In the theater cafe | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A cold wind blew out here. I waited outside the building where he worked and had my long winter coat. I saw how he came out, his head down and in my direction. I couldn’t wait for him, these long, beautiful guys and he saw me now.

He took his hands out of his pockets and stretched it towards me, and I hugged him and kissed him friendly. He smiled and his blue eyes appeared almost black in the evening atmosphere. We held our hands, walked the street long next to the evening traffic.
And then we stood in front of the theater Caf. He paid the entry and then we went into the main hall, where some people were already sitting and waiting for the performance.

I sat down at a table on the corner, buttoned up and without making any institutions my coat. He asked me why I didn’t take off the coat and I replied that I would still need Fror and I would still need to warm up for some time.

He pulled out his coat, put it over the backrest and sat on the sofa with me. He wore light blue jeans, a white shirt so we sat side by side, I covered up in my coat to the top.

The operation came with the card and we immediately ordered two Beer and a pizza for us together. The lights went out and the film started. It was an adventure film and I slipped a little closer to him. I looked at him from time to time and he mostly looked at the canvas.

After a while I got warm and I buttoned up my coat. I slapped the collar a little on the side, so that he couldn’t get my shoulders off my shoulders. He noticed my movements and looked at me, and … He was amazed when he saw me sitting in underwear, in a black man bra And attached to it with a black panties, with suspenders and nylons.

He stared at me.

I asked him not to look so striking. I did as if it were nothing special and looked at the film. He put his hand under my seat and pulled me closer to himself. Then his hand slipped under my coat and put it on my right thigh.

His fingers touched my delicate skin and hiked up to my body. During this delicate touch, my breasts were excited and the nipples were hard. The service came back with our beer and when she came closer to us, I noticed that she stared at my chest, on my black bra. I watch her looked at me and when she went to me, I saw a smile on my face.

It must have been a shock for her because she blushed and hastily went away.

Suddenly I realized that he no longer touched my thigh and was already a little frustrated. He handed me my beer, I drank a little and groaned. I sipped my glass, wet my lips and slowly let my tongue feel my wet on my lips before I put the glass back back. The film continued and I sat a little closer to him.

My thigh touched him, no longer separated through the coat and I touch his jeans with naked thighs.

Again he put his hand on the inside of my thighs, but already firmer, rubbed and stroked the skin, she moved up more … I groaned a little. And the fingers reached the beginning of my panties and felt the silk of the briefs, only separated by a delicate fluff from my cunt. I spread my thighs under the table in front of us, so that he got better to my center and he now drove several times as if by chance over my clit.

I led my hand under the fabric of his jeans, and so I felt his skin and included his muscles to your buttocks. While he is still enjoying playing with the fabric of my panties, the operation came back with the pizza.

When she put the plate on the table, I put my free hand in the outer pocket of my coat and pulled it over his playing hand, and not unintentionally he pulled my panties on the side, so that he now on my wetPussy had. This time the service also smiled when she looked me in my face and when I smiled back he pushed two fingers into my vagina, pulled her out again and then push her back into my wet cunt. I thanked the service and as a sieweg, I turned to him and kissed him.

His fingers were still in my pussy. I’m hungry, I whispered in his ear and I pulled his fingers out of my vagina. I lowered my gaze and pulled his hand to my face, I put his index finger in my mouth, licked the taste of my hot pussy from his finger. “Really hungry,” I whispered in his ear before I licked his middle finger.

Finished with the Finger, I kissed his palm, drove my lower lip over the skin and smiled at him.

I interrupted, drank a little of my beer, cut off a little of the pizza. He did the same. We looked at the film how there were a couple there at the beach kissed, and my attention was now also the other who were sitting here in the darkened theater. As always, it was so bright in the here like in a cinema that you not only saw drinking and eating in front of you, but also could look at the other spectators, and others could see us too.

And so I noticed that our neighbors had turned to us and probably also observed. And if they couldn’t hear us because the film was not exactly quiet, as usual in the cinema, I decided to show them a little spectacle.

I pulled the coat a little more back from my shoulders and the cold glow of the theater light showed more of my bare skin. He also noticed this and he leaned to my chest, the thin fabric of the bra couldn’t Nipple hide.

