Fucked in front of the food | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Three minutes before eighteen I pressed the bell. Shortly afterwards the door opener buzzed and I entered the house. The door right to Birgit’s apartment was only based. I knocked carefully, pushed the door open and entered. “I am here!“From the left I heard the voice of my lover from the kitchen area of their apartment. At your sight, I spoke the language. Birgit sat on the dining table, with spread legs and completely naked.

How rooted I stopped and couldn’t get enough of. Blonde hair, her expectant look, her standing nipple, Your slim body, her hairless shame, her differentiates Legs – There can be no more exciting woman! She wanted to surprise me what was perfect for her. Spook through my head. Maybe she also wanted to tell me: I am. Without mask, without cladding, without protection. Pure.

I trust you. take me. Quite. “You …” I put on, but you immediately: “Psssss!“And her index finger laid over her mouth interrupted. Instead of many words, she stretched her hand towards me. I came up to her. We kissed each other. Then my pants fell. With a small tour of her hand, my hardness immersed in her wet paradise. From the initially caught up, with intensive eye contact, a passionate fuck gradually became a passionate fuck.

I was about to sperm to unload deep in the body of my lover, as from her: “Don’t spray in!“Came and she moved a little back. My latte slipped out of her. After three or four wanking movements, my cream spread over her pussy, her stomach and breasts. The first splash even made it to the neck. “That was close!“Birgit stated after a short breather. And before I could ask, she said: “I don’t want to walk around with soaked panties all evening.

“At that time, however, I couldn’t even guess that she would spend the evening without a slip. After several tender kissing, I asked if they knew what the cunning Bitch she is. “So bad?“She replied with a questioning eye premium. “Worse!“I said with a wink, which was both very amusing us. With a short shower together, I really enjoyed touching my new love everywhere. No, we didn’t love each other because I had reserved a table and we were already late after the erotic intermezzo.

“What do you want that I take on?“Asked Birgit, who stood in front of her wardrobe. “Something elegant, something casual or should it be something frivolous?”” Frivolous sounds good!“I said what Birgit reached for a black dress and pulled over this. “So?“Asked and turned around her own axis. For the second time that evening I was speechless. Not just because they don’t underwear had dressed, but also because the dress simply radiated sex pure sex.

Tornless and with a long rock part, however, a very sophisticated lacing on both flanks, each with a strip of about four centimeters wide. Depending on the occasion, the lacing could vary the leg neckline on each side and design individually higher or less high. We agreed on a well -high neckline, so that even when the fabric covered her thighs and bare skin was only revealed in the lacing area.

Blacks, a little with glittering rhinestones, high -heeled sandals, a very light jacket and a small handbag completed Birgits Outfit. Do you take me like this?“She asked convinced of herself. I gave her a kiss and said: “Where you want to go!”.

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