Hot luder deflowered me | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My fourth story is also about a dominant woman. I would be happy to receive feedback and comments. Have fun while reading! Hey! Very briefly to me, my name is Timo and yesterday I became 18, but I don’t actually feel grown up yet yet. I didn’t celebrate my birthday big. Coffee and cake with my parents and my patentant. In the evening I sat down on my computer and gambled into the night.

Then my right hand quickly edited my cock and then went off to bed. Sometimes I jerk my cock two three times in a row. This is what my sex life looks like. I’ve never had a friend, let alone sex. I am very shy and don’t dare to speak to women. That I am relatively small and not exactly sporty doesn’t help me either. My dark hair let me grow until my mother sends me to the hairdresser.

This morning, when we were sitting at breakfast, my mother told me that her friend Verena asked if I could go to her this morning. Your house is only about 15 minutes walk away. She wanted to surround a little. I almost crushed my roll. Verena is the highlight of my sexual fantasies. Almost always when I jerk myself I think of you, then it never takes very long. It is larger than me, definitely a little over 1.80m, and in my early 50s.

I am always looking forward to your hug to greet you. I always put my head on your wonderful breasts. They rely very often, what you can see in the meantime. However, I think that’s totally sexy. Your slim figure and long legs rob me of the mind. She often bound the dark blond hair back to a small bun. Most of the time she wears very tight clothes, which always gives me a latte immediately. Towards me it is usually very determining but also caring.

A while ago my mother told her that she has a leading position at a large bank. Unfortunately I don’t see them as often as I would like to, so I’m looking forward to meeting them and starting as soon as possible. It’s a nice and already very hot morning. I hardly have to think of an encounter with Verena two years ago. So today on the way to her.

We had organized a barbecue party in our garden and my father had set up and filled our pool two weeks earlier. The days were very hot and the water was no longer too cold. Verena came in an airy summer dress with a very good mood, which let me catch a glimpse of the bikini every now and then. As always, I stood on the grill. But she heated up with more than the fire or the sun.

I keep trying to take a look at her. When I threw the first sausages on the grill rust, I saw her dressed her dress over her head and put it off in the chair next to her. I secretly took a few photos with my cell phone, but I quickly notice how my pants started to climb. I turned to a grill and examined my snapshots. There were a few great ones and I was looking forward to the evening if I were to use them as a wank template.

Bathing trousers now like a small tent. Suddenly I felt two hands on my shoulders. I dropped my cell phone with fright. Verena put her head on my shoulder and looked at the grill. My heart almost jumped out of my chest and my blood seemed to cook. “Don’t let anything burn young man!”She said and took her hands from me. Followed by a gossip on my butt: “And finish me a nice big sausage!“Then she ran towards the pool.

Oh my God! She had seen the photo? My giant latte? Or much worse, maybe even both? I didn’t dare to turn around, picked up my cell phone and grilled hard. For Verena I grabbed the most beautiful sausage and hoped a little that she meant meant. At that thought it became slightly dizzy. Make my head to me if she had noticed something I continued and the first guests got their food. After a while I heard Verena shout from the water: “Timo brings me a towel to dry! I’ll get out, otherwise I’ll be will be resolved.

“The others in the pool laughed, but I only nodded and ran a cloth with a red head. I found one and ran towards the pool. Then she stood, goddess of my damp dreams, and leaned over the pelvic edge. She smiled at me with her bright white teeth. I got slower and could see that her breasts were almost pressed out of her top. The water seemed to be a bit cool, because her nipples were very clearly characterized by her bikini.

My penis woke up to life again. I felt he was literally pounding. I quickly covered him with the towel. When I got to her, I should help her out. I gave her a hand and she let herself slip over the inflatable edge. She could have seen nothing of my cell phone or stiff, otherwise she would certainly not have behaved that way. I watched her dry a little more calmly and tried to hide my crossbar. Then she held the conduct of me and turned my back on my back.

