Birthday fuck with two women | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was 22 at the time and had been looking forward to this day for weeks. My busty neighbor would be 50 that day. Celebrate your birthday and, in addition to her best friend, invited me. I had heard a lot from her, especially that she didn’t alcohol tolerated and very quickly does things that she would never do without alcohol. The fact that you drink sparkling wine was known. I haven’t known her friend yet, but other neighbors had told me that their circle of friends would contain very “hot rabbits”.

So I was more than just excited. Admittedly, I hadn’t said no from my neighbor, I would have got a chance with her, even if she was 50 now and I wasn’t even half as old. What a horny part. Your face, well, expandable. But the Legs, The ass and these plump tits, madness. She loved to wear relatively hot and erotic laundry and every now and then you could see her in tops, from which almost her breasts jumped out.

Then this chassis, very breathtaking. So I got a gift for her, a sweet sparkling wine from which you quickly get drunk and chocolates, as well as a nice bouquet of roses. That day I had deliberately not put on underwear, I should be excited, for whatever reason, she could see how cool I was. So I only went up this one floor, rang with her and she opened the door to me.

At this first sight I almost dropped my gifts. She stood in front of me, in such a hot fummel, in which the huge bust jumped out. In addition a crazy high side slot and high chop. I saw the naked leg almost up to my panties. Horny, this dress, seized sequins and with loud red lips. After I was allowed to enter, I presented my gifts and congratulations, which resulted in a first, exciting hugs shortly afterwards.

She pressed me firmly on her hot body when she thanked me and I felt these huge horns and my chest. I was still considering whether I should hug her too, but I was still careful because the dress was deep and wide open at the back. Who knows how she would have reacted if I had stroked her bare back so much. I then carefully looked at her apartment, which was very hotly granted.

I liked it and I saw her from one room to another, in this incredibly horny shred and looking for a vase. Finally she found what she was looking for and the flowers got a new place. Then the doorbell rang again and this time her friend came. Also not a bad sight, I got warm around my heart and in my pants there was slowly grew up. Sylvia, The birthday child then introduced me to Renate, her best friend, who was for a good 18 years younger than she was.

She was also really sharp, wore a skin -tight, black stretch dress, had a little melting, but well. Beautiful long legs, hot crackpo and in the dress 2 really lush bells through the area, which in turn continued to cause unrest in my pants. Finally we had imagined and the afternoon slowly took shape. There was tea and cakes, which was not my case in terms of drinking technology. So after the first cup I asked you to open the good sparkling wine so that we could really celebrate.

At first she indicated that she wanted to do without it, but Renate did a conviction and how she grinned at Sylvia, made me look expectantly, which would soon be possible. Seriously, I was not only keen on Sylvia, no, too, Renate would have been full of my case. The sparkling wine was really well received by both ladies and so another bottle was quickly beheaded. I drank little, the two women let themselves be really fully run.

After a good 30 minutes I not only recognized the keeping of the two, but also from their talk that the alcohol had an effect. I waited for a moment, but then I couldn’t control myself anymore. Without I was initiated, Renate had leaned against me and felled something in my ear. “Like Sylvia in this dress ? You should see her without a dress, you would definitely like that too.

“Of course I hoped that, but somehow I wasn’t prepared for it, while Sylvia continued to cante. I couldn’t ask the birthday child whether it would strip for both of us. Renate recognized that and then simply did it. She said to Sylvia: “Come on, take your way out and show what you have on underneath. I’ll do it then and then let’s see what Sven says about it.

“I had just interrogated ? Renate really wants the birthday child to strip ? Without words, music suddenly sounded and Sylvia had risen. Completely cool and sexy started to dance and from behind she looked sharp. It actually appeared to be working on the closure of her dress. I hadn’t expected that, but now enjoyed the sight correctly and waited for what could happen now.

In fact, Sylvia, the hot 50-year-old host, had opened the sexy dress and let it fall hornier and slowly to the ground. I already saw her almost naked, she was only wearing the high chopes and a hot, red string tanga that emphasized her cracking butt. Wow, what a view. Then she turned and grinned very excitedly and horny in our direction. Yes, as you can see, she wasn’t really pretty, but what big, plump tits.

It quickly became clear to me that the breast was not real, but what the point, these horns looked fantastic and the nipples were rock hard. She then showed herself from all sides and was cheered on by Renate and me. Then she should show even more without pulling out completely. She pulled a show off very horny, then sat on the chair and spread the long legs. My eyes now went full of this hot, red panties and then she said ice cold: “Sven, you want to see more ? Then I also want to see what you have in your pants.

“Should I really do it, get my best piece out of my pants and show her what a long device I had ? Actually it was exactly what I always wanted, but I had inhibitions because I wasn’t alone with her, Renate sat next to me. The next saying by Renate was very violent. “Well sven, that are 2 wonderfully plump tits, you don’t find ?“I could only nod and stared at this wonderfully thick things.

Yes, I wanted to see more, got up, opened my pants stable, entered and saw how both Sylvia and Renate stared on my hand expectantly and waited what I would get out of now. I got mine tail out of here. The words got stuck in the throat of the two women, both of them stared on my long penis and Renate then said: “Wow, he looks horny, I would like to see it stiff. “Now I had his say and said to the two ladies:“ You can see my penis both stiffly.

