Andrea: Horny and greedy | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Oh, there is Andrea.“I immediately woke up and hoped that it was this specific Andrea. The tone of my girlfriend obviously indicated this. We lay at the lake and enjoyed the few really good sunny day of this year. My girlfriend annoyed that her work colleague Andrea had discovered us and now came up to us.

Andrea was not very popular with women, which was because she liked to flirt violently with men who were in firm hands.

Also in some men she was unpopular because she was considered spoiled in terms of her taste and demands and had already flashed some men in a rather violent way. Although I hardly knew her until then, I thought that she could afford these high demands, because she just looked extremely sharp. I realized her when she came to us with her provocatively short dress.

A very beautiful face with cool blue eyes, long slim legs and a not too big, but firm breasts came closer and closer to us.

Already at the first words as a greeting, she gave me a few versatile looks and looked at my body, which was totally sweaty of jogging. Sabine, my girlfriend hoped to get rid of Andrea soon through her moderately friendly greeting, but she apparently had already identified me as a flirting victim and sat on a towel next to us.
During the usual conversations of the girls about her work, I noticed that she had sat down so that I could look between her legs under her short dress. I also did it, but tried not to excite my friend’s suspicion. I noticed that Andreas was not accidental by accident.

At times I could hardly turn my gaze from the narrow piece of black fabric that I saw between her long thighs, but I also remembered the sayings that I had heard of work colleagues on a party: “Oh, the Andrea, ..

It’s a totally horny woman, but only makes the men sharp.“Or:“ It only wants that you run around with a latte, but does not let any.“Or:“ No wonder that she doesn’t have a friend.“All of this matched now and I took care of it as much as she made me not to be such a victim.

As far as my jealous girlfriend allowed, I scolded Andrea unacided between my legs and also tried to meet her with arrogant appearance. Despite everything, erotic sparks between us and she too was now looking for the slight exploitation in my tight running trousers with her eyes more and more often. “We want to go home now,” interrupted Sabine, who apparently could not endure Andrea’s presence.

“Are you here again tomorrow?“Then she asked me more than Sabine when we put our towels together. “I am almost every evening after work here.“In doing so, she looked at my body with attentive looks. “Tomorrow I have to work for a long time,” defended Sabineab, “but maybe the day after tomorrow.“This made the decision for me. It was unfair to Sabine, but I had to test what the sharp Andrea was capable of, so I decided to be back the next afternoon.

Fortunately, Sabine had no mistrust when we were on the way home. Apart from the usual criticism of Andrea, she had not noticed anything.

At four on the sea team I was back at the lake at four and it didn’t take a quarter of an hour before she arrived at the “agreed” position. “Hello. Well, today alone here.“Again she was dressed excitingly and sat down again as well as the day before.

Her intentions were clear and I also made no secret of my interests, but immediately looked at the appetizing area. Our conversation immediately went into flirting lanes, whereby we were lurking with mutual inquiries. Apparently she decided to irritate me a little more, because she now put on her bikini in such a way that she first took off her panties under the dress, threw it into her basket and then put her bikini base.

Of course she was so clever not to show anyone else on the lake of her body, but if I had made an effort, I would have been able to look between her legs during the changing room.

On the other hand, I played the gentleman and demonstratively looked at the lake, as it belonged. Only when she exchanged her bra for the bikinio report, I looked over briefly and saw her left chest with a clearly erected nipple. “Oh, it’s cold to you,” I asked with an ironic undertone. She smiled confidently, because now she knew that she had lured me.

“No, on the contrary, I sweat all over the body.“This statement was also a pure provocation and as much as I loved to participate, I wanted to disturb your arrogance now.
“You are already known for it, make other men sharp.”” So who says something like that?“Her eyes flashed.

“Oh, I know some who have already had the experience with you,” I replied mysteriously. “I can’t help if you gift me. So I don’t have to do something with everyone.“Now she played the innocent? I had to get more out of her.

“Well, the men heat up is not a problem. I just wonder if you are really as hot as the others assume or whether you get afraid when it gets serious.“Of course it was a relatively clumsy challenge and I didn’t expect it to talk about it, but it was worth a try to me. “Until now, nobody has dared to get serious.“With these words, she stretched her legs in my direction and came dangerously close to my half -tired tail.

