On a horny escape part 13 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

They left the building council building and were driven by the driver back to the apartment. Johann was able to clearly see Leas Zwiespalt. Her Uncle Was done and Lea could calmly decide whether she wanted to go further against him. However, it was somewhat irritated by the chairman’s last sentence.

Why did he recommend her to watch the media carefully? On the way she was getting calmer and quieter. With the decreasing tension about one’s own life and their future as a head of the family, she now realized the loss of the parents. The processes of the past few days had completely buried this. Johann looked for her eyes and saw the tears in her eyes.

Lea now cried uninhibitedly and fled to Johann’s arms. He captured her calming and offered her the security she now needed. Once at the apartment, she had the desire to lie down and Johann had it granted. He lay down with her and held her tight.

After a short time she fell asleep.

John quietly rose after some time when he had observed her sleep. He took Contact to the company’s own security service and inquired about the measures that were initiated to monitor Peter Sanchez. What he heard made him very satisfied.

Later Raissa reported and was happy about the course of the session that Johann described her. The recordings she had secretly made were the breakthrough to Leas. Laughing, she explained Johann that she had packed the small device out of habit and that her superiors got very red ears when they heard the recordings of the sex games. The gentlemen had a lot of trouble with their concentration.

They discussed themselves for the evening, but Johann also gave a corresponding warning in terms of LEAS condition.

A few hours later Lea also appeared. It was clearly recognizable that it was not good for her but from Johann’s offer to spend the evening in the apartment, she didn’t want to hear anything.

“All the things that have happened in the past few days will accompany me for a long time. But I’m still there. I want to feel that I live, Johann.

It is therefore not possible for me to spend the evening here in the narrow apartment.”

The “tight” apartment stretched over almost 200 square meters and was spacious and openly cut. But Johann sensed what she meant. He took her in his arm and kissed her and Johann felt how she liked to open him. Her wonderful breasts pressed against his upper body and, together with the memory of the last night tail.

Johann was a little ashamed that he reacted excitedly in this situation. But apparently he was alone with it. Lea looked firmly in his eyes.

“Your tail grows through this simple touch. You have to be really sharp on me.

But even if I just said that I want to feel life, I’m not in the mood for that.“But she grinned at him and slightly stroked the bump in Johann’s pants. “But the day is far from over and I like to come back to this promise.”

She pulled him down and kissed him passionately. Then she wanted to hear what Raissa had told and how they wanted to start the evening. She was satisfied and then began to inspect the apartment more precisely.

She hadn’t been there for a long time and got an overview of the available content of her wardrobe, stocks and similar things. For Johann, she had the most necessary of clothing delivered and was also very satisfied with it.

At some point the time to prepare for the evening came and Lea disappeared into the bathroom. When she appeared again after a long time, she was significantly changed. Johann devoured her naked body with her eyes and smiling she pressed a kiss on him.

Then she said goodbye to hip in her bedroom. After another long time for Johann, she was finished and Johann opened his mouth. Lea presented himself in a white mini dress, which brought up her exciting body wonderfully. In addition, matching jewelry and peeptoes with a 14 cm heel that yours Legs Published for kilometers.

She was bright and reacted with a knowing smile on Johann’s reaction.

“Do you like to take me like this?”

The naive question was asked with a sexy undertone and played uncertainly she put a finger on her lower lip while her headlights were beaming at him. Johann went to her.
“To be honest, I would like to move out this dress immediately immediately. You are adorable and incredibly seductive. He kissed her and tightened her butt.

Lea sighed under his touch and for a brief moment, she considered giving in to his wish immediately. Then she loosened from him and smiled at him.

“We have to go.”

Johann put on a face that was partly played only in part and they went out into the night. They met Raissa O’Connor in front of a restaurant to eat a little something. Raissa had chosen a black mini dress that flattered her slim body like a second skin.

