Late appear | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The waiting end

It had become late. The business lunch had taken until night. When he opened the door to her New York apartment, everything was dark. Damned! Why do business lunches always have to be on Friday evenings.

Once again he felt guilty. Once again his loved one had stayed alone. He put his bag quietly.

Slowly his eyes got used to the darkness.

It was pitch black. Or not yet. A light penetrated from the back of the hallway. Hardly noticeably he peeked around the corner.

He mechanically hung up his coat and slipped out of the Slipper. His senses were sharpened. But he couldn’t hear anything except the rippling of the aquarium. Attached by the light he crept through the hallway on the tips of the toe.

The light came from the bedroom. Invitingly shimmering through the open door candlelight.

When he got into the room she was lying on the bed. Completely uncovered. She was naked.

At almost 30 degrees it was no wonder.

Oh no, she fell asleep while waiting for me! I have something to do tomorrow.

Slowly he stepped into the bed. His eyes slid over her body.

The eyes were closed. The mouth moved into a slight grin. How I would love to kiss these lips, but why do they look so cheeky? She dreams about something indecent?

His gaze wandered down her neck.

She had stretched her arms long next to herself. Your chest lashed slightly while breathing. Oh god what does she look like when she sleeps. But Hoppla sleeps at all?

Only now did he fall the characters on that spoke against a deep sleep.

1. Your thighs were open to the inviting. That would be uncomfortable in sleep.

2. The slightly reddened neck game and

3. The little breasts on which the cheek had straightened up and asked him to play

This little bitch was waiting until she hears me at the door. Then quickly deleted the light and drapes here. And now she is doing one on Snow White that is waiting for her awakening.

Well then I want to make her happy.

Slowly he took off. He put his clothes on the chest of drawers in front of the bed. Careful as if he didn’t want to wake her up, he sat on the b “.

At no moment he let her out of his eyes. Pay attention to every emotion in her face.

In short, he thought he had noticed a twitch of her eyelids when he opened the zipper. When he pulled out his underpants, he came to him tail Already half raised towards.

Now he was sitting next to her and wondering what to do. He wanted her and she probably too. What else should he conclude from her staging.

After endless minutes of observing and thinking, his battle plan was clear. His eyes sparkled with joy. It seemed to him as if she had tensed almost imperceptibly. As if she could no longer stand this silence.

He leaned forward and stroked her through her hair.

Then his lips met her and he gave her a tender kiss. His lips grazed their lips slightly open. They touched gently and without pressure.

“Hello, my dear! But that’s a nice surprise, as you await me.”” Mmmh, oh hello you are there.“Her voice sounded quietly.

As if it had just been woken up. A briefly shortcoming of your body should underline the impression. But he knew her better. She was awake and played the sleepy.

“I’m sorry that it took so long! Dr. Eberwald couldn’t end again. And I could only think of you and the lost evening. There was a lot to come up with what I could do with you.

Go food, look at the sunset from the roof terrace and so on. But also a lot indecent.”

At that moment her corners of the mouth shrugged. Obviously she liked the thought.

“And that’s exactly what I’ll do with you now too!”” … W..,W..,What?“She starts him from wide -opened eyes.

“You don’t sleep at all! Do you try to make me hot?” “It does not work?“, Smiling innocently, she looked at him.

Slightly inclined to the head, she looked up from the corner of the eye.

His hand, which is still stroking her hair, slid down on her neck. He knew how much she enjoyed this movement. Especially when it was carried out slowly.

In the candlelight he could see her goosebumps and the upset arm hair.

It was under power. Or rather sexual energy. That had to be fed now.

His hand continued to go down.

Gently stroked along her side as if he only wanted to touch the layer of air on her skin. Arrived on the pelvic bone, his hand drove up again. Slowly over the ribs and slowly follow the curve of your breast. They bit slightly on the lower lips and tried to continue to stand asleep.