At the same time, she spread her legs a little more and gave me the opportunity to look between her legs.

The strip of fabric in between was very narrow and I saw that she had to be freshly shaved there and on her legs.
“But I heard it differently,” I contradicted her and thought of the stories of a work college. “So if you mean the Volker. The one with his bullet body had actually believed that he could do something with me.“Her voice sounded contemptuous when she spoke of the“ poor Volker ’and I had the picture in front of me how peoples struck her body on a party and then got a strong slap in front of the others. When I did not respond to her statement, she continued: “But if an attractive guy wants something from me, then I can already be hot.“It was an unexpectedly open statement and I wondered if that was an invitation for me.

I risked it now: “Provide it to me.“It was an invitation;I saw that from her look.

Nevertheless, she kept playing. “Who says you are the attractive guy for whom I get hot?“I was now in danger of flashing off with an incorrect action. If I would show afraid now, I was lost. The whole thing was almost like a fight between us.

“Because you are already looking at my body and look at my pants both yesterday and today.“I was honest and said what was” secret “between us so far. Andrea was obviously amazed, but she quickly had a grip again. “I only looked there to see what an effect on you. And I apparently have it, because you have “ne quite erection.“Another superior smile.

Now she wanted to shock me with this openness. “But how do you know if I find you attractive?“She continued.

I had to keep my nerve now. “This is a little more difficult to determine in women than in men, but if you let me, I can tell you right away.“Her eyes flashed and she smiled again. For a moment she seemed to be thinking, then moved to my towel and whispered: “I let you.“That was almost the proof.

She not only played, it was really sharp. How sharp, I would get out in the next half hour. Now, however, I put my hand on her thigh and slowly pushed it up.

We kept fixed Contact With the eyes and for a moment I feared that I was also slap in the face, but her eyes clearly showed the excitement.

With somewhat shaky fingers I reached the fabric of the bikinis and stroked it with my hand over it. She still showed no reaction, except that she breathed a little faster. Her eyes waited and she was lurking on my weakness I carefully pushed one and then the second finger in the leg neckline of her bikini panties. Her eyes flashed again and she moved around on her butt.

I keep pushed my finger on and felt her pubic hair.

Fortunately, she hadn’t completely shaved. I pushed my finger up another centimeter and then I felt her wet. It was hot and slippery between her legs and I was surprised that the fabric did not look damp from the outside. That was probably due to the double layer of fabric between her legs.

Now she breathed even more violently and moved up a piece of my finger, so I now felt her swollen labia. I immediately pushed my fingers a bit higher and rubbed over her excited clit a few times. Andrea groaned and had closed his eyes. I would have loved to continue, but on the one hand we were surrounded by people and on the other hand I did not consider our game to be over yet.

Disappointed, but dominated, she looked at me when I pulled my fingers out of her panties. I kept both fingers that were now shining wet. “You find myself attractive,” I called out quietly and imitated a triumphant tone. “Now you have to prove to me what hot, wild things do,” I asked them.

Still with a confident look she replied to me: “Everything a man wants. However, he also has to do things for me that I want.”” At first I’m on my turn, “I made it clear,” you have to prove something now.“Her gaze was still very confident. Apparently she really wasn’t afraid of these games. “Sure, what should I do?“Her voice was snappy and signaled that she was ready for almost everything.

I didn’t have to think long: “Let’s go to your car. I want you to blow me one there.“For a moment, security gave way from her eyes, but she remembered her statement. “In the parking lot?“Was your only objection. “Sure” I replied.

Of course I didn’t want to be observed by all over the world either, on the other hand we were sitting at the lake for a while and most cars were already gone at this time.

In the car on the way to car, I had trouble hiding the bay in my pants. Andrea no nasty gave himself, but even took a few steps in front of me and wobbled with her butt. When she looked at me, I recognized a certain contradiction in her face. On the one hand, she knew that she had babled a man again with her incentive manner, on the other hand it was something like genus that she would be mastered this time, even if in this subtle way.

