Kite love | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Like every morning she went jogging in nearby park before starting work. In addition to work, her ‘normal’ day consisted of a pronounced routine of physical and mental training. Just as there was the ‘working day’ with prayer, agriculture and temple care and physical and mental training in the life of her ancestors, there was also it with her. Only that your working day did not consist of temple care or the like, but in the work that arises in an art gallery.
Her physical and mental training also differed from that of her ancestors, but only in little things.

This morning, however, she had difficulties on the events to concentrate them. It ran purely mechanically, the path she led almost every morning. Your thoughts were far away, spatial and time. You were at the vision that she received last night.

In the swimming pool.
There she was a Angel, Probably st. Georg, published and he had given her a task. He had said literally: you have to kill dragons. I have the belief that you will win.

I believe … kill dragons. Dragons to … dragons? Your thoughts were completely confused.

In the past few weeks, too many things have happened to do this phenomenon as a hallucination. But how and where should she find a kite, the kite she should kill? And above all, like the hell, people kill a kite? She was neither an angel, nor was she Sankt Georg. She could only hope that the telling had only symbolically talked about dragon. But she didn’t really believe that.
So sunk in my thoughts, it happened inevitable: she collided with one of the few walkers who were traveling in the park at this time.

A businessman, obviously on the way to work. Quite a suit and tie and briefcase that fell to the ground. Oh, please excuse me much … here, wait, I raise it.

I guess I should be more careful where I go. As I said, I’m terribly sorry, please excuse.
Well, nothing happened. They seem to have a lot in mind. You can say that loudly.

I wish you a nice day. Then she continued to jog and the thoughts of the vision were finally suppressed. Better said exchanged. Exchanged for the image of the businessman, who, as she found, was quite attractive and obviously made an impression on her.

He had been a little bigger than her, had tied long black hair together into a ponytail, and, just like her, was of an oriental, probably even Japanese origin.
Throughout the day, her thoughts wandered to the unknown again and again, he had completely displaced the thoughts of her vision. After finally ending her rigorous training in the evening, after the end of the business, she decided to treat herself to a nice, fragrant bathroom, and to dream a little … The foam was almost under her nose, the temperature was pleasantly hot and fromLiving room sophisticated quiet music, Mozart’s Jupitersinfonie.
She had closed her eyes and caressed with her hands and a sponge her firm, muscular body. She gently stroked her stomach and the outside of the thighs with the sponge, then slowly wandered to the inside, increased her not too big breasts and the small accumulation of hair above her column, which would be the last goal of these explorations.
Then she pressed out the sponge over her face, started to massage her breasts with her other hand, then harder to massage it harder.

She introduced herself that it was his hands that stroked the hills of her chest, which rose right away from the foam when she pushed the back. Immediately imagined that it was his teeth, which she gently and rough at the same time biting warts upside down. His tongue, which wandered down from the valley between her breasts over her stomach, passed the navel with a small bite and provoked close to her destination and then disappeared. That it would be his hands that spread their thighs with gentle pressure and hiked on the inside of the inside with massaging movements to the point where they meet.

And it was his tongue, which finally started to play around her small, firm nodules and then penetrate them deeper, sucking, sucking, nibbling. His hands, which supported the efforts of his tongue, played vigorously with their breasts, also pressed their lips, bite themselves ..
She imagined how his tongue disappeared over and over again in her rosy, warm, damp inner inner, until he finally had her to the last time she jerked her hip on his tongue, hers orgasm called out and her hands loved from his head. Her fingers had now reached this place where she imagined his tongue. Following and back, following their own rhythm, they moved faster and back, felt something of the surrounding, warm water spilled into her inside, as with every movement.

Her hips adapted to this rhythm, their movements became more violent and faster, accompanied by lustful moans. Water spilled onto the tiles.
Finally she gave herself the salvation that she would have loved to have had from the unknown tongue. With a quiet scream, she air her orgasm.
Another quarter of an hour, maybe half, lay in the tub, stroked every now and then lazy over the chest and stomach, was flattered by the warm water and music while wondering whether she would ever see the stranger again ..
Seven days later it actually happened. She had almost forgotten the stranger and the incident in the park.

