Horny fucked with an hitchhiker | Erotic sex stories

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On the road

I drive a truck professionally.Not such a normal 40 tonner, no everything that is over 40 tons.I come from Hamburg and drive through Germany and Europe.In autumn 2008 I brought a load to some and was back on the way to Hamburg.The weather was great, about 21 degrees and sunny.A Polish truck overtook a Berliner about 300 km behind a Berliner and thus drove cars more slowly next to me.Slowly a motorcycle came past me and I saw that something was smoking on the engine, so I pointed out the driver on it and as a thank you was waved to me. The motorcycle shook in front of me and it was only 4 km to the rest area. While I was driving like this, I noticed that this fully loaded BMW Touring machine also came from Hamburg. Since I had to take my break anyway, I also drove onto the rest area, maybe I was able to help the biker, drive a chopper myself.

So I parked and went over. I was totally amazed when the driver took the helmet. There was a long blond ponytail. So a biker.

About 1.60 tall and slim built. She noticed me and immediately recognized me. After she thanked her again and we introduced each other, she is called Tanya, we looked at the damage. “Doesn’t look good or?”She asked me.

“Well, at least the engine is still in.”I cheekily joked. Your smile was just magical. “A lot of oil ran out. I am 90 percent sure that you cannot drive on like this.”” Well really great.

Now I know what was so warm on my leg. “We looked down and her right pants leg and the boots were dirty with oil. “The leather pants are only 4 days old.” She said. “A real shame.

Come on Ic H Circle for a coffee. “I said and her smile was back.

In the restaurant she told me that she has a shop in Hamburg. a shop for biker clothes and leather fashion. Runs quite well but in 2 days it has to be there again and now the bike is broken.

“A taxi is too expensive. “I grinned. But the despair spread in her beautiful face. “If I didn’t have this important banking date, it wouldn’t matter, but my future depends on this date.”

“I can take you with me if you want.

“I said and Tanya would almost have jumped around my neck for joy. “And my bike?” she asked. “Well, we invite that to me. Is made quickly.”” You save my life!”She said and beamed up to both ears.

“Biker now helps bikers. Especially when it is still as beautiful as you.” I meant. “Sure, of course.“She grinned. We drank out and went out to load the bike on my trailer.

Thank God I had a low loader with ramps. We tightened it and I took her large travel bag, which she had strapped to her side case, and we went forward. We got in and I grabbed my bag on the upper bed. “You have a lot of space in here.”She said and looked around.

“There is never enough space in a truck.“I said while I grabbed my little bag. “I’m still going quickly have a shower. Make yourself at home. If you need something to get the oil from your pants, try it.”I said and gave her paper towels.

After about 15 minutes I was freshly showered and moved. I was now wearing a T-shirt and black leather pants with biker boots. I almost always wear that while driving because it is comfortable for me. “Hey you look great.

Didn’t get the oil off and put on another pants.”Said Tanya. Now she was wearing a tight black Miss Sixty pants and a white top. She had put her feet on the ratio board. I love it when that is it leather tenses on the thighs.

The next 4.5 hours were typical of German highways. We came from one traffic jam to the other. We were talking about everything. Tanya comes from Hamburg is 33 years old, she has had the shop for 2 years and is a passionate biker if the time is allowed.

I told her that I am 35 years old, have been in Hamburg for 4 years and that I have been driving for 10 years. Tanya said that my job is a relationship killer. I said no. “I’m at home every weekend and often a week.

But almost all my friends had a problem with something else.”I confessed to her. Since women are not curious, hooks are tanya after. I told her that I would like to drive my chopper often. They also wanted to ride with them, but when I told them that they had to wear real biker clothes, many have cut off again.

The others didn’t like it if I wore my leather clothes not only for driving but also for other occasions. Tanya laughed and said that they didn’t know what looks good. “The clothes are good for you, don’t know what the others are bothering about it.” she said. It was almost similar with her.

But most of them were more afraid of her what she didn’t understand at all. “Very happy to wear leather. and I’m very good too.”She said with a shrug. “I also think that leather is great for you.” I answered.

About 200 km before Hamburg my journey through the many traffic jams was over.

I drove off the highway to look for a motel. Tanya said that she could sleep in the 2 bed. I said that I only meant well because we have only known each other for a few hours. She said that she can see if someone has something bad in mind, and for me that would not be the case.

