In the hotel in the steam bath | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

45 minutes of treading in the morning, I thought and quickly disinfected the pulse handles and the control panel. Then I went into the cloakroom and took off my sweaty things. Somehow I didn’t feel like working and didn’t want to get out of the fitness center right away, so I thought: sauna. I took my two towels with me and shower gel for afterwards and stuck without slipper.

In the morning everything was died out here, because none of the already few visitors in the morning went to the sauna.

Nevertheless, everything was always switched on and usable. I chose the steam bath because I wanted to stay in for a long time and I always had to flee with the sauna soon. After a while in the steam bath, I saw through the fogged door that someone had strayed here, better equipped than I did with a bathrobe, slippers and other stuff. This someone also headed for the steam bath and I was preparing to sit in the steam bath with a 55- to 60 year old person, because if someone came to the wellness area so early, then the pensioners were.

The door opened and of course came in naked (as otherwise in the steam bath): the woman I had previously observed from the treadmill: she was approx.

35 years old, had a short, black hair, a slim, well -trained body and she always wore these very tightly adjoining training dates, who tempt me not to introduce me to youth -free with the wearers. In addition, this woman had that certain something, the wave generator for erotic vibrations, at least I felt like that with her. Accordingly, I already had far -tailed fantasies on the treadmill with her.

“Hello,” she said friendly and scarce and without shame and shyness she sat down opposite me. I also said “hello” and stayed cool, at least outside and tried to work without participation.

She made herself comfortable, leaned back, breathed a few times, closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy the steam bath. I secretly looked at her, which I had imagined more than naked beforehand and I had to congratulate myself, I came up with my idea pretty close to the original: a trained, slightly muscular body, long legs, small breasts that despite two children (I had also overheard a conversation) quite firm and just a little, but somehow horny hung, a well -kept pubic hair, trimmed to the narrow strip. As if she had known it, she also relaxed her legs and so she spread her slight.

I enjoyed the sight, I really liked the woman, too well, as I noticed, because I got this feeling that announced that you would get a stand right away. I looked away, tried to think of something else, struggled against it, but it was not useful.

Than mine tail I started to solidify, I jumped up and wanted to go to the door when she said: “Already finished with the steam bathing?“I tried to smile and said:“ I have to!“She looked at me, smiled back and said:“ Why?“I also wondered: Why does she ask you at all, she really cares about it? Somehow I decided to go all over and said the truth: “I just get an erection and I don’t want to bother you with it.“I also died her because she had duked me.

She looked down at me briefly, I was just in the rubber garlic phase, so half-level, and then said: “So if it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me.“I stopped, my brain ran at full speed, and I turned around and sat down again, now with an adult stand. She looked at him unabashedly and then grinned: “It’s nice that you like you, or were you in my thoughts somewhere else?“I shook my head and also replied grinning:“ No, I was pretty much here.“She continued to speak as if it were the most normal thing in the world:“ You have a nice penis, the proportions are right. Many men have one in which either the glans is too small or too big, or has a strange color.“I still smiled a little and said:“ Thanks for the compliment, even if I have never got one thing.“She had to laugh and pointed to my cock:“ You made one with him, now I made you one.”

A little break was taken. I was sitting opposite a beautiful woman in a steam bath with bright cock, a plenty of strange situation.

I didn’t really know what to say. Then she broke through the embarrassing silence with a question: “I just ask what’s going on in my head: I can take a closer look at your penis. Do you know, so far I have never had the opportunity to look at a part of such a part in peace. Either it was dark or everything went pretty quickly, not laughing, definitely too fast to look at the whole thing in peace, and my husband wouldn’t play along there.

So, may I?“Remarkable that she was talking about her husband now. For my part, she could have looked at my cock all day, so I nodded, and a last corner of cheek in my brain let me say: “If the whole thing was based on mutuality.“She looked at me and then pointed down to herself:“ You mean you want mine pussy view?“I nodded again and she only said:“ Sure!”

Then she got up and sat next to me. I opened my legs a little to clear her a look at everything and she now looked unabashed and in peace and quiet my stiff cock. The situation was pretty strange, but also pretty cool, but also pretty relaxed, because we somehow managed to talk about it all and do it all as if we were over Chess Talk to play and play chess.

She got up again and switched to my other side, then asked: “Can you get up?“So I got up and stood in front of her, she looked at my crossbar further, then she asked:“ I know that now goes far, but I can touch him so that I can keep it as I can do itwould have liked?“Completely from the role of so much serenity, I said:“ Do no compulsion to do you.“A little hesitant, but still relatively determined she now took my cock in her hand, not very gripping, but rather with her fingertips, but she didn’t want it either jerk off, but look at. She lifted him into all possible positions, then she cautiously mine mine foreskin further back, looked at my eggs afterwards, which took them into the other hand without any questions. I was slowly getting black before my eyes, I was so horny, but I kept myself under control, stayed as cool as you. If we do not fuck, I thought, I’ll tear my cock out afterwards.

An infinity later she left my eggs and my cock again carefully and I sat down next to her.

“Thank you,” she said. I just said: “No cause.“However, she sat on the other side again and said:“ You wanted to see my pussy.“I nodded more embarrassed than she was ever. But she took her legs up and spread her apart. Her pussy was completely uncovered and she was a little open.

