Memory of youth experience | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I’ve been an enthusiastic FF reader for many years. The fact that this monthly booklet has been published for over twenty years speaks for its quality and appreciation that it has acquired in his reader. In contrast, other “publications” with a similar topic “ran down” with a similar topic in the shortest possible time.

The quality of the ff books causes me to read older editions again occasionally. So I recently found an interesting reader letter in FF 230 entitled “Education hour at Dagmar”.

The events described here aroused my interest in getting to know Dagmar personally. My wish was confirmed by trust in a “reputable address”, since Dagmar’s advertisement has been found in the FF for years. Shortly, I chose the specified telephone number in Moers and was enthusiastic about the long voice and the friendly conversation.

Soon afterwards I met Dagmar as a pretty, well -grown, likeable woman around 40. A preparatory conversation took place in a private atmosphere of sparkling clean rooms, in which only human issues were in the foreground and, in contrast to my previous experiences, commercial things were almost irrelevant in absolutely “socially acceptable” ways.

Since for my passive inclination and my wish erotic Motivated punishment was determined by a youth experience, I would like to briefly describe this for better understanding of the overall situation: in the war years in which mine Father had moved into military service, I lived with mine Mother and mine Brother With the grandparents in the country. With our “extended family”, a around 30-year-old, childless cousin My mother, whose husband was also in the field. On Saturdays in the laundry room in an elongated zinc tub, also referred to as a bodied bath, was bathed one after the other.

With the puberty of curiosity of a thirteen-year-old I hid in the laundry room and watched aunt Waltraud while bathing when the other family members had left the house for a change search. However, I was discovered by her.

Agrily she dried off, pulled her red bathrobe over her naked body, fetched our flexible cane from the kitchen cabinet and spanked my bare butt in the warm, warm washbar -wing. Since she pulled me over her bare thigh and my hands in her soft, warm female bodies, I not only felt violent Pains On my butt but also a pleasant feeling between my comments ..

As an adult, I often had the desire to repeat this painful and at the same time exciting, erotic experience. So I asked Dagmar to punish me in a red morning mantle under which she was naked and otherwise only wore black pumps. She proved to be a sensitive and imaginative teacher.

I had to naked over the penalty box, where she covered me 25 blows from the right and left with the Sie-Benstriemer, which clapped loudly and burned down. Then I had to bend down, then she opened her morning mantle and took my head between her soft, warm thighs, giving me a force with a pencil thickness in the longitudinal direction. I excited me in her thighs and buttocks and jumped jamming from one leg to the other. After a short break, I had to lie down on a low bank, where they strit the tense hint.

I had to confess all sins and negligence, also that I occasionally secretly masturbate, for which she pulled me six blows with a thin cane over any palm and ordered me over the penalty. Now I received three times25 blows on my bare butt with an extremely flexible riding whip, that heard and see me and I continuously improved.
After the overturn punishment, my butt was hot and swollen, but at no point the skin was injured and I only felt a dull, almost itchy pain. A short and easy touch of my masculinity triggered a real feeling explosion;I felt happy and relaxed. The punishment was palpable, but not brutal in any phase.
I had received what I was looking for!

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