To do this, she wore overknees with plateau and even higher stilettos than Lea. Johann felt somewhat inconspicuously in the presence of the two exciting women, but his companions immediately took the uncertainty before he could really become aware of him. Surprisingly, he was the focus. Lea made it clear who belonged to whom, Raissa allowed significantly more in the course of the evening than was customary with normal accompaniment.

They danced in three or in pairs and whenever Johann was there, handed hands over his muscles and butt. Of course he liked to accept these offers and went on the offensive, which was very well received by women. At some point he also kissed Raissa and enjoyed her passion, who had already robbed him of his mind in Enzo’s apartment. But they were part of the celebrating mass and even the well -known Lea did not notice.

At some point they decided to end the evening in Lea’s apartment.

The taxi driver made a lot of eyes when Johann took a seat with his two attractive companions in the back seat and both women tried to get his attention. Loud music was made in the apartment and the three celebrated continued. Johann mixed cocktails while the women danced. Later they stood on the spacious roof terrace with their drinks and looked high above the city at the lights of the night.

Raissa apologized briefly and Johann took the opportunity to initiate the last part of the evening. He kissed Lea deeply and passionately, who liked to meet him. His hands wandered over her body, stroked the slim line, stayed on her solid breasts for longer and finally stole under her dress. With a sigh, she opened her legs a little for him to give him better access.

Immediately he accepted the freedom and let a hand slide into her panties. The moisture and heat that received him let him grab it together with Lea.

“If you don’t stop immediately, you will have to finish it here on the roof terrace. I’m hot, Johann. Hot on you and the hard cock that I feel again.

You have no idea how your eyes and your kisses have already made me sharp all day. I burn, Johann!”

She felt after Johann’s great companion and his quietly groaned she smiled. A clearing of the throat tore Lea and Johann from their heated mood. Raissa stood in front of them and looked a little unhappy.

“Apparently our evening together is over here.

I can understand you well and therefore only want to say goodbye to you.”

Lea looked at her. So it shouldn’t end.

“No Raissa. We have experienced too much together as we just break apart. I’m hot and I know it is you too.“She took a short break and looked from Raissa to Johann and back again.

Her idea was crazy, but absolutely corresponded to her mood. “I want you to stay with us tonight.“She smiled at Raissa. “Come here.”

Johann stared Lea with an open mouth and Raissa was also surprised. She looked at the two unsafe.

The evening had actually excited her, it was probably not difficult to guess. The music, the dancing, the drinks and, above all, Johann’s hands on her body had contributed to the fact that she still needed a man. Strangely enough, she was in the clubs in which they were on the road couldn’t get the idea of looking for a man. But that had only become aware of the terrace and found Johann and Lea in a clear game.

At that moment she was a bit frustrated. But after Lea’s invitation she was just … surprised. That was the right word. She offered her Johann.

And yourself too? She gave up a jerk and took on Leas outstretched hand.

The women sank into a cautious kiss, but it became braver and more intimate every second. Johann watched this with fascinated and surprised eyes. Lea had also caught him, because he would not have expected such a constellation.

No, he just hadn’t thought about it. And now he saw the two dream women in front of him, who kissed and already started to explore the body of others. Apparently Lea and Raissa have already had experience with other women. In other words, Johann could not explain the rapid development before his eyes.

He just felt a bit left behind and superfluous and didn’t really know what to do.

But he also not only wanted to watch and so he decided to follow the first tangible thought he had. He stood behind Raissa and put his hands on her hips. She winced briefly and then apparently enjoyed his strong hands, who wandered over her body and his lips, who spoiled her neck.

Johann felt her hard nipples through the tight dress and stroked her crisp butt over the muscles of her tremendous abdomen. He kissed Lea over Raissa’s shoulder, who had welcomed his intervention with a smile. She was happy that he was ready to participate in this game. Raissa searched for Johann’s hard tail with one hand and let him groan.

With the other hand, she explored Leas’s hot column while feeling four hands on her own body at the same time.