It was I who had now put her in the forced to do so by not scoring her escapades. However, I also felt a certain uncertainty in myself, because I didn’t know to what extent I should dominate it later.

However, one thing was clear: she was not a woman who was only allowed to give reins for a short affair – she would take advantage of her advantage immediately. At the car she first closed my passenger door and then wanted to go to her side, but I held her tight.

Without words we fell into a wild, passionate kiss that was also led like a kind of fight. Our tongues played around wildly and with a lot of saliva and everyone tried to master the mouth and lips of the other. I loosened the kiss and found the transition to continue our game. She understood, but when we were in the car Sitting side by side, they seemed to hesitate.

“There are still people back there,” she noticed when she discovered a family who packed her car a few meters next to us.

“Start” I commanded. “Nobody will see us.“She still hesitated. “Or were that only empty promises earlier?“I grinned with this provocation because I knew she was too proud to put it on now. The next moment she had bent over my lap and pulled my running trousers down.

My cock jumped out and aimed at her face. Without hesitation, she pushed her mouth over it and started massaging him with her lips and tongue. “Uh, you do it well,” I praised her and said that too, because she really seemed to have a lot of practice in it. She used a lot of saliva and sipped very loudly, which also excited me.

Suddenly she stopped and grabbed her hand to pull her panties out of her basket.

She gave it to me and looked into my eyes. “Hopefully you warn me. I don’t intend to keep you in your mouth until the end.“In her voice, a determining undertone sounded, but also the declaration of fighting again.

The statement was: I do it with my mouth, but don’t let you humiliate me. Without words I pressed her head tenderly but definitely back. I hadn’t thought about it yet, but now I saw it as a further fighting point between us after her request. The thought that not to warn her excited me and I now hoped that they would not twitch that mine is mine orgasm announced, would feel.

At that moment everything went very quickly.

Without I had brought out a moan, a strong beam shot sperm From my tail and in Andrea’s mouth. She couldn’t react so quickly, but a second later I heard her grum and pulled her head away. The second ray shot out and hit her nose and the locked mouth, only then she had her head out of the fire line and the next dashes flew on my stomach in the high arc on my stomach and my pants. She still kept my cock at the root, but her angry look met me.

“You pig” she hissed out, but her tone was not as angered as I suspected. Rather, an excited sub-tone swung along and I was sure that she was totally excited about this “defeat. She fell on me.

“A man has never sprayed my face,” she scolded, but instead of starting on me, she kissed me like senses and smeared my sperm between our mouths. She pushed one leg over me and now crouched over my cock.

“Fuck me now” she groaned. “You made me so horny.“She rubbed her pussi over my still twitching cock. Now only the fabric of her bikinis separated us. Exhausted from the orgasm I did not immediately see myself able to fuck her, but I pushed my hand into her bikini panties from above.

I felt her wet between her legs. I have rarely experienced a woman who was so wet between the legs. What was a wet area earlier was now soaked by her excitingly fragrant juice. I rubbed my finger over her slippery clit and the swollen labia.

Andrea groaned loudly that she wanted to have my cock now, but on the one hand I was unable to do so and on the other hand it was not willing to fulfill this wish immediately. Still a hand on her pussi I pushed her down and back to your seat from me.

“Leave me” a break “I gasped exhausted. But her gaze told me that she couldn’t wait now. However, I still had to show strength without letting her out of her excitement.

“You are not yet ready to prove to me how hot you are,” I whispered in her ear and pushed a finger between her labia. “I want you to do it yourself now and I’ll watch you.“When I was asked, I wiped the sperm residues from my face and my panties with her panties, but kept an eye on her. She looked at me incredulously and didn’t seem to believe that I was driving the game with her. So far, the men seemed to have always been to feet and did everything to get between her legs, but I also knew that the current experience was good, and especially our affair.

She was too heated to contradict me.

When she raised her butt to roam her panties, I interrupted her. “No, I want you to keep the bikini on” I demanded. Again she hesitated, but then sat on the seat wide, so I could look between her legs. The double layer of fabric between her legs was now completely soaked and shimmered dark and shiny.

