My horny new neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was one of the warmest days this year when I should see my new neighbor for the first time. I came from shopping, my shirt was soaked and I smelled like a wet dog. Disgusting. I just wanted to quickly put my shop down, put my shopping away and then jump into the shower. When I arrived at the front door, I noticed some moving boxes and a closet. But I didn’t let myself be put off. When I arrived on my floor, I saw her, my new neighbor.

Her red hair covered her face in the profile, but not her wonderful figure. The moment I wanted to greet her, she leaned over to put an apparently heavy box in the apartment with the last strength. In doing so, she stretched her well -shaped butt into the hallway. I couldn’t take my eyes away. I would have loved to go in immediately. But I slowed down my gait and looked at this painting of ass, Until she noticed me and rebelled.

Fulfilled of the fear that they are rigid my view of their gem, I stared into her eyes for a few seconds and waited for her reaction. A sweat pearl ran over her forehead when she finally introduced herself: “Hi, I’m Serena. “She rubbed a hand on the thigh and then handed it over to me to greet me. I took her hand, put on my most beautiful smile and imagined: “David my name.

Do you need help?””You’re my savior!“, She replied euphoric. “My girlfriend urgently had to go home and let me stand here. There is still a closet below. I can’t do it alone. And until it is back it can take hours. ”“ No problem, Serena. I just put my stuff. “After I stowed my purchase, I met her again in the hallway. “So the thing?“I pointed to a light brown wardrobe with a wood grain.

“Exactly. “” Would be laughed if we couldn’t do it, “I said motivated, while I was already putting my hands on the old part to estimate the weight. Not particularly difficult, but bulky. He creaked something when I wobbled it. “Yes, the screws would have to be followed up again,” she apologized shyly. “”Well then go. You are going and I raise the thing from behind. ”We carefully tipped the closet. Turned to me she lifted him on the top and went backwards towards the stairs.

The effort was written in her face. With pinched lips, she wore him level by stage. But not only faded her strength, but also the sweat that ran over her face and dripped into her cleavage. With every level it was more difficult for me not to look at her wobbling breasts. Just when they started to shine so nicely in sunlight. Even if the situation could not be more inappropriate, this sight made me hot.

The second floor was done. Just a few more steps, we were almost at our destination. But we both needed a short breather and briefly parked the chunky part. “Then open to the last battle,” I said with an ironic undertone. But the little joke flew past her completely and just looked at me annoyed. She wiped the sweat from her forehead again and reached to the top of the closet. I got to my knees and raised him again.

“Wait! Stop!“, She suddenly called and looked down with a panicked look. A screw pulled on her top and exposed more than enough to get my blood pressure on. But I had to do something and became hectic. So, without thinking about it, I put the closet on the floor and put it in an upright position. I only heard her, ”shit!” call. To see what had happened, I took a step to the side.

Apparently the screw got caught and tore her off a large part of her top. Ferred, and at the same time impressed by her welding tits, I stared at the debacle and ran red in red. Your black bra remained, for her luck, intact. “Quickly before the neighbors see you like this” was the first thing that came up with me. And without hesitation she grabbed again and made the last stages in no time. I can’t explain why she didn’t dress something new first.

In the hustle and hectic she probably just wanted to get it behind quickly. While we dragged the thing through the hallway for the last few meters, I couldn’t see how her breasts bumped with every step. My eyes literally glued to her upper body. It can be impossible to miss it. When we finally dragged the brown part into her apartment, she tore the missing part of her top off the screw and gave the closet a kick.

“Thank you for your help,” she said, covering her breasts with the scrap of fabric. She groaned with relief. “Do you want to drink something else?“, She asked with a smile. “Yes gladly. ”“ Water, cola or Beer?”” Leave us “, I replied with a grin on my face. Based on moving boxes, I was also sitting in the laminate floor of her apartment, also sweaty, while she rummaged in her boxes. “I’m just looking for something to put on,” she said when she opened another box.

