Free kick for Vera | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Armin spends on the soccer field every weekend, ”Vera complained to her friend Heidrun with her friend. “And then I always hang around at home.““ So the men are.
Heidrun spoke with the experience of a woman that she knew the men inside and by heart.

“You have to give the guys their pleasure. With prohibited you do not achieve anything with them. You need a little freedom to confirm your self -confirmation.”” Well, “Vera admitted,” in principle I have nothing against it.

The only bad thing is that there is nothing going on at Armin in bed afterwards. He rages on the soccer field, celebrates with his buddies, and there is dead trousers at home.”” “You know something, just accompany him to a football game.””What?! I should be a stupid Sports, view of which I don’t understand the slightest?””Clear.

Show him that you want to participate in his life, that you understand your interests and hobbies, even if it will be a bit difficult for you at the beginning. Something like that is one Relationship on, believe me. Incidentally, you will see that there are many ways to make it sharp.

But beware of clapping the wrong team.“Vera took her girlfriend’s advice, even if she was inside. In any case, Armin was delighted when she announced the following weekend that she would accompany him to his team’s home game.

He patiently explained the score and the team constellation, even if Vera had little of it understood. She nodded faithfully to his words. Guardino the colors of his team, Armin and Vera made himself on the way to the stadium.
“If you come across more often now,” he suggested to her while driving, “I also buy the right fan slams for you.

“” Oh, that doesn’t have to be, “Vera waved. In the black mini and abdominal-free top she felt a lot. There was dense crowds in the stands and a deafening noise.

Armin, Vera, pushed through the crowds through the crowds to his place in the middle of his friends. Fanfares sounded, posters and sayings were swiveled when the teams finally entered the lawn and greeted stormy by their fans.

Immediately afterwards the kick -off opened the game. Vera avoided nerves Armin with unqualified questions. She was based on him and his friends which reactions she should show during the course of the game. With a tie, the teams went into half time after an excruciatingly long three quarters of an hour.

“I got us something to drink,” called Armin Vera and hurried with one of his buddies.
Vera did the refreshment in the brooding heat that prevailed in the stadium.

“It goes on right away”, Armin excitedly pointed out that the second half began now.
The game won drama. In any case, Vera could recognize this from the fans’ freely relating to the emotions of the fans. The crowds in the stands were also more and more poached. Squeezed between sweaty bodies, Vera was simply carried away by the suction.

Stop! What’s that about? Vera felt a hand under her skirts.

Fixed but soulful, the cheeky fingers pinch them into the buttocks.
Then they wandered along the hem of their panties until they reached their most sensitive place. Now these daring fingers even squeezed under the panties and rubbed tenderly up and down on their wet labia.
“Armin du little piglet”! thought vera.

Different it turned under the horny handles. Put his presence in the middle of the sweaty action in the stadium, for example, so that he lost his mastery and went to her underwear?Anyway, Vera was not allowed to be deleted unused. Vera’s idea of doing it with Armin in the middle of this crowd increased to one extent that they forgot everything around them.
She willingly opened her Legs.

In doing so, she supported herself with both hands on the parapet of the stands. Her panties have already been pushed aside. Now her pussy was outdoors.
Something hard and hot pushed between her thighs. Vera did not think about opposing the insolent intruder resistance.

A violent jerk, and the trap grabbed.

This cock belonged to her now! Already she was mercilessly shaken by violent, deep bumps. Vera had trouble not losing his hold. The stadium cooked, just as Vera.
“Yes!“If she came into a screaming into the thousand -part choir, which was just celebrating a goal.
Hands were torn into the air, flags swiveled. And Vera turned ecstatically under the persistent bumps of the man who orgasm after the other.

Why is there no extension? Thought Vera sadly when the final whistle put an end to the game and the sagging dick from her pussy, which overflowed in front of comed juice, slowly retreated.
Her cramped fingers loosened from the parapet.

Vera turned around. “We won!“Armin beamed at her.
“That was really a great game.”” Oh, yes “, Vera agreed to him.
“You were fully there,” he continued enthusiastically.
“I had no other choice,” replied Vera, winking him with understanding.
“You can’t get enough of such a hot game.”” Well, you see.“With soft knees, Vera left the stadium on Armin’s side. The sweaty clothes stuck to their body.
After a few minutes drive Armin bog with the automobile from the main road into a small, secretly forest path.
“You know what I feel like now?“He turned to Vera.

He opened his pants without further ado and took a stiff, plump standing stand out.
“What?“Vera groaned.
“Do you want to fuck again?”” Why again?“Armins expression changed from lack of understanding. Vera bit her lips.

Who, for heaven’s sake, had so wonderfully fucked in the stadium, if not???She quickly hit her skirt. Hopefully the Armin quickly brought back to other thoughts!

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