Raissa closed her eyes and put her head back. The evening had taken a turn that she hadn’t thought possible a few minutes ago. She felt Johann’s tongue penetrated into her mouth and answered passionately.

A quiet sigh was above the scenery, otherwise you heard the quiet noise of night traffic and the ripple of the fountain on the terrace. Raissa broke through the silence and sighed deeply once.

“I don’t know how you see it but I need a little more than fumbling now. Let’s go into the house.”

“No,” said Lea, “I would rather stay up here. The air is wonderful and we have a wide lounger on the terrace that is made for us.”

“Then don’t let us lose time.”

At Johann’s request, Lea led her to another and covered area of the terrace.

In fact, there was a larger couch between small palms that offered a wonderful view of the city. However, nobody was interested in the outlook. Lea immediately took off her dress and put it bra away. Raissa did the same.

Together they turned to Johann. They opened his shirt and let their hands hike over his bare torso. Johann Küste Lea and felt Raissa opened his pants and decidedly pulled down. Finally he stood naked between the women and felt Raissa’s hot breath on his steeply upside down tail.

“Yummy! Finally I see this horny device right in front of me. I only felt it two days ago.”

“What does that mean? Should I know something?”


Lea was suddenly very interested but Johann could not and did not want to deal with it, because Raissa had taken his glans into her mouth and skillfully spoiled him. He groaned under this great treatment while watching Lea as she laid on the bed. She looked into his eyes and slowly pulled the panties over her long legs.

Both women still had shoes and boots and Johann enjoyed the sight. She spread her legs and gave Johann a look at her moist shiny grotto. On the one hand, she looked for her clit with the other and then gave herself all the feelings that she triggered in herself. Johann withdrew Raissa’s mouth.

In the expectation of his big cock, she too quickly got rid of her little briefs and immediately spread her legs.

Johann frightened to the sight of the two hot women who were lying on the bed in front of him. He could choose which he wanted to have first and he liked that extremely well. A grin stole on his face as he kept his thick tube enclosed with his fist.

Both women saw his grin and played-actually they stretched their arms towards him. He decided for Raissa, whose lips he still felt on his shaft. But Lea shouldn’t remain uninvolved.

“Turn around and leak leas pussy.”

Raissa immediately implemented his wish. But before she started to take care of the lips of her expectation -happy playmate, she preferred to wait until she felt Johann.

With hot moan she received his thick glans when she was shouting between her lips. Only when he was completely in her and persisted for a moment did she start spoiling Lea. She immediately reacted with hoarse when she felt Raissa’s tongue on her pearl. But she couldn’t really concentrate on her task, since Johann took her with hard bumps.

She felt how her desire for the redeeming orgasm and the further she came, the less she could help Lea. Before she was there, her body frozen and her explosion awaited her with an open mouth and a absent look. With a loud scream she finally reached her goal and Johann gave her a moment to come back to himself. Raissa enjoyed every second and the big cock.

She sighed in a sensible manner when she felt his gentle movements. Then she escaped him and lay down next to Lea and smiled at her.

“You laughed at a great man. Is that actually clear to you?”

“And if I know that. It took me only too long to find out.”

Her answer went into a moan when Johann finally penetrated her.

She was happy to feel him again. He gave her a moment to get used to his size, then he started with gentle bumps and held her breasts tightly in his hands. However, he quickly increased strength and pace and captured her hips while Lea caught her legs around him. Raissa saw the irrepressible lust on her face and knew that she wouldn’t take long to the summit for long.

She forced Lea into a kiss and then released her so that she could finally bend on the home stretch. Johann’s bumps went through and through Lea, his hands walked her breasts again and again or were on her clit, Raissa kissed her. Lea saw stars and experienced the orgasm like a liberation. With an almost surprised scream, her lust detached and now finally Johann was so far too.

But before he could pump deep into Lea, he was distracted.

“Give me your juice.”

