18 year old fucks me | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Nicole I already knew on childhood and I would never have believed in a dream that she could turn my head like that. She was with mine Daughter Together in kindergarten and primary school, and at some point we only lived a few houses apart. As a child she was often with us to play. She was a little lively red -haired little sweeper with many freckles on her face. The paths of the two then separated when both attended the secondary schools.

From time to time you saw them shopping with the parents, with whom we got on very well, or on the street. Actually, it never noticed me later because I didn’t really like red hair … but that changed when my daughter’s confirmation was due. The two were at the same time and both in a group. We agreed with Nicole’s parents to take the two alternately to the teaching.

I hadn’t seen her for a long time and now she suddenly stood in front of our door again … a little bigger than me, long red hair, often in tight jeans and tight t-shirt. She was definitely no longer the child I knew. I still didn’t think much of it and we drove them alternately. The two became more familiar again during this time, and from then on Nicole came in and out more often.

I didn’t think anything about that either. At some point the two went on tour more often and we or Nicole’s parents always picked up so that they didn’t have to be alone on the street in the evening. We all had our cell phone no. exchanged so that they could let us know if they wanted to be picked up. Nicole had started make -up and she often looked older now like 17 years. She was also looking for a conversation with me more and more, and apparently interested in my hobby, photography.

I wondered a little because yours Mother Actually himself a hobby photographed, but still gave it no meaning. I also had other worries at that time. My marriage was pretty much the stream down and there was often a dispute with us. Up to 18. My daughter’s birthday we definitely wanted to pull ourselves together and show us as little as possible. During this time, Nicole also started writing whatsapp messages from time to time.

Only only irrelevant and innocent with photos on which they were on the go or celebrated. But then at some point she sent me selfies on which she had photographed herself in a bikini or swimming swimming. Admittedly, she already looked great, but I immediately deleted it. When she was with us again shortly afterwards, I fitted for a moment when I could talk to her under four eyes and asked why she sent the pictures to me and at the same time asked her to no longer send me photos.

I knew that if my wife or daughter would check my cell phone, I could come to Teufel’s kitchen. She said she just wanted my opinion about the photos and whether I would like. New photos did not stop at first, but it didn’t take too long and it started to write to me on WhatsApp again. She suggested to me if I didn’t even want to take photos of her. But I also refused.

A few days later, Nicole also celebrated her 18. Birthday. We met her and her mother the next day while shopping. First my wife hugged her and congratulated her and then I hugged Nicole, and congratulated her too. She thanked her and she whispered in my ear: “And what about photos now?“Then let me go and just grinned. I looked at her a little and only hoped that my wife and her mother hadn’t noticed that.

But as it looked, they apparently didn’t notice it, because the two were already in their conversations. We talked to her mother for a while and Nicole stopped with us all the time and smiled at me again and again. I tried as best it could not be perceived until my wife and I finally went on. For a few days I hadn’t heard from her until I was sitting in front of my laptop one evening and my emails were to look.

Apparently there was a message from Nicole. I have no idea where she got my email address from, I somehow appreciated my daughter. I opened it. With a smiley in the subject she sent me several pictures of herself again. Then she was on a bed in different poses in a black bikini. Apparently she hadn’t taken these pictures with her cell phone, because they were too good for quality. I got stuck in her pictures for a long time.

She looked pretty exciting. As red -haired, she had it very often, but also a pretty light skin but also a nicely made -up face, which still showed her freckles. In her top she had a nice bust. Not too much and not a little. Just like her figure … she wasn’t exactly slim, but she didn’t have too much on her hips either. She had tied her long copper -red hair together on her head into a ponytail.

This time I did not delete the pictures and only sent her back a question mark. She answered quite quickly and asked me if I would like the pictures and whether I might not imagine to take some of such photos with her. The interest in me was definitely awakened, but curiously I asked her why I should take pictures of her in particular. “Because I find older men very interesting and very special.

I also imagine that very exciting to be photographed by you, ”she replied. “I’ll think about it …” I left a final answer open. “I’m happy … at least there is no cancellation” came back an email. Apparently as a small decision -making aid, she added a picture on which she could be seen without her bikinio report. Her snow -white breasts with the delicate pink nipples looked divine. I had already found my answer in my head, just not yet how we should implement the project.

I would soon have the time because my wife was supposed to go to the cure for three weeks and my daughter was not at home in the next two weeks. But I had concerns that Nicole’s parents could notice something. I sent Nicole my answer that I would no longer be averse, but there were some concerns about her parents … “Don’t be afraid, they are with mine next week from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening Brother On the way and then I’m alone here … ”she sent back with grin-smiley.

We turned out to make calls as soon as she had storm -free … and apparently to shorten the time until then and since I was already alone from Monday. Slowly I got the right desire for a shoot with her … Friday morning my cell phone rang. Nicole’s name could be seen on the display. My heart started beating faster.

