Nerd miters presents tight jeans | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hey friends,

It was long ago when I provided you with new horny information. I’ve had a lot of stress lately and so the sexual activity in our flat share was a bit low. But last weekend my nerd resident and I had a lot of fun and I don’t want to withhold the story from you.

I had seen Karl (computer science student) very rarely lately because I had to do a lot for the university and also worked a lot. Therefore, our common perverse experiences are almost forgotten.

I have at Jerk off Still thought about it from time to time, but either he wasn’t there or I didn’t have time myself. Due to all the tasks I had to do, I was looking forward to the weekend. I wanted to sit on the sofa all the time and do nothing … just relax! Finally it was time, it is Friday afternoon and I jumped in the shower and made myself something to eat in the oven on the side.

When I was done and got my food out of the kitchen, Karl ran into me and asked me: “Hey John, a lot to do today again?“I answer that I just want to relax this weekend and kept everything free. He smiled at me and told me that he also has free today and we can relax together.

I liked this idea and immediately informed him that I had a second pizza in the fridge. He said, “I have already eaten, I set myself fresh and then I have a little surprise, John”.

That was happy because I knew something awaited me. We hadn’t had anything together for a long time or lived out our bisexuality. I immediately took a picture of his magnificent giant cock in front of my eyes and how cool he looks on his skinny body.

I immediately noticed that my blood pumped in the right place and I could hardly wait until the surprise comes. As I eat my pizza, I kept hearing it in the bath. I asked myself several times what he was doing there. So I turned on the television and tried to think of tail to calm something.

But the anticipation was so great that my crossbar just didn’t want to disappear.

After another five minutes he stepped into that Living room one and I looked in his direction. When I saw him in the corner of the eye, I was slightly scared. But what was in the door was the epitome of lust. Karl disguised himself as a woman and breathtaking and ultraexy clothes.

His light blue pants were so tight that I thought that a top model was standing in front of me. He had a black top and it fit wonderfully to his tight pants. He also wore a blonde wig and had shoulder -long hair. It looked incredibly horny.

His make -up on his face really made him appear like a sugar -sweet woman. The surprise succeeded, I told him that directly. So he stood there and wait for my games to be used.

Actually, I don’t like kissing with men, I couldn’t gain anything from this imagination, but I immediately put my tongue in my mouth of this horny bitch. We kissed very cool and he behaved like a woman.

I was able to smell his female perfume and was tied up by the horny tighted jeans. I grabbed my greedy hands on his ass and pressed him/she firmly to me. I bumped into his big cock, who almost burst his pants. Of course I had to free her and took a step back beforehand to me Legs to look at my pearl.

The legs looked extremely long and thin through the pants.

I ran towards her again and opened my pants. His cock almost encountered me if he hadn’t been a tanga. The tanga was also very thin and you could almost see the entire tail in front. I pulled my pants down and put my ass free.

With my hand I stroked over it and pulled the tanga aside. After that I got your hand with my hand to the front Egg Carried and noticed the warmth of the prostate area. It was completely shaved, the skin was very tender and here too everything smelled very feminine. I freed her from the pants and the tanga and let her take off her top.

In front of me there was a naked, thin and smooth -shaped woman with giant penis and shoulder -length blonde hair with a beautiful face. My Friday can’t be better!

I put the little hooker on the sofa and turned it on my stomach. I reached for the thin legs and pushed her horny ass in front of my face. I saw her little one anus and licked around with my tongue.

With my face I also touched her eggs and her cock. It was incredibly horny, so that almost my pants broke. I put her back and pulled out naked. She grabbed my pulsating tail and started to jerk off.

But I wanted to lick my ass a little and turned the bitch back to me so that we were on the sofa in the 69 position. I enjoyed her delicate and smooth -shaped rosette And the horny eggs that hang around my face. After a while I wanted to taste her penis. Her cock was megagroz and also pulsed very strongly.

I changed the position with her and the bitch now licked around the anus while I put her splendid and tasty thing in my face. It was just incredible that I couldn’t hold my lust back and cum. I got up and took my cock in my hand and positioned me over the face of Karla. So I have christened her now.

Karla said: “No, don’t spray, spray me in my ass!“I was able to make friends with the thought and turned her around.

I was so horny that I could have come every moment. Now I looked at the delicate rosette, which was still slightly moist from licking. I also moistened my cock and tried to squeeze it very slowly. Karla was in pain, so I pulled my cock back and spat on the ass again.

Now my cock slipped better. Now I grabbed the thin belly with my hands and felt the delicate skin. It felt so cool because her ass was so tight and crisp. However, it did not take three, four of them and I could no longer hold myself and pressed her a huge load in her ass.

I’ve come really long and horny. Karla also liked it, she laughed happy, turned and jerked off her cock. Here, too, it did not take five pushes and the horny bitch sprayed everything full. A few sperm sprinkles met me on the stomach and even some on the face.

It was only a short pleasure, but very intense.

I said to Karl that I was looking forward to Karla’s next visits and he replied that Karla also has dark -haired friends. I knew we’re not at the end yet.

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