I was actually allowed to dry her back on her. As tender as I could I started her shoulders, dried her back and stopped shortly above her little pos. I didn’t dare to touch him, even if I wished nothing more at that moment. When I was finished she turned, called my father: “Peter take over the grill! Your son also has to get something to eat. “And put an arm around my shoulder.

Together she went to the grill with me, from there at the big table. I almost went next to her and tried to cover my erection with the towel. We sat next to each other and I tried to concentrate on my food. My cock calmed down a little. I would still claim him enough this evening anyway. The food went quite funny. Verena secretly supplied me with some wine and I got her food and drink in between.

But then something happened that almost knocked me out of the flip-flops. She put her backrest back a bit and put her brown -burned feet on my legs. I had to stare at her. My head certainly got red again and my cock stick hard. Fortunately, the towel was on my lap. She had quite thin toes and golden rings on two were golden rings. I find your feet sexy and yours are incredible. I would have loved to touch her, massaged a bit.

Between her little toe and next to it there was a larger Graßhalm. I had to have stared at him for a while because suddenly she raised her feet and asked if I could take the Graßhalm away. Of course I could do that. My fingers briefly stroked their toes and then I grabbed the stalks and pulled it away. Verena took off her feet. But not on my legs, but directly on my lap. She moved her back and forth slightly as if she would make herself comfortable.

That was too much for me. My cock pounded and I felt the first drops made their way. I had to go there. Almost jumped up and a lot of back with my chair. I apologized to Verena and say goodbye. She just smiled at me and winked at me. With the towel I quickly ran into the house and right into my room. As soon as the door was behind me, I tore my pants down.

My penis was as hard as rock. I reached with my right hand and imagined how Verena’s feet enclose it. Three times back and forth and I shot a huge load on my carpet. I felt incredibly relieved and sneaked up the window. At the bottom of the garden, the celebration continued to run continued. I sat on my bed and let everything go through my head again. I got one down a few more times.

Verena is just a dream woman. Since this hot day in the garden I have met her a few times. Unfortunately only briefly. Every time she greeted me warmly, so I assume that nothing noticed her back then. I wake up from my dreaming and realize that I have almost arrived with her. Today is another hot day and I wonder what I can do for you.

Supposedly I should remove a little. But why I should be helpful I don’t quite understand? I’m certainly not the strongest. Arrived with her, I admire her house again. It is really huge for you alone. I ring at her gate and hear her voice saying loudspeakers say that I should come in. A sum and I can go to the front yard with its beautiful bushes. The front door is closed, so I ring there again.

Verena lets me wait a while, but then she opens me. My jaw works down. Verena stands in front of me only with a tight panties made of fabric that hugs her hips and a bandeau top that holds her big breasts. I could clearly see her little nipples. My penis immediately got tough and I tried to cover it with my hands. She smiles at me, takes a step towards me and hugs me.

I stop the air until she lets me go. I’m too afraid that she noticed the bump in my pants. Is that a dream? I still have enough battery to secretly take a few pictures? “Do you just want to stand around or do you come in? There is something to do!“She says with a smile, turned and goes into the house. I run after her like a little dog and spellbound on her little buttocks.

I can recognize your cheeks carefully and also the crack between them. The movement is hypnotizing. She has a horny hip swing while walking. We come to your kitchen, from here you come to the garden behind the property. “Take something cold to drink from the fridge! It’s so incredibly hot today and you will definitely be sweating. “I hurry and get a bottle of water. “Come on we have to go up into the bedroom!”She says and starts immediately.

In the bedroom? What does she have with me? Is the day my fantasies should be today? That is why she dressed that way? I follow her up the stairs. My heart beats to my neck and I’ve already sweat. On the way up I admire her beautiful tanned legs. Once at the top, I am very swelled. We walk a small hallway and come to your huge bedroom.

I am incredibly nervous and suddenly notice that she is already talking to me. “… If you dismantle it. “I still hear. “W-Was?“I stammer together. She puts her fists into her waist and repeats: “I will get a new wardrobe tomorrow. That’s why the old one has to go out. You clear it out, I lie down a bit in the sun as long as. You can put the things in the guest room. There is tools on the dessert when it is empty, you will break it down.

