On a horny escape part 4 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Despite the dream and the initially restless sleep, Lea woke up the next morning. She felt comfortable as far as one could say in her situation, after all, her world had collapsed less than two days ago. There was a further hoodie and jogging pants in the closet. Barefoot left her room and was greeted by Johann, who was already at the stove.



Thank you, Johann.”

The table was covered for breakfast and Lea was amazed at her appetite. The eggs were great and they enjoyed the coffee. They managed to carry out problem -free entertainment despite yesterday’s evening. However, it was clear to both that the topic had not yet ended.

Lea sighed at some point and started.

“I would like to apologize to you for my insolence and the insults that I have thrown at you last night. I thought about my relationship with Marvin last night. With what I know today, you have to assume that he wanted to kill me …”

She lowered her head and sighed. Then she looked up and looked in the eyes of Johann.

“You have saved my life twice and I behave like a stupid goose.

In addition, what you saw from me in surveillance. You have to have a bad picture of me.”

“Your behavior only shows that you really loved Marvin. I would have been surprised if you had just accepted what I told you. And you can believe me: the decision was very difficult for us.

Except your Father And nobody knew anything about me. And the scenes that they still spoke of only saw me. I didn’t tell anyone about it and immediately deleted the ligaments if it was possible. Also: You may be ashamed that you were observed in your very private area without your knowledge.

But please believe me that this is not easy for me either. Such a burglary is not easy even if I don’t know the people.”

“Thank you, Johann. I would like to ask you to start new. I will try not to be the spoiled little girl who can get over everything.

And you are no longer the grumpy man who you can see from a distance from the security expert.”

Lea laughed and she felt how good this honest laugh did to her. And Johann agreed. Now it was time to make plans for the day. An idea was to clarify the whereabouts of the uncle.

You had to know if he was still alive. Maybe he still had functioning connections, possibly even to the coupons. Johann knew that he was something opaque. That would be a chance but also a risk.

If the regime knew about its whereabouts, Lea could put it in danger, since it would undoubtedly be monitored.

However, they were also allowed to assume that Lea would be among the most sought -after people after the incidents. Johann therefore stated that she was only allowed to leave the house during the night and that it is best only under the cheapest circumstances. Here, however, he made the bill without the host.

Lea made it clear to him that she would never stay alone in the apartment. Any appeal to her reason and also his memory of her promise to restart her relationship could not appease her. Johann finally accepted sigh. Thickenness was in the genes of this Family.

As another way, Johann suggested to visit an old companion that he knew alcohol Everything smuggled through drugs to humans, which could be made money.

The only problem was that Johann didn’t trust him. If they got involved, they had to exercise the highest caution, as he was trusted to betray them against higher bids or to make it disappear to avoid risk at the right moment.

Above all, Johann didn’t think of the people with whom this old “friend” worked. But since this was unfortunately the only person he knew in the trade, there is hardly any other choice to you.

Lea noticed the unrest that Johann came across on this topic and wondered what exactly the two combined with each other in the past. If this man got nervous about the thought of the smuggler, then it was actually dangerous. His attempt to dissuade them from an accompaniment failed anyway. At least he could make the promise to wait for him outside.

They decided to carry out the second idea first to dispose of a functioning escape plan if everything went well.

Then they wanted to Uncle see. Johann had already taken care of Enzo Artidis, the smuggler, when preparing the escape plans. However, he wanted to watch the house before he Contact to enzo. Johann drove to the address and first had to fight past a whole number of prostitutes who made him very clear offers.

He took his head down and tried to ignore the ladies. Finally he stood in front of the house and almost had to laugh when he read the name Artidis on the bell shield. That was self -confidence, as Johann found.

He went back to automobile and began the annoying and boring job of observation.

At least here he had a moment for himself. To his own surprise, he had managed to convince Lea to get another hairstyle in order to change her publicly known appearance. A friend he knew that he could rely on him had a hairdressing salon. At first she looked around a bit muly because this salon had nothing in common with those who had visited her in the past.

And when Johann opened her that he would now leave her for the time of her session, careful and patient persuasion was shown. With the help of his boyfriend, however, he actually managed to leave her there. The friend closed his shop and led Lea into a back room, away from the large shop window.

Johann was able to notice a man in the house entrance next to Artidis who did nothing but to stand around there all the time. At first Johann had accepted that he was a “protector” of the prostitute.

After a while, however, he realized that his only task was to report the number of visitors to be expected in Artidi’s apartment via a bell that certainly ended in Artidi’s apartment. The old Enzo knew that he could not trust his camera surveillance alone. It was a lively traffic that ran here. People were not in line but in the two hours in which he already observed, he counted eight people.

