Erotic chat | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A chat with Hexe53 ……..

The question of true or invented history cannot always be this way

Easily answer – let’s put it this way: the story is one

Mixing between truth and imagination ….

I got to know a Hexe53 in chat a long time ago. We chatten

more and more and so I gradually learned more and more about

You … Manuela, 53 years old, full slim, dark -haired, married,

Accountant …During our conversations, of course, I told

Also about me: mick, 38 years, slim, dark hair, thanks to a lot

Sport relatively well -trained, currently single and thanks to stressful

Job almost never at home.

After many interesting and fun conversations, ours were

Conversations of increasing confidential and intimate.

At some point I asked Manuela then if they see me on my webcam

wool. She affirmed and I switch on my cam. Apparently liked

Her what she saw – especially as the phone rang, I get up

had to and saw my butt in my banging short jeans.

She said she would like to be with me now, kiss me and hers

Place hands on my butt. At the performance I was completely

nice and warm. She asked me if I couldn’t take off my shirt –

She would like to see my upper body. I smiled into the cam and

Tell her that that would be unfair – I couldn’t see her and she wanted

See more of me.

She agreed with me and our chat came in afterwards

Little stalling – I had the feeling that she was disappointed but I

wanted to let her fidget. Shortly afterwards she ended our chat

the reason that her husband would come home soon. Too bad I would have

I love to continue talking to her.

For the next 2 days I was in chat again and again but my Hexe53

Was just not there.

Then I had to go on a business trip for 2 weeks and

could not chat. I hardly logged back from the trip

back into the chat and was disappointed that she wasn’t there again.

I was about to go again when suddenly a chat popup

Auf: A simple hello from Hexe53. My heart made a jump

and I told her that I would have missed her and my thoughts often

You would be.

She replied that she very often on my smile and mine

The butt had thought and was disappointed that I wasn’t the last few days

Was online. I asked if I was supposed to turn on my cam

surprised about your no. She asked what I was wearing – me

replied: just come out of the shower and the only thing I am now

Angab are a few drops of water on my skin. Longer break then

The message: mmmmmmmm I would like to lick it now.


Asked: What are you going to have – counter question: What would you like to have about me

– I think and then type: high -hooked shoes, black stockings,

A black transparent panties and a sexy transparent

Upper part with a daring edition. She is amazed that I

she didn’t like naked. I tell her that I have a sexy outfit

would prefer it because I would slowly out of the sexy outfit

can free and her body millimeters by millimeters too

Can admire and enjoy. A longer break … then your message:

I have to go away briefly in 5 minutes? – I affirmed

After 10 minutes the next message finally came from her: I have

A little surprise for you – advice.

Hmmmm, a photo of you in

sexy outfit! Answer: Better … Me: You jump through the blid blade

directly on my lap? You: that would be too beautiful now … the

Surprise is I also bought a cam and which have 10 minutes

I used to change.

Puuuuh I was flat and speechless – then I wrote: I want you

like to see. As soon as I wrote that I got an invitation too

a video entertainment. Juhuuuu, and I see them: a pretty

Face, definitely looking younger than 53, beautiful dark eyes

and a sensual mouth with beautiful full lips and

Dark brown almost black long hair.

She looks through the cam

and asks: and satisfied? I space and say: all ideas

covered..You look cute to nibble. She smiles and Senk

Your cam a little …mmmm a beautiful neck deeper to the approach of yours

breasts..Even deeper -now I can start the beginning of your transparent

See black top and..Oh my God..Your breast..beautiful and

Lush mmm and the cleavage Waaaahnsinn she says: you see i am

no longer the youngest and too thick. I look at your cam amazed

And answer: don’t tell so nonsense you are totally pretty and

Your breast is to freak out and so erotic. You: you get up

Lush curves … I: No I stand on your horny breasts and when I

I need your curves a cold shower.

Your publisher

Facial expression slowly converts into a smile and already came

The pretended remark: I want to see that. I’m slowly standing from

on my chair and turn me around so you see my butt

can..Spread over the hips with my hands and slowly turn me

around..The cam is so high that it only just under mine

can see belts … I’m slim and through a lot of sport I have

Well -distinguished abdominal muscles – I am dealing with the cam in front of the cam

and drive over my stomach with my hands..Deeper and deeper up to

The hands on the edge of the cam disappear and cannot resist

My inwipts to the burst tail briefly. I

see that she licks over her lips and a longing

Facial pressure gets. She taps: would like to see what your hands

have done … I replied: and I would like to see how yours

a little deeper slips over the top.

