Hairy thickness is cool | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

ch met Lea at a celebration in the allotment garden of my neighbor and well -known Roland, who has his 50 there. Birthday celebrated. The atmosphere was damp and the many people celebrated exuberantly. Despite the many, mostly strangers, people, I noticed this horny plump Luder directly. Her big tits were clearly distinguished under their thin white top. I immediately caught that she was not wearing a bra. Her horny plump ass was covered by a very short black skirt, so I had full view of her plump thighs.

In addition, I noticed that Lea did not shave her armpits, which hurried to me animal. “What a horny, fat sow?!”I thought to myself and couldn’t leave my eyes off her anymore. But somehow I didn’t dare to address this ordinary woman … luckily she took over the part. When she realized that I seemed to be very obviously staring at her, she came directly to me and wondered if I liked it, what you see !?Since I am always very direct, I told her that I like it damn well, which you now saw very clearly through my tight shorts.

She laughed and looked greedily for my thickened cock. She led me to the neighboring garden without many words, which was empty. I felt somehow in my feeling that she had to be a horny bitch. When we arrived in the small hut, she immediately grabbed me in my pants and took out my bretta cock. In doing so, we uninhibited each other and exchanged plenty of saliva. She jerked my cock very skillfully, knelt on the floor in front of me and then took it into her horny face.

The sow could blow as I had never experienced before. She tore on my plump eggs, took them both into her warm mouth and sucked it greedily on it. After a short while, I slowly went to my knees to push my tongue back into her horny brass mouth. I picked up her into the top and got her hanging out and let her hang out of the neckline at the top. Slowly her lips away from mine and Lea turned a little, then raised her arm and held her furry armpit.

I immediately started to hike and circle my wet tongue through her armpit. “You like that, you little dirty piglets?”She moaned wicked and spat on my face. “Oh yes, that does it. Especially with such hairy bacon pussies like you ”I breathed in her ear before I took off and put it on the floor in front of her. Lea stood back and now undressed. I vigorously jerked my hard cock and watched her.

Contrary to my guess that such a dirty and horny piece certainly does not wear a panties, I saw a small string between her hairy fotual lips. “You let your big udders hang freely, but then a panties below?”I gasped. “I only wear it so that the sperm stays in my cunt longer and does not run out again” she replied horny grinning and pulled down the small scrap fabric. She stood above me and when the string fell on the floor, she fished it over my face with her foot and stuffed it in my mouth together with her toes.

The panties were wet and tasted wonderfully horny like cunt, horny juice, piss and sperm. Even while I sucked her panties, Lea went over my face. She crouched her cunt wide and sperm dripped out of her fuck hole. I spat out the panties, opened my mouth and let my cuman drop in the throat. Then she lay over me in the 69 position, pressed her wet-slimy cunt in the face and leaned over my cock to take it deep into the throat.

Spitze ran down on my eggs out of her mouth and Lea rubbed her over my asshole. She pushed my legs apart a little further so that she could drill her index finger in my ass. Excited I groaned my greed in leas cunt and when she raised her pelvis a little, I plunged on her on the asshole and pushed my wet tongue into her asshole. So we were closely wrapped together for a while until I almost couldn’t stand it anymore.

I had to fuck this dirty, horny sow now. Her cunt juice now ran down her thick thighs. I put her on the dirty bottom of the arbor, pressed her legs apart and rammed her hard, fat straps into her wet fatty pussy. She screamed to me, “Fuck me you horny pig! Fuck me like a cheap whore!””. Due to her vulgar expression, I became aware. I wanted to fuck her now from behind.

She knelt in front of me and stretched out her plump, sweaty ass. The white cunt juice sperm mix glued between her hanging, large cunt rags. You have to have been in there something for thick cocks, at that moment I just went through my head. “Come on, ram into the fuck hole with your stallion tail and make me like a bitch in a run!”She screamed loudly. What a damn pig, I thought to myself. I fucked her so hard from behind that it clapped loudly with every bump and the tail hurt myself the day afterwards.

