Alex is back | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was Monday. Actually, Monday is always the worst day. Work on the office again and work at the crowded desk. But this Monday it was a little different.

This Monday Alex came back. Alex is a colleague who is actually called Alexandra and who has so far been a number in the office did not say no. Now Alex came out of that Vacation back. This vacation was a special vacation.

She got married and was on a honeymoon. A few weeks before her vacation we had a nice experience with me in the office, which I might be going to take a closer look at another time.

Then she had assured me that we would continue to have our pleasure. Just because she was married, she wouldn’t just do without so much fun. And she didn’t know what her husband is doing the dear long day.

Now I was excited to see if she could still remember this promise. I had made a hard time doing it for this Monday. It was seven o’clock. Actually, I’m always the first in the office.

But this Monday there was already someone. It was Alex! I took off my jacket and then went to her office.

She sat at her desk and smiled. She looked even more great when she looked anyway. She was brown -burned.

Had a very long black hair with a permanent wave, had a white pants and a white top on. She had a blue blouse about that, which she had only pushed half -heartedly. I went around the desk and congratulated her again for the wedding. Since we were sure that we are both alone, we kissed ourselves intimately and passionately.

She immediately went between mine with one hand Legs and kneaded through the jeans tail. The swoll in no time by this influence.

Alexandra smiled at me and said I hope you missed me a little bit. I clear that, I replied. I even had concerns that you don’t want to fuck me anymore.

Yes, I just want to do that. Preferably immediately, she said. What do you think we find a place where we can have a little pleasure before the others come to work. I already know a place, I said and took it by the hand.

I pulled her behind me without any further word and went to the first floor with her.

There is our lounge where nobody actually comes to such early in the morning. Once there, I closed the door behind us and kissed Alex wild again. We continued where we had just stopped. We caressed each other between the legs.

Then she started to open my pants and take off my jeans. She knelt in front of me and also pulled out my panties. As I see, she said, your cock has lost nothing to the commitment. She took him in both hands and started kneading gently.

Slowly she pushed the foreskin keep going back.

When she pushed the foreskin back completely, she started licking the glans with her tongue. She probably did that for almost five minutes. With this treat she made my cock very wild. He winced back and forth in her hands.

Then finally she took him in her mouth and let her lips and her tongue run wild. It didn’t take long for the first drops to escape me. Hey, said Alex, you’re ready. Yes, I said, if you make me so horny here.

Well, we want to save that a bit, say it. Then show me that you have not yet forgotten anything.

She got up and sat on a chair. I went to her and buttoned her blouse. Her scarce top gave an idea of what magnificent breasts she had.

I pulled out the blouse and knelt myself in front of her. I took both breasts in my hands and knead them. Her nipples became nice and hard. Then I pulled out the top and was a little surprised that she had nothing underneath.

Again I kneaded her breasts and licked the hard nipples. I pulled her up on both hands and showed her a place on the table.

She willingly put herself on the table. I walked between her legs with one hand and stroked her again through my pants. Meanwhile, I kneaded the left alternately and then the right chest again.

Then I noticed that her breasts were also very tanned. Man, I said to her, did you have Nudist made? Yes, she replied. There was a wonderful area where you could do it well. Well, and nobody fell over you, I asked.

No, just my husband, she replied. I now turn to her pants and pulled her off her. She had a white panties underneath.

On the slip was a red dot on the stand ’fuck me’. Where did you get the part, I asked laughing.

I got that from my husband, she said. I smiled and pulled her slip with the words “Then we will meet the request”. Now she was wonderfully brown -burned and naked in front of me on the table. I leaned over her and began licking your shame hair.

She willingly spread her legs, so that I also came to her labia. My tongue slid over the labia and noticed that it was already quite damp. My tongue made its way between her labia and penetrated it slightly into her.

She spread her legs even further and groaned slightly. My hands slid to their breasts and kneaded them.

In the meantime my tongue started to work on her hole and her clit wildly. I knelt down and raised her legs shoulders. With my tongue I slid deeper and deeper into her and fucked it wildly. It didn’t take long for Alexandra reared up and poured itself out.

Your juice just tasted wonderful. I didn’t let it go from her, she literally turned under the massages of my tongue. I licked her hole until I felt that I had drunk all of her juice.

I got up and went to her face. I took my cock in my hand and pushed it between her great lips, who were just inviting to blow my cock.

They did that with fervor and desire. She had brought my cock to an amazing size and blown it rock hard. I went around the table again, took her legs and put her over my forearms. Alexandra grabbed my cock and took him to hers pussy.

With my gentle help she introduced him. I now took her legs and pushed her back, so that her thighs were spread wide and I was able to enjoy the wonderful sight of my cock, who came into her in and out of her.

Mirschon helped this sight to a violent orgasm after a few minutes. At her request I pulled the tail out of her and poured myself on her stomach. Alexandra rubbed the love cream on her stomach and licked her from her Finger away.

Then she kissed me and whispered to me that it was a great morning number. We put on again and then went down. In the meantime, the first colleagues had already come. All day I had to go to our number in the lounge and remember that you still think that you had already had dried seeds on your body.

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