She lowers her cam a little and

Starts to pull down on your top. Wow what a breast:

C or d mm and now I see yours nipple..big and dark and

Your nipples are already a little. The sight of your breast

Let my cock swell even more and I imagine how

It should be to include these horny breasts with my hands and

Kneading gently. She stands up from her chair and recolts her

Hintern part towards the cam.

A full of lush butt, packed in one

Black string and their strong legs in stockings. She leans

before and I can do the silhoute between her legs pussy

Recognize and a few black people lure them out of their scarce

look out cover. She sees my facial expression that I

am excited and asks superfluously: you will find me

Still attractive – I answer: you are beautiful and you have

a stunning body – I have a crush in your butt. She

smiles and strokes a few strands from the face then asks

You with a smile: I’ll make you horny? I answer: you do me

totally on while I saw your butt I couldn’t resist

Massage my cock and now when I am on your full breasts

Look my imagination goes through with me.

She almost already has one

Happy facial expression and says: And I’ve been wet since I

saw your belly and moved your hands deeper and deeper. I

would like to know what you would like to do now. I think briefly

after and then answer: I would like to stand behind you. Your eyes

Gently connect your arms to a silk towel

kiss … let my hands spread over your arms and your hands

Then surprisingly fix with handcuffs behind the stool back.


take another silk cloth … the cloth over the outside of your

Let the neck slide … gently stroke your cheeks … with the

Take tips of the contours of your breast and over yours

Poisten. Continue over your hips to the inside of yours

Thighs, over your knees to yours Tie up And then again

Surprisingly, tie up your bonds on the stool legs. I could do it

Feel sure how you solidify a little and your tension then

waned off again. Then I get up and see you: You look like this

Horny in your sexy outfit and the beautiful breast.


Look at yourself and take a step to the side you can’t do me

see – just hear and guess what I’m doing right now. You hear that

Rustling of clothes and imagine how I my clothes

pulling out. You hear a loud plop. You feel something cold

Your lips puts – open your mouth and feel the tingling of

cold sect beads spreads into your mouth.

The glass becomes

Surprisingly tipped and you are too surprised to swallow everything.

A few trophies run over your lips, some in your neck

The valley between your beautiful breasts and some directly on yours

bosom. The ice -cold preded pearls look for their way

Your breasts to your nipples – the feeling as the cold drops

Your nipples meet is a mixture between pain and lust

make your spots excited. The droplets are looking for theirs

Way over your rest of your breasts..About your belly and collect themselves

Slowly in your navel.

When your navel overflows it goes

Way deeper and deeper..About your pubic mound to the edge of your briefs

Slowly wet. The wet slowly spreads to the

Start of your labia. You are startled when you suddenly warm

Lips feel on the outside of your neck. Your neck becomes gently

kissed and researched with the tip of the tongue.

Then suck greedy

Lips on your earlobe. You feel my excited breath on yours

Ears and on your neck. I kiss your lips gently and you feel

How my lips are provocative and provocative slowly the path of the

Section beads follow. About your breast approach, circle your nipples and

Then surround yourself two lips around your nipples.

You feel how

Your nipple under the gentle lick Clear the tip of the tongue again

Until they are awakened to full beauty. My teeth nibble now

tenderly on your nipple and twisted it easily with my teeth.

A warm fingertips draw the beautiful one like a light wind

Shilouette of your breast after. You feel the tip of the tongue

Continue moving down over your stomach and greedy out the sparkling wine

soaked up your navel.

The mouth with the cheeky warm

Tongue tip hikes deeper over your pub

open and my lips on your hill press press. You feel mine

warm wet breath at the beginning of your pussy. You notice that mine

Lip a little tremble when I slide my tongue over your panties

Lead and with pleasure a little more pressure executed at the point where

Your clit is hidden under the panties. I can’t

With my tip of the tongue, resist the entire length of your pussy


I notice how your slip is wetter and how your body

Again and again a little bit. I wonder if it is the sparkling wine

spreads into your panties or whether it is the moist of yours

Excitation is. I push the hem of your strings aside and lick

With your tongue over your labia . ..again and again..sometimes tender

Fainter – then I open my mouth and suck on your

it further and massage your lip between my teeth

little firmer.