His fingers changed the curve and then slid down the other side of the body. Over the pelvic bones, along the leg outside to the ankle. Then up the leg again, this time inside. Although he didn’t look her in the face at the moment, he was sure that she had opened her mouth slightly with lust.

The low pressure of his fingers was enough so that she continued to spread her thighs.

In the candlelight he was now able to examine her vagina exactly. His hand stopped in the middle of the thigh while enjoying the sight. The labia were slightly opened and deep red was bloodless. The clit stood up in between and he thought a little deeper to recognize a moist glitter.

His fingers continued their way. A slight twitch went through her body when he approached her vagina. But he did not touch her, but divided his fingers and stroked her left and right past her to unite just above the clit.

Now she was purring with lust. Snow White was awake.

He felt her right hand on his thigh hiking in search of his cock. It was now completely hard.

“No, no! You wanted to pretend you sleep! So nicely your hands away!“He reached for her hand, who had almost reached her goal and led her over her head.

“Please put the other one to do with it!“He knew how much she liked to take responsibility in bed and just enjoyed. Also she was definitely curious about what would happen further. As expected, she promptly followed his instruction.

He went backwards and reached for his tie. With this he captivated her hands on the bed grille. Finally the Blöder tie had a purpose. She had annoyed me all day.

Well from now on it will be my favorite tie and I will definitely think of wearing this evening when I wear it.

She only defended herself played against the bondage. If she had known what would come, it would have been different. So she lay in front of him with your eyes closed and was definitely waiting what would follow next.

His fingers start their hiking tour over their body again. Nice and tenderly explore every accessible stain in your body.

She’s comfortably recipiented under his hands. Finally his index finger also finds his way between her labia. Oh wow, what is she wet. If I don’t distract myself quickly, then I can forget my plan and take it immediately.

Slowly his finger moves into her and she browsing her cunt towards him. Yes cunt, with this moist and lust you can no longer really speak of a vagina than if it is an explanation from a biobuch.

In any case, her cunt was hot and moist. And he also got hotter. So enough now, continue to plan you horny sack!.

His finger slid out of her, which she acknowledged with a disappointed sigh.

His right hand hiked to her mouth and the wet index finger touched her lips.

She immediately knew what he wanted. Opened her mouth and sucked it off.

In the meantime, his left hand slowly opened the bedside table drawer. He took out the Lufthansa sleep mask. “So so that you can still relax a little.”

He grazed her mask over her eyes.

“I am fully sweaty and will be brief have a shower!”

“You can’t let me lie down now where you made me so hot! Woe, if you do that … “She couldn’t get any further because he had bent over her that she felt his cock on her mouth.

Immediately she started spoiling him with tongue and lips. Certainly she could also taste his drops of pleasure. Whether she liked that? He didn’t know, but accepted it.

He treated himself to a minute or two, but at the same time fought after the vibro egg. He briefly considered whether she shouldn’t just fuck in the mouth.

He was horny enough. It wouldn’t take long either. But he decided against it and left it with a few bumps.

When he retired from her, she was slightly panting with open mouth in bed.

She looks so horny and ready to fuck. Let’s see if I can continue to do it.

His cunt came to attention. It was clear how damp she was. A slight trace of her lust flowed out of her.

He shares her lips apart with his left hand. Play briefly with her clit, which causes you to rear up. Then he takes the little egg and introduces it.

“Ey, what are you doing there? I would rather have you like that.”” I know, but I want to take a short shower now and I don’t want you to lose your lust in between time.“He put the vibration onto the smallest step and got up.

“You’re going to take a really shower now. YOU PIG! Get rid of me, then at least I can do it myself.““ That’s exactly why I won’t do it.

You stay beautiful as you are. Oh yes and come is prohibited! I promise you after that I will also take care of your needs.”

He went to the bathroom. If she had seen him with his hard, swinging tail, so she would have come up with a suitable comment. The shower also changed little to the state of arousal and he really had to pull himself together so that he didn’t get it down.