She put two fingers of her right hand on it and began to massage with circular movements. Although I found this sight very erotic, our eyes met with deep eyes now. The fight was still to be recognized in her eyes and at the same time it was an expression like “You won this round, but there is revenge’.

Shortly thereafter, however, this expression gave way to her excitement and she closed her eyes.

The circular movements of her fingers became faster and that of other hand went to her chest, where she kneaded her erected nipple through the bikinistoff. This whole sight excited me very much, but I struggled to hide that. I would be too happy with my cock that had become stiffly stiff, suffered between her labia, but I had to hold back. On the other hand, I knew that this affair would still have a lot ready for me.

Andrea’s breath got faster and she approached her orgasm in a few seconds.

Her whole body cramped and she groaned loudly and long -lasting, while she only presses her hand firmly against the soaked fabric of the bikini panties. After two minutes everything was over. The only change was: it was exhausted and satisfied and I was totally excited. Andrea recognized the situation and this time she wanted to keep the upper hand.

She looked at her watch. “Oh, I have to go to the gym now. It’s a shame that I can no longer feel your cock in me anymore.“It was a lie. She was too matt now to continue, but now she wanted to hold me down.

I was not allowed to lose my attitude now and although my cock spoke a different language, I remained cool. “O.K. When will we meet again?“Actually, I expected an answer that it will only continue in the next few days, but she too was apparently curious about the continuation of the game.

“You can pick me up at the gym at half past two.“With these words she roamed her panties and held the fragrant fabric directly in front of my nose. I took it on her hand and sniffed what apparently liked her.

“O.K., I replied halfway up to ten, and got out of the car. When I went to my bike, I saw how she drove away. She had only stripped her dress and excited me that she was sitting on the seat with her bare butt and dripping pussi. Let’s see what the evening brings.

In the gym I was already in the gym in the gym.

This was mainly due to the fact that since we had separated in the late afternoon, I was totally sharp on her and now hoped to move her to continue our afternoon game. On the other hand, of course, I had to be careful not to look too greedily on her, otherwise she would certainly take advantage of this advantage. I also had sports things and went through the studio to search for her. I saw her in a corner of the studio and noticed three men in their area, who all gave the impression to flirt with her.

She visibly enjoyed it with them constantly with them. So that was the reason why she also went to a gym in such a weather – admiring men’s eyes feel. To help the whole, she had dressed accordingly. Everything she was wearing was a black, one-piece body guitar that was cut so cleverly that he skilfully staged her little breasts and also highlighted her well-rounded, crisp butt.

From my distance to her, I thought to recognize that she was not wearing a slip underneath, which was not surprising to me either.

In contrast to the men they opened up with their eyes, they trained almost without interruption and only gave the men as much attention as necessary to keep them on the rod. At the end of her training, it was already a quarter to nine, she sat on the bike – ergometer and stepped hard into the pedals. I approached her from behind, ignored the other men and kissed her on the shoulder from behind. She was startled, but then smiled at me and kissed me on my mouth without quitting kicking.

She sweated strongly and the smell and her welded body excited me. “I wanted to train for ten minutes,” she said, slightly out of breath. Obviously she wanted to let me wait, but I ignored her answer and whispered in her ear, so that the others could not hear it: “I want to lick you after training, here in the changing room.”

Her eyes flashed me, but she didn’t contradict, but kissed me again. The men moved away from us and so I was talking a little louder: “After that I will fuck you, also in the changing room.”” O.K., I just don’t want to be caught here.

If the changing room is empty after showering, I’ll wave you in.“I wanted to dictate the process of the whole:“ I don’t want you to shower. I want you as you are now.“Her eyes flashed again. “Without showering me?“She smiled challenging. Apparently she liked the thought.

We kissed again and then I went to one of the devices near the doors to the ladies’ cladding. Thanks to the weather and the time, it was also very empty in the gym and I saw good chances to be alone with her for half an hour.

When they passed me to me ten minutes later, I had trouble hiding my erection of anticipation. Hardly anyone was in the studio and a quick look was enough to make sure that no other woman would follow me immediately. I stepped into the room for a few seconds after Andrea and she was already waiting for me to lean on a locker cabinet.

