Bumskuh | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello my horny bumskuh

I always have horny thoughts like this:

I come to you after work.

You are in the kitchen.

You wear your housewife smock, black Socks and white sneakers.

You look hot.

You fall around my neck and we kiss.

I’ve been on your butt for a long time.

We kiss again.

I’ve long under your smock and notice that you do not wear panties.

I get hot.

I fear your butt.

You are happy that you surprised me.

I press you firmly to myself.

I feel like you.

You fertilize my butt.

My tail itchy.

You open my pants and take out my limb.

You lick my cock with relish.

My dick is getting stiff.

I feel great for your cunt.

You keep licking.

Then you turn around, bend and stretch out with your cunt.

I put my limb into your vagina.

Then I’ll push you.

First slowly and then faster and faster.

Your lust grotto spoils my cock.

After a short time I can’t take it anymore and mine sperm Spray in you.

We kiss eachother.

Then my freshly fucked housewife goes back to the kitchen and does dinner.

My juice runs you Legs down.

I wipe the juice from your leg with my finger.

You lick my finger.

Then we eat dinner.

If you liked it, tell me. kiss

It would be nice if my horny housewife bum cow would welcome me so much.

Your engraver

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