Raissa had set up and looked at him expectantly. More in a reflex he retired from the exhausted Lea and pushed his cock into her mouth. The feeling of her lips on his cock was enough to come. His grunt accompanied his juice in her mouth, while Raissa looked at him with great eyes and enjoyed his lust and seeds.

Johann withdrew from her and pumped heavily. He let himself fall on the bed and took Lea in his arms, who liked to slip against him. With an arm movement, he also offered Raissa to come to him and he also accepted his offer. Together they enjoyed the relaxation.

Johann dawned away.

He felt the warmth of women and their soft body and together with the exhaustion of the day and especially the last actions, he could not defend himself against sleep. When he woke up again, he was a little confused and didn’t know immediately where he was or how long he had slept. A quick look was enough for him to orientate. Raissa and Lea lay on the bed and he immediately knew what had happened.

Before he fell asleep, however, the women were still standing next to him. What he saw now had no more similarity. They lay side by side, facing each other and kissed and stroked tenderly. It was clearly recognizable for Johann that they enjoyed each other.

They had now taken off shoes and boots and were now in unprotected nudity in front of him. He sat down carefully and watched the exciting game. A quiet sighs could already be heard. Lea caressed the delicate breasts of her playmate and carefully slide the nipples out of her teeth and lips like small rods.

Raissa turned towards her and kept her eyes closed. Lea pushed down on her but before she could spoil Raissa with her tongue more intensely, she saw Johann. A grin lay on her face.

“Look, the sleeping prince is awakened. I hope you don’t mind that we have made fun of you a little bit about you.”

Raissa also reacted.

“Why do men always have the urge to fall asleep when they have experienced something beautiful? There are no males in the animal kingdom that die once they have sex? You are already strange.

We used time better. Come on my sweetness. I’m waiting for your tongue.”

“And then he sits there and stares. Well, what should you do.

The preservation of the species is secured, the women themselves are responsible for the fun.”

She grinned again and then turned back to Raissa. Her tongue slid through the wet lips and the circle of the pearl triggered a short gasp in Raissa. The women were back for themselves and did not pay attention to him. Johann also grin.

So the ladies had allowed themselves a little fun. He watched her for a while. Lea stroked herself as she spoiled Raissa. When Lea then lay down about her partner that they could lick each other, the moment had come to play again for Johann.

To see Lea’s wet shiny lips in front of him, let his cock grow again and briefly considered sinking into her immediately. But he decided differently. His girlfriend gasped when she felt a second tongue on her lips. The then penetrating finger let her stop briefly.

Her lust rose rapidly and she had to concentrate on continuing to spoil Raissa. It was more difficult for her minute and at some point she surrendered and revealed the lust that the two experienced tongues generated in her. She came back with the surprised scream and the wave was carried away.

Raissa and Johann had observed their orgasm and went to stroke Lea. They gently handed over the young woman to the foothills of the beautiful feelings she had just experienced.

Raissa was already too far to be able to stay with pure tenderness. She also needed redemption and she now asked for it. She threw Johann on her back and immediately had his hard pipe in her hand. Her whew was already wild when she sat on it.

With round fast movements, she left no doubt that she also did not take long until salvation. One hand rubbed her button and Raissa was very relieved that Johann understood the difference between Leas Great and her little breasts and not so hard access. After just a few minutes she collapsed in a panted stakkato on Johann and pumped heavily. He held her and she enjoyed it to feel him big and strongly but calmly.

After a long kiss, she rolled down from him.

“That was good … soooo good. It’s been a long time since I felt so fully satisfied.”

She smiled and closely closed her eyes. Johann was now with a hard and erected tail between two very satisfied women. Apparently his service was no longer required.

Sighly he closed his hand around the shaft. So he didn’t really want to end the evening. But he did not get relieved himself. Somewhat surprisingly for him, he suddenly felt a small but determined hand, which also lay around his cock.

“It is really a shame that the prince has to deal with his spear himself.

But of course he also has to attribute it to himself if he helps to prepare the Burgfräulein so fantastic orgasms.”

