Feflyfert deflowered at the company party! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I’m looking at the clock, half past two we have it now. 2 more hours then is quitting time And the Christmas party preliminary party begins. I get horny when I think that I will be at the Christmas party with my nylon traps and nobody knows about my secret, with an exceptional from my office colleague, who is also my best friend. I have actually done all of my tasks today and wait only until it starts.

Suddenly my top boss comes in and asks me to go into production again, collect the hourly sheets and then evaluate. Great, I have introduced myself more stress -free for the last 2 hours.

After the boss is out of the office, I look again annoyed with my colleague, who can just help but laugh.

When I am in production below, I collect the hourly lists and see someone new.

He is blonde, 1.85 tall and is well built. I imagine and explain to him that I need his hourly sheet. He introduces himself as Ben and says that he doesn’t know about it.

We agree that I collect the other pieces of paper for now and he still cleans his machine.

After I have collected the note, I go to Ben again, who greets me with a smile.

Together we fill the hourly sheet when there is suddenly a loud bang.

We both winced and were showered by the machine by a liquid hose with a coolant.

We both run away from reflex, only when someone operates the emergency switch on the machine, does it stop with the rum -in -line out of the machine.

Both we stand there and ask what happened when the boss and office colleagues suddenly come in.

He looks at the cooling hose and says to us that the tube was probably clogged and the machine continued to pump despite the safety function. The hourly lists are naturally all wet and the workers should fill out new ones, who will then work out who else.

We are both sent to shower. Fortunately, we have biological cooling mentions so that we do not have to in an extra shower where the water is collected because of oil pollution.

Only now does I remember that I wear my ownerless traps and a tanga under my clothes. I say my office colleague that he should get my backpack out of my closet, because luckily I have changing clothes in it and I think about how I hide the nylons and the tanga.

When my colleague brings me my backpack, I thank you and go to the toilet quickly. When I finished, I take off and get horny from the sight, but at the same time sad that I can no longer wear the underwear afterwards.

When I get over the nylons roles and I enjoy the feeling on my skin again. ,,Oh shit “I say in a half, I forgot that I had painted my toenails.

I try to think about a plan when I suddenly see the door handle down. Ben apologizes, he probably wants to go to the toilet again.

So I see my chance and quickly put on my way, put my laundry in the backpack, rinsed again so that I think that I was as normal on the toilet and out of it.

He smiles at me and quickly disappears behind the door. I take the opportunity and take off quickly and go to the first shower cubicle. Since we have Waschlotion on every cabin, I don’t need to get out and who ask for shower cream. So I shower first and get horny when I stroke my hairless legs and look at my red -painted toes.

Ben comes shortly afterwards and stands and the cabin next to mine.

During I just hear my hair, I hear how Ben lets his shampoo fall and it slips to my feet. I push it back under the shower cabin wall with my foot and only hear: Dan ..? SUT I think why he has his own shampoo in the event. My pulse races and stuttering I say: Bi-i-by Ben.

It happens to me for minutes until he answers again: “Very nice of you Tom, I just saw that right?“My heart stops beating up and I answer: ,, Um, yes, who painted me at a party when I fell asleep.“I hope that he swallows the excuse, but I get in response:” And why don’t make the paint off?“Crap, he doesn’t believe me. ,,Well, I think it doesn’t look so bad and have never had time to remove the paint, “Ben only asks:” This happens to you more often?”I answer him again:” Yes, so every now and then “Ben:” What does your girlfriend say about it?“Me: ,, I have none.“Ben: ,, Hm, it’s a shame I think it’s erotic when women have painted nails I like it and you? I wonder if he has put me a trap and gets to me: yes, I too, but have not been lucky with the women for a long time except for a few one night stands.“Ben: ,, I know that, my last friend was too prudish who never wanted to wear lingerie and it gave me cuddly sex, but it is not good but not if it is the same every time and never happens anything new.”

I exhibit the shower and ask him if he can keep what he promises me.

After I’m out, Ben also comes out and succeeds me.

He stands naked in front of me and I see his tail and I get a lust that I have never felt before.

,, And the legs they race you?“Asks Ben grinning.

I answer him in line: ,, No, I do that myself.“And I hear it like an echo in my head. ,,I think you look very female, if you just look at your legs, you could think that these are women.“I still look like it and notice how my cock stands up. I thank you and go to my backpack, get my fresh laundry out and put on when Ben goes up to me and looks in the direction of the backpack. ,,Nylons stand on it too?“Again stops beating my heart and I think that this is not my day today.

I answer: ,, Ok, you have me completely now caught, I think it’s horny when I get female.“He only nods briefly and then asks me what sexuality I have, I answer that I actually like women, but also like to be satisfied, but never had anything with a man.

We’re talking about sexuality and what we like. Until we are dressed and I go back to the office.

I can only think of our conversations and only hope that it will not make the round now.

I got around at least for an hour and don’t have to do anything anymore. With my colleague Mathias I gossip a round until we finally served the time.

The preliminary party is always done in production where I go with a queasy feeling.

But nobody looks at me strangely so Ben won’t have told Ben.

It is initiated, the boss will give a speech and there are small sweets, pretty normal everything so far. But I can’t think of any clear thoughts because it still deals with Ben.

The first taxis come around 6 p.m. and we are driven to a restaurant. When I see Ben there, I just sit next to him and he smiles at me. We talk about irrelevant things and prost the survival of the hose attack. The alcohol does the rest and at some point the mood becomes more and more relaxed.

