Sweet lesbian is dominated | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I drummed nervously with my fingers on the table top, my eyes are expectant to the apartment door expectantly. I was sitting on the couch in the living room with a perfect view of the little hallway. My heart knocked loudly and again and again I caught how I looked at the clock impatiently. Five to three, soon she would have to arrive. My stomach had roller coasters lawn and tingled. The anticipation for the upcoming weighed over the broken nervousness, and again and again I stroked my blond hair from my face.

I looked down on my bare body and eyed my white panties, the only piece of clothing that I was allowed to wear for today’s occasion. Everything should be perfect if it should finally come. Then the week would have something nice. I sighed and reviewed the past few days, reminded me of the completely messed up exam, the bad rain and pepper weather, the many stress. The university had really done me this week, shortly before the Christmas holidays the lecturers had made up a lot.

Almost without exception, I had spent the time in the library or overcrowded lecture halls, breathed stale unilums and punched it continuously. The receipt for my diligence was now in large, blue letters in my pollution list at the end of the week: failed. I felt like crying, all the stress for nothing and again nothing. I cursed myself over and over again, tried to find out what I could have done better. I thrown on the table, angry to the university, on the exam, on the lecturers and especially on myself.

A loud noise let me frighten out of my flashback, I smiled broadly when I realized that a key was put into the lock of the apartment door and turned over. My annoying thoughts gained immediately, my focus turned to the door. I quickly slipped from the couch and knelt on the brown cork floor, put my hands on the thighs and looked at the floor submitted. The door was opened with a loud creak and My mistress occurred, the high heels of their leather boots claped loudly on the floor.

I had to pull myself together, not to turn away from the ground and mine mistress to watch. “Hello sweet …” My mistress approached me and gently stroked my head, which I commented on with a gentle purr. Then she pushed my head down and I understood. I leaned down to the black boots and kissed and licked them extensively. The taste of leather spread out in my mouth and I couldn’t help but a grin.

When my mistress was satisfied with my shoe cleaning, she pulled my hair briefly and I also heard to clean the boots. I slowly looked up on the boots in front of me and got stuck on the well -shaped, trained thighs. “Hello mistress, I am glad that you found time for me today …” A submissive smile scurried over my lips as I looked up further and looked into my mistress’s unmoved face.

Sena indicated a smile and my eyes quickly went over her outfit, under the thick winter jacket she wore a skin -tight, black catsuit made of latex as well as a few black boots and a leather corsage. My breath caught while I saw in Sena’s beautiful face, the blue eyes, the blonde, shoulder -length hair. My eyes stayed on the backpack briefly and hung around her shoulders. The fact that the dominatrix, which is in front of me and down to me at the beginning of forty, was by no means saw.

With her sporty, trained body and soft facial features, she looked more like the end of twenty/early thirties. Sena leaned down to me and gave me a warm kiss on my forehead. “Always for you, sweetie …” Then Sena went around me and put her backpack on the living room table before getting rid of her jacket. I continued to keep my eyes forward and vehemently resisted the desire to turn around. The zipper according to the opened Sena took a few long, black latex gloves out of her backpack, which she attracted herself.

“… what do you feel like today?“I bit my lips and grinned. She almost always did this test, he was routine, it was a long time ago that the last time I fell for this catch question. “This is your decision, Mistress, you are The mistress And I am your slave. I do whatever you ask me. My wishes don’t care, you are not a wishful filler. You do what you want and I have to obey.

“” Very good, sweet … “smiling Sena stroked my hair before suddenly moving it and pulling firmly on them. I squeezed both painful and surprised while Sena pulled my hair down strictly. I whimpered lightly and put my head back, looked at my mistress with eyes wide open. Sena grimified the face a little and sparked her lips while she was thinking. “Hmmm … what do I do with you today? Maybe I’ll give you one again today orgasm? Maybe I also take a whip and hit you until your butt shines nice and colorful?“I involuntarily winced what Sena acknowledged with a satisfied smile.

“Or I hang on your tits again, and the last time I liked it so much …” The sadistic smile on Sena’s face was increasingly wider and her eyes flashed seductively. I whimpered softly when the memories of our last game session buzzed through my head again. At that time, Sena had been clamping my breasts on my breasts for hours with crocodile terminals and edited my back with a nine -tailed one so long and hard that the straps were still seen two weeks later.

I felt how Sena reinforced my hair and I swallowed loudly. “Well, you can’t really talk about it.” Before I could end the sentence, Sena pulled harshly on my blonde hair splendor again. “I’m sorry, what? You didn’t like that back then? But I remember that differently, if I remember correctly, you literally begged at the time that I play with you. “Sena looked at me challenging and put my head wrong.