Without further words I went to my knees in front of her and pressed my mouth on the thin gymnastics fabric that covered her pussi. Immediately I was almost insane of the exciting fragrance, a mixture of sweat and excitement that I breathed in there.

I licked over the fabric, which certainly not only totally wet on her pussi. Andrea spread his legs and put her hand on my back head to increase the pressure.

I rubbed my tongue more and more intensely over the fabric and now had the feeling that the juice would penetrate her pussi directly through the fabric. She had now struck the suit from her shoulders and obviously wanted to move out, but it excited me so much to lick her through the thin material so that I didn’t allow it to. Her moans now got louder and she almost whimpered that she now urgently needed my cock, but although I was so excited, I still had enough control over me.

Certainly I would not have needed thirty seconds in my condition until orgasm and I wanted to enjoy it longer tonight.

However, I gave up a little by her floating by pushing my hand into the leg neckline of the body’s and two fingers into her dripping column. Andrea Jokee and rotated with her hips to strengthen contact with my fingers. She quickly approached her orgasm. I felt that that she was getting even wetter and now even ran her juices along my fingers and my hand.

I too was getting hotter, which was also due to the fact that her female fragrance has now become even more intense.

Just when I thought about taking her standing up, her muffled screams came and she flinched so violently that I had to support her with my free hand. Nevertheless, I didn’t stop pushing my fingers into it and licking the tip of the tongue over her clit. It was only when she slowly calmed down that I pulled out my fingers and pressed my face on her dripping pussi one last time. She was still breathing quickly and I got up to kiss her now.

Her eyes sparkled me and she licked over my face, as if she wanted to lick her juice from my skin. I now pressed my cock against her. Only a few layers of fabric separated us. Once her gymnastics body, then my running pants and my underpants.

With a safe handle, her hand went to the bump in my pants and she massaged me with firm pressure. She didn’t make the impression on me as if she was exhausted by her orgasm, because her eyes sparkled me horny. I realized that despite the several erotic scenes, we had not yet fucked together and I now had the urgent need to catch up. “Uh, I’m so horny,” she groaned, “Get your cock out now.“Before I could do anything, she had already torn my pants down and looked at my protruding tail.

I continued to press my hand firmly on the fabric between her legs, which she heated up even more. I was sure that I would push my cock into her in a few seconds.

However, just the moment when I wanted to pull her gymnastics body down, she kept my hand firmly pressed between her legs. Her eyes looked at me deeply, she just gasped. Then she leaned forward to push her tongue into my mouth and we kissed greedily.

I thought that was a tactic of her, but then she whispered in my ear with an excited voice: “I’m so horny – I’ll pee over your hand now.“Before I could react, in addition to the wet between her legs, I felt even more warm liquid that flowed through the thin fabric of her suit. I am truly not a friend of such things, but the whole situation was so heated that this dirty ’action by Andrea almost brought me to my mind. I held my hand where it was and rubbed only a few times over the now wetter fabric, which Andrea acknowledged with even more violent hip movements.

Now there was no stopping for me. I tore the fabric between her legs aside, lifted her leg and the next moment I pushed my cock between her wet labia.

Andrea gasped again loudly and pushed towards me with her hips. For a real fuck, however, I was too heated up and gasped in her ear that I would come soon. “Don’t spray in me,” she panted her. “Pull him out when you come.

I want to see you inject you.“As much as I would have stayed in her. In this state I was unable to resist her and the next moment I moved a step back so that my cock slipped out of her with a smacking sound.

Immediately she was with her hand to rub it, but that was unnecessary, because my stomach was already cramped and the first ray shot in a high arc against the black fabric at the level of her chest. The next splash landed in abdominal height and Andrea rubbed the greasy sperm on the fabric.

I still felt strong enough and my cock was still steep from my body. So I took her, turned it over so that she could support herself with her hands on the locker cuts. I tore down the fabric with feverish movements and looked at her hot ass for a short moment, which she stretched out to me with voluptuous movements. I didn’t lose time, but pushed my cock between her wet labia from behind.