When, with a detour in the kitchen, he arrived in the bedroom again, quietly so that she couldn’t hear him, he watched her on the bed.

Your neck and face also had red spots of excitement. Her abdomen moved jerkily. She was just before that. Without touching the bed, he switched off the vibration.

“Oh thank you.

I wouldn’t have endured that much longer either. You sadist! Now finally satisfy me. I can not stand it any longer.”

He went to the head end of the bed, raised her head and gave her something to drink from his champagne glass.

“Mmh, thanks. You can still be nice.”

Without a word, he also took a sip, then stopped the champagne glass, but not without previously removing the ice cube.

He knelt in front of the bed, took the ice cube briefly in his mouth to have both hands free.

With a firm grip he grabbed hers Legs and pulled her to himself. I body stretched my fingers tightly around the bars of the bed frame.

Her cunt was now open to the bed edge in front of him. His stiff swan pressed against the mattress with excitement. His fingers drove gently along their wet lips.

Sometimes he dipped a finger in her, sometimes he pulled something on her lips.

Then he used the ice cube. He pulled a wet and, above all, cold lane to her cunt along the inner legs. “Ah, what is that!“She winced together and tried her legs together.

“Stop it immediately! Otherwise I leave you so unsatisfied all night and go to look at sports.!“A probably knew that he would not hold out in his state of arousal. To reinforce his words, he took a nipple between his fingers and twisted it briefly and hard.

“Ouch, that hurts!”

But it helped. Her Scheblkel opened again and the ice cube was able to continue its way. Along the well -supplied lips to the clit. She winced, but dared to continue to protest physically or verbally.

He briefly enjoyed the moment, then he put the shrunk ice cube into her cunt.

Before she could continue to protest, his tongue found her clit. He licked it tenderly and described an 8. Then he slowly increased the pace.

“Ohhh, now I finally fuck me. I want to feel you inside of me.““ Only after you have come! I will now give you permission and 2 minutes.” “But…!“At that moment, the vibration in her cunt used it again and he licked over her clit with quick movements.

It came within seconds.

In ecstatic twitches, their entire arousal was discharged. He almost thought he was drowned by her humid moisture. She jerked like a wild horse and pressed him with her thighs.

He could only slowly understand what she made of sounds. “Mmmh …

Ahh, it was awesome … “

He had it relaxed for a minute or two minutes, grabbed his glass and drank a sip.

He turned her on the stomach. Removed gently the now silent vibro egg.

She was still slightly exhausted. With a targeted slaps that should not only wake up, but also to do it, as well as “Come on my cunt correctly!“He brought her to her knees. The bottom far into the air, the upper body resting on the bed.

“So you wanted to be fucked.

You should have that. You can also come without asking. I just advise you to do it quickly. I am pretty horny and can’t take you into account!”

He knelt behind her on the bed, conducted his hard cock to her cunt and slowly penetrated.

Oh man, that’s wet! Hopefully I will take it through!”

With light pelvic movements it went in and out. His cock got used to the confines of her cunt. After a short time, she headed towards him. He clawed slightly in her ass and increased the pace.

He knew that he couldn’t last long.

But unlike him, he wanted her to come again. Knowing her preference he reached into her hair and pulled her head back. At the same time, he clapped his right ass cheek with his open hand. “Come on for me you little horny bitch!“At the next pat, she groaned excitedly.

Two continued twitching her abdomen suspicious.

However, he could no longer concentrate on it, but only enjoyed the fuck. The moist friction on his tail, its demanding movements and the rising orgasm in his tail. The speed at which he now fucked her and feel like his Egg He hardly took it against her clit clapping. A few bumps later he came up with a loud groan.

The spraying sperm In her, brought her an orgasm again.

While their juices slowly ran into the sheet of sheets, they had cuddled under the ceiling and fell asleep under the ceiling.

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