You breathe more violently ever more I spoil your lips.

I push your panties even more and admire yours

Black dense pubic hair. My tongue is looking for its way into yours

Sleken – opens your lips tenderly and lays down

On your clit. The pressure on your clitoris leaves a little

When I circles with my tongue over your clit.

You feel how

The tongue places on the entrance of your hole and the pressure slowly

increases and I penetrate as deep as possible into you. Mmmmmmm you are

So wonderfully moist and you taste so good. I would like to do you most

suck out. The greedy of your juice always slides slippery tongue

Back over the full length of your pussy..spoils your clit

Keeps in again and again.

You are finally binding and wishing

But always come when the excitement grabs you and you feel how

The excitement wants to break out in a thunderstorm hears the tongue on you

to spoil. You ask yourself how excited I am but you can

Unfortunately not see your eyes connected. Your idea and

The uncertainty make you crazy. Suddenly you feel one

Stinging pain and cold.

I have the rest of the champagne glass directly

poured on your heated pussy. The cold and tingling

Your clitoris and on your pussy slowly changes from pain

in lust and greed in you around. A greedy mouth encloses your pussy

and sucks and licks out. The cocktail from the sparkling wine and your lust

tastes delicious.

I would like to go into you with full length now

penetrate, yes I want to fuck you on the spot until I am in you

Exploded – but first I want to drive you crazy. I knee

in front of you and feel the inside of your warm thighs on mine

naked shoulder. The sight of your twitching damp pussy framed

of your black curls and your smell is eroticism pure. Mine

Lips comprise your clit again and massage it … sometimes tender,

Sometimes firm, sometimes almost painful …You bite and wish you more

ever to come.

But I still play with your lust

And as soon as I notice that you start to fibrate and shake more

I keep stopping. My index finger types very easily on the

The tip of your clitoris and research your splash. My tongue plays

Back with your clit, the fingertip on the entrance of your

Höchlein is …The pressure is mocking and the finger penetrates full

In you..You twitch and you will groove a loud moan. Mine

The tongue is only quiet on your clit while I’m with you

My finger always fuck deep.

Incredible but you always become

wetter..My finger is very slippery and penetrates without

Resistance in you. My finger now glides out of yours

Höchlein … deeper to the end of your pussy and further into the gap

Between your horny buttocks to your back entrance. I realize

how you solidify and keep your breath. I start your pussy

to fuck my tongue again and again and faster so deep I can.


Print my glacial fingertip on your buttocks reinforces and

You know if you exhale now or relax a little

penetrate this finger into your hole. You notice how the orgasm

Slowly climb in you and the tension in your body briefly

subsequent. The finger penetrates deeply and firmly into your hole. You

moan loudly, frozen again and this time the tongue does not stop

to work hard your clit.

You bite, feel the heat and

Come with a loud moan. I see the cam of

Karin. Your top has slipped down totally down. What a

Sight: your pretty face and the madness.

The one hand of

You are on the keyboard The other must be in her panties … I

Unfortunately, can only be seen on the cam until the beginning of her panties. The

Hand in her panties move, her face is red and heated.

She smiles and shows me her hand. Your fingers glitter


She provocatively licks her fingers. Oh man, that has to

tasty. She says: I would love to have your imagination now

live out with you. Suddenly you get up.

Your panties

Has slipped to the side and I see a few blacks on the side

Stand out pubic hair and I can see that despite the bad cam

Your panties is totally wet. She walks away from the cam and me

Admire your bust and horny butt. then

she disappears from my field of vision. After a few minutes she comes

back with a sad face print.

She says: you have to get out, mine

Man was on the phone he comes home right away. When are you again

Online, I would like to continue today’s chat. We

Say goodbye to us, both still totally hot and longingly more

to see and come together. Since unfortunately I am right away

On the business trip we will no longer see each other for a long time or

maybe never at all?

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