“Uuhh, Yeah, fuck me with your big cock,” she stitched me up and rocked towards me so that her cheeks clapped against me. We immediately took up a heated rhythm and I included her breasts from behind to massage them with a firm handle. Every now and then she turned her head to push her tongue into my mouth or to stare even more with hot words.

As exciting as it was;Suddenly I felt a mattness in me. Certainly the consequence of the violent orgasm ’shortly before.

I feared that my tail could become limp and even said that I have already lost a little hardness. I didn’t want to show this weakness towards Andrea and so I had to come up with something. Besides, I hadn’t taken care of her exciting butt as I was going to do it. So I pulled my cock out of her and got back to her knees to look at her perfectly rounded ass.

Andrea became restless and asked me to finally continue to be to be found, but instead of an answer I licked her wet pussi from behind and kneaded the elastic meat of her pob.

That seemed to be enough for her to compensate for the moment, because she immediately pushed her butt towards me. Through this little “break’ I felt how I came back to strength and was about to get up again to continue to look when we heard noises at the door of the changing room. We separated from each other and hid behind the door to the shower. Apparently these were the cleaning women and so we had to interrupt our game here.

Fortunately, I was able to disappear from the women’s changing room in an unexpected moment and then waited in the car for Andrea, who still wanted to take a shower in peace. We agreed not to drive it in any public places today, but to drive to it.

Andrea was very restless at her home. For one thing, it was the fright in the gym, where they knew some people, almost caught To have been, at the other hand it was still horny by our number that we had to interrupt. She continuously stroked her hand over the bump in my pants and slipped back and forth with her butt on the seat with her butt.

Finally I was in her apartment, however, who fell over her. Already in the hallway I pushed her face against the wall, knelt me behind her again and pulled her panties down to my knees. Andrea willingly spread his legs, as far as the panties were the permissive and greedily awaited my tongue. First, however, I gently bit into her buttocks, kneaded and spread she.

When she asked me impatiently to finally lick her, I pushed my tongue into her pussi from behind as deep as possible. She hadn’t expected it so quickly and gasped loudly, as if she is about to orgasm. In this state I wanted to keep her even longer. So I pulled my tongue back, leaned even deeper and licked my tongue tip over her swollen clit.

Although she had just showered and dried, her juice ran over my face again and I enjoyed the delicious aroma.

After I kept her in this state for a while, I got up, pulled my pants down a bit and put me so close behind her that I pressed my stick -hard tail against her butt. “Should I push my cock into your wet pussi?“I breathed in her ear from behind. “Uuhh Jaahh” she groaned and pushed her butt against me. “Or should I rather lick you a little more?“I held her down.

“No, fuck me now.“I would have loved to give in, but I wanted to win some time now. I knew that I would get an orgasm too quickly if I was in it. “It’s a shame that you showered,” I continued. “Your sweat and the fragrance from yours pussy made me even hornier when licking.”

She purred ’compliment with this spoiled.

Apparently it was her taste. “I hope you are now going to sweat me again.”” You can rely on that “I replied to her. “And the next time I cum, you will see that you have showered for free.“She laughed in an upset. “It turns on to fully squirt me, hm? You like to see it when I rub your sperm on my skin or, as before, on my suit?”” Or in your face “I added it.

Now we got even more in the mood with words. In addition to the close contact of our bodies, only our imagination was in the game.

“Yeah, I want you to splash my face again afterwards,” she said and closed his eyes in this thought. Immediately I had to think of her statement from a few hours ago and how much she now, since she was going, deviated from it. I stayed with it just to add words to words.

“Yes, first I’ll watch you again how you do it yourself and then I put my cock in your mouth and injection off.“In these words I put the middle finger of my right hand in her mouth and she licked him as if it were my cock. “After that I want you to kneel up” I continued “and then I’ll lick you from behind again – until my cock is hard again and I can push it straight again.”

In these words I pulled my finger out of her mouth and gently pushed it between her ass cheeks. Andrea groaned surprised. Her breath went even faster and I pushed my finger up to the second joint between her tight ass cheeks.

