First hot date with internet acquaintance | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

… there it is sleeping. Your wonderful sweaty body only covers the view of your beautiful breasts. It appears as if their nipples are still stiff, or again? Her reddish brown hair ransacked, the beautiful blue eyes that are usually hidden behind glasses. If it is right your eyes the mirror the soul, then her soul must be in, just divine.

Your mouth half open with lips that invite you to kiss. The contours of her body are clearly recognizable under the ceiling, the breasts are not too small and not too big, just as I like it best. The po apple -shaped and firm, actually for me your most beautiful part of the body.

The first rays of sun penetrate the cracks of the almost closed roller shutter. The last night also left recognizable traces of me.

A few weeks ago we went to Internet met.

After a few chats and exchange of profound mails, we decided to meet a coffee shortly. Since I had to do with your city anyway, we took advantage of the opportunity and treated ourselves to a cappuccino in the small bistro on the market square. When she sat so real in front of me, the desire to own her grew more and more in me. Inspired we talked about God and the world.

The time passed as if in a flash and my evening evening with the next customer. “Come on, let’s go to me and let the afternoon cozy with a glass of wine” I heard you say when I was looking for an excuse for my failure.

I quickly paid and then we drove together in my car to your apartment. Of course, during the not too short journey, I kept on her body.

I really liked her style. She wore flat shoes for the black skin -tight jeans and I said that I discovered nylons on her feet. She put on a denim jacket over her gray shirt and I would really like to know what underwear she was wearing. Subtle lipstick and a little jewelry rounded off their beauty.

Arrived in her apartment, she offered me a place on the comfortable living area.

It didn’t stay with a glass of wine and we came closer and closer. The situation began to crackle and suddenly there was something erotic in the air. Then we kissed. With passionate our lips pressed together and our tongues played together.

She finally led me to her bedroom, that she had decorated with great attention to detail. The center of the room formed a steel bed with red and white heart bed linen. Smart light and a fragrance candle provided the right atmosphere. In the background the CD Player played cuddly music from the 80s.

We both wanted it and the clothes quickly fell and in fact she had holdless nylons among the jeans, plus a string and a bra. I felt how excited she was and gently pressed her on the bed.

“Let yourself fall and put you completely” I whispered in her ear while I was stroking her cheek. I pulled out the bra and the string and enjoyed the sight of this beautiful body. I gently touched her skin that felt wonderfully, at the same time I noticed how she researched my already bare body with her hands.

It all felt wonderful and she managed that mine tail Steinhart stood after a short time. Her lips surrounded the glans with slight pressure and her fingers scratched my eggs, I started moaning and saw my cock sank deep in her mouth and slowly came back back. She is a wonderful wind player I thought and gliding along her back to her crunchy buttocks with my hand. I gently played around between her buttocks anus and finally arrived at her wet pussy.

I said a little moan when I slowly penetrated her with my finger.

I love the wet cunt juice and licked my finger to put it back in. She pressed her wet pussy against my finger. “Fuck me with my finger” she begged me, I won’t let it say twice.
It was just awesome how she worked on my cock intensively, but before it was too late I turned it over and pressed her thighs apart. She had certainly shaved her pussy in the morning, she was totally bare like a baby popo and licking was really fun.

I kissed her clitoris and my tongue gliding through her labia inside her. She groaned loudly and borrowed to her finally to fuck her properly. Ok she wants it hard, no problem. The nylons lying next to the bed came just right me.

I quickly grabbed her, knelt on her upper arms and pushed her hard cock deep into her mouth, so I had the opportunity to go to the bed with the nylons on the left and right tie up.

Slowly I fucked her mouth and felt her lips pressed on my shaft as if it were exactly what she wanted. Sometimes when I pushed him too deep in it rank after air. Finally I pulled him out, leaned down to her, kissed her and started playing on her nipples with my fingers.

They stood like antennas and now it excited me even more. My lips and tongue gliding over her neck to her firm tits. I suddenly sucked on the nipples and sometimes tried to bite what she made a sigh every time. In the meantime my fingers have arrived at their lust grotto to continue their game.

Again and again I let her cost her juice and lick my fingers clean. When I realized that she was approaching the climax, I increased my pressure and pushed a second and third fingers in.

The juice ran over my wrist when she reared up loudly and her body began to twitch wildly. She wanted more and begged me to finally give her hard cock.

The Legs Farewed up and her pussy so wet, it was easy for me to penetrate her. I enjoyed the warmth of her wet column. With slow bumps I continued to increase her excitement and was amazed at what strength her labia clasped my cock, as if she never wanted to give him back. Slowly I increased the pace and the power of my bumps, which quickly brought it to another orgasm.

Her legs crossed behind me and her pelvis pressed firmly on my abdomen, she screamed out her lust and her body twitched and trembled. Now I couldn’t stand it long anymore.

I grabbed her on the ankles and put her legs over my shoulder to penetrate deeper into her. After a few more strong bumps, I felt that it was so far.

I quickly pulled my cock out of her hot lust grotto and pushed him deep into her mouth. After two bumps, my cock shrugged and poured out of me in her throat with a loud “Aaaahhhh”. Inevitably she had to swallow the juice because I only loosened the pressure after about a minute. She licked her tongue over my shaft and my glans to enjoy the last drop.

I loosened her bonds on my hands, lay down next to her and pulled the blanket over our sweaty bodies. So we lay cozy and kissing next to each other before we found a cigarette and later fell asleep together.

My cell phone had awakened me and I enjoyed the sight of this beautiful sleeping woman before I visited the bathroom to prepare myself for my first appointment today.

I know: that was only the beginning a fantastic relationship.

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