I hit hard on her fat ass cheeks with my flat hand. It only made it hornier. Her fat hanging people rocked back and forth like crazy. When she realized that I was shortly before the cumshot, she screamed “Leave him in it and spray me as deep as it goes into my horny cunt. Schwäng me you whorbock ”when the sow pressed her fat, sweaty ass towards me, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

I inject a lot of hot cum in her willing, wet hole. Completely sweaty and dirty by dirt on the floor, we lay next to each other. She suddenly got up and stood over my face with her legs spread and said: “So now you will swallow the horny juice from yourself and from me. Lick everything out of my whore cunt ”. She crouched and pulled her thickly fucked cunt apart. I immediately started licking her fully waxed cunt.

It was horny. Since I like everything dirty and perverse, it was like a damn horny dream for me. I licked and licked like a crazy. “Yes lick me you spermailer köter” she gasped dirty. She went out of a crouch and lay down on the floor again. “Now I kiss me horny fucker. Let’s rumble with your cum and my continued mucus “. We kissed like crazy, so that our faces were completely smeared.

We rested for a short time and talked. She told me that she once used the same house as Roland and I. At some point Lea and I got up, searched for our clothes that lay around across the arbor and put us on. However, she left her little string tanga and when I saw him there, Lea reached afterwards and held it out to me.

“I don’t need it anymore, now that you licked the sperm out of the hole so beautifully,” she giggled and gave me a kiss. I put my panties in my pocket and went out with Lea again where it was already dark. Arrived in Roland’s garden again, this was precisely this grinning to us. When asked where we were coming from, Lea replied that we had looked at the garden next door, since they have been thinking about getting a nice garden for a long time.

He saw both of us incredulously and with a grin on his lips. Then he turned back to Natascha, the thick cleaning lady, who wipes in our stairwell once a week and Lea and I also looked for a quiet place. “Somehow I’m completely thirsty” I said with a smile to her “not only you … get us something to drink” was her answer and I hurried to get two drinks.

While I was doing this, I saw Roland and Natascha wrapped closely and kissing wildly to the music. I went back with two Cuba Libre in my hands, but when I arrived on the small seating area, Lea was no longer there. I took astonished space again and looked around Lea. After a few sipes out of my glass, I saw her come back. “Oh. There you are again. I was just peeing quickly …

”She said while taking a seat again. “… and didn’t wash my hands” she drove through my face with a wet hand and pushed two of her wet fingers into my mouth. She looked at me horny and grinned dirty. After we still kissed very passionately, we climbed together and spent the further evening together with a few drinks. When the first guests went and others followed at some point, Lea and I also decided to go slowly.

We still wanted to say goodbye to Roland and thank you for the great party, but it was not found anywhere. However, when we left the garden, we noticed that light burned in the arbor next door. “It was clear that Roland, this horny goat, couldn’t hold it again,” laughed Lea. We slowly continued towards the parking lot and before I was able to ask the question, Lea explained to me that Roland also let nothing burn at the time when they were still neighbors … not even with Lea.

Since I had already guessed something like that, I was neither particularly surprised nor did it bother me. Quite the opposite. The thought excited me that Lea fucks with ripe guys. I also let her know when I pressed her in the parking lot against my car and began licking her face and kissing her wildly. She sat on my bonnet wide -legged and started letting her fingers slide through her damp column.

I immediately got my, slightly swollen, tail from the shorts. I stood in front of Lea when she got her cunt and pissed off loudly. “Yeah, you horny dirty! Piss on my cock ”I gasped and held my hard cock in the pissfontaine. Lea pissed me really full. I was completely wet downstream. Not to mention my dripping cock, which I have waxed more and more. “Jerk off on my fat piss cunt.

Come on, spray me really full you piss -horny goat!”Lea groaned when the juice injected me out of my tail and distributed in her Fotzenbusch. I looked at her horny and slowly sank to my knees and sucked and licked the sperm from the wet -piss cunt. In doing so, I pulled her onto the floor from the bonnet to me and spat my sperm into her mouth. We gave ourselves some very wet cumer kisses until I straightened up and started to piss Lea in the face.

Lea tore her mouth wide and swallowed everything that was going in. I pissed her full from top to bottom, so that her white top was transparent and her big udders shimmered through. I leaned down to her with a dripping tail and licked her wet -pissed lips. We licked together for a short time before we sat in my car with our full clothes and drove off.

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