After the workshop | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello pilgrim,

Since the thought of writing an erotic story for a long time, I decided to put a few of my youth sins into words for a long time.

Like almost everyone else, I also claim that everything has happened so or very similar; P. It was almost 18 years ago and yet you never forget some things. About myself, I am 175 cm tall, a Mediterranean type and grew up in a big city that is still not full of.

Since I was always enthusiastic about sports and then went to the Taekwondo training 3 times a week, I was (and am: D) I was reasonably proud of my body. As a rule, I always try to keep my dense black hair somewhat short. My brown eyes are framed by striking eyebrows and I don’t think I am also unsightly: P. It was shortly before my 17th birthday and I just had my first sexual relationship behind me ..

At a workshop as part of my training, I got to know my first great love. At that time we were both in the first year of apprenticeship, only I tried myself as a mechatronics engineer and you as an industrial clerk. During the 3 -day workshop, we got to know each other properly after overcoming some prejudices and then spent almost every free minute together. I was tied up, about her intelligent brown eyes and we talked about anything.

Since we had the same dry humor, it never got bored with her. She was a little smaller than me, and had shoulder -length full brown hair that framed her unfathomable eyes and full lips. Whenever I didn’t feel observed, I admired her seductive figure. With just 46 kg, she was a stunning sight.

The longer we talked, the more difficult it was to take my eyes away from their plump breasts. 75 C was for a half -strong like me, almost too good to be true. Long before I enjoyed it to explore her breasts extensively, I already painted the wildest things that I would do to her … With a slight melancholy, we ended the course that was somehow too quick and decided usTo make an appointment the next weekend.

Each from the best friend or. Flanking girlfriend, we met in front of a popular discotheque. While the mood was still good at the beginning, after a few hours, an icy silence between her friend and my Wingman spread out. In silent agreement, we fled to the dance floor and from alcohol uninhibited, we got closer and closer to the trendy RNB.

I took my courage together and slid behind her with half a turn and stroked my hands down on her arms. I enjoyed their closeness and began to stroke their delicate hands and racing past time and space, our hands love themselves and gifts or took passionate pats. Intimate like a kiss, our touches said more than a thousand words. If initially there was still a bit of a distance between us, so we merged in time, more and more to a whole.

Wouldn’t have meant your perfect crack butt tail hidden, my excitement could hardly have been denied anymore. So our bodies nestled more and more until I couldn’t stand it and slowly turned it over to me. For the first time in hours, I opened my eyes again and could not be able to notice that some bored guests observed us somewhat carefully. Breasts of seconds later, I only had eyes for them.

I quickly pressed her back to hide my hard cock to burst hard. Your body instinctively seemed to rub on me in light wavy movements. I gently stroked her cheek and while you looked at me from glassy dreamy eyes, our lips touched the first time And the passion flared up our bodies. Our lips loved for hours and our tongues circled more and more uninhibitedly, sometimes succeeding.

The evening came to an end and most of the visitors had gone home long ago when a bouncer typed us on our shoulder and politely pointed the door. Visibly confused we slowly left the club (the light was already on and some cleaning women were already wiping the ground) as if we were torn from a deep sleep, we couldn’t say goodbye when they were already a little jealous and probably a bit of jealous friend, in the car of yours Mother was bugged. My head sorting my head, it was slowly becoming clear to me that we had lifted and smooched around 4 hours in the middle of the dance floor on the dance floor. In retrospect, this was our first voyeuristic experience.

I already had some experience with sex, mainly but since we blindly trusted ourselves, was ours first time, Fortunately, none of the mostly complained disasters. My girlfriend that initially appeared so shy turned out to be an insatiable bitch that was available for almost everything. Hundreds of times we explored our bodies with a dedication, like a drowning in search of water. I think after the introduction, you can roughly imagine our relationship.

When it came to experiencing our bodies together, there were no secrets between us. Which brought us many sweaty sleepless nights. Due to this simple but effective method, we got to know each other better and discovered our voyeuristic streak. Since my busty beauty showed almost nymphomaniac moves, it could happen that she greedily sucked my cock in the back yard of the disco, or I fingered her insatiable pussy at the regulars’ table next to her mother.

Even today, I feel your velvety skin on my mine and to this day none of my subsequent relationships come to the intensity of back then. Since we always had a very good relationship with their parents, we came to our first family vacation after a few months of our young love. With Croatia as the goal, the bags were packed and with some friends we resided for 14 unforgettable days in a holiday apartment on one of the islands of Croatia. Since we made our way out early in the morning to avoid any traffic jams, we took a blanket and pillow into the car to sleep with the lengthy ride.

The journey started at 2 a.m. In the passenger seat was Nadine’s mother, who had fallen asleep again after a few moments. Her Father Was the driver who professionally driven abroad. Hardly arrived on the highway, I felt a warm hand on my stomach, which was carefully working down to my cock under the blanket.

I gave her a look and only saw a mischievous flash in her eyes. To be “more comfortable”, she turned to me and lay down on me, her head on my chest. In the meantime, she had already pulled my jogging trousers down with her knowledgeable fingers, and gently massaged my long tough cock. Spurred on her, my hand was now looking for her way, to her shaved little pussy.

Coincidentally, she was still wearing her comfortable pajamas and the thin sweatpants were not a big obstacle. The whole situation was so absurd! And yet the thought was scary to get the tail kneaded so immediately behind her parents and hers Daughter Skillfully driven into the depths of our lust in the back seat. When I arrived at my desire, I pushed her string aside and slowly stroked her sweet little labia. As if on its own, my finger slid into her tight wet hole and I started to slowly bump into her.

With the thumb I started gently to circle her clit and felt her body slowly cramped.She clawed in my strap when her first climax broke in her and only with great effort, she managed to moan into a yawn. I had never experienced it so moist until then! She enjoyed it to the fullest to be spoiled behind her parents. I pushed a second finger into her pussy and drove her infinitely slowly, again and again into her horny hole. Shortly before her second climax, I pulled my fingers out of her cunt and carefully pushed my hand to her face.

Your juice shone everywhere on my fingers. I tenderly drove around her lips with my dripping fingers until she finally put her mouth around her and greedily licked her juice from my fingers. After I briefly smelled her smell on suction, I sent my hand back to her hot lust grotto. With a few bumps of my fingers, a second orgasm had her body shivering, for almost 1 minute she was silently screaming for air with lust.

Since her mother still slept and her face could not be seen from the driver’s seat, she lifted the deck a little to have a clear view of my gem. She cumbersome a handkerchief from her handbag to be able to wipe my juice and carefully placed it under my crest and devoted himself to the massage of my tight floor again. In the meantime, my acorn was over lust, with clear streams of my drops of pleasure. She carefully absorbed everything with her fingers and began to spoil my crest imaginatively.

I felt the orgasm unstoppably swell in me, with a breath stopped my rod with mighty batches. The first ray, met her exactly on the chin and some of it ran out of her mouth angles. I burst with lust, but her hand prevented other unwanted goals and tried to cope with the mess with the handkerchief that was somewhat too optimistic. She put the fully sakeed handkerchief in her pants, put her head back onto my chest and smell thought of her fingers that are still damp from my sperm.

As through a miracle, our hustle and bustle has remained unnoticed. Fortunately, we had the thick down cover, which was covered by everything below the chest. Exhausted and happy we actually fell asleep for the rest of the trip. But that was just the beginning an unforgettable vacation ..

If you want to know how it went on, write a few nice commis with your opinions 😀

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