“Ok but I then invite you to eat.”I said and Tanya agreed. Since I got a little exploited, we parked in an industrial area where there is a pizzeria around the corner. Tanya put on a leather bolero. You looked hot.

He looked like a normal jacket with a collar and zipper but this was, bolero stop, under the breasts. She let him go to what her big breasts broke out. To do this, she put on black boots. They were pointed at the front and had about 10 cm heel.

She had put the shafts down so that they ended a bit under their knees. Pants over it finished.

Tanya hooked up with me and we strolled off. The clacking of the heels sounded great on the street. When eating, we told ourselves all sorts of things and drank red wine.

Tanya thanked me again for everything and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. I was blown away by this woman. After we paid and went, Tanya put her arm around my hip and I my arm over her shoulder. The

Leather of her jacket felt nice and soft.

When we came past a petrol station, Tanya asked if I still had a good film and I said “clearly more than enough.“So we went into the tank and Tanya already had a bottle of red wine in our hands.

When we arrived in the truck, we made ourselves comfortable on the bed.

I already had my boots out and was the laptop to start when Tanya sat next to me and slowly started to take off the boots. I watched her and had trouble looking for the film. She still poured wine in 2 cups and lay half on the bed, her feet at the top and leaned against me. When I asked her why she was still wearing the bolero she said with a grin “I’m still a bit cool.“I lit 2 cigarettes and it started.

The film Was good, some action, joke but also a love story in front of everyone. Tanya had cuddled more and more on me and I was often able to stroke the leather of her jacket and pants. The scent of their perfume and that of the leather ensured excitement with me. Honestly, that would leave you cold? The wine was almost all and the cigarettes were all.

“I quickly go to the refueling and get new ones. Don’t run away!” I said. “Don’t worry about that, I’m already staying here.“She said with a grin and a small undertone. Since it was a little cooler than 2 hours ago I put on my biker style leather jacket and started.

When I was there I sat on the bed again and turned us on a cigarette.

Tanya was still on the bed and came very close to me. “Do you know what I like about leather?“She breathed in my ear. “It looks like”, she looked at me. “How it feels”, she stroked my leg.

“As it smells”, she smelled on my jacket. “And how it tastes.“In doing so, she licked her tongue over my shoulder, over the collar, some from my neck to my ear. She looked me deep in the eyes and I told her that I feel the same way. A long and intense kiss followed with our tongues explored the mouth of the other.

During the kiss, our hands went on an exploration tour. I stated that Tanya was no longer wearing her top and the boots put on again. She had closed the bolero jacket with the zipper at the front, the boots carried it over the leather pants. She looked like pure dynamite wrapped in fed -out soft leather.

She sat down and I was sitting on the floor in front of her.

“You may play a game?“She asked me and I nodded. “As long as I wear my hair as a braid, you do what I want when I open it you can do what you want.“She kept me one of her boots and I knew exactly what I had to do. I kissed the tip and licked the heel. Then higher and higher up the shaft to the knee.

“Make up the shafts! I like it when my boots go over my knees. It looks so nutty!“Ordered her. “It doesn’t look smared, just horny.” I meant. “But I love it, so I make men like you even hornier.” she said.

I licked her thighs now and when I arrived on her step she pressed my head tightly and groaned: “Come on horny boots, lick my wet leather pussy!“I did as well and licked it wildly. The leather tasted wonderful. At her moan and the firm pressure of her hand on my head, I noticed that she liked it very much. There was a small hole on the seam of her leather pants and I tasted its sweet juice that escaped from it.

With one hand she massaged her breasts through the leather and the other hand held it to me. Since the sleeves of the jacket were a little longer, they covered a bit of their hand. So I kissed and licked her fingers and then up the sleeve. On her shoulder, my tongue now hiked over the breasts wrapped in leather.

The jacket had a 2 way zip that it opened something at the bottom so that the jacket does not open, and it pulled the upper one down as possible. It almost looked like her breasts would blow up the jacket at any moment. So I then licked the tender skin of her breasts what she acknowledged with a groan. As I kissed her neck, I stroked her neck and shoulders.

I held her with both hands on the neck, which put the collar of the boleros. Tanya looked at me with glassy eyes and said: “So I almost always wear my jackets, think it looks totally hot.“I agreed and we gave ourselves a very long kiss. When the kiss was over, Tanya reached her braid and opened it. She shook her head once and her long blond hair fell over the black leather.