“Please,” she said with a smile. My eyes passed, but I ordered: stay calm, do nothing more than you. So I knelt onto the floor in front of her and soon it was with my face right in front of her cunt. How easy I could have started licking them now, but I forced myself not to do anything.

I just looked at her pussy, saw her labia, her narrow bush over it, saw her anus underneath, just when I wanted to ask, her hand came up and opened this wonderful hole, she kept her labia apart like a porn queen, I bit meOn the lips and did nothing more than to look at this wonderful cunt, somehow I knew that I had to hold out here, but also thought that every other man probably put his tongue, finger or cock into this column in my placewould have. Slowly all of my eyes to make my eyes, shortly afterwards I sat back on the bench and said: “Thank you.“She left her labia, closed her legs again and put them on the floor and said:“ No cause!”

Again an urgent break came into being and again she broke through this silence after a while: “You know what I like?“I shook my head. She got up and said: “If a man can control himself.“I thought: So you fool, now she goes and you can really get you down at the toilet. But she knelt on the floor in front of me and said: “And now you get everything for that!“With these words she took my still stiff cock and before I realized what was going on, I felt her tongue on my glans.

With a moan I leaned back and pushed my pelvis further and she put my cock in her mouth and blew me one, jerked me with one and massaged my eggs with the other hand. I didn’t believe what was happening to me. The whole situation was so cool that I could no longer master myself and so I came. My first thick shot sperm Go straight into her mouth, but she was by no means scared, but slowly blew and tickled my glans with her tongue.

The orgasm that she had triggered with her arts took over my body and my mind, I had never experienced anything like this before. My whole body turned through, cramped all the muscles, and my cock pumped sperm into her mouth forever.

When I woke up from this climax, she just licked her lips and smiled at me. I was a little embarrassed because it had come to me before we had even started. She seemed to read my thoughts and said: “This is good, because now we’re going to take a shower, and then we’ll sit in here again.

The first pressure is gone, and it continues relaxed now.“I was still nodding a bit, but I had to see that she was absolutely right. So we took a shower, of course everyone in their own cabin. It didn’t matter, because it was still nobody in the wellness area, but someone could have come at any time.

I couldn’t wait to get back to the steam bath, but before that I went quickly piss. When I came to the steam bath, she was sitting inside and grinning: “Well, ready to go again?“She put one leg on the stone bench of the steam bath and spread her legs.

Smiling she showed me her pussy. I knew what I had to do and knelt on the floor in front of her. My hands touched her body, hiked over her breasts with her cheeky, stiff nipples, loved them and continued to go down to their pussy. I stroked her bush and touched her grotto carefully.

As I massaged her there gently, I went down with my head between her legs, as I had done earlier when I only looked at her pussy. Her pussy opened a little and the hot athlete began to breathe more heavily. I carefully divided her labia into a fully.

Moist from the inside and on the outside, my diagnosis was when my tongue drove through the furrow for the first time. I licked her and enjoyed her lust, enjoyed the twitching of her pelvis, groaning and spicy taste of her gender, and I took my time, licked her extensively and fucked her with two fingers.

The mysterious black -haired man sank into Lautust and completely gave himself to the showers I could prepare. She herself played with her nipples and when I started to be interested in her anus with the second hand, I felt that she was about to. So I licked her clit intensively, nailed her fingers and massaged her dam. The combination was unbeatable and so she came really nice and heavily, groaned uninhibited, almost tore me out a few hair and her pussy cramped in full lust.

When her orgasm died, she groaned: “And now come, let’s fuck us.“This is exactly what I had before and so I came up, slipped my knees between her legs and brought mine back to the bursting stiff cock in position.

She looked him and smiled at me horny, spread her legs even further. I held my cock in my hand and conducted my glans to her hole, which was expectant to be open from my tongue skills. When the glans immersed in the cunt, my steam bath partner bent through enjoyable. Slowly I pushed my rod into this horny woman.

She was nice and tight, but pretty wet and so soon I was deep inside in the wonderful column. While I was researching her little tits with my hands, I slowly pulled my bolt back and forth in her wet cunt. However, we were so horny that she whispered: “Do it hard and fast,” and I was happy, because I also had the same thoughts.

So I just fucked, really nice and hard and hard, a sexual act reduced to the essentials, bump, withdraw, withdraw, bump, withdraw. But that is exactly what we needed now, as we were as we were.

We both moaned without any shyness and inhibition and we fucked like that Animals At a breathtaking pace until he came to us and I filled her cunt with what my eggs gave in half an hour the second time. We stayed with panting for a while, she looked for my mouth with hers and we kissed hotly. When my sleeping cock slipped out of her dripping pussy, we finally sat down side by side again for the place. Both of us did not want to destroy the magic of the last few minutes by words, nobody dared to say anything.

After a while the door suddenly opened and one of the sprightly pensioners came in, greeted and sat down.

We greeted back and a little later my athlete got up and said to me: “So you go to train tomorrow too in the morning? I definitely.“With that she nodded to me with a smile and left the steam bath. I said grinning: “Sure until tomorrow.“And remained a little with a grin that just didn’t want to stop.

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