And that morning she almost collided with him again.
She had just finished her coffee break and was about to rush to an appointment with a buyer for three of the exhibited paintings. She had just asked Carmen, her colleague whether the customer might have already been there, and glad that it was not so, turned the adjoining room when she saw him just a step in front of her.
For a moment she did not recognize him, then she stopped her heart when her thoughts returned to that morning, and especially that evening. To make it short, it turned out that his name Kusanagi, and he was her customer.
After the business, they agreed on dinner. They took the same in one of the smaller and more exclusive restaurants in the city.

She was wearing a long, white dress with a deep breast neckline and deeper back neckline. She could confidently do without a bra, and following a mood she had also avoided a slip.
While they ate and talked about each other, she came across the same fascination as in the previous time of hers encounter, And when her thoughts fleetingly hiked back to the bath, she feared that she could be written in the face of her desire, she feared to be red. At the same time, as the memory alone, she felt that she was alone to create emotions in her hidden grotto.
Every now and then they came up with both of them Legs Together under the narrow table, and after having selected and waited for the dessert, she decided to take the initiative. The man had a nice life story, but nice conversation was not the fascination he had on her, and she didn’t necessarily want to get married either.
She pulled out her shoes inconspicuously and slowly rubbed her foot on his leg, let him up and down his lower leg, stripping his pants up a bit.

She could see his face that he didn’t know how to deal with it.
The dessert came. He had ordered an ice cream, she a mousse. When he pushed the first spoon into his mouth, she dared the decisive advance. Her foot disappeared between his thighs, pushed before he found his goal in his lap.

Through the pants she could feel that his cock had not yet paid full attention to her previous efforts, but she also did not leave him completely cold. So she slowly rubbed her sole of your foot up and down.
His face became Perterrot when he swallowed on the ice. She had a serious trouble not to break out loudly while both tried to calm the worried waiter.
She continued her activities, and until she was finished with the dessert, she was sure that it would not take long, and her counterpart, now again and confident, would have a damp spot on his otherwise flawless trousers.
And it would certainly not be wine … he was a little finished than her, and to her surprise and quiet joy he put his hands in his lap and started massaging her foot, while she rubbed over his stiff.

She gave him a joyful smile and slowly, lasciviously, the last spoonful of mousse between the red lips. And she almost swallowed herself when he pulled on her foot briefly and jerkily, which would almost have lost her balance. He leaned over the table to her, his hand found hers and gently pressed her. Revenge is cute, my beautiful seducer.

And if we have eaten here now, you might still want to go dancing? She also leaned forward until she could feel his breath on her face. If the evening does not end with dancing … his answer was only in a fleeting touch of her cheek, butterfly equal.
Then she drove the chauffeur into the ’par-chain dance floor’. The evening promised to enjoy the music of different classic dances.

Her dance partner was excellent, for a long time she hadn’t danced so beautifully.
And the places of her body he touched seemed to save this touch when his skin had separated from her again, she was able to feel the affected areas even minutes later.
From time to time they paused between the dances for one or two, both of them only drank in moderation, a characteristic that she liked very much on him. During such a break, he disappeared briefly to be fresh, she also took the opportunity to powder her nose, so to speak, so to speak. When she came back he looked her deeply in the eyes, the time seemed to stand still, she could feel her heart hit her throat, a warm feeling was spreading in her abdomen.
This will be our last dance that evening. Then I’ll go.

Should I bring her home or want to accompany me to my home. But I warn her. My intentions are anything but honorable. In his eyes she believed she was seeing the Schalk flashing.

Her answer came without hesitation, without thinking, she had already known all evening how she would answer such a question.
Not my intentions either. So, we plunge into the last dance. As ordered (he later betrayed him, he had ordered him), the orchestra played the tango. Both of them were the unrestricted stars of this dance, which she was sure of it.

Good, technical it was not very perfect. They danced too close together, on every turn they could feel how their nipples rubbed over his jacket, every time the sensitive nipples were harder. His hand was a bit deep on her back, burned into the bare skin of her back neckline.
Then the dance was over and, standing in the middle of the dance floor, wandered his hand deeper, where her dress also had no excerpt on her back, pressed her butt vigorously and pulled her up until her breasts were tightly pressed against him.
He suffocated her protesting with his lips, they stuck to theirs. Then his tongue slipped from them, drove over her lips, pushed himself between her and she had all resistance driving.

