Mallorca vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello, for a long time I thought about whether I should write down my memories of a true circumstances here. Since this story is still very busy, you should like to participate in it.

So much is said to me that I am the Jessi, now 26 years old and 1.68 cm tall. I am slim, sporty built, cup size 75c, long blonde hair and have blue eyes. Since I also like to dress figure -emphasized, I already pull the one and the other look at myself.

It was a few years ago, I was 19 years old and with my friend at the time on the beautiful island of Mallorca on holiday. My friend was 20 years old, a good -looking guy, slightly larger than me, beautiful trained body and a stunning smile. And as typical of this age, we both stood on it and partying.

Unfortunately, our financial budget was very limited and so we landed a little far from the party mile in El-Arenal in an inexpensive all-inclusive hotel. But there we wanted today, after a nice day at the beach , Go really celebrate.

So we really made ourselves chic in the hotel room and threw ourselves into our best clammy. I decided on a black mini and a white blouse opened, the upper 2 buttons opened and a sexy underneath bra who pushed my firm breast a little more, so I had a nice cleavage. My hair is nicely flinted, subtly made up and eyeliner that made my eyes look even larger, plus the beautiful brown complexion here from the sun. Yes, I was happy with me.

My friend had also cleaned up, so we made our way around 9 p.m. Since we wanted to save some money, we still need something for the taxi to EL-Arenal, as well as possible admissions and drinks, we decided to take 1-2 drinks at the bar in our hotel, as they are free of chargewere. So we went into the bar area and looked around for seating, almost everything was full, except directly at the counter, two bar stools were still free over corner. We settled there and I ordered a cocktail, my friend had a beer tap.

We encountered a nice evening and sipped our drinks. The cocktail was really delicious, probably mixed with cheap fusel but still good. My friend also switched to his classic Bacardi-Cola and so we drank comfortably in front of us and chatted about this and and what we did in Vacation wanted to do everything. I already noticed how that alcohol Lightly got into his head and my boyfriend also had one in tea, he was already talking and it was difficult to follow him in a spell.

I also ordered a cocktail when I suddenly noticed a touch on my leg, I thought that my bar neighbor had accidentally stripped my leg and gave it no special meaning. But then it was again, this hand now touched my leg clearly and carefully stroked my outer legs.

I pushed away this foreign hand then, but I didn’t want my friend to notice that someone was grabbed by me because he was very jealous and could freak out quickly, I couldn’t use that tonight. He couldn’t see it anyway because we were sitting over corner. I looked around carefully to see who was actually sitting next to me, I had not given any attention at all, I was simply not interested.

Now I looked into the face of a guy who wasn’t my case at all. I guess he was 35 – 40 years old, badly shaved, easy abdomen, and a stupid grin. I looked away again and tried to talk to my boyfriend. Then I felt this hand on my thigh again, I pushed it away again.

This game was repeated a couple of times until I had no nerve and didn’t want my friend to notice anything else. But he talked and talked and talked only in his Bacardirausch. So I had this stupid guy granted. Now he had put his hand on my thigh and caressed it carefully.

Since no resistance came, he became braver and his hand slowly and tenderly moved up and down on my thigh. And I have to confess, as uncomfortable for me, I thought it was slow, even if that couldn’t be. It was probably the alcohol that made me feel a slight tingling between my legs. And the hand on my thigh moved a little further towards my minis and I noticed how his fingers slipped from time to time.

I got very warm and I felt an inner unrest came up in me. My neighbor noticed that and stroked my pleasure center closer and closer. I already noticed how my body juices gathered and my slip was slightly damp. Now the stranger had already arrived between my thighs, he drove his fingers tender and carefully over my string and felt my heat.

My goodness, that can’t be, I sit at a bar, my friend doesn’t get anything with and I am grabbled by a stranger … and it even makes me cool. While I thought I already felt 2 fingers under the sting, I breathed deep and enjoyed the touch. The 2 fingers explored my wetland and gently slid through my column. Over and over again, I was horny and wet.

That was really hot, I got even more restless and could hardly sit calm. And then there was my friend, who smiled at me, but had no shimmer. No that couldn’t be, I looked at the guy briefly and got up. I wanted to avoid the situation, refer to the guy, my lust, the bad thing.