I signed up and she started right away. “Hi, I’m Nicole. So from me we could meet from 3 from 3 at noon. What do you think? Can I come over to you, or do you come to me?“I briefly considered whether I shouldn’t blow out the whole thing, she was already whispering:“ I have already packed some nice things together to put it on … so how about you?”” Yes, ok … just come across 3, then I have prepared everything so far in the attic … “I asked her in a uncertain voice.

“Great, I’m happy … until the same!!!” she answered. “Yes, until the same” I answered and put on. At 3 a.m. she also came through the garden, as always, around the back of the garden. I was still sitting in the living room when she knocked on the terass door. The door was already open and it came in directly. Now she stood in front of me in a dark blue tight jeans with high ankle boots and a tight shirt around the top. She had tied her hair back into a chasted ponytail.

“Hi, I am there,” she said a little and put her bag off with her clothes. She came over to me and hugged me. I replied the hug and a few seconds we paused. I felt her young and still firm breasts that pressed her against my upper body. And at that moment my last resistance was broken. When we let go of me, I asked her what exactly she imagined and why she wanted to be photographed at all.

“My last friend has already taken some photos of me … I have to say, I found that very exciting. But as a friend he was quite a ass. I also noticed that older men are more interested in me … and well, … I somehow find you special, and I also know that you like to take pictures … so why shouldn’t we do it together … “she explained to me. “Unless I don’t like you at all …” she added quietly.

“Yes, you even like you very much …” I had to confess her to her. “But, you are just as old as my daughter. I’m just not sure if that’s ok. In addition, I’m still married, if probably not that long anymore … ”I tried to explain my concerns to her. “So, nobody would find out about me that would stay here …” she tried to convince me. But she didn’t have to do that anymore … I closed the terassent door and asked Nicole up.

She grabbed her things with a smile and followed me. I had already prepared everything above. The photo equipment was already ready and the guest bed was newly related. She looked around briefly and nodded smiling. The computer also ran so that we could check the pictures directly. “What do you think, should I put on for the first photos?“She asked me as she emptied her bag on the table. I went over to her and looked at the pile of laundry and bathing suits.

She kept me the black bikini with a questioning look. “Or rather locked?”. She showed me a colorful swimsuit and a white body. “Maybe the swimsuit … it is very good for you …” I tried to play my excitement down. She grinned at me and put the body aside. “You can, if you want to move down in the bathroom,” I offered her, although it was actually clear to me that she didn’t want that at all.

“Love of you, but I quickly change here … I have nothing to hide,” she told me with her gorgeous smile. She sat on the bed known and got rid of her shoes and socks. Meanwhile I handled the camera and pretended to look. Of course that was not the case, and always risked a look. Even when she was parking out of her jeans and pulled out her shirt.

She put things together neatly next to her. Now she only had a small red panties and the associated bra. I felt my heart started beating faster. She looked so horny … her bright skin, the long legs, her red strict ponytail and also her suitable laundry. A dream! And she knew that too and that was very skillful as a weapon. I couldn’t help but see her.

She smiled at me and took off the bra in front of me and also her panties. She put both parts on the other things and grabbed her on the table next to me. My gaze wandered fascinated afterwards. I looked at their beautiful breasts with the soft pink nipples. Her cunt was shaved and her inner somewhat reddish labia came out of her bright slit. “Wow, you look beautiful …” I only came across my lips.

“Thank you” replied Nicole and went over to the bed again, took his swimsuit and put it on. As expected, she looked adorable in it, but she would have convinced me in every outfit anyway. I took my camera and took the first photos of her. She knew how to present herself properly and use her stimuli. Then she lay down on the bed and posed very skillfully there too. I hardly need anything. You could almost think that she instinctively knew what I wanted.

And then she started to peel slowly and in different poses out of the swimsuit. I had it granted and the whole thing was only cleared. Finally she was naked in front of my camera and was willingly photographed. She turned and turned so that I got it into the picture from every corner. At some point I suggested that she didn’t even want to look at the results. I had already got a plump stand of her sight.

I believed Nicole also noticed this and enjoyed it to the fullest. I quickly took out the memory card and pushed it into the computer. I had actually believed Nicole would at least quickly put on the panties, but far from it, she sat down the way she was right next to me. We looked through the pictures together and directly deleted those who did not like them. “And how do you like the pictures?“She asked me when we all got through.

“You did it really great …” I tried to stay objective. She put a hand on my thigh. “I mean how I like you in the pictures?“Don’t let her go. “You look really great,” I said quietly. She grinned satisfied and asked: “And what do you think better, with or without?”” With or without something?”I asked. “Well, with or without a swimsuit, of course …” she said a little reproachful. “You look attracted as well as now as now,” I tried to stay diplomatically.

She looked a little grumpy. That was probably not the answer she wanted to hear. We looked at a moment. “I’m a little, let’s say, irritated. I hadn’t necessarily expected that you would take off and also to take nude photos. You are my daughter’s girlfriend, we are actually quite friends with your parents and I am married … “I wanted to explain to her. “Still! Did you say yourself, ”she grown in between.

