Fuck to four | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Actually, Mark and Stefan wanted to try something different a week ago and go to a very special disco, but somehow they decided differently. But now Stefan had finally struggled to set off with Mark.
It was not necessary to attract a lot on this mild summer night. Dressed with shorts and T-shirt, they made their way to the disco that Mark had proposed.

Above the door, the words “Young Pride” were written with a rainbow in the background.
Stefan stopped and turned to Mark. “HHM.

Is that a gay disco?”He asked him.
“Not only,” said Mark. “The scene that meets is mixed.“At that moment, very good -looking women strolled past them in arms and knocked on the door. This had a disposable mirror, opened and closed again behind the women. In between, loud house music penetrated them outside.
“So, what’s on?”Asked Mark.

“We can also go to our main disco if you feel better with it?”” HHM, I don’t know, but I’m curious, “said Mark.

“Well then go.“The door opened a fairly large type in black leather pants and skin-tight t-shirt. He greeted Mark by name and knocked Stefan on his shoulder. Admission was not exactly cheap, but finally they entered the actual discotheque. It would not have been distinguished from a normal if the women who had just entered the disco were not to greet other women and one men with intimate kisses and intimate touch.

And if it weren’t for this stage with a male go-go dancer who gradually dealt with his clothes and whose pants are quite a erectile.

Stefan stared on to the go-go dancer, who was now turning his back on the dancing crowd and showing his butt only by a string tanga. Now the tanga also fell. The last bars of the music of the dancers stood in front of the swirl crowd and massaged his considerable stiff while the crowd cheered him on.
But after the end of the music he went off the stage without coming.

“This are Wanda and Gerd.“Stefan shot out of his thoughts and fantasies when Mark approached him with an attractive brunettes with a wide neckline and a relatively good -looking guy with short hair and glasses.
“Hi”, said Wanda and held Stefan’s hand.
“Uh hello … Stefan ..

you know each other?“He introduced himself to Wanda and took a questioning look at Mark.
“Yes, for three months or something, as I was here for the first time.”” We have been coming here for a long time, and since then we have met here, “added Gerd.

Although they stood in a slightly quieter corner, it was quite difficult to talk. At that moment, however, the cheering of the crowd attracted the attention of the four, and another go-go dancer entered the stage. He looked somehow even crisp than the other, and the tight string tanga could hardly hide anything.

Change of rhythm, hectic music started. After a few dance movements, the DJ turned the volume down a bit and said that they would now need a volunteer.

The go-go dancer stopped and smiled demonstratively into the crowd.
“Come on, not so numerous!“He confirmed again when nobody still climbed the stage after maybe half a minute. Mark and his companion looked at each other.
“Hey Stefan, you don’t want?“Mark encouraged him. “Well …” “Come on, it is certainly funny …” “Yes, go ..!“, The others spurred him on.
He briefly held his breath.
“Ok I leave!”.

Stefan crowded through the crowd with a rather increased pulse strike, the DJ made a comment, the crowd cheered and he jumped onto the stage. Then the music started fully and the male go-go began to dance.

Stefan stood a bit lost for a few moments, but then took part.
Now the dancer approached him from behind, and he pretended to fuck Stefan. He felt like the half -soap tail rubbed on his butt. Stefan was a bit irritated for the moment – but he was slowly getting a stiff there? Now a cloth has been thrown onto the stage.

The dancer was given to Stefan in one hand and grabbed his other to put them on tanga.

The crowd cheered him-pulling the panties down the go-go dancer!After a few moments, he did it to see a magnificent stand immediately. The dancer took the stringtanga and threw it into the crowd. He indicated Stefan that he should stand behind him – and led his hand to his stiffness! The crowd continued to cheer, and without hesitation, he started with careful movements jerk off. After a few movements, Stefan was gently pushed away, and the dancer let him hold the cloth up with both hands.

