A horny Christmas present | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was still in training when I met her. We met on a normal chat side where I registered a few years ago. She came from the Düren area, had completed her training and studied next to work. She was a pretty girl, in her mid -20s.

Born in Namibia, she has lived in Germany since childhood.

I came up with her profile by chance, I found it interesting and very worth reading … So I decided to write her an email. Although I had not expected answer, a mail came back from her a few days later, which sounded promising. She would like to get to know me.

And we got to know each other ..

We wrote and telephoned together for a few weeks, and so the day came, a Saturday when we agreed with me in the city at the Hbf. She wanted to go to the Christmas market and the cinema with me.

“I am the one with the blue jacket and the confused facial expression” she wrote to me in an SMS. The way I got to know her … cute and lovable … that was her kind.

She stood there and I went over to her. We greeted ourselves with a kiss and a hug. Almost simultaneously came from us “I’m looking forward to the weekend and the time with you” … we had to laugh both of them. So we went to the Christmas market.

“Hold Stop … I want to get a coffee for Starbucks” and pulled myself into the coffee shop by hand, stroking my thumb over the back of the hand with her thumb. “Well, then I also take a coffee” with coffee and armed for my black beauty we went through the Christmas market and looked at all kinds of Krams. “I’m getting cold, you take me in my arms and warm me?“Came from her what I hugged her and pressed on me. She had something warm, if not boiling, because her eyes betray more than she wanted to.

We decided to drive to me. And since I had lived alone in my apartment for almost a year and a half, it didn’t matter to me either. When I got to me, I took care of my clothes first and she looked at my little two room apartment. Of course we both were hungry and I cooked and something, turned on the PC and we watched a film together while eating.

Although she came closer to me in half and her lips pressed on my. She came to me tenderly and at the same time demanding and scratched my neck, which I did then. She said that she had a little surprise for me and started to take off. Halterless stockings, a suitable string and tips bra in addition.

The fact that the parts were transparent naturally increased the charm and I could see her bare gap and the dark brown, almost black nipples.

“I was shopping for you and wants to be your Christmas present, so you have to unpack and eat it,” came from her as an answer.

I have to admit: Even if I didn’t primarily think about doing this with her, it overwhelmed me. She dealt with me as if we had been a couple for years and it is a matter of course to heat me up like this.

I was happy to comply with this request and we went into bedroom, where she knelt on the bed, hers Legs spread and played on her already very damp column. “It was not spoiled extensively for a long time … neither of a tongue nor of a cock” she replied to me. I stroked her blossom, pulled her buttocks apart and kissed her. I stroked her really wet panties with a finger, whereupon she started to moan and buried her head in my pillow.

I licked her wet panties while stroking … her taste was fantastic … difficult to grasp in words … sweet, not bitter or acidic. I pushed her string aside and started massaging their clit with my fingers and licking on their column, which made them become even damp and louder moan. She turned over to me and started to kiss me passionately on my mouth and open my pants with her hands, and the tail unpack.

“Horny … I love smooth shaved cocks” As soon. She seemed to me like withdrawal, but I enjoyed her pampering and opened her bra and pulled it out of it.

She lay on the bed and I came to her and lay down on her, started kissing her plump nipples, licking, sucking it and pulling it lightly. “Hmmm … I like that …” I lay down next to her and continued to suck on her plump nipples and at the same time spoiled her clit and her wet column.

She felt warm, moist, tight, seductive … and she wanted more … she wants to be filled out … So we arrived at four fingers in their column and a finger in their ass.

She wanted it to be doggy, spread her ass cheeks and again cleared her view of her horny shaved holes. “Fuck me in the ass” she groaned into my pillow. Gladly … but not yet now. Before that, I stroke and lick it a little before I push my cock into this horny and tight hole.

Shortly before I wanted to start, she called “Stop..Wait … I forgot something!”

Ok, no problem … I have condoms in the bedside drawer, is not a problem! “No..I want it without a rubber because I want you to split me into my ass “came to answer.

She went to her little travel bag and got a vibrator out. She pushed him in my hand with a kiss of tongue and said “I want to be fucked in your ass from you, and I want you to push the vibrator into my cunt and fuck both holes at the same time”

She took me in her arm, kissed me tenderly and her skin felt on my so soft and velvety ..

You had the feeling that you are in love with each other. But she lay down shortly afterwards and offered me her two holes to spoil, and as desired, I pushed the cock into her ass, and her vibrator in her wet column. Alternately slowly and sometimes faster I wanted to spoil her holes … which seemed to please her very much. Because her moan grew louder, she clawed in the bed sheet and a slight thrust came from her juice from her sweets, which put a smile on her pretty face.

“Lay on the bed, I want us both spoil each other, that we both have something of it,” I suggested to her. Her eyes shone like that of a toddler, which is happy about his first Christmas present. I pulled my cock out of her ass and the vibrator out of her wet column and lay on my back. “Hmm..I thought … the sheet is pretty wet ..

Well maybe it will be more when we’re done “.

So we got ourselves in position and this time, I spoiled her ass with the vibrator, the fingers in her column and the tongue on the clit while she licked my tail clean and blew me. I slowly get the temop, only she could no longer concentrate. She really started to tremble and there was only a breathed “yes …“, And she was already running out, she ran and spred it like a mountain, after that she started moaning and started my cock to jerk off And to blow ..

She got faster and faster and started to suck more, although I didn’t take my pace out, which she only makes horny and shaky. Slowly I also felt how it got up and started to moan too and she pressed me slightly against them Egg and put the cock all the way into her mouth when I spiced her straight into her throat. Her pressure around the eggs became firmer because it apparently came again. It ran down on her thighs and her dull moaning became louder again.

Then she sagged on my face and sucked the cock from her juice and sperm clean. We lay next to each other and kissed, sweated wet and with this smell of sex, passion, lust and lust.

“We both experience that again?“She frugated me and kissed my cheek. “Gladly whenever you want” I replied to her.

We decided to stay that way for a while before we took a shower one after the other..Unfortunately not together because I had a relatively small bathroom. It was a short but still exciting and horny weekend With an internet acquaintance. This experience was repeated until the next day when I took her to the train station and she drove back home. In the following months more feelings developed among us, which was ultimately due to the exciting and horny sex that we both had.

But it came as it had to come. My training came to an end, unemployment threatened and I had to move to another state because I was used in another branch. And she moved to Hamburg, which brought us apart even further. Even if I did not think it was possible that we are separated from each other in this way, not only our relationship broke up, but also our friendship.

I regret that. It was a few years ago, I tried everything that was in my power, but it was of no use.

But what remains are the memories. The memory of my first black friend ..

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