She opened her mouth and enjoyed the feeling of exploring her mouth, how her tongues played around, how his mouth felt like his mouth. In this kiss, she lost hot and intimate, which seemed to last forever and yet was over too quickly.
Snapling after air separated her lips and she felt the red hooked her face when she realized that everyone here could watch her here.
His hand continued to massage her butt gently, still under the dress, on her bare meat. A pleasant shower ran over her body. We please.

I want something from you that you can’t give me here. He separated from her with a quiet laugh, his hand left her butt alone and cold. He indicated a bow and handed her his arm.
Let’s go, my lover. They got their jackets on the cloakroom, then they got into his car and the chauffeur drove them safely to his penthouse.

Without touching again, they came to his large, generously furnished living room. He offered her place, inflamed candles and deleted the light, put on calm, classical music and opened a bottle of Chianti. With two glasses in his hand he came back to her, offered her one thing in silence. She rose and received it.

He saluted her too.
That this evening ends as beautifully as it started and that it will be as unforgettable for you as he seems to be for me. She wanted to answer him, but nothing suitable for her occurred to her. The glasses collapsed with a sounding, melodic blades. Please, say nothing from now on.

I want us to be silent and enjoy.
With these words he put his glass aside and grazed the wearers of her dress over her shoulders. First the left, then the right. The dress fell together quietly along her body and revealed it, like a valuable work of art.
Suddenly she felt naked, and helplessly as she was in front of him. But the short moment was over before she could think about why.

She looked into his warm, loving eyes, and felt safe again and full of desire for his strong body.
His eyes slid admiringly about her. Over her neck, your firm breasts with the little warts, over her muscular belly, her thighs and the black fluff in between and the trace of your column.
He stepped up at her, put his left light on her right shoulder, stepped past her and behind her without lifting his hand. She tilted her head until she touched his arm. She felt like his gaze followed by her long, raven -black hair until he had reached her butt.

A comfortable shower chased a light goosebumps over her body. Now his other hand lay on her shoulder, then he drove down over her arms, over her hands over her hands and down legs to his feet. There they stroked over the heels and then up on the inside of the legs.
She waited with her breath, but shortly before he touched her petals, wandered his hands backwards, drove over her buttocks, his thumb in the fold in between. With an excited, free moan she dismissed her breath.
His hands continued her way over her back by pushing herself under her hair and pounding through the black tide up to her neck up.

From the spine, they gently massively hiked to the front top, over their chin to their lips, then in between.
She sucked on his fingers, thinking about whether she preferred not to feel anything else there, bite into play in a playful way. Pulling a trace of saliva now hiked down over their neck to their breasts. First they play around them easily, at the point where they started to lift themselves off their bodies until he summarized more and more of them until he kept them completely.
A short jerk and she felt the fabric of his clothes on her back, clearly the hard area in his pants on her butt. His hands pressed her breasts firmly, her throat caught a groan, she felt how the fire hit the fire inside and hotter and hotter flames.
He rolled her warts between his fingers, his mouth lay lightly and damp on her neck and shoulder.

Then his hands wandered down her stomach quickly and, after having driven briefly over her column, his index fingers quickly pushed into her cave.
She could imagine what he felt, a warm, rather hot, moist. She pushed her hips forward quietly, his fingers and skillful hands, she put her arms back over her head, tried to touch him. But his fingers had already disappeared again.
The resistance that his body was and that she leaned away disappeared. A quick step and his supporting arms prevented it that she fell, but she tore both of her feelings.

He took her hands, led the right down to her column and rubbed it with her fingers and into it until she followed the movement of itself. He put the left on her chest.
Without superior, she continued to masturbate when he loosened from her and stepped back in front of her. Following a slow rhythm, she circled around the hard core between the petals, drove into the cave under the column and out, massaged her breasts while she was groaning again and again.
He stood in front of her for a little moment, looking at her in silence. She could see the sweat on his forehead, and the exploitation in his pants.