I have to mention it again in this outfit: Overknees boots, Miss Sixty

Lederhosen, this hot leather bolero with a raised collar and this hammer decol tea she looked like a vamp of the pure sin.

“Now it’s my turn.“She breathed to me.

As in slow motion, she kissed and licked my leather body down, she kissed and stroked mine Legs and hiked with her tongue to my big bump. She massaged mine tail through the leather and it felt damn horny. She licked over the bump and opened the buttons of my pants. I was so excited that he literally jumped towards her.

“You endured the big one for so long in the tight prison. The poor.”She said when she took him in hand. She kissed the tip tenderly and then she took it completely in her warm greedy mouth. She gave a Wind concert that I heard the English singing.

I kept her head tight to reduce the pace, but it didn’t quite work out. With one hand she massaged my sack and with the other hand she pressed my leg against her step. So she rubbed her leather pussy on my leather leg and groaned violently. “If you don’t stop right away, I’ll come right away!“But I groaned but Tanya kept going.

Her tongue piercing danced on my acorn tango and with a loud moan I completely unloaded myself in your mouth. She troubled everything to swallow and some ran down on her chin on her leather breasts. After she swallowed, she took the rest of my juice off my chin and jacket with her finger and licked her finger clean. “It was delicious.“She grinned.

But my cock didn’t get smaller in the second round. Now I was down and Tanya rose to me in the 69. When she continued to spread her legs, the hole continued on the seam. “Such a bad luck around the beautiful pants, but at least that’s how I can keep it on.“Tanya said and tore her a lot further so that I now had free access to her pussy.

She sat up and I started licking her. “Go lick, lick my horny cunt, fuck me with your horny tongue you horny leather stallion!“She groaned as she massaged her bust and pearl. As she rode on my tongue, she reared up and got her orgasm with violent moaning. When she came to air, she blew my cock back to the full length, turned and took a seat in the riding position again.

My penis penetrated her wet hole without any problems. I held onto her leather po and her boots while she rode wildly, like a cowgirl ride. It didn’t take long because it rode me so wildly that the next orgasm was not long in coming. Moaning she slumped on me, but I kept bitting what the orgasm wave did not slow down.

Only when they “break!!“I called. She got down from me and first needed a break, by the way I was also. We lay side by side and I stroked her blond hair. “I’m not done with you yet.”I said to her.

“Would be even more beautiful if you would make it limp now.“She grinned. I acknowledged this answer with a pat on her leather po. Tanya bit on the Lippe and only said: “Mmmm … rrrr …” So a little wild cat I thought.

She lay down in front of me and stretched her butt. I knelt in position and rammed it into her without warning.

I pushed away wildly, grabbed her hair with one hand and with the other hand I hit her on the leather -tensed butt. She replied with a loud moan and her face lay on her arms. She fired me with me Dirty talk on, licked her leather arms and massaged her pearl. Again she came over a wave of orgasms.

“Final spurt!“I just said and Tanya lay on her back. I came over her and she caught her long legs around my hip.

“Fuck me hard you horny bootlecker. Your leather girl needs it hard!“She groaned me too. I captured her neck and licked her leather breasts.

Then she put her legs on my shoulder. “Lick the hooker boots, fuck your leather whore properly. Harder and I come, keep your boot kitten next!!“She continued to cheer me on and came back.

She quickly pulled out a boot and said: “Spray to the boots, I want to lick it down from the leather!” said and done. She held the boot on her face and I completely unloaded myself on the boots.

She licked the whole cream until the leather was really clean. “Sometimes I do it with the boots and lick it afterwards.“She confessed to me with a horny look. “I would like to see that.” I meant. “I guess you will be that.

Because I’ll keep you!“Grinned Tanya only. And so 2 lonely souls united. After a cigarette we were too finished to take off ourselves. So we snuggled up our leather bodies and fell asleep.

The next day we got through the traffic to Hamburg well. In between I got a call to me for a day Vacation gifted. Long weekend. So I had time with Tanya.

I looked at her shop and how she lived. We drove into the countryside with my chopper and experienced an even hotter weekend.

There are now 2 years around. We live together and I no longer drive trucks. We have expanded the business and now have a corner for special leather clothes and a sales room for bikes.

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