I bit my lips. “Yes, ABE-” “Nothing but! Not resist talking!“Monesting Sena pulled back on my hair and my protest dried up. “You are too loud for me today, keep it up and you will get a nice thick gag right away. “I murmured an apology and looked submissive on the ground to avoid Sena’s strict look. The dominatrix looked at me, sighed and grabbed her backpack from which she got a white cotton rope out.

“Poor backwards!“I felt the instructions silently and felt how Sena grabbed and brought together my wrists. Just a moment later, the rope was already tight around my hands. While Sena tightened my wrists firmly, I noticed how pulling between my thighs increased again. I groaned lightly and closed my eyes when I felt my mistress took another rope and it was firmly around my elbow band. I enjoyed the feeling and gave myself all the helplessness, left completely Sena and her dominance.

When Sena was satisfied with the bondage of my arms and pulled on the ropes to test the knots, I let a happy moan sliding over my lips. “Well, felled?“Sena smiled warmly and pressed onto me from behind. I nods quietly and Sena put her hands on my little but round breasts. She started gently to knead her soulful, which I answered on her chest with a neating of my back.

Her fingers found the way to my nipples and I let a hoarse gasp through my lips when Sena put a thumb and index finger and my nipples pinched me. So we remained for the next few minutes, massaged Sena and maltreated my breasts and I did my best to show myself recognizable. “Had a strenuous week?“Sena probably pushed her head past my blond hair past my neck. Her warm lips hit my soft skin and I groaned in agreement, my head affirmed.

Sena’s strong arms closed a little more firmly around me, the hug more and more closer. My mistress pressed me almost maternal. “I notice that. You seem tense … not busy … overwritten. “Again I nodded silently, kept my eyes closed and just enjoyed the attention given to me. Slowly I felt my body relaxed, how the muscles loosened and my head emptied. All the thoughts regarding the university, all the learning stress, the many appointments, they slowly drove all of them.

Sena’s lips on my neck began to caress me, I left more, pleasant groans by me. My body only fully gave himself to the mistress, he sagged when all the tension in me loosened. All of my worries have been recorded by the heat from this hug, they were recorded and rinsed away. I dropped. Everything I wanted at that moment that this moment, this hug would not end. Finally Sena loved the firm hug and pressed me when I wanted to follow and get up, carefully but definitely back on the floor.

Again she reached into the backpack and this time it took out a leather blindfold, which she pulled over my eyes and took the view to me. I grunted when I felt Sena’s warm breath on my neck again while she sat down in front of me. “Trust me, little one. I make sure that you feel good. Relax, everything will be fine again. “Senas glazed hands stroking my bare skin and my moaning got louder and louder when her fingers slowly drove down on me and wandered towards the thighs.

I bit my lips and suppressed a gasp while Sena reached my shame and pulled my thin panties up. The fabric now painfully pressed against my vagina and my tied arms fidgeted in the air. The captivation, the feeling of being at the mercy and Senas charisma did the rest and I left a loud, excited sigh. At the moment Sena let go of my panties and the pressure that the panties had put on my shame swar.

Sena was leaning towards my head with her hands and kissed me intimately, her tongue penetrated into my mouth and danced with mine. My lustful moan was steamed by Sena when I replied the kiss. We held the kiss for several seconds before Sena pulled away from me and ended the intimate moment. She looked at me with a smile, her strong hands still hold my head through the leather a little cold hands.

I just knelt on the cork floor, my arms tied behind my back, my eyes hid and the body naked and delivered. My nipples were hard, goosebumps spread across my entire corpus. I breathed in and out, excited by the whole situation, while Sena leaned forward again and gently kissed my tip of my nose. “You really need this today …” Again, the one dressed in latex and leather in the backpack and brought out a bridle.

“… that’s why open your mouth. “I did as if ordered and the soft bite of the gag was pressed between my teeth. I groaned when Sena pulled the straps past my hair back and fixed firmly. Suddenly Sena’s fingers laid on my erect nipples and twisted hard, after which I shouted under pain. Immediately Sena let go of my nipple throbbing in pain and smiled in a mixture of sadism and pride. “Very nice, much better.

We don’t want your neighbors to hear what such an innocent girl as you always do to relax a little. “Sena now rubbed my nipples gently and the pain decreased directly. I sighed. The mixture of sadism and care dominated Sena really perfectly. I heard how Sena got up and walking around me, her high -heeled boots clawed out loud on the floor. I inevitably winced when the leather blow suddenly stroked a riding rug over my back.

