Damp day in midsummer | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s a wonderful morning in midsummer. The temperatures are at 09. 00 a.m. already at approx. 25 degrees. Ralf and Frank had agreed to break breakfast with two neighbors from Ralf. At the suggestion of Frank, Ralf appears at 8. 30 a.m. at his home and both drive to the Volksgarten to enjoy breakfast in the Salinas restaurant with the neighbors. Ralf rings almost on time with Frank and a little later he sits in the car.

Frank asks where the neighbors are. Ralf only means that they come after later, wanted to bring a surprise. Shortly before 9. 00 a.m. Ralf parks his in front of the restaurant, both go in and Frank asks where they can sit down, it would be a table for four people. The waiter says that the table is on the sun terrace and you can still choose a table. The two buddies choose a nice table that was already in the sun around the early days.

You sit down towards. Ralf sits with his back to the access of the restaurant and Frank has the entrance in view. They talk intensively. There suddenly, Frank breaks her breath and asks Ralf if he knew something surprise from the two. Ralf denied this. Frank grins and becomes a little restless with the sight. The two neighbors (Annelies and Eveline) enter the terrace and the men’s eye pairs stuck to them.

Frank said that Ralf just shouldn’t turn around and that the two of them were the eye -catcher this morning in Salinas. The two simply cleaned out in terms of hammer. The blond hair of the two shone even more nicer in the sun. Then the white blouses and the red strechmini emphasize their figure even more. Although it is already so warm, they wear black suspenders with a red seam. The suspenders end in bright red high heels with paragraphs of approx.

14 cm. The men’s eyes that stick to their body not only on the stretch mini skirt but also on the white blouse through which the black/red tips bra is clearly visible. At Annelies, the hangers of the suspenders are clear and their skin can be seen at the end of the mini skirt. At Eveline they can only be guessed by the fabric of the mini skirt. The two are also made up, only their lips, but due to the red color they came up even better.

Larely visible large earrings moved to the side. Both search for the terrace for us. Frank lifts his arm and they are now struggling to us. Eveline kisses Ralf intensely as Annelies also with Frank Macht. Then they change both too. Now Frank gets the tender lips of Eveline and Ralf the also wonderful lips from Annelies. Both sit next to Ralf and Frank.

The waiter shines and brings the menus and he looks into the excerpts of the two when drinking drinks. The breast rates can be clearly seen there. Annelies, who sits next to Ralf, grins at Frank and asks why he didn’t get up when he saw her, she made another remark whether his pants may already have a great exploitation. Frank grins back and only thinks that he had enjoyed it, as the men’s eyes glued on the bodies of the two.

While Frank gives her this answer, he feels a hand between his legs and Eveline only says, so your bump is already big. Annelies reaches Ralf between the Legs, And says to your Daughter, That this outfit is very well received because the bump is also very large at Ralf. Frank also goes between the legs of his neighbor At the table and caress the inside of the thighs upwards and mean the Eveline is already nice and damp.

Ralf only means that if Eveline is already moist with you (Frank), then he doesn’t need to feel at Annelies, because then is yours cunt Also nice and wet and roughly ready to fuck. The waiter comes back and brings the drinks and asks if we already know what we want to have breakfast. Annelies only thinks that she would like sausages with juice. The waiter looks a bit puzzled and Eveline looks at him, smiles and her gaze lands between his legs.

The waiter becomes red and Ralf asks if he can keep the table free for an hour or two, because we four have to go away quickly, we just received a call and have to clarify something. The waiter and four look even more puzzled and thinks that he will keep the table free. Frank pays the drinks and the four under the eyes of the other men the sun terrace. The four go through the Volksgarten and sit down on a bench and the women alternately take care of the men’s tails with hand and mouth.

Frank gives the comment (so you live in your mouth by hand). All four laughter, and Annelies or. Eveline drop their strings and briefly ride the two men. Then sit on your cocks with your plump horny asses and fuck the cocks extensively. Until Annelies thinks she would be thirsty. So Ralf and Frank are now standing and Annelies and Eveline are sitting down now.

The men jerk off Your cocks now vigorously and inject the white gold in its horny sperm foods.

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