I want to show the Sylvia even more of herself, but then Renate should also strip. Sylvia then puts on me almost naked the couch And then I will pull out my pants and you can examine my pipe. What the day will bring, we will see. “Renate agreed and Sylvia began to continue to stage horny, wiggle her breasts around, let me get air kisses and then said:“ Sven before I spread my legs and my panties in the groovepull, I want to touch your beautiful penis.

“I got up, away from Renate and went 2 meters away to Sylvia. She took another deep sip of sparkling wine from the glass, then put it aside, stretched out her hand and then actually gently and tenderly stroked my lout. Thank God he remained in the beautiful, long state without becoming hard. She touched my cock, my glans and mine Egg. It was a dream. Then I left her, sat down to Renate and waited excited about what should follow now.

And then she did it and I risked a look. Yes madness, Sylvia was shaved, stretched out her bags with horny, spread the long legs and pulled the string panties into the crack. Then she said that now Renate should do something. Sylvia got up and grazed her string completely. She was now very naked, Renate and they exchanged the seats and so the hostess was sitting naked next to me on the couch.

Renate chose another music direction, a little pop. Then she started dancing for Sylvia and me and I was already seeing her lavish breasts moved. Yes, Renate could dance when I wanted her to slip out of the dress and show us both of them what is underneath, I should first pull out the pants. I did it because I had no problem with that. So I sat down without the bare 50-year-old Sylvia, whose breast was galactically awesome.

And Renate, which was really going on. Her gaze was my lout, which was now slowly harder and developed into a pipe. After she was going on the black stretch dress, I couldn’t get myself anymore. Red hot straps underwear was worn, my cock grew bigger and harder and I already felt my hand from the birthday child on my thigh, slowly but reasonable to control my pipe. Now the bra was on and after the way was, there was no stopping for my cock.

Herje, were the 2 beautiful, big and of course horny tits that were in front of my eyes to wiggle, dance and even began to jump. The Nipple Steinhart, just like my beating now and the hand of Sylvia, approached my pipe more and more, was only a few centimeters away. Then Sylvia Renate started and said: “Go now, out of the string, Sven definitely wants to see you naked too. “And she did it.

Exactly the moment Renate was going and showing everything, looking at me and horny with the breast, exactly at that moment I felt how my hard noodle was touched and stroked by Sylvia. Renate was no longer to be kept, looked closely and horny what Sylvia did for me and let the tits jump even more. But then Sylvia let go of my crossbar and I was proud of my device towards Renate from routes.

With this wonderful sight, she almost couldn’t get anywhere and then said that she wanted to touch it sometimes. A few seconds later, Renate massaged my lance, I touched and stroked this horny naked Knackpo and finally fed manually, no also suckingly sucking in her horny breasts. A little later I heard Renate to Sylvia say: “I will blow it really cool and then you will finally get a real fuck again. Today is your birthday, please let yourself be pampered, from this piston.

“I looked at Sylvia, who smiled nod to me and felt how it got warm on my glans. Sylvia then looked at what Renate did, tore his eyes open and screamed: “Yeah, blas one !“Renate then did my mouth for 2 minutes, while I couldn’t leave her bare tits and her hot ass. Then she stopped, I got up and Sylvia leaned in front of my eyes, wide -legged towards the couch.

I stood behind this woman, put on, aimed and called: “Again my warmest congratulations, Sylvia. “The next moment I rammed her fully horny my tight straps into the cunt, she screamed and clawed on the couch. Then I got it to my nice neighbor while Renate was looking at and very horny spanked my ass. I grabbed Sylvia on the pelvis and rammed her Holmenkolm into the horny cunt hole until my body slammed against her ass.

It was absolute madness, that’s exactly what I wanted to do with her for a long time. She was in 7. Heaven and let himself get through until after a good 3 minutes of wild birds to a violent orgasm Came that I splashed her over the half back and the whole ass. To my surprise, I was also able to see how Renate licked my juice from the bare body of her best friend, also full of the ass.

Then she slapped my noodle clean and said quietly to me: “You give me your phone number afterwards, I want you to be aware of me too. “We then spent the rest of the birthday as normal, at least almost. The women stayed as naked as they were and I didn’t miss it to be naked either. Around 5:00 p.m. Sylvia was so dense that Renate and I brought her to bed naked naked.

How Sylvia was so naked, with these two false balls, my beating up again and Renate then blown one in front of Sylvia. Shortly before it came to me, she stopped, jerked my crossbar and aimed with my pipe on Sylvia’s fat things. I actually came back. It wasn’t as much as a few hours ago, but it was enough to wet both balls. Then we left Sylvia back alone, Renate slipped into her dress almost naked, handed me her hot panties and said: “You bring me back to our next meeting.

“I wrote down my number to her, gave her the address and since then we meet and almost a week to be called sex games. Renate is such a hot device that still brings me to the mind. And Sylvia, who also knows what happened on her birthday, but she said that it was fine, she urgently needed her such a fuck. I had no sex with her anymore, she can blow every now and then and I get her tits, but she likes it when I inject her on the bells.

Renate, on the other hand, always wants it deep and hard, both in the cunt, as well as in the ass and between the tits. What 2 hot friends.

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