me and only enjoy the feeling of your hard cock in me and with it really hard to be fucked. Again and again. Faster, harder, firmer. Again I feel how the pressure turns on in me, drives me higher and higher and I start to tremble while I spread throaty screams and almost lose the mind.

I take a look over my shoulder and see your tense face, the muscles of your upper arms, which are clearly under the skin due to the tension and know that you are about to. “Spray for me,” I moan without it, watch how you throw your head on the neck and feel the pulsate of your tail in me while you splashed your hot juice deep into me. And I come and come and come and come with a last, deafening scream.

The last minute begins on the screen of the smartphone in your hand and we both watch blondie lick your juice out of my pussy and then let it run into my mouth and kiss me again deeply. Then the video ends and I turn my head to you and grin wide. My hand in your neck, I pull your head to myself, give you a long kiss and then put my forehead on yours.

“That was the best Christmas present that I have ever got,” I whisper quietly and you gently kiss my tip of my nose. “I am happy if you liked it, Princess. “Grinning, you wipe a strand of hair from my forehead and clamp it behind my ear. “Fallen? If I had to die on the spot, it was by far the hottest, unholy Christmas Eve in my whole life. I love you!“You grins broadly and very satisfied before we sink into a new kiss and let our private Christmas porn run free …

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