Johann absolutely could not imagine that this escaped the state power. This loophole was simply too striking. However, he did not succeed in recognizing people who also monitored artidis.

He let his gaze wander a little. Boredom was a big problem for him in this type of surveillance.

The newspaper he had worried reproduced the announcements of the new rulers. However, there was no word about the country to read one of the country’s most important entrepreneurial families. Everything else would have surprised Johann, after all, the putschists were involved. However, it was still not clear to him what purpose they bordered with it.

At least they were not sought publicly over this channel. The newspaper was quickly read out and was placed on the dashboard with a sigh. A prostitute passed his car with a customer. Johann registered the high chunky shoes with the plateau, which even let the lady look down on the man.

Her network tights had already been taken with them. It was a little surprising that despite the political turmoil, this area was still flourishing.

The lady headed for a house entrance directly in Johann’s field of view. At least that would certainly not have existed in daylight a day ago. The entrance was protected against the fleeting observer, but Johann could see everything.

The prostitute pressed the man deep into the entrance and he put a few notes to her. She smiled at him and immediately went to her knees. Surprisingly quickly, she grazed a condom over the already hard one tail. Their work seemed to please the man, because he immediately put his head back and closed his eyes.

Johann had the impression that she had more with her hands than working with her mouth but certainly the man didn’t really get that.

She worked intensively and the observer was sure that she wanted to make him inject as quickly as possible. Surprisingly, however, the man came back to him and pulled the woman up. He pressed the breasts in the short top, but didn’t bother to released them.

With a smile, the woman seemed to want to continue to encourage him. His hands wandered over her body and kept her buttocks hard. Her short skirt was pushed up and immediately the man pushed her into a corner. As he raised her, she caught her legs around his hip.

She helped him to penetrate her and then had to calm him down a little when he wanted to hit hard immediately. Gradually he now increased his pace.

The woman’s gaze went aimlessly out of the house entrance until he finally lay in Johann’s eyes. He saw the surprise And a certain annoyance in her eyes and smiled at her in a friendly manner.

Her customer was now time and Johann could hear the moaning into the car. She only gave him a very short moment, then separated from him and removed the condom. When they passed on him, she actually smiled at Johann briefly, but also showed him the middle finger.

Johann had to grin. He had seen enough for the moment and drove back to the hairdressing salon.

He went to the yard and gave the agreed knocking sign on a disc. After a short time the back door was opened and his old buddy Fred Pansov let him in. His friendly nod not only understood Johann not only as a greeting but also as a sign that everything had gone well. No panic attacks, only clean work.

He was able to convince himself of that, because Lea sat in another room and read a magazine in peace. At least he suspected that it was Lea. She was the only person in the room. She looked up and beamed at him.

“Fred is a master.

I will be grateful for this wonderful look forever. Why did I never get on it before?”

She turned around her own axis and presented her new blond -colored short hairstyle. Johann could not remember ever seeing her without her black and long curly mane. At first glance, this protection had to work.

Lea went to Fred and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He was now beaming too.

“You got more than I did,” jokingly grumbled Johann.

“Oh, that’s right. I’m sorry.”

Lea seemed seriously shaken. She pulled him down and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you both and especially you, Johann. I wouldn’t be here without them.”

She was already close to tears and Johann was amazed at how quickly she could switch between her mood. He calmed her down. Fred put on a coffee and together they spent the next hour.

Your host continued to offer you his help, which Johann would be happy to take advantage of. Then they returned to their observation post and Johann explained Lea everything he had observed so far. Furthermore, he was able to observe a striking number of people who went to Aritidis, but there was no other observation than was recognizable by him. And he was sufficiently convinced by himself that he had recognized one.

Johann now developed a plan.

“We will contact my old friend Enzo this evening. You will take on an important role in this.”

Lea was suddenly excited and Johann was annoyed that he had started so clumsy.

“Although I cannot recognize this, I am sure that Enzo is either monitored by the police or is working with it. We therefore do the following: First of all, I will make the man in the house entrance that I showed them harmless.”

The exclamation marks on your face could not be overlooked.

“Don’t worry, he will only be passed out. Then you will take over this item, watch the house entrance and report to me through the bell symbols all the people who enter the house.

It would be very uncomfortable to be surprised when talking to Enzo. As you can see, prostitutes stand here everywhere. In this case, a good camouflage would be a costume in this direction. If more than one person wants to enter the house, please try to get at least one in a conversation.

Offer, price agreement, weather, what do I know. If you are in danger, the bell rings storm. Dare to do that?”

Without thinking, she nodded Johann on her face could clearly see the conflict of fear and excitement on her face.

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