However, I stayed still and enjoyed the sight of her crisp butt again. This time in full splendor and not just in profile. I fantasized in my thoughts on how I would peel the jeans from the ass and just mean her tail between the cheeks pressed. At the same time, however, I started to get hard and rejected the thought before she noticed anything. “May I help you?”I asked her as I got up hectically and just opened one of the many boxes.

“Jackpot!“, I screamed for joy inside when I saw the content. “No, have …” she started and interrupted when she saw how I greedily stuck on her briefs. I noticed her reaction and closed the box in no time. When I turned to her, she stood in front of me and grinned at me. She took my hand and put something in it that felt like fabric. It was the piece of fabric from her top.

Then she closed her eyes and pressed her lips to mine. “I would like to thank you personally,” she whispered before she put on the next kiss. Then I felt her hand on my hard cock and her tongue in my mouth. My hands wandered on their wonderful ass. With the other hand, she then started pressing my head between her wet tits, whereupon I freed them from her prison by pulling her bra down.

While I licked the sweat off her breasts, her nipples became as hard as my cock. She opened my pants and pulled her down a bit. The good piece literally jumped towards her. Then she massaged him so quickly that I was afraid not to be able to hold back anymore. Before I sprayed without being in it, I pulled the emergency brake. I grabbed her hip and turned her back to me.

Now the moment I had dreamed of. With a strong jerk I pulled the jeans down and a perfectly shaped butt presented myself in his full splendor. She leaned forward and supported one of the boxes. “She could not formulate her invitation more clearly,” I thought and got to work. I spit her between her ass cheeks, took my cock in my hand and rubbed it in it to scare him off something.

Then I pushed him between her labia. “Oooh yes!“, She said moaning. Her pussy narrowed when I pushed him as tightly as I could. The thrust was so hard that it lost the hold and the box fell loudly to the ground. “Fuck it,” she said, and could not help but giggle. Then she lay on the floor with her back and spread her invitingly her Legs. I will never forget the sight of your wet shiny body.

Without hesitation, I went to my knees. With a firm grip I pulled her to my hip and pressed her cock between her thighs again. We almost synchronously groaned until I started to ram her blindly, like a horny hare. Then her voice overturned and sounded more and more like a squeak. She turned to the ground with pleasure. Your pussy enclosed my cock more and more. Finally she enclosed my body with arms and legs and pushed me to the ground.

I felt bloodless, but my cock was hard as concrete. It was so far. Her tits just gave me when I cramped and gave her my entire load. My sperm Quoll already out of her cunt, but she rode me further and massaged her clitoris until she herself came to her well -deserved climax. Her upper body landed unanimously on mine. Then she kissed me hectic and only let go of me to get air.

Her hip moved up and down, her labia had my labia, now half -hard, but still firmly under control. When she pressed my head between her gem again, she started panting and then came to a standstill. Then she lifted her hip slowly until my thing clumsed on my stomach. She remained in this position for a few seconds. Together we looked at how the mixture of pussy juice and sperm from her cunt on mine Egg dripped.

I was exhausted. However, before I could think too much about it, the doorbell rang. Serena jumped up and put on a short blue falcon skirt and pulled her bra up again. Then she hurried towards the door without a look at me. However, Serena smiled when she called: “I’ll be right away!”With a red head I stood in her apartment and hectically squeezed my still half -controlled thing into the jeans. She opened the door and greeted her friend: “Thank you for coming back, but my neighbor has already helped me.

“” Nice, “replied her friend and gave me a test when she briefly hugged herself to greet you. “Igitt, you are completely witty,” she said disgusted. When she loosened the hug, she wrapped her nose, looked at her hands and then took a look at me again. This time I couldn’t interpret him. But when she put two fingers in her mouth and sucked with relish, without losing sight of me, I realized that I had to have landed in heaven.


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