“Ohh, you make me so horny,” she almost shouted now. “Finally fuck me, fuck me right through.“I obeyed and pushed my cock between her legs from behind. She was so wet that her juice already ran down on the inside of her thighs. Without effort I pushed my cocks between her swollen labia, rubbed back and forth a few times and then pushed hard.

“Yes, do it to me, bang me even harder” she demanded. As I would have liked to want. I was so excited that I had hosed down within five seconds, but I still attracted me to do the idea of doing the things I had just whispered in her ear.

“Come on, we’re going to your bedroom,” I asked her after I jerked my cock from her. Andrea actually wanted to continue with the fuck, but she still led me into her bedroom without grumbling.

“Lay on the bed and do it with your hands” I ordered her. “Make me horny.“The last sentence was actually superfluous, because I was already cool enough, but I now used the words that it apparently, just like me, was based on such expressions. Immediately she threw herself on the bed, pulled out the panties and pushed her right hand between her legs. With her left hand, she pulled down the wearer of her dress and blew her chest.

“Yes, look at me” she breathed.

“Can you see how cool I am? How wet is mypussi?“It rubbed with heated movements now, so that it caused smacking noises. “You would definitely like to put your cock into me now, right?“She lured me. “Or do you prefer to lick me a little more? Hm, if I think about it – I would rather feel your tongue in my pussi.“I was almost about to fall on her. “Should I kneel down.

You like to lick me from behind, hm? I can also extend my ass and if you want to make me particularly horny, you have to push your finger in me.“It was just incredible how sharp she made me with her words. With a quick movement she turned around, knelt down and teased her butt in my direction.

Her hand drove down and I saw her fingers slid between her labia. She had turned her head to the side on the pillow and moaned.

“Come on” she groaned, “Lick me finally. Put your tongue in me.“I could hardly move, my cock was so hard when I knelt on the bed behind her. Her fragrance was so beguiling that I pressed my whole mouth on her excited pussi and immediately began to suck her wildly. Her fingers did not stop and supported my tongue in the massage of your clit.

It was so far with her orgasm and I pulled my face back to move to her head. There I knelt out of her again. “Here, suck my cock” I ordered her. “I want to inject your face when you come.“This announcement made her horny and she immediately pushed her mouth over my cock to suck me like a wild one.

“You like to suck cocks and then let everything inject, hm?“I fired them even more.

She groaned for confirmation without stopping bubbles. “I will also inject on your breasts and I don’t want you to slow down afterwards,” I put it on it, but I doubted that she heard it, because her orgasm was used and she groaned almost without interruption. That also triggered the climax for me. I clutched my cock by hand and pointed the tip on her face.

Although my last orgasm was not too long ago, I splashed seven or eight times in her face and on her breasts. She looked as if she had been covered with splashes of icing. The whole thing kept her on tours that her orgasm had stopped for several minutes and she kept taking my cock in her mouth and at the end the last drops licked it off. After that we were both so exhausted that we fell on the bed and fell asleep.

I pushed the thoughts of Sabine, who was waiting for me at home. I felt like I was able to have a little fun here.

I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to go to the toilet. Before I went, I threw a look at Andrea and saw her lying on my stomach with slightly spread legs. Immediately there was something with me again.

I carefully knelt on the bed and kissed on her buttocks. Her labia now, of course, didn’t look as excited as before and I kissed her there too. Her fragrance immediately encouraged me to drive the tongue tip over the tender meat. Andrea groaned something, but apparently was still in her sleep.

I spread your legs gently and now I was able to drive my clit with my tip of the tongue. That apparently had an effect on her because it was immediately wet.

This discovery made me horny she was not only when she was awake immediately dripping wet, no, even when she slept, she reacted like that. Or only stood asleep? No matter, I pushed my index finger into her already slippery pussi and gently moved it back and forth.

Then I looked at her wonderfully rounded butt and I remembered that I hadn’t paid enough to him yet. I pulled her buttocks apart and, although I am not a pronounced anal fetishist, pushed my wet index finger between the buttocks. Andrea twitched lightly and also snorted something. I still had the impression that she was not really awake yet and so I continued to irritate her tight back entrance and at the same time put two fingers into her pussi.