I then fled to the toilet right next to the bar, Phuu, I thought, just went well again. I calmed down slowly, made myself a little fresh and decided to go back to the bar and snap my boyfriend and then go away. I went out of the toilet, but I didn’t get far because the guy had been waiting in front of the toilet and without a word pushed back into the cabin. Rather rough, I don’t know why I didn’t fight for it, I was probably too surprised and shocked when I could react somehow.

He pressed me against the wall and tried to kiss me. I didn’t want it, the guy smelled of beer and smoke but he held my head and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I tried to push him away but I couldn’t do it, on the contrary, I gave up. Now he was in my mouth with his tongue and instinctively circled our tongues around.

He no longer kept my head so tight, but stroked his hand through my neck hair. His other hand wandered up along my hip and immediately reached my tits. He now massaged this through the blouse and I have to say that at the latest at this moment my mind. I was mega horn again and replied his kisses.

Also on my noises, breathing deeply and groaning, he noticed that the ice was broken. With both hands it massaged my tits while I was in line with my arms around him. He opened the still a few buttons of the blouse and pushed the bra up a little, so he came freely to my now hard and steep nipples. He stroked her slightly, just horny, then he started to press and twerthle it a little more firmly.

He withdrawn from our still ongoing tongue and now sucked on my nipples, then he nibbled very tenderly on it. The free hand went under my skirt and directly into my crotch. He grabbed the string and pulled it down a bit. My cunt was completely unprotected and his finger circled my clit and again and again he drove me through my wet column.

When he penetrated my finger into me, a hot shower went through my body.He let off my tits with his mouth and looked at me directly, or rather he grinned at me, as if he wanted to say “I knew that you like that you like little bitch”. And he kept fingering me, now even with two fingers. I was running out, I was so wet. Now he kissed me again, this time I couldn’t get enough of his tongue.

I pulled him tightly, but he pushed me a little at my distance. He took my hand and put it on a bump that could not be overlooked in his pants. Now he kissed me again, and while he was fingering me, I massaged his hard tail through the pants. Now I wanted to feel it in between without fabric and first opened the belt, then zipper and now I got his cock out of the boxer short.

His cock was totally hard, not as long as my friend’s but probably a little thicker. He felt fantastic in my hand and immediately I started rubbing him gently. That seemed to be apparently liked because his kisses became even more intense. That was really cool, we kissed and delighted each other with our hands.

Suddenly he let go of me, grinned at me and put his hands on my shoulders. He gently pushed me down and I crouched. His cock was right in front of my face, I knew exactly what he wanted and what to do. I took his cock in my hand, led him to my mouth and circled his wet acorn with my tongue.

I hardly ever did that with my boyfriend, and if only when he was freshly showered. Maybe that’s why I was a little scared when I perceived the fragrance and taste of this strange tail. The guy noticed that I hesitated, put his hands around my head and pushed his cock into my mouth. After a few times in and out the slightly salty taste was also sucked away and I found it pleasant.

So I sucked the cock this stranger to me full of lust and smelled his sack with his big eggs. It really made me wild suck, to jerk off, To suck with my tongue to circle his glans. At that moment I could think of nothing other than his cock, as if I had never had one and this should be the last one in my life. I didn’t even notice that he was already fully loaded and his plump load shot into my throat.

I had to choke, swallow and wrestle for air. But he left his cock in my mouth until the last load was fired. Then finally he let me take a deep breath, but I had swallowed almost everything, and although otherwise I would have found it completely disgusting, I didn’t think about it this time. On the contrary, I took his cock again and suck out the last drop.

Then everything went very quickly, he pulled his pants up and left the toilet with a wide grin. He winked briefly to me. It took me a few seconds to catch myself again, sorted my blouse and tanga. The realization of what I had just done came to me.

Mannomann, what did the alcohol have done again and why did I find it so cool, I don’t know myself at all. I just had myself used and in the end I had nothing of it myself – except that I had made a foreign man happy. My decision was clear that never again alcohol.

Now came the guilty conscience again, my friend had forgotten at the counter all the time, I was gone for a while, how should I explain that to him?

I went out of the toilet again, of course I had put myself a little fresh again and plucked it up, so that nobody could see it at first glance what was over. And I was lucky, my friend was on the counter and was fully laid.

So I saved myself any excuses and stories, because he was never allowed to experience it and never.

Sooo, that was my first self -written story, it actually doesn’t end here … so if you like I write the rest here too.

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