My dirty glory hole experience! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Melanie was alone on the highway on the way. It was a dark, cloudy night without a moonlight, it was shortly after midnight and she almost felt the only one automobile, That was on the way. She still had a good deal in front of her and at the last tank stop she drank two cans Red Bull. She kept that awake now and twice. The stimulating effect soon felt it and enjoyed the tingling feeling. Unfortunately, she had had to pee for half an hour now and the next rest area was still 40 km in front of her.

Then suddenly a traffic sign for a parking space with a toilet in just 2 km shone in her spotlight. Melanie put the indicator and drove on the descent, she tried to avoid such places during the day, but at the moment she threatened to be threatened if she couldn’t pee soon. Slowly drove past several parked trucks until she could finally see the toilet house. No light was attached from the outside or it was defective. But from the inside some, few rays of light penetrated into the dark by crevices on the doors into the dark.

She parked in the immediate vicinity, got out hastily, locked her car and went to the toilets with quick steps through the dark, lukewarm summer night. Her hands tremble slightly with excitement, a mixture of Red Bull, urgent need to pee and a slight feeling of fear that they are considered in this situation. She opened the door to the women’s toilets, turned and looked into the dark, but she couldn’t see anything – there was a cigarette at the trucks? … and if so, that was definitely all normal and she had to do so urgently.

She entered the anteroom with several sinks. Some neon tubes shine on the ceiling. The anteroom was surprisingly clean and it didn’t smell uncomfortable either. The first two cabins were actually provided with a defect sign, the third door opened. In the cabin she closed the door behind her, hastily put on the toilet glasses with toilet paper, opened her jeans and pushed it down as quickly as possible and set off.

She groaned slightly with relief when she relaxed and started rippling under her. Shortly before she was finished, Melanie heard the sound of the front door and then steps. A lonely driver had the same need at the same time? But then she heard quiet words, a rustling and a few quick words – it was a dark voice, a male voice. Melanie tasted and the last drops dried between her legs.

She was sitting on the toilet like petrified and listening. The cabin door from the cabin next to her was opened and then she heard the door of the supposedly defective toilet opened next to her. Steps went into the cabin next to her. She looked to the left and right, saw shadow under the partition of movements in the cabin. Only now did she notice that at eye level in the partition to the cabin on the right and left a black, round hole, which was probably stuck with adhesive tape and was closed with cardboard from the other side.

Melanie set up the neck hair. She felt her fingers got deaf and cold and although the toilet was heated up by the summer warmth, her nipple stone stone and emerged through her t-shirt. Their breathing accelerated, her senses sharpened and her heartbeat, uppated by the Red Bull and now adrenaline, raced so that she heard a noise in her ears. Before Melanie was able to arrange her thoughts, the cardboard was removed from the other side in the left partition, she could see a movement and only seconds later a thicker, half -stiffer tail pushed through the opening – Melanie’s idea became certainty.

Melanie had stopped in all kinds of motorway rest areas with toilets in exactly the in which men could be milked their cocks by holes in the partitions – no matter who was in the cabin. Today and now it was Melanie. She didn’t know exactly how long, but when she felt her fingers again, she felt the warm, fleshy feeling of the tail in her left hand. She kept him firmly and kneaded him slightly.

The thick acorn was already half bare, the width foreskin Pushed back, Melanie looked directly at the thick spray hole in the pink glans. Slowly she moved her hand. The reaction promptly came in the form of a deep sigh and the throbbing in the tail became faster and he grew to a full, hard size in her hand at a short moment. Melanie leaned forward, smelled on him and opened her mouth after passing this short test.

She did not think, did not think about what was right or wrong or whether she should run away – it was clear to her that an attempt to escape was not a real option and besides, she always reacted to the sight of a stiff cock – she wanted to let him inject it! While she clasped the tail firmly with her left hand and made slow wanking movements, her mouth closed around her thick glans and her tongue suck around her, only to fidget below the glans.

Again the desired reaction came, she heard the oppressed, deep moan of the unknown man and felt the twitching of the hard, hot, thick tail in her hand. The veins emerged fully, he became rock hard and pushed the last millimeter through the hole in the wall. Melanie’s right hand lay between her legs, on her wet column and slowly rubbed back and forth. For a long time, her column was no longer just wet from her piss, her fingers slid through the slippery pleasure juice of her cunt.

She skilfully rubbed her clit between middle and ring fingers while with the pointed-up fingers of the peak fingers slightly between her swollen, meaty lips. Then she took a movement in the corner of the eye, stopped at the tail suck and turned the head to the other side. A second tail was pushed through another hole. He was not as thick and tall as the first cock, but was already stone hard with a bare glans and twitched with expectation.

Melanie included the second cock with her wet right hand and jerked it. Then she leaned to him and sucked on his glans while she kept wanking the big cock with her left hand. Alternately she leaned back and forth, sucked her cocks and jerked her faster, sometimes slower until the second tail a surprisingly large amount sperm Injected, exactly as Melanie bowed to him she felt the twitch, opened her mouth, held his glans directly to her lower lip and he came hard over her face and in her mouth.

Surprised by the crowd, Melanie licked her lips clean, wiped the face a bit clean and then let off briefly from the big tail. Melanie was still sitting on the toilet with a jeans left down. She took her t-shirt and pulled it out over her head, then she opened the bra and let both fall on the floor next to the jeans and the string, and then devoted herself to the thick tail again.