He tenderly kissed both nipples through the silk, the fabric became wet and I wurded and more excited about it. He bent my wishes over my breast again and spoiled them again. When he reset, the cool air over the wet fabric stimulated my nipples and they stood steeply up. With one hand I started to stroke my chest to protect it from the cold.

I touched his pants with the other hand. With one hand I opened the button of his pants to look for his tail underneath.

He was not wearing underwear, and “he” waited for me, eager, I liberated him from the jeans by pulling the zipper down, taking it into one hand, moving up and down on this hard latte while Ianother hand played with my nipples. “Pull your pants down!“, I whispered into his ear and then bite into his earlobe. “Oh no, if someone sees that!“, He groaned softly during my processing,“ Nobody looks under the table, come on., Come on “I pressed his penis and heard him moan.

” Come on., Make it … ”He was very reluctant to get a little and roam the jeans down to his thighs. His erection now appeared so briefly over the table. And I saw how everything was shaved under his cock, his balls were smooth and round. He strictly strained to do it as if he were still looking at the canvas and at the same time pulled his shirt a little further upwards.

I let my coat fall off my shoulder, now only covered with the bra and my little panties. I looked around for my neighbors -the apparently deepened in the film -I got up.

Pulled the table back in front of him and knelt in front of him, hidden through the table.
I put his cock in my mouth, to the root. I felt him pound, maybe more of the excitement to be here in a cinema than what I had done for it, I thought. I support my hand in an upright angle to me as soon as I released it with my mouth, and sucked and rubbed in and down and down.

A hand of him touched my hair, while with the other he was probably closer and firmer with the other. The people on the screen were just talking about an early decision. And I also thought of the people around us who had no idea, what I was doing under the table.

My movements became tougher and how I sucked it like that, I licked the underside of his tail and then surrounded the red head again without letting it out of my mouth for too long. I now tasted a bit of a false and licked it.

His cock was so slippery from my saliva, so that I slipped my hands as well as his mouth on his hard trunk and down. I heard him moan now and I tried to continue so firmly. My head and hands slipped up and down on his lance, faster and faster. He started to push into my mouth, and then I noticed how he got out of control.

He turned forward and I had his glans firmly in my mouth when he came deep in my mouth with 5 or 6 violent sprayers.
Then he became calmer. Before he slowly came back from his outbreak, I sucked firmly on his penis to press every little drop out of it. I stood up in front of him, kissed him deeply.

Exhausted he pulled his pants up. When he did it, I grinned at him mischievously and pulled my panties down.

Then, when I leaned on the table in front of him, I spread my legs and let him delight him before I spend my butt. So I sit on his thighs, support my hands at the front of the table. We sat in a row, I on him, and far enough away from the table so that we had enough space for our legs. He hugged me first and then started playing on my pussy with his arms over my thighs.

So we sat, brought each other up to each other. I was sitting on his pint, but separately from the fabric of his pants and felt his little one grew up again.

And he fiddled with my cunt when the waitress came to ask if we wanted something else. We ordered two beers again. She took the order and seemed to hesitate, as if she wanted to say something.

I expected to ask me to put on me in a careful and shy manner. I didn’t think she saw what he was doing with his fingers down there, but it was clear when I was sitting on it with just one bra. But despite everything she said nothing, just looked at us again before getting the beers. I was surprised, but relieved that we were not asked to leave the theater.

His fingers circle my clit and knocked on my sensitive area with short, delicate blows, brought me closer and closer to my first orgasm. To go now would have been terrible to me.

The operation came back with our glasses. It stood discreetly next to the table so that our view of the canvas was affected and put the beer on the table. I knew that she could see his fingers on my excited cunt, and my nipples were even tougher by this knowledge.

She hesitated again. I was so excited now that I could come every moment, and especially because it was in front of us. Probably she knew exactly what we were doing and how far I was … or not? She looked directly into my eyes and whispered loudly enough for me in my ears: “I know what you both want to do there!“I looked at her.

His fingers moved over my clit, so firm that I couldn’t speak anymore. “I don’t dare to say it at all..“, She looked at the table briefly, then back to me,“ but I could … May I have a little lick? Would you like that if I spoil your pussy a little bit?”That was the last thing I thought of hearing from her,” Oh … no..“I groaned,“ I have nothing, that doesn’t bother me …make … “a little hesitant., pushed her on the side and knelt down in front of my spread legs.