Lea knelt next to him and grinned at him. She leaned over his face and kissed him. Your hand was still firmly around his shaft.

“I want to feel you again, my prince. Very deep.

And I want to feel how you come.”

Lea sat on Johann. With a pleasant smile she took him deep into herself. There had to be this disaster first so that it could fall in love with him? But their feelings were clear. And were replied.

It was very sure. She opened her eyes and looked at him. A few days ago she couldn’t stand him. Even if he has more for hers in recent years Father had worked, he was still the symbol of her narrowingness.

So she had seen it back then. And today she could hardly be close enough to him. She shook herself briefly to be able to concentrate entirely on the wonderful man and the fantastic cock again. His hands on her breasts felt good.

She felt her on her buttocks how she accompanied her movements. Suddenly she froze and smiled again afterwards relaxed. Johann had penetrated her bottom with a finger. Lea replied with a gase and began to move faster.

But that was not Johann’s plan. She brought her hand back to the old speed and took on his lead. She now felt two fingers on her hole, which made space very carefully. It hurt a little but that passed.

She felt incredibly widened. She had never felt anything like that. With a lustful whimpering moan, she gave herself to the feelings and had to support herself on his chest.

She left her fingers and Johann lifted it down from herself. Lea squeaked a little surprised and was put on the side by Johann.

Raissa was also responsive again and now fascinated how Johann behind Lea lying behind Lea, carefully pushed his big cock into her butt. Lea, of course, knew that it would result in it. However, she had not expected such a big task. She got some respect for her own courage.

After all, she had asked yesterday that Johann should do exactly that with her. All concentration went into relaxation and yet it hurt. You couldn’t call it any other way. Only when he was a whole piece in her did he give Lea the opportunity to get used to the feeling.

And in fact it became lustful now. Her facial expression relaxed and she saw Raissa’s smile.

“Your first time?”

Lea nodded a little absent.

“Have fun!”

Raissa was sitting in front of them and her smile had accepted a knowing expression. She watched Lea put her hand on the clit and how Johann’s first movements initially overwhelmed her. But with every gentle shock she could better get involved.

After a short time her eyes were closed and she groaned lustfully under Johann’s penetration and her own hand on her pearl. The intensity was increased, Johann gave up harder and faster and every movement has now been accompanied by a short gasp. Raissa briefly considered whether to participate again. But she felt so satisfied that she didn’t have to and wanted this experience to have Lea and Johann alone.

And she was happy that Lea apparently had a very positive new experience. She seemed to be in a different reality, but reacted to everything her lover did with a lustful moan. The bumps were now fast and hard and Raissa suspected that it was no longer far to the summit for both. Johann snorted like an old steam locomotive and after he first knocked her breasts through, the hand was now on her grotto.

He penetrated in Lea with two fingers and moved them in the beat of his bumps. Lea immediately made big eyes. She clung to Johann with one hand. With her short surprised outcry, she then came to a penetrating orgasm.

Johann was now too. How liberated he groaned and shot his juice deep into Lea. Both snorted and gasped loudly and made the movements become gentler. The cramp passed in relaxation and they began to stroke themselves.

They enjoyed each other in the feelings they had given themselves. Then they also noticed Raissa, who smiled at them.

“That was wonderful. Tiring but wonderful … no, it was awesome.”

Lea was a bit pour, but had to communicate.

“Nice that you like it.

I could never get excited about it. But maybe it was only due to the men? who knows?”

Raissa grinned at Johann, who was still deep and big in Lea.

“You know, it is always due to the men. Whether something is good or bad. But whatever you want to try, I am no longer available today.

The prince is ready.”

Johann rolled with his eyes and laughed.

“But the little prince still feels very big in me. Anyway, I’m done too. If you want and I hope you stay here the night, Raissa.”

Lea still enjoyed it to feel Johann. His occasional light movements just felt good with the new lubricant.

She saw that Raissa liked her offer.

“Thank you very much, Lea. I like to stay.”

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