You could now only see how the go-go dancer put on the stage hand, only Stefan had the full insight. The DJ was also in a good mood and increased the speed more and more, the more violently the man jerked on stage.

Quite at the same time with a spectacular lighting effect, Stefan noticed that the go-go dancer should now only be seconds away from his climax.
Moments later, he also injected his first load under an all -pervading sound effect. Much of it ended up on Stefan’s shorts.

A few more pushing followed until he finally made a visibly exhausted facial expression and the crowd cheered out loud. The dancer smiled at Stefan, wiped the sperm by stefans pants with the cloth and made a rapid finish. Stefan stood alone on the stage for a moment, smiled briefly into the crowd and quickly rushed back into the crowds, where Mark, Gerd and Wanda joyful faces were waiting for him.

They stood around for a short time until what had to come at some point – ymca! Mark was in a good mood and it pushed it onto the dance floor, Gerd too – and so they pushed through all four. In this way it went on the next few pieces, and only after less than half an hour they sought a quiet corner on the edge of the dance floor again.
Suddenly the music changed and became calmer.

Couples who danced very closely on the dance floor were immediately. Mainly the men and women each together, but there were also a few mixed couples. Wanda looked at Stefan. With big eyes he looked at her wide neckline.
“Well, you don’t feel like dancing?“, She tore him out of his trance.

Stefan nodded.

She went close to him and pressed her seductive body against his. Stefan noticed that he got a stiff. Slowly they moved in the amount of dancing couples. His hands slid over her back and she pressed himself more and more to him.

It was embarrassed for him that she felt his erection and wanted to move away something. But her hands were already on his buttocks and pressed his pelvis on her stomach.
They looked at each other and Wanda started kissing him. Stefan could hardly believe his luck and replied the kiss. He felt her hand as she slid down on him, walked between her and found his slit.
She pulled down the zipper and began to open his belt and his pants.

“Trust me,” she whispered in his ear.

The first music passed over to another with a glimpses. Otherwise nothing changed. He could hardly see anything around him, except for the couples, whom he occasionally encountered, but who were also busy with himself.
In the meantime, Wanda had opened his pants and pushed the underpants under his eggs. Stefan groaned.

Now he started stroking Wanda’s breasts and pushing a hand among her top. Her nipples were rock hard. Both groaned with lust.
Stefan felt his cock in the soft skin of her stomach. She had pushed her dress up and pressed her lower body on his.

Stefan’s fingers slid down on her body from her breasts down. He slid over the raised dress and included her firm buttocks. There was nothing to be seen from a panties. She groaned.

His fingers researched and finally found their columns. She was wet and hot. She whimpered and her kiss became greedy.

At that moment he felt something else on his hand. It was a stiff tail.

Stefan looked up and recognized Gerd, who pressed himself from behind to Wanda. Fascinated, Stefan took the limb into his hand. Instinctively he knew what Gerd wanted and leads his rod to Wanda’s column entrance.
He already felt moments later how Gerd slowly slipped into Wanda. He somehow enjoyed it and didn’t want to take his hand away right away.

No, he helped a little and stimulated Wanda with his fingers, while his half -tier rubbed through the open pants to Wanda. He was overjoyed and deeply sunk at that moment when he felt a hand on his cock. Wanda had firmly enclosed him with both arms – was that about Gerd?At that moment the music went back to tougher sounds, it was also brighter for a moment. He noticed how Gerd pulled his cock from Wanda and apparently no longer wanted to dance.

Stefan was a little disappointed, but he was now only one thing in mind: he wanted to experience his second time with this fascinating woman. After the three had “packed up” hectically, they went to the edge of the dance floor. Mark had watched everything interested, and he was sure that it was only the beginning was a nice evening.

The four talked very well for a while in the “Young Pride”. Although it was still quite full and it was actually not that late, quite a few crowded to the exit.
“You may still feel like getting to us on a jump afterwards?“Asked Wanda Mark and Stefan.
The two looked at each other and then replied “yes …” and “why not?”.