“I am completely disappointed. She disappears from the room and leaves me alone. For a moment I thought my hottest dreams come true. I throw myself on your bed and press my face into the sheet. What did I expect. She is a goddess, I am a virgin loose. I smell their fragrance on the sheet and move into deep. It doesn’t help to swell, I should start. The cabinet is definitely over two meters tall, which will be a very nice placking alone.

First out the clothes and then I continue to see. I open the closet doors and for the second time that day I fall down my jaw. Where I suspect clothes, coats and the like, negliges, corsages and lingerie hang. My cock almost breaks through the zip of my shorts when I think Verena was wearing her. I tear the drawers underneath. They are full of panties, overknee and holy stockings and there are even suspenders there. My brain switches off first.

I grab two three panties and hide them in my pants at the front. Verena won’t notice that. I take it with me. I walk briefly to the door and Lausche whether Verena is back in the house. I don’t hear anything, only my heart beats like crazy. I go back to the closet and take another panties and a few of the overknestrums. The panties are almost completely made of white tip and I imagine how hot it has to look on Verena’s brown skin.

I sit down on the bed and look at the stockings. They are colored in different shades of gray with black and white and in a checkered pattern. They feel incredibly soft and I imagine how they nestle around their perfect legs. My cock is about to explode. I stroke my left cheek with a stocking and put myself in front of her foot. Then I take the panties and sniffing on it.

It smells very freshly of detergent. Should I … “You little perversling!!!“Verena stands in the bedroom door with a pinched eyes. She comes to me very slowly. What have I done? How incredibly embarrassing. She will surely tell my parents. Now she stands in front of me. A smile like a big cat on your face. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? “She hisses at me. I can only stutter: “Eh öh anyway i-i-I …” “What?““ I-I-I-I clear your shower cabinet empty.

“I can bring out and hope that she believes me. “This makes it necessary to blossom on my underwear you little piglets?“She looks at me from top to bottom. “What did you stuff into your pants there?“She puts her right foot on my crotch and keeps pressing on it as if she wants to test what is there in my pants. That is too much for my tail. Verena as she is dressed as scarce, her beautiful foot on my crossbar and the strict tone let me fire a fat load into her panties.

I groan off softly and twist my eyes. I feel the surge of pumping in my pants. “You little perverted not just waxed you just because I touched you with my foot or?“I’m nod slowly. She wipes her wet sole of the foot on my pants and takes her leg down. So she gives a clear view of a big spot in my crotch. It’s so incredibly embarrassed to me.

Verena leans down to me until her face is only inch in front of mine. I feel your breath. She takes my panties out of her hand and throws it away. The stockings stuff her into my mouth. With a sniff on the forehead, I fall around back. I lie on the bed with my back, my legs hang out and do not touch the floor entirely. That really happens right now? I can see how Verena grabs my pants.

Listen how it opens the zipper. She reaches into my pants and pulls out her soaked panties. Nothing in my life was so embarrassing, but my cock slowly wakes up to new life again. With astonished look she holds my underwear. “Did you want to take a little piglet with you about? Sniff about it and think of me while you get one down?“She leans onto the bed with one knee and leans over me.

With her left arm is supported and gets very close to me. “But you shot a good amount of juice. You find me so horny?“I nod and she starts to smile. “You’ve never touched a woman down there? “I shake my head. “Then I want to see what I can squeeze out of you. “She looks deep into my eyes and suddenly I feel her hand gliding into my pants.

Your fingers enclose my half -ply penis, which becomes a steel hard again. Slowly she starts wanking my cock. It feels incredibly good. It quickly becomes faster and faster and grabs firmer. I feel how it starts to tingle in my glans. It increases the pace. Your eyes are still looking into mine. I think I’ll come again right away. I start to moan violently and try to call through the stumps that it should make it slower, but she only grins and accelerates again.

