Geiler fuck before the concert | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I would like to share a story with you again. It was Saturday morning. So about 8:30 when I woke up. I am Frank, about 180 cm tall and weigh around 115 kg. Would not call myself a fat but rather a strong bobble guy. I also have brown short hair. Wear a full beard and have many tattoos. I welcomed myself back and forth in bed because in my opinion it was too early to get up on a Saturday at this time.

Apart from that, my morning latte didn’t let me sleep anymore anyway. So I was alone (I’m single) and had a mighty morning bar. Of course it didn’t take long and I slowly caught my stands jerk off. I thought of all possible mess, but then decided to take my cell phone and me one porn look at. My tail Was hard and the first drops of pleasure came to me. I looked at the porn where there was a guy of a horny woman from behind.

It didn’t take a long time and I inject 2-3 loads sperm on the belly. Soo good, take a shower now. I was standing right now under the shower The cell phone was already going to be “great, always at the right time” I thought. But I first showered to finish and then checked who called. It was my buddy Michael. “What does he call me on a Saturday at 9:00 a.m.” I thought.

I called back and Michael just wanted to ask me if I could pick up 2 concert tickets for him this evening. “What a concert? When is it?” I asked. He replied “Digga, the cards are for tonight. Seeed appears in Cologne this evening. And then I wanted to go! And I invite you, you just have to pick up the tickets in Dortmund. I bought it on eBay. Just can’t do it to pick them up in time!”” All right “I replied.

I get the cards and then I’ll get you around 5 p.m! Did you agree with the seller?““ No, but have the cell phone number from him. I wrote to him that you reported because you pick up the cards. I’ll send you immediately via WhatsApp!”Said Michael” all right, let’s do it, “I replied. A few minutes later he sent the number and I called there immediately. It was binding for a while and then a woman went on it!I explained who I am.

She knew immediately. We agreed a time when I could pick up the tickets!She called me the address and we said goodbye. She really had a likeable voice and I wondered what she looks like?Black hair or blonde? Is it thick or thin? This buzzed around in my head. We agreed at 3 p.m. It was almost too late for me personally, because until Dortmund there and back were almost 100 km.

But it was probably not different, because the lady probably had an appointment beforehand. It was shortly before 10 a.m. I still had a lot that I had to do beforehand. So I made my way to do all the clumsy such as shopping and household. At 1 p.m. I was ready so far so I jumped quickly under the shower. I thought “take a shower again quickly, then you don’t need it anymore later.

And what else do I have to eat!“I thought the thought was to keep it on the way back with a Greek. I made my way and was with the lady at 3 p.m. She was called copper that she had told me on the phone. I stood in front of the house and thought, “Boah I don’t want to hang here above the garden fence.” The house was such a classic concrete building with 40-50 apartments. I looked for the bell and then rang twice.

From the intercom I heard “yes please?”I replied” Hello I wanted to pick up the cards!”” Ah ok, 5 floor the apartment at the back left, “replied the lady. I took the elevator and only thought “Oh my god, what kind of barrack” arrived on the 5th floor I immediately went left and directly to an apartment door. “Yes great, no name tags here at the doors” I thought. “But I’ll be right” I knocked and 2 seconds later the door opened.

And there she stood. An absolute grenade!About 170 cm tall, plump breasts, robust figure and long beautiful blond hair. She had blue eyes and a really horny mouth. Your skin was slightly tanned and seemed tender to be.  Think she was somehow between 30 and 34 years old.  Type really horny milf!! “Hey, I’m Jasmin and you want the cards!?“She said with an enchanting smile on her face. I was totally overwhelmed by her appearance and only brought out a stuttered “yes”.

“Yes, come in briefly, somehow I don’t find her right now. But give me a moment, ”she asked me in. I took two steps and stood in the hallway. She closed the door, walked past me and says “Don’t worry I’m not biting in” when she ran in front of me I looked at her ass. “Damn ax, it is horny” I thought to myself!She was wearing a short trouser and underneath it was a really nice ass.

I followed her in the living room and she said “Sit down, I’m still looking for the cards, but I will definitely have her right away!“I sat down without a word and looked at her how she ransacked her cupboards. “where are they? They can’t be so far away?”She said and at the same time asked” you might want to drink something?“I thought briefly, and didn’t really know what to say. But I said “yes, a water or a cola would be nice” “Of course no problem,” she said and went to the kitchen.

I looked around a little. Everywhere there were photos on the wall and many of them with a certain man. “Mhh, probably she has a friend” I thought. And then she was again and put a glass of cold cola on the table. She continued to search and always gave me to understand that it is already embarrassing. I answered her “is not that bad, I still have a hour,” I winked too.