She wanted to feel him, his hands on her body, on her tits, on her ass, his cock in her furniture. Wanted to feel his hot seed out of her and mingled with her own juices.
Her movements became faster, with the left she spread her wrinkles so that she can touch her better and to let him see better. In their groans, quiet screams mingled. He slowly started to undress.

His clothes fell in bit, faster and faster her rhythm became.
When the last cover fell, the dam was broken. With an almost loud call she hit the wave and hit her together. She stumbled, but did not fell, was supported by the small table. Her breath came chopped off, the legs trembled slightly.

She noticed that her gase was the only music that broke the silence in the room.
Then she felt her blood climbed into her head again that evening. Wild and uninhibited she had masturbated in front of an almost strange man, an attracted man,. What if he had only had fun at her expense and she now threw out? With a lump in her throat, she lifted her eyes, looking for him.
But no, he hardly stood a step away from her, his muscular body now also exposed, his limb hard and stiff. The sight immediately let her forget all fear and shame that she had felt for a few anxious moments.

The excitement and desire that dominated this evening had packed them again.
She wanted to feel his cock, hard and firm. She let go of the table, went to him. He didn’t move, waited quietly for her. Shortly before her nipples touched him, she stopped.

Her eyes drank from the perfect picture of his body. His chest rose slowly and regularly, even if the calm breath looked a bit forced.
She kissed him on her lips, nibbled on his lower lip. Moved down to his penis with small kisses over his warm, dry skin down to his penis. Her tongue slowly took up the small drop that hung at its top.

Then she circled his glans, slid over his shaft down to the testicles, then up again. Carefully took him in his mouth, scratch his teeth playfully over the glans, pulled back again and then sank him as deep in her neck.
She closed her eyes as he started moving his hips, his cock to her throat, her mouth back and forth. She felt how he put his hands on her cheeks, she held. Soon his bumps became faster, she felt how the penis started to pulsate.

The saliva ran over her chin for a long time, she smacked and choked.
Then she heard him moan and in a last, firm shock his seeds unloaded into her throat. Suggested she swallowed as much as she could, but he had bent her head to the back so far that most of it ran out to her mouth angles.
He put her on his feet, smiled at her. She raised her hands, wanted to wipe her mouth, but he fitted her, pushed her back to her side. He took the wine glass, took a deep sip, filled it and led it to her lips.

Afterwards she opened her mouth, put her head back and drank. Once again, he let too much liquid penetrate her mouth too quickly, again she couldn’t swallow everything, and while the wine washed the taste of his juice away, he also ran out to her mouth.
What a sight you would have to offer an observer, she thought. Naked, chin and now bosom with red wine and white sperm hits, with some saliva. Probably a horny to close his reaction.

In any case, his tail was almost ready again.
Then the glass was empty. Red dripped from her chin onto the breasts, ran down from there, pull shiny, cool tracks. His hands wiped her mouth and chin cleanly, rubbed the wine and sperm mixture roughly on her tits, so that she is slowly licking her clean.
Her hands crossed her on his neck, kept her head covered and groaned comfortably. Her nipples were stiff and sensitive, each of his touches sent small flashes through her body.

She enjoyed how he treated her tits, she became hornier with every moment.
She wanted to feel it, immediately. She put him under her chin, raised his head and pressed her lips on his mouth. While her tongue penetrated into him, she put his hands around his neck again, and, with a little hopper, sailed her legs around his hips. She felt him fluctuated surprised, but he held the balance, his hands closed around her ass, supported her weight and stimulated them at the same time by massaging both halves.
A finger pushed into her wrinkle, felt, searched and found her asshole.

He gently pressed on it, first slightly, then firm, with a rotating movement he disappeared inside. Her moans were covered by his mouth, they breathed the same air.
On her stomach she felt his damp, stiff cock, as hard as before. She rubbed herself on him, distributed her juice on his hips, his stomach. She finally wanted him.

then the time came.
Without loosening her kiss, he pushed her abdomen away from herself, she loosened an arm from his neck, helped him overcome the weak barriers of her petals, and then he was in her.
He bumped her powerfully and evenly, as a counterweight his hands on her ass, a finger still in it. She screamed her lust, again the orgasm met her like a tidal wave and collapsed over her. Her cunt shrugged, she buried her face on his shoulder, her jaw worked and she felt a metallic taste on her tongue as her teeth dug into his meat.
But he continued and on, did not stop at all, and her climax also lasted as well as through a miracle. And finally she felt how he came into her.