With a cry I inject her against her flat stomach. The feeling is breathtaking and I twitch all over the body. I can’t do it anymore but she doesn’t stop. Blush around the gush she milks out of me until nothing comes. It feels so incredible that you could almost get insane. Verena pulls my stockings out of my mouth. “Well that went quickly! But you have a very decent tail between your legs.

“” Pause please. “I plead. My cock is still kneaded by her. She grins at me and replies: “Are you already broken my little one? We just started!“She takes her hand from me and leads her to my mouth. I press my lips together. She laughs and presses her in my mouth with sperm -glued index finger. She moves him very slowly before and back. I taste my sperm. It’s salty.

Verena stands up again and slowly pulls out her top over her head. When her breasts fall out at the bottom my cock stands up again. “Do you find me so beautiful?” ask her. I nod with an open mouth and say: “The most beautiful woman in the world. “Your tits are amazing. They hang very easily and are as good as the rest of it. I guess you on a handful, maybe a little more. They are simply incredible on their slim body.

Her nipples are dark and stand off, the plates around it are small. She plays a little with them and lets her rock. My latte is like a one again. “Take off and put yourself on the bed completely!“She instructs me. I rap up and let my pants slide down first. To do this, I have to press my stiff through the zipper. Verena watches me. When I want to pull my shirt over my head, I suddenly feel it in front of me.

She captures my arms and clamps my cock between her legs. It begins to move and jerks my cock. “You belong to me now. Hopefully you are aware of that!“I can’t resist her and nod. She lets me off from me, turns me around and claps me on my buttocks. “Then go to bed!“I quickly throw my shirt away and lie down on my back. Verena climbs behind me on the mattress and stands over me wide -legged.

Exactly over my hip. She puts her right hand in the front of her gray panties and begins to massage itself. I’m wrong. A smacking sound comes from her crotch. My cock plays crazy and twitches up again and again. “Well, your little one wants in my hot wet cunt? You are slowly not stopping it anymore?” ask her. “Please Verena, please please. “Betel I on her pull her hand out of her panties and I see how a damp spot is created where her hand was still.

You can see the shape of your labia well. With momentum she sat on me. She keeps her wet finger under my nose. The fragrance is intoxicating. I don’t get enough of it and sniff like a dog. She has to laugh and put in my mouth again. I lick it greedily and suck on it. With the other she pushes my cock exactly between her labia. Only a thin layer of fabric separate my cock from your divine pussy.

I feel your heat, taste your juice on your finger. Verena pulls her hand out of my mouth and instead grabs my arms and presses her on the bed. I hip begins slowly and back and her pussy rubs over my latte behind the panties. I’m going crazy soon. She rubs against me faster and faster. I try to free myself from her grip and start moaning. It is hard to endure.

In between, she leans forward again and again. Bite my earlecraps and the lower lip. Wumped words in my ear. “Splash calmly!””Give me your juice!““ My pussy is already running out!“I feel my tail slowly crushed and try to hold back the inevitable. Verena puts on again and pulls my hands on her breasts. That is finally too much and I shoot another load on my stomach and her panties.

However, Verena doesn’t stop rubbing on me. My cock has no chance of a break unless she lets it. After a few more moments she stops and pinch me into my nipples. “If you are nice and good, you can now put your dick in my wet pussy. You will be good?” ask her. I nic quickly: “Yes, of course!“My cock is slowly getting hard with the thought of it. She too seems to feel that and smiles at me.

She says: “You will fulfill every wish in the future?””Yes gladly!“I answer without thinking. “Then you can spoil my feet a bit beforehand!“She swings her legs forward and puts a foot in my face. I love her legs and especially her feet. First tentatively then enthusiastic kissing her sole of your feet. Lick a little on it. Verena lies back and supports with one arm. The other hand wanders back to her cunt.