You just couldn’t talk yourself out now. Finally they slowly went out and stood in the mild summer night. They decided to afford a taxi. So it was right, but the journey was quite quiet.

A little later they had arrived at Wanda and Gerd. It was a row house, similar to that in the mark. This knew the area, although he didn’t get here too often, it wasn’t that far away from him.

After Gerd was locked up, they found themselves in a nicely furnished living room.
“Make it comfortable for the time being!“Wanda said to Mark and Stefan, before she disappeared into another room with Gerd. She probably wanted to get something to drink – or was that a hint with the fence post?Mark sat down on the sofa in the room and sank comfortably in it.

Both looked at each other without a word.

Suddenly Mark puts an arm over Stefan’s shoulders and asked “that is uncomfortable for you?”.
“No, actually not.“What Wanda and Gerd probably did so long? You should have been back for a long time.
Stefan was aware of what situation he was in. The porn he had found in Marks drawer, the club and now the arm were clear signs. But he was curious. How about another man?Slowly, with careful fingers, stroked Stefan over Mark’s thighs up to the crotch.

Mark watched fascinated and leaned back a little deeper on the sofa. A clear bump formed.
“Keep on,” whispered Mark.
Stefan had now become curious and ready to go. He searched for Marks’s travel closure and pulled it down. Mark helped him and opened his hose button and pushed the pants with panties down.

A plump, stiff tail protruded slightly at the height. After a short hesitation, Stefan grabbed the tail and started jerking off him. Mark gasped and closed his eyes.

The feeling of another cock again than having his own in hand gave Stefan at. He accelerated and slowed down the pace, pressing it once again.

Now Mark had opened his eyes again and his hand went on a journey of discovery towards Stefan’s lap.
Stefan felt Marks demanding hand and began to open his pants. Soon the two were sitting naked on the sofa below. Pants and panties had become a ball around their respective feet, the hands mutually enclosed on each other the link of the other.
“It’s pretty cool!“Ged Stefan.

Mark nodded and looked at Stefan. Her eyes met and Mark slowly came to Stefan with his head a little closer to Stefan.

they kissed. The lips of another man were something completely new for Stefan as before. Mark read Stefan’s stiff and pulled Stefan closer to himself. Her stiff pipes touched.

The two bodies rubbed wildly against each other.
“Come on, I want you very naked!“Mark pulled Stefan up from the couch and began to take off the rest of the clothes that he was still wearing on the body. Soon the two were naked with stiff cocks. This time it was Stefan who pressed the mark onto the sofa and rubbed himself with his body. Mark pushed against it and soon a horny wrestling match was created about who should be up above.

Suddenly it was Mark’s rod that came to lie in front of Stefan’s mouth.

Without thinking about it for a long time, Stefan took her in her mouth. Mark groaned, but pulled out his thing after two or three bumps.
“Better let’s be a little careful.“From his pocket he rummaged two condoms, gave one Stefan and lay down in a 69 direction of Stefan.
Mark was amazed that Stefan had unpacked and created the condom in front of him. He had probably not used the things that often. When both were ready Stefan continued where he had stopped.

He put Marks stiff in his mouth without comment, who pushed something against it.

Stefan also waited for his steep tail to finally disappear into Mark’s mouth. Moments later the time had come, Stefan felt his glans through the thin condom like Mark’s lips and his cock slowly disappeared into Mark’s mouth. Brightless lust passed both, and they now pushed themselves into their mouths a little more quickly while their bodies rubbed each other.

They tried to hold on to each other, but usually only made uncontrolled, wild hand movements together. Both seemed to have enough fitness to hold out for at least a few minutes.
Before it was too late, however, they gave themselves to let go for a moment. Something out of breath both were somehow on top of each other.
“Aaah! Just awesome! I want … come in your mouth! Let’s do it until the end?“, Said Stefan.