She sucked him wet and then laid him between her full BH80C breasts and jerked it close to the wall. When she put the tail back in her mouth, he came spontaneously and completely unlocked himself into Melanie’s mouth. She swallowed the sperm and jerked the last drops out of her tail on her tits. Just when the tail disappeared behind the wall and Melanie wanted to take care of her own lust, she heard in front of the cabin door and steps – from more than just two men – her heart pounded like wild and only moments later two new cocks were through thePushed holes into your cabin.

She took the cocks to her smeared hands on the left and right and jerked her, sucked on them alternately and brought them to cum within a few minutes – this time everything landed on Melanie’s breasts and face. Again she wanted to devote herself to her now glowing column, but the noises in front of the cabins gave an idea that more than these four cocks wanted to be waxed. Melanie quickly fingered some hard, quick times, just to get the next cock even hornier jerk off and suck.

After she had crazy about this cock, the next two cocks were put into the cabin directly. Now Melanie couldn’t stand it anymore. She jerked and sucked both cocks briefly, then she stood up, shook her jeans and string from her feet and now turned completely naked with her plump ass in front of the left hole, where an average, horny veiled tail is hard and plumpLoch protruded. She put her right leg on the toilet glasses, reached between her Legs through and put her slippery hand under the tail, pressed her ass against the wall above the hole and then pressed the hard cock against her wet, meaty, naked shaved labia.

The guy behind the wall groaned out loudly, said something in a language that Melanie didn’t understand and started to push through the hole. Melanie sighed and groaned lustfully when the hard cock started through her labia and rubbed over her clit. She leaned forward, supported her left arm over the other hole and took the other tail in her mouth. It didn’t take long for the cock to baten between her legs and she felt how he injected into her hollow hand and over her belly to her tits and pushing his horny sperm everywhere between her legs.

Melanie was not that far yet, her clit pulsed, she would have preferred to have been fucked now, but it was so careless enough to do it all without protection. While the other cock came in her mouth, her hope fulfilled and another cock was pushed through the hole between her legs – it was long and hard and his glans was protected by a tight foreskin. Exactly what Melanie needed – he took longer, but enjoyed every bump and Melanie rubbed her horny cunt on the hard cock while using her mouth used every tail that was put through the other hole for sucking.

When her abdomen pulled together and she got out loud, the cock sprayed between her legs and she pressed him as closely as possible against herself. Then the holes were closed with cardboard box again and it was calm. Melanie heard the door closed and she slowly collected her senses again. She sat on the toilet and looked down at herself – she stuck to sperm, it only tasted sperm and tail and she only had the smell of sperm in her nose.

She got up and her knees and hands trembled. She opened the door to the anteroom, stepped out to clean the sink and was startled when a man suddenly stood at the front door and smiled at her. “Don’t wash, please. “He said in a calm and friendly voice and took a step towards Melanie. Melanie shone in the full light of the neo -tubes, her hair layered slightly glued around her neck and in the forehead.

“You can’t just call you sexy, you are beautiful. “He said while he was looking at her. “But I let the compliments and come straight to the point. “With these words he put an envelope on the sink next to him. “I collected the first one for you. You would probably have done it without payment, but so you can check the whole thing a little. ” He smiled. “Second, I’ll fuck you. The way you look and are now.

I want to touch you and look into your eyes. I won’t pay you. If you insist on it, I take a rubber sprayed but without you on you like all the others. “Melanie nodded and she left her clothes, which she held on the floor in her hands. It was completely naked in the bright neon light. He slowly went towards her, opened his pants and freed his long cock.

He stopped just a few centimeters in front of Melanie, the tip of his hard cock touched her sticky belly. He came out of a rubber out of his right pocket, but Melanie’s left hand held his rights. He smiled, stuck the rubber away, pushed Melanie backwards against one of the raccoon, grabbed his strong hands under her left thighs and hung it half on the sink. Melanie felt the cold mirror on the back and at the same time he pushed his hard cock between her legs into her wet column.

Both groaned at the same time. Melanie put her left leg around his hip and he leaned in front of her deep into her eyes, pressed his long cock as deep as he could into her hot, slippery, wet column. He grabbed her big, soft, sticky breasts and started to fuck her. In slow, deep, passionate bumps he fucked her and he gasped deeply and she groaned with lust. His hands were all over her body everywhere, his face very close to hers, he smelled the melanie’s used body, all the juices on her skin – she stopped his gaze.

Melanie lost every sense of time, it seemed like an eternity and when he exploded in her column in her column and splashed his sperm deeply into her, tore her eyes wide with surprise and lust and his pleasure explosion transferred himself out of her abdomenIn her whole body – she came wildly for the second time that night. He stayed in her for some time – in silence they enjoyed the moment.

Then he pulled his bedding back back and grabbed him without wiping him. When he started talking this time, she heard a slight tremor in the voice that quickly evaporated. “What are you? hooker? Porn actress?“Melanie rank around air, she slipped from the sink, sperm dripped out of her and ran down on the inside of her thighs. She stroked her blond hair from her face and said quietly “No. I’m not of it.

I’ve always been like that. “His gaze rested on her and a smile played around his corners. “I’ve always been like that too. In addition to money, my number is also in the envelope. It destroys the moment when we talk now. call me. “With these words he turned and went. Melanie remained alone. It took five minutes to wash something on the sink, put on and go back to the car.

Contrary to her expectation, there was no other man outside at night. It had cleared up, the full moon illuminated the rest area and she recognized several parked trucks. Only when she was back on the highway did she look at the clock in the car – Almost two hours had passed.

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