She believed the way his sperm took to feel. One or two last bumps, then you down on him. Her two juices ran down on her thighs, she was exhausted and satisfied as long no longer. She just wanted to take a shower and sleep, and hope that this night never ended.
But instead she found herself on the sofa, he had pulled her with him.

She snuggled her legs against him, he stroked her gently hair and back, now and then he pressed her thigh. Together they emptied the bottle of wine.
Then she disappeared under the shower. Hot water, fragrant soap. She noticed the wine, felt a deep satisfaction.

The most beautiful evening in a long time. In his thoughts, her hands touched again all the points that he had touched too. They pulled the contours of their lips, stroked and kneaded their breasts, pinched the warts, wandered quickly over the stomach, with one hand she began to rub the nodules in her fold again, with the other she felt his finger in her butt. She felt that not only water collected from the shower between her legs.
She would never have expected that a man could have so much desire and willingness in her.

It begins to moan again, her fingers in the cunt rubbed faster and faster, a finger moved in her asshole. Then she puts a second in.
Suddenly she felt eyes on herself. She looked around, saw him standing in front of the shower cubicle, the penis on half mast, her eyes with a hungry expression on her. This time she didn’t get red, it was about it.

Smiling, she opened the door of the shower cubicle, but he shook his head and waved her out of her. She did it.
He held a terrybadema in which he wrapped it in and then abrupt them vigorously. He rubbed her breasts and petals particularly strongly. In both places she presses towards him, she wanted to feel his strength on tits and cunt.
As soon as she was dry, they went into bedroom.

Willig let him press her on his knees and hands, she looked around questioningly. Nobody had ever taken her from behind. It costs dog tax from behind.’Had said her last lover when she asked him about it.
She particularly excited the view under her body, between the breasts and the thighs spread by his hands. His tail slid over her petals, with gentle pressure, but without having to advance between them.

His hands held on their hips. Then the tip of his cock disappeared, stroked several times through her ass fold and then pressing on her hole. She took a sharp air, then she felt his hot breath on her ear.
Is that OK? Almost hesitant, but full of curiosity, she nodded. Immediately she sensed how the pressure on the sphincter increased, then it slowly penetrated into her, under slightly rotating movements.

She was not sure whether it was painful or not, but her gasp was dominated by lust. A cock in her intestine, she never thought of it, and now she made it so horny that she almost came. He slowly moved in her, careful. Faster than he perceived her growing excitement.

He filled her, stretched her, and at the moment she enjoyed it. Mixed by her both moan, then he came, sprayed another load in her body as she was on his hands and knees in front of him. Want to be his tongue between her thighs, or at least his hands, now she was hot and wanted a climax. Slowly he pulled back from her.
As soon as his cock was out of her butt, she got up.

One hand disappeared into her cunt, the other felt her slightly wound rosette away. She just said a word.
Please. He pressed her onto the bed. His hands briefly pressed their tits, pinched them into every nipple, scurried over their stomach and roughly pressed their thighs apart.

You volunteered me, not true?She teased his tongue by briefly walking through her wrinkle, briefly roaming the pulsating core of her passion. Yes. She groaned, tried to press his mouth back on her cunt. You allowed me to fuck yourself in every opening, to put my seeds everywhere in you.

You are mine forever. Why shouldn’t I give you this last satisfaction?Briefly she supposed to see a long, split tongue before it disappeared into her cunt. First she circled her love bud, he sucked on it, biting until she thought she was insane. Then his tongue penetrated far into her depths, fucking her, not as hard as his cock, but many times more flexible and more imaginative.
The last orgasm carried her into the realm of dreams, filled with monsters and fantastic creatures with horny cocks, which fulfilled her desire in an never imagined way.

The last conscious thought was: ‘My god, fuck me to the latest court.’She had showered at some point, lay in bed and slept, his now familiar body next to himself. She slept and she dreamed. When she woke up she knew her dreams had told her, she slept next to the creature she was supposed to kill. St.

Georg had chosen her because he knew only a woman, a good -looking woman would get close enough to the kite to kill him.

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