Her juice dripped over my fingers and I leaned down to lick it. Now her body cramped and she groaned loudly. “Uuhh Jaahh, Jaahh, Mmh, do it to me,” she murmured, sometimes still drunk, some of them. I moved my fingers faster and faster now, while at the same time I stroked the tip of the tongue a few times over their clit.

“Yes, come, put your finger in my ass,” she tends and lifted her butt to come to meet me.

A short moment later she had reached an orgasm again and cramped on the bed. Her inner muscles kept my fingers in her two openings and only a few minutes later she relaxed, but remained exhausted. This act had deeply excited me, but I was afraid of throwing myself on it and also giving me satisfaction. Somehow I like it a lot more, even if the woman is active, but I couldn’t expect that at the moment.

Although I was sure that she would catch fire very quickly, I decided to go to the toilet first. Then I would shower cold and then wait the morning. I was sure that she would retire.

However, when I stood on the cloister and pee I heard steps and was happy that she was not so tired to fall asleep again.

She came to me in the bathroom and stood behind me, just when I had pee the last drops. “Men always shake afterwards,” she commented and from behind she caught my limp, which had become limp again. She shook as men would do, but her grip on my cock was a bit firmer and almost had the character of a massage. Immediately my cock came to life again and filled with blood.

“You have a really nice cock” came her compliment with seductive undertone.

“And so thick veins on it. I think I would have liked to feel it in me, but you apparently didn’t treat him to it.““ Hm, on me you have made it impressive as if you were doing without him. At least you moaned “. “Can already be,” she replied, “but if I think about it now, I would also like to feel what it is like if you fuck me in the ass.“Wow, she was really direct.

On the other hand, I was sure that she had done it as little as I did so far. In fact, she probably only used this imagination to. Now, without letting go of my cock, she led me in front of the large bathroom mirror and saw, still standing behind me, about mine. “Feel how wet I’ve gotten back to the thought.

I almost run down my feet.“She took my hand and pushed her between her thighs. It was right, her pussi was soaking wet and I stroked her carefully cut, dense triangle with the back of the hand. She rubbed herself against my hand and I also felt her excited nipples on my back. “I think I have not yet gotten as wet with you as with you,” she whispered in my ear and began to rub my cock with her slim fingers.

“When I think about what you have done to me for dirty things in the past few hours, then my clit becomes very hard.“In a few seconds, she managed to get my cock to full hardness. “You licked me so well,” she purred “and then healed me so that I peeled you over my hand .. .“They were dirty things, but they didn’t do them with her, but did them with me. No matter, I didn’t want to contradict her in such a situation.

“And then you licked me again and then sprayed everything in my mouth,” she breathed and licked over the lips as if there were still traces of it.

The movements of her hand on my cock got faster and faster and her grip. However, I was still in my senses. Still. Now she drove her hand between her legs and made her fingers smoothly with her rich moisture to rub my tail a moment later.

“So I will make your cock slippery if I want you to push it between my buttocks. You would do that, or?“Her hand movements became even more sophisticated and it was horny that my cock was now slippery from her cunt juice.

“And if you have fucked me like this long enough, I want you to spray it on my ass cheeks and ward me on it afterwards. With your tail.“Her voice became more and more seductive, increasingly dirty. I had to concentrate strongly if I wanted to delay the inevitable orgasm.

Andrea, however, seemed will to create me right now. “A huge fountain will spray out of your cock right away. Uuhh, it makes me horny when I think about how he twitches in my hand.“I already felt how it was slowly climbing me.

“It turns you to be waxed by me, hm? Here in the bathroom, in front of the mirror.“Yes, it started and in two seconds the sperm would shoot out of me.

I closed my eyes. “Come on, spray, jerk off in my hand. Yes, yeah, I will see it, uuhh.“Your cheering was no longer necessary. My legs almost bent away, my orgasm was so violent.

Andrea kept rubbing on my cock and whispering sours in my ear. Even when I came back to your mind, her hand drove up and down on my cock. I was totally done, but she was on fire. It was very early in the morning, but I still had a few hard hours in bed ..

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