When I go to the toilet, Ben comes along. He stands next to me and grins cheekily at me. ,,Can you not who stands next to it?“He asks me.,, Sometimes yes, sometimes no, just no.” I say. He looks around briefly and grabs my cock and jerks him slightly.

,, It is better now?“I just shake my head and close my eyes, it continues and I get hard. He comes close to my ear and asks me if he can come to me, which I am slightly groaning ,, Yes!“Answer. He lets go of my tough now and now says it should be better and he is right, it is going and I moan relieved. Ben already follows after he has washed his hands and I wonder if I’m really just hetero.

I’ll see it afterwards I think and go to Ben.

The first go and everyone starts dancing, I stay with Ben and we chat again than if nothing had happened. Around 10 the field has cleared and I decide to go home. Ben I say that I know that smiling says: “Yes, I come with me.”

I say goodbye to some people and go out, Ben came out after 2 minutes and we go towards the stop. I ask: “What are you going to do with me that wants to come to me?“Ben: ,, We’ll see, I can definitely cancel a friend for you, this is a real sex bomb, but unfortunately it has a friend.“I answer with a laugh: ,, Oh, but pack my tail?“,, I wanted to feel as it is, don’t even feel bad, I could like it and you don’t count as a man, as horny female as you can look! Ben also says with a laugh.

I let it stand like this and feel secretly honored, we get on the train. There I tell him a little bit over the houses because he has now only moved to a village outside and does not live in the city for long. After 15 minutes we are with me and when I want to catch up, he says with me with a laugh: “Ey, a gentleman opens the door to a lady!“I hand over the key to him and he treats me like a lady. He walks behind me and unlocks my front door after I told him which key.

We go in and I ask him to make yourself comfortable on the coach.

He will thank you and I offer him another beer, which he also accepts thanks.

When I go into the kitchen and get us beer, he comes behind and hugs me from behind.

,,Do you even want to show me what you love to wear?“I nod and go to the living room with him, where I put the beers and then to my bedroom where I have my lingerie.

First I look for a nice tanga in black, then a courses, also black but with red decorations, plus black strapnylons with red rose in the waistband and beautiful high heels in black paint. I get greedy and put on my laundry. For safety, I put a condom in the back of Strapsbund. I go to the high heels with 9cm heels and sit next to him.

He smiles at me big eyes and sips again on the beer. I take my beer and put it in my mouth as if it were a cock and lick it a bit. I see how he gets horny and drink another sip.

He puts his hand on my lap and strokes me.,, Look really cool, you turn my head and how you sucked on the beer!“I can’t help but smile and become more courageous, I really feel like it. ,,This is not the only thing I can suck!” I answer.

That was the keyword and he leans over to me and kisses me passionately on my mouth. I get his kisses and feel ready. He continues to stroke my strained legs, which makes me willless. I put my hand on his crotch and start massaging his tail.

He is already sticking and I free him from his pants. I also take off his underpants, the socks, his sweater and his t-shirt he brushes off himself. He takes me on his feet so that I now lie on my back and kneels in front of me by distance. He pulls out my high heels and kisses my feet.

I get really horny and start to stroke my cock and drop me. After a few minutes where he sucked on my beautiful red painted, he leans down to me and kisses me again. I put on my legs and give him a foot job. What he likes to be right because he starts to moan.

He leans up again and starts pushing my tanga to the side and blowing my cock to me. He does that really well and I continue to play with my feet on his cock. I notice that I could come and pull it up. We kiss again and I taste mine sperm, Which makes me even hornier.

Now I kneel in front of him and start blowing his cock. It tastes me and I had imagined it worse. At some point I notice that he will come soon and let him off. He turns me around so that I kneel in a doggy position in front of him, now he starts kissing my ass.

He works towards my Boypussy and starts licking me. ,,It feels so cool, ”I say and it drives him to push his tongue more against it. I start to give him a footjob again. Ben asks me moaning: “Where do you have condoms?“I tell him in the federal government and he takes it out.

I turn around and press him so that he understands that I want to ride him. In the coffee table there is lubricant what I take, turn him on the tail and to my BOPUSSY. He takes my high heels and pulls them back on. I like the feeling when the feet are stretched in the high heels! What motivation gives me again my first time to carry out with a man now.

Slowly I sit on his cock. He slips into me pretty well and when I feel my labia on his stomach I know that he is almost completely inside me. Slowly I ride him by always changing with up and down to the front and back. We kiss again and he holds me onto the high heels.

After about 10 minutes we change the position, this time doggy, where he fucks me. He does it gently, which suits me very much than mine first time, or for the first time Dildo. I now lie down completely on my stomach so that it lies on me and so fucks me. I enjoy it and let myself go completely.

We kiss again and he says that he would like to come now. I tell him that I want him to spray me on my feet, which almost made him inject alone. I turn on my back and take off the high heels again. He puts his cock back into me, I take my feet up, jerk my cock and hold it in his face.

He becomes faster and before he comes, he pulls his cock out of me, which gives me a feeling of emptiness, pulls the rubber off and aims at my right foot because he sucks on others. I keep fingering myself and he sprays on my foot.

When his orgasm subsides, I say: Now change of foot!“And hold his fully waned foot in his face. He licks the sperm, continues to stroke me and I finger, I also get my fingers. He realizes that and pulls out a suspenders to wipe my sperm and stuff it into my mouth.

He kisses me again and I notice how I taste my own sperm. He lays down next to me and we kiss on. I say: “I still feel like more with you, what about you?“Ben:” If you want, that was the horny start!”

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