Mark also breathed heavily.

“Yes, let’s do it! I also have to inject soon!“With this comment, the blood briefly insisted in Stefan’s tail. This time he wanted to be up. Mark willingly laid on the sofa, and Stefan came back over him in the 69 position and led his cock to Mark’s mouth. When Stefan also had that of Mark back in the mouth and both of them increasingly considered suction and tongue movements, this insane lust became increasingly stronger.

Accompanied by a tingling sensation all over the body, Mark has now slowly announced an orgasm. His eggs were completely pulled together and he began to get into Stefan’s mouth faster. This played even more with his tongue on Marks Eichel.

Moments later a twitch went through Mark’s tail when he crossed the threshold. He felt a larger load, and when he bumped into Stefansmund, who greedily sucked on Mark’s tail, followed a few more.

Before Mark’s orgasm had really subsided, the tingling sensation was increasing with Stefan too. It was a feeling of how rarely before when his cock in Mark’s mouth finally came orgasm, he pumped his sperm into the rubber and he made a few shock movements.
Stefan got up from Mark, and both sat a bit sweaty and quickly breathing side by side. Stefan stripped off his condom and kept it up with a smile, Mark immediately afterwards. As before, after a short hesitation, they came to kiss briefly.

Stefan thought about how to classify it, but it was just somehow nice.
“Why did we never do that before?“Asked Stefan.

“I don’t know … Actually, I never got the idea that we might be keen on each other. But it was … just cool ..

Consider it as an expansion of our friendship!”” Tell me and Gerd … maybe there was something?“, Stefan was curious.
“Could it be that he really got me a taste. Well, we wanked each other a few times and I thought it was horny … Ok, he also blown one once too! Well and Wanda was sometimes there, he also thought it was horny like me … ”Suddenly the door to the next room slowly opened.

Mark and Stefan are startled and wanting to cover their nakedness because of the surprise with the clothes lying around. But Wanda and Gerd, who entered the room, actually only had their underwear.

Wanda came up to Stefan, sat next to him and slowly put her arms around him. “Oh, I hope we don’t bother … but as I see you seem to feel right with us.“Stefan slowly made a affirmative head movement.

Wanda moved towards Stefan and her lips touched a deep kiss.

Stefan enjoyed Wanda’s lips and let his hand slide over her body. He felt her soft skin and started kissing her neck. Wanda groaned and leaned back. Stefan kissed her on the other side of the neck.

Wanda’s hands moved over his legs to his butt and began to massage him. Stefan now started his way down with his tongue. With lips and tongue he spoiled her decor. Has slightly bite into her hard nipples.

Wanda wanted more and opened her bra. Her pretty apple -shaped breasts came into its own. Stefan fell with cravings, licked them. He massaged them with both hands at the same time.

Wanda made a loud purring.
His left hand continued and struggled between Wanda’s legs. With her panties he rubbed her wet cunt. Both groaned.

Wanda feel stefan’s cock, who had recovered into new heroic deeds. She enjoyed the latte in her hand and pressed the shaft as tight as she could, which brought her another horny moan from Stefan.

You couldn’t wait to feel this young cock in her wet hole. “I love the feeling of a fat stiff in my hand,” she whispered Stefan in the ear. “Sometimes I imagine being a man. Then I would jerk off all day.

In my apartment I would always run around without pants with a tails wide -out. There would be no space in the apartment where I would not have hosed yet. No pussy, No mouth and no butt would be safe from me.“The two were suddenly scorned away by a ‘pop’. GERD and Mark, although Gerd had quite a stand, were not immediately over to love play, but had got a bottle of sparkling wine and glasses out of the kitchen.

Stefan did not let it put on it and drove to Wan-das nipples with sucking.
“Come on, continue at the bottom,” she whispered to him.