We held small talk And after a few minutes I just asked if she lived alone?“No, actually not. I live with my husband here but he is on assembly and will only come back next Thursday!“” Oh, that’s also stupid when Ms. is alone, or?”I asked afterwards. “Yes, of course, above all it has been gone since last Monday. And as long alone is quite boring!“She replied with a mischievous smile on the cheeks.

“So like that” I thought to myself. “Then she definitely has certain needs” “Ahh, I think I know where the cards are,” she said and left the room. A moment later she called through the hallway “Yes I have her! “I got up and wanted to go towards her and then she was right in front of me. I gave her 120 euros and she said “oh 100 rich, you had to wait so long!”” Oh nonsense, everything is fine “I replied.

She took a step closer to me and smiled at me. I trembled inside because I didn’t know what was happening now and she was awesome. I thought about what to say for the fraction of a few seconds, because I had the feeling that something went there. So I said “You have really nice eyes and your husband can only envy man!”She smiled at me” Thank you but you are also a very prettier!“At that moment I knew I had to go to attack mode.

I went closer to her and she didn’t avoid me. And then I kissed her!She returned the kiss very passionately. We stood there, between the door and the fishing rod and the kiss became a wild smooch!I noticed very clearly that she hadn’t got it for a long time and was totally starved. My hands attacked her ass and her hands immediately went to my jeans. She opened my pants quite wildly and I pulled her out of her top!She had horny tits awesome.

Slightly hanging but still well shaped. I crouched slightly to suck on her nipples. She caught up soulful and at the same time pulled me down my boxer short!Then my stiff cressed tail immediately jumped towards her “Boah that’s a horny cock” and immediately went down on her knees! Slowly but purposefully she took my thick acorn in her mouth and started sucking it tenderly.  I groaned and just said “You horny things, you do that well!“She smelled of my eggs with her fingernails and looked at me with a grin.

 Always firmer and ever deeper she sucked my pole to me. The crawl of my eggs was almost exploded and I told her to stop! With a grin on her face, she asked “Why because that? “I pulled her up and told her with the same grin on my face“ Otherwise I’ll inject my whole load in your horny mouth immediately!“At the same time I pushed her to the wall and pulled her out the shorts.

Slowly and tenderly massages her, her wet column. I circled with my flings around her clit, increasing the pressure. She stood on the wall with slightly spread legs. One of my hands caressed her clit and with the other hand I pressed her against the wall on my neck. It didn’t take a long time and she got a huge one orgasm. She groaned loudly “Boah is horny, that’s exactly what I need!“Then she slapped together but my hands held.

I said to her “that was just the prelude” and gave her vigorously towards the couch. “Sit down and put on your legs” I gave her to understand!Totally exhausted she made what I wanted. I pulled out my pants and my tshirt and knelt in front of her the couch. She lay there with legs pulled and spread and was still totally excited. Her nipples stood upright and stiffly up!Slowly but firm, I started licking her clit.

She groaned “Boah that’s so good. Yeah lick my cunt!“I licked her on the clit and put her showing her and the middle finger deep into her wet cunt. I licked and fingered her violently. Again it didn’t take long and she screamed her orgasm out of herself “oh yes please … Please go on…. Please get my cunt! “I fingered her wet column violently and then she came! She splashed her horny pussy juice everywhere.

Again she said totally exhausted and breathing heavily together. She lay there, totally exhausted with your eyes closed. I got up and said to her “said doll, now I’ll give you the last rest. Now I’ll get you ready! “She still breathed heavily and fought with the aftermath of orgasm when I crouched over her and immediately pressed my hammer hard cock deep into her!She said “Oh my god, you’re done me! “Immediately I started to push her deep and firmly into her swollen cunt!Again she didn’t take long and she came.

She literally shouted “You do it horny … You’ll get me ready ”and again she injected her healing pussy juice everywhere. Your juice ran down my legs. I pulled her in an upright position on my hair and put myself in front of her. She willingly opened her mouth and I immediately pushed in there. She sucked so horny that it came to me immediately. I groaned “yes horny baby” and pumped her gush around the gush of warm sperm into my mouth and face.

Then we both sag exhausted briefly together. After a few minutes I looked at the clock and told her “So now I have to go” with the sperm smeared face she smiled and said thank you. We are welcome to repeat that again. I took the cards and left the apartment. In the elevator I just thought of calling you again tonight after the concert! – .

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