Horny photo shoot in the workshop | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I made my way to Berlin to take part in a photo shoot. I am not a professional model, I am a car mechanic. A few weeks ago I was discovered while shopping photographers and invited to a professional shoot. I don’t know what kind of photos should be and I am therefore nervous and excited.

Nevertheless, I’m really happy.

When I arrived at the location, I am amazed that motorcycles and sports cars stand around everywhere. I found my personal sky and now I don’t care what kind of shoot should be. After a short time I found the photographer who discovered me and asked him what photos should be taken and he replied: “We do advertising photos for a car magazine and if you want you can also participate in the erotic recordings for the Playboy. You would have been wonderfully created and you would get double wages.“Then he sent me to the locker room and the stylist.

First the advertising photos came on and suitable clothes were brought and we were styled. The vest did not fit for me and I had to leave it open a big piece, which was actually clear in my physique. After a short time the advertising photos were ready and most of the model left us. With me there was only one blonde left.

Then we were used again in the changing rooms and were measured to get the right clothes. For me the unfortunately stock gay stylist was amazed that I have such a horny body. I am quite big, have a long black curly mane, big tight breasts, a light 6-pack, a canoe torch and very long Legs. For me they only had two outfits, which was also ok for me.

My first outfit consisted of Leo-Top, Lederhot Pants and Black Overknees. When I came out of the locker room, there were only two photographers and assistants left. I went to a photographer and he was shocked when he saw me because I looked so sharp. He quickly got back and asked me to stand in sexy poses at the motorcycles.

I put myself really stuff and the photographer had really problems concentrating. When he could no longer concentrate, he sent me to the locker room to get a new outfit. My stylist put me in a red pointed corset and overknees. He strictly fried my mane back and I looked like a dominatrix.

When the photographer saw me he had problems holding up his camera. I grinned at him seductively and started posing in a sports car. The blonde was added and for two we needed all the men present around the mind. Your photographer was still able to take pictures that was no longer capable of mine.

After the photo shoot we were sent to the locker room, during that my photographer and his assistant disappeared and the blonde was no longer a bit. I was already back in my normal clothes and wanted to go again when the other photographer asked me if I didn’t want to take a few more pictures, I asked him what I should put on and he had no idea. That’s why I ran quickly to automobile and took out my blue man and pulled me out again in the locker room and the Blauman over mine underwear. So I stood in front of the photographer and tells him that these pictures would only be intended for private use and I would like to have it.

I also gave him an empty SD card so that I had the pictures alone.

I opened a bonnet and leaning in and started to screw around in it. The photographer had something different and called me to him. He opened my Blaumann so far so that my breasts in bra look out. Then sent me to pose again.

Now I leaned over the engine again and mine Tits string over the engine and were slightly dirty. The photographer found that pretty horny, so he came to me and kissed me in the middle of my mouth. I was so amazed that I did not realize that he opened my constellated bra and removed it. Then he continued to open the zipper and turned me back to the engine.

Then he pressed me onto the engine and my stomach and my tits were dirty with motor oil. Then he disappeared back to the camera and continued to take pictures. I was so amazed that I went to him and he shows me the pictures. I was amazed how sexy was a blue man and how keen the pictures looked so that I agreed that he could also make the pictures into the photo shoot.

He now had an idea of what he could take for pictures and asked me to take off my blue man and put on the overknees again. I did what he wanted and quickly pulled out the blue man and the overknees. Now I only wore a red string and black overknees and I leaned over the engine again. I was so deepened to screw around on the engine that the photographer came closer to his Camara and then put them off to spread my legs more.

I was so amazed that I was shouting briefly and turning around. He gave me a pat on the ass and said that the pictures are much sharper when I slightly spread my legs. I obeyed and posed again and he took pictures from all sides. Then he put the camera back on a tripod and sneaked at me.

When he was standing behind me he drove his hand between my legs and felt how moist I was. Since I got horny through the erotic shoot, I groaned loudly and opened my legs more. The photographer was waiting for that and stroked my middle again. I was really moist and groaned again.

He pulled my string aside and drove through my bald and moisture cunt. I stretched my ass towards him and there was a finger in my cunt. Now I couldn’t hold myself anymore and groaned louder and wilder. He pulled his finger out of me and I groaned frustrated, but he pulled out my string completely and pulled my legs apart.

Because I am so excited I drove my hands down to my breasts and twirled on the nipples. He noticed how horny I was and turned around and started to patter my cunt from the front. He came closer to my cunt with his face and once licked my clit before getting up and getting something, he came back with a vibrator and held it onto my cunt and put him. I slide down on the car and spread my legs more and more.

I landed on the floor with wide -spread legs spread wide and the vibrator was jammed between the ground and my cunt. The photographer disappeared again, which I didn’t care about because I am shortly before orgasm was standing. The photographer came back and took away the vibrator. I was so frustrated that I put on hand myself and brought myself to orgasm.

Turn on it again and got up again, the photographer was gone and I went to the camera to get my SD card. I noticed that the camera was set to film mode. I was relieved that all of this was saved on my SD card and quickly left the hall and put on again while running. Then I quickly went into the changing room to get the rest and noticed the envelope with my name, I immediately opened it and saw money inside.

I took everything and drove home.

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