My tongue wanders up from her heel to the toes. I suck them at them, let my tongue drive between them. My cock swells like never before. “You like my feet like I feel!” she says. “Everything about you is irresistible Verena!“I replace and start to overfoot the second foot with kisses. As Verena is satisfied, she pulls her feet away and gets up. My cock immediately jumps up and stands upside down.

Your panties are glued from my sperm. Slowly she pulls it off. The moment is like in slow motion. For the first time I can take a look at your pussy. She has quite large labia that hangs down and is shaved bare. You can see their clit that is swollen by the massage. When she has the panties she lets it clap in my face. “You can take that with you!“I quickly pull it down to continue looking at them.

She crouches very slowly and narrowly stays with her pussy over my glans. I lift my pelvis a little to reach it but it gives way. With a grin she says: “Please say bitter Verena make me a man!”” Please make me a man Verena. “I repeat with a fleeing sound. Slowly she lowers herself to me. First her labia, then my glans penetrate. The feeling is breathtaking.

Better than I have ever imagined. She moves a little back and forth before it continues. Your pussy feels incredibly hot. I have the feeling that my cock burns like a fuse away. When he disappeared completely into her, she tensions and my latte is firmly enclosed by her. I could come back immediately and moan. Verena lets up again and starts riding me.

The feeling is indescribable. She moves very slowly, lets her pool circle in between. Her breasts bounce in time and her fingernails claw into my chest. I feel dazed. Verena is slowly increasing the pace and I feel this well -known tingling in my cock again. “Please not so quickly. “I whine. It moves even faster. Always tense her pussy. It feels like my dick is milked.

I have to groan louder and louder, in between you can now also hear sigh of Verena. I feel how her pussy gets wet. It literally expires. She lets herself clap faster and faster and faster. I feel the orgasm rolling. I can no longer control myself and keep punching out air with a moan. My pelvis begins to bat as my glans digs through her pussy again. Suddenly Verena’s fingers close around my crossbar and clamp it.

She rides me more and more violently. A gigantic orgasm shakes me through, but my sack cannot empty. I trees up with lust and Verena lets go. I close my eyes and with a prehistoric cry pumps my cock load to load in Verena, which is full of my pelvis. I notice how her pussy is filled up by me. How my juice wraps my cock hot. I forget everything briefly. Where I am.

What I should here. What my name is. Only Verena counts. When I open my eyes she is still sitting on me and smiling at me. I want to say something, but she means to keep my mouth. She rises smoothly and my cock glides out of her. Slowly slips on my head. Your pussy is very close to me. I see our juices from her drops. Your clitoris shines and is still a bumpy swollen.

Then she presses her cunt in my face. She rubs on me and starts to moan herself. “LICK!“I hear them call. I stretch my tongue out and lick it out while stiring up on my face. Again and again she slips back and forth. My tongue drives back into it and over her clitoris. I feel how your juice gets hotter and hotter. My mouth is full of it.

Verena presses more and more on me and begins to moan rhythmically. I dare and put my hands on their little buttocks. Press her even more Doller on me. From one moment to the other, your abdomen starts to twitch. Your legs clamp my head and Verena comes violently on my face. It shoots out of her like a shower. My face is completely flooded and I have to swallow a lot. Verena sags forward, but stays on my face.

I start carefully and lick your pussy clean. I have to remember that there is probably also a good amount of my sperm. After a while Verena rises. My face is completely glued but I have never felt so happy. She takes my shirt and wipes off below. “Get dressed! For today you’re done!“I roll myself off the bed and collect my things together. I put on with shaky legs.

When I’m done, Verena comes and stuff the fully waxed panties in my pants at the front. “Do not forget that!”She says and gives me a kiss on my cheek. Then she pushes me out of the bedroom and accompanies me to the front door. I open the door and she gives me a folding on my butt. “Until next time you little perverted!“I step out, turn around and ask:“ But what about the closet? Shouldn’t I dismantle it before the new one comes? “She laughs:“ Which new cabinet my Dummerchen? “And closes the door.

In confused I step home ….sequel follows?.

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