As far as it was possible, she slid forward to the leather sofa and pulled her panties aside. An almost naked, slightly opened and wet pussy emerged. Stefan took the opportunity and started licking. Wanda put on the knees and put her feet the couch To offer him better access.
In the meantime, Gerd and Mark sparkling wine and rubbed their stiff cocks.

They handed a glass. She took it as she pushed Stefan’s head into her lap.

“Come on, lick my cunt,” she murmured. “Put your tongue in … Yes, and now the clit ..

You do that very well … and you two, ”she turned to Gerd and Mark,“ I want to suck your cocks!“Wanda had drunk her first glass and let himself be given a new one, while Mark and Gerd overflow each other.

Wanda now held the champagne glass over her pussy and only started a few drops to pour more about her gender. Stefan licks greedily always faster so that we don’t spill a drop. Wanda groaned over the slightly burning feeling and the faster tongue.

Mark and Gerd wandered over in the background Pee. Wanda then winked at Gerd.
Now the two boys were ready and held their horny cocks in front of Wanda’s mouth. Alternately she took a cock between her lips while she jerked the other by hand. Both moaned loudly.

Stefan now felt his tongue slowly getting tired.

He let off from Wanda and first approved a glass of sparkling wine while watching his friends. Wanda now had a hand at her rapids and continued to suck.
“Come on, I want to fuck you!“Gerd was hot and hardly to be broken. He slid down and pressed her legs apart. His cock drove into the well -oiled column with a slide.

Wanda groaned but gently pushed him away from himself.

“No, I want it differently. Stefan, sit down on the sofa and put on a condom. So now cream your cock well with sliding cream.“Wall wanted to have all three straps at the same time and did the necessary to implement this. Slowly she settled anal on Stefan’s member.

Her well -trained Rosette made little resistance and soon she had this pleasant feeling of warmth and abundance that she loved this during anal intercourse. Stefan was also fascinated by the feeling and thought of Wanda in the ass. Gerd took his position in front of Wanda again, while Mark was now blown alternately by Stefan and Wanda. Stefan enjoyed having a cock in your mouth again.

He would do that regularly with Mark now. Next time bathing At the nude pool lake Or if you watch a video next time.

Mark observed Gerd. He had another idea. He got down from the couch and knelt behind Gerd.

The cream was ready and soon his horny cock pressed on Gerd’s tight sphincter. He groaned and relaxed as far as he could, while Mark let his cock slide into Gerd’s butt. The thoughts of fucking his friend in his butt almost brought him to come. Gerd groaned vigorous.
“If you sprayed, guys, I want to have the stuff on my tits and my cunt,” said Wan-da.

And that wasn’t too early, because at that moment Mark groaned.

He got up and just pulled the condom off before the white cream clapped on Wanda’s breasts and stepped down the path in thick drops. Gerd and Stefan soon followed. Greedy all rubbed the seed on breasts, stomach and thighs together. Exhausted they sat all four together on the sofa.
“I’ll be right back.

I have quite a lot of pressure on the bladder.“Mark, Mark, and made his way to the toilet.
“Wait!“Wianda got up and pulled Gerd and Stefan behind. Together they reached the bathroom, while Stefan and Mark looked curiously at what would happen now.

Wanda opened the door to the shower and sat on the floor without the water on. As on the sofa, she put on her knees and started rubbing her pussy. Gerd knew what to do and started peeing.

His ray wandered over Wanda’s breasts to her pussy and back again. Wanda groaned loudly and rubbed stronger.

“What else is you waiting for, off you go,” she called to the other two puzzling boys too.
These will soon follow the example of their friend. Their rays met on breasts and cunt. Wanda moan grew louder and louder until they emptied their bladder in a strong longer beam at the height point itself.
Later they stood together under the shower.

The space was hardly enough, but that was the nice thing about it. They are mutually soapping each other.
“Horny thing,” said Stefan. “We can repeat that more often. And then no hole remains unfucked.“The others nodded.

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