“Still. But these are still some reasons why we shouldn’t do this here, ”I continued. She jumped up. “Nobody will find out about me, and besides, I’m already 18. So we don’t do anything forbidden. Or is something wrong with me? Is it my red hair? The breasts are too small?“She asked me reproachfully. I got up. “No, that’s it. I just find you fantastic.

You see absolutely …, I say it how it is, you look absolutely cool!”I confessed to her. A beguiling smile scurried over her face again and she came up with me. I put her in my arm. Your skin was wonderfully soft and her hair smelled freshly washed. We stood in arm in front of the computer and silent for a moment. Then she let go of me slowly and looked at me. I now knew that I had completely lost.

I had completely fallen into her. “Thank you …” she said quietly and kissed me on the cheek. “Should I put on something else for you again?“Then she asked and went to the table. “I would like to see you in the body,” I replied. “Should I also put them on here too?“She also offered and wagged a few keeper -free white stockings to herself. “Yes, certainly looks exciting” I agreed.

I watched her again when I put on the laundry and took pictures of it every now and then. She was quickly back in model mode and laid out on the bed shortly later. She looked as horny as she moved there. So it didn’t take long for it to start again slowly to open the bodies’ closure crochet between her legs. I now went a little closer to her and made detailed close -ups of her.

This apparently spurred them on and she moved lasciviously. When she freed herself around the bottom, I started to photograph her column very close. She obviously enjoyed my great interest and started to pull her labia apart with her fingers. I went very close and took great shots from her wet shimmering cunt. “Well, you like that?“She asked me with a slight moan. “I can’t tell you how” I whispered completely horny.

She sat up and pulled out the body completely. “Come on, take more pictures. Tell me what to do for you … “she asked me. I was so horny for her now and conducted her so that I was looking at her tits, her cunt and her sweet ass with a view of her rosette could take in close. She started touching herself and also introduced a finger into her cunt.

My penis had become completely stiff again. “And, make you horny?“She asked me a little out of breath. “Yes and how …, you are pure sin …” I gave back. “Then put the camera away and come a little closer to me” she asked me. I put the camera on the table and sat next to her on the bed. She stroked my thighs directly and asked me if I didn’t want to get a little more freely.

I still had a slight scruple but her sight took the last remaining reluctance and I started to undress too. She eagerly helped me. When I was just wearing my panties she paused brief tail There drew. Then I had it granted and she slowly pulled my panties down. My tail was in full size and splendor in front of her face.

She smiled at me and pulled me to herself. I lay down next to her and my hand felt her hip. We looked deep into our eyes and then she kissed me … she could kiss very well, as I found and with her hand she explored my cock intensively. Meanwhile I stroked her beautiful buttocks. I felt like I was 18 too. We smooched and fumbled for a while until I dared to dive between her thighs and started kissing her cunt gently.

She was a little frightened at first and asked me “Hey, what are you doing ..?”” Don’t worry, just relax … “I answered laughing. I looked up at her and then I licked carefully over her pussy And their clitoris. Nicole pressed his lips together and had closed his eyes. I continued and my tip of the tongue slid gently and then also through their damp labia. She groaned a little louder and stammered “Oh, that feels cool …”.

This time spurred me on and I spoiled her vagina very extensively orally and with my fingers. Nicole hardly made any sound and had closed her eyes all the time. At some point she pulled me down there, kissed me violently and then swung over me. She was about to introduce my cock when I was able to ask briefly what it looks like with contraception. She just said briefly that I shouldn’t worry, she takes the pill.

And then she had already conducted my glans into her cunt and let her dive in it. I leaned back and let myself be fucked by her. She made fast jerk -like movements with her pelvis while I kneaded her breasts. In between, she made a little slower, which was very opposed to me, because I was just before the departure. I hoped she would soon be for orgasm come because I couldn’t stick to myself for a long time.

I let my hands hike over her beautiful body. Suddenly she started again and then she was ready too. Her upper body tipped forward to mine. She buried her head right next to my in the pillow. I pressed my cock as deep as I could in her column and she shrugged several times and moaned every time. At the same time I had her buttocks in my hands and grabbed it. And then there was no stopping me anymore.

I splashed everything I had with a loud groaning deep into her cunt. When we both calmed each other again, she rapped off and kissed me very much. She stayed on me and we both enjoyed the moment. At some point my penis was again a bed and slipped out of her. She lay down next to me and we stayed next to each other for a while without a word. She grinned at me again and again until she got up and said she had to go to the bathroom.

“I think something drips out down there …” she murmured smiling she disappeared briefly and I started to put on again. When she came back she came to me and we took ourselves back in her arms. I felt her soft warm skin while she was tired of me. Then she looked at me again and said “That was really beautiful … I hope it doesn’t stay with the one time …”. “I hope so too …” I replied.

“I have to go home right now. My parents still wanted to call when they arrived. But I could come back tonight … there are still a few things that I can show you in front of the camera, “she grinned at me. “And maybe I can stay a little longer..“She added and winked at me. Then she got dressed too, and I brought her down. In the hallway she gave me a kiss and said “until later my darling …”.

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