Behind me I could feel his new erection of how his thicker pulsate in his jeans again and hard.

His fingers continued to touch my pussy and now pulled the labia apart.
When she’s face not far from my pussy … away she leads her hands to my thighs, she presses gently hands apart. Knish himself in between and touch my thumb the inside of my thighs. I watch her as she lowers her head, her curly, black hair falls on my thighs and hides her fingers that share my labia. And then I felt her warm tongue on my clit.

I groaned loudly. It was tender and wet and gently how she touched my most sensitive place. She slowly licked us sensitive, the tip devoured my juicy hole and slidly slid her tongue over my swollen clit she leaned back briefly, and a frustrated moan. And behind me he bit me slightly in the ear.

I didn’t think that was possible, but my nipples showed my total excitement.

Her hands drive along the inside of my thighs and pushed them further apart. She pressed my vulva together, closed the two halves of my mouth over my clit and then started licking in between while she was holding the labia. Nobody had done this with me so far, I trembled on me, from this indirect stimulus of my clit,. When she continued to lick me, stimulate my clit without touching it, reinforcing the pressure on my vagina and almost wrong with this crazy feeling, he stretched his arms up to my body, up to my breasts.

Down the fabric from my silk bra, he started kneading on my nipple with his thumb and index finger of each hand.

At the same time he continues to bite my earlobes and in my throat. I swam in a feeling of sensations and feelings everywhere and in me and pushed my pussy more firmly into the face of her, leaning on my chest, holding her hair with one hand and his hand over one breast with the other. Then she spread my legs even further and hungry, she greedily licked my pussy and my clit. She kept her tongue tender and wet, accelerated the pace and reduced the pressure while my clit slowly contracts and grows again.

I grabbed air, not thinking about what the two were doing with me and how great I was on it now. My heart races and my hands tremble over her head, pressed it closer and firmly to me and his hands also strengthened the pressure on my breasts, my nipples. My head was lying back on his shoulder, her tongue is hot and wet, she breathes violently into me, firm and firm, her hot breath almost feels like a hot, big cock in me. It is too firm, I explode, it relapsed briefly, but only briefly my clit from her mouth and I mean clit, feel pulsate, the labia tremble …

I explode into your mouth.

It releases me, but only briefly. Her nose is just above my clit and her lips burn over my mouth. My orgasm relaxes her face, and she leaves me, no longer pressing and firm, but tender and sensitive, just a little hint on my lips, slowly calming down. Behind me the firm bite turned into my ear and in my neck into delicate kisses, his fingers stroke my breasts.

I turn my head to him and kiss his stubborn chin, the only place I can reach with my head. I touch the head of our operation with both hands and pull it up to me. Kiss her firmly and deep on the mouth. I taste my juice in her mouth and she lets it flow over my face.

A little awkward is the operation. She takes a napkin off the table and wipes her wet face. I offer her beer and she takes a big sip of it.

Then she takes the receipt from our table, writes a few lines on the sheet and gives us it. “Don’t forget to take with you,” she says, “my phone number is on it.

Call me.“I assure her that we definitely do that. Then she continues: “If I am not fired, I’m here on Friday night”. She kisses me on the cheek and takes the empty pizza plate in her hand. “Better pull your coat back on, the film is ready and my boss is sitting behind the counter and watching it all the time”.

With that she turned and went back to the kitchen. I picked up my panties from the floor and slipped back in. I leaned to him and gave him a kiss. He fought after my coat and put him around my shoulders.

“Let’s see how much other tables they still have to serve today?”I joked.

“I’m wondering about your commitment,” he replied. “We’ll well call them and clarify the open questions,” I said, slipping into the sleeves of my mantle. “Oh, but maybe we’ll go home again so that we can eliminate a different pressure?“, He said, took me in my arms. Then he put my hand down over his survey and I felt his hard through the thick fabric of the jeans.

“You know that it has a second shop in this street where live porn takes place on stage?… should we go there?“He was pushing something in my ear. I inserted the telephone number of the service and we went to the next theater.

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