I left an unsafe whimper through the gags while Sena with the whip drove over my exposed back. When I felt how the whip was pulled away, I was already preparing for the upcoming blows and associated pain. I swallowed loudly and my muscles contracted. But the expected blow, to my amazement, failed. Instead, my mistress loosened my blindfold again before Sena reached into my neck, whereupon I groaned painful and pushed my head on the neck.

This position forced me to look up and in Sena’s strict face, I winded lightly and made pleading dog eyes. Sena just pulled up the eyebrows and pressed a little more. “No sweetie, I’m not that forward -looking, your back will still get rest. “A smile scurried over her lips. “But that doesn’t mean that the whip is not used today. “With my hand in my neck, Sena led me to the nearby couch and pulled me up from my knees.

I gasped with pain when my mistress pressed my upper body over the armrest. My face was pressed into the soft, gray cushion and I winded through the bridle. Sena was not put off by my complaint and grabbed the covenant of my panties. Without hesitation, she pulled my last remaining garment and exposed my round butt. “Spread the legs, little ones!“Sena ordered Sena strictly and I nodded submissive when I made her episode.

She took two ropes and my ankles were firmly tied to the couch legs. I twitched when I felt Senas leather hand stroked over my bare buttocks and around my fingers my hole around. I closed my eyes and groaned gently, enjoying the touch. “Aaaahhhh!!“The blow hit me surprisingly and unprepared, I cried out the gag out of pain and winced together. With my eyes wide open, I looked back over my shoulder back on my sadistic smiling mistress, the whip was still resting on my burning butt.

A thin red strip drew exactly the place where the impact -ons had hit my sensitive skin. “We’ll do it like that …” smiled Sena and stroked the stroke over the string. “… First of all I’ll make you a nice, colorful butt. After that we adorn you very festively, after all, it will soon be Christmas. And if you endure this to my satisfaction and behaved well, you will even get something from me. “In particular, the last part made me look out for an interest, while drooling ran out of my caught mouth uncontrollably.

Even if I knew that there was a lot of pain on the program at first, I nodded enthusiastically. Sena’s smile became even wider. “You horny piece you. “The first two strokes, at least for Senas, were still easy. Which does not mean that they don’t betray. I flinched together and bite hard on the bridle to swallow the pain. Enthusingly, Sena stroked my back and gently pressed my tied hands. “You do that well, mouse.

Stay so brave and you get a really great gift. “The following four blows followed in a short order, I had to blink the tears on the eyes. Without seeing backwards, I knew that further stripes drew my apple popo. I whimpered and even more drool ran from my lips to the gag and from there on the cushion the couch. My whole body was cramped, my hands clenched into fists. A thin welding film formed on my back and I felt how I was getting wetter between my legs.

Again Sena leaned down to me, this time my aching butt kissing. “You immediately did the spanking, sweetie. You will be rewarded soon. If you manage not to scream, you even get your gift directly, then decorations will fall away. “The view of being rewarded immediately after the spanking let me brighten. I bite bravely on the gag and nodded motivated. The first three blows that hit me were really hard.

Every time an incredible pain flashed through my body, but I was still able to bend a cry. The fourth blow, however, was too hard, he hit the point where the whip on which the very first time my butt caught had. A burning pain flared up in me and I howled loudly, initially in pain, then in frustration. Fortunately, there was no further blow, because my limit was really reached. I trembled uncontrollably.

My heart pounded violently and my breathing rattled, my body sweating, painful. I breathed violently through the gag while Sena stepped around me and kissed my forehead. She smiled warm, even if I could see a little bit of disappointment in her eyes. “You did well, I’m proud of you …” The praise made me forget the pain for a short moment. “… but you will be decorated anyway. “Senas warning fingers in the air let my emerging protest silent, I nodded submissively.

Sena took out a few nipple clamps and three large, thick candles from her backpack. She turned my upper body a little on the side. I winded when Sena applied the brackets to my nipples, a nasty pain twitched me. Sena nodding me to my mind while turning me back on my stomach and put the three candles on my back. A candle was placed on my right and left shoulder blade, the remaining candle placed on my hip.

“We haven’t played with wax for so long … so woe, you spumatic it on the beautiful sofa …” Singing as a caution, Sena took a lighter with which she lit up the candles and then looked at me expectantly. After a few minutes I felt how the hot, melted wax met my skin. I pulled the air sharply in pain when more and more wax ran down from the candles to me, cool on the back and finally got stuck again.

I had to pull myself together, not to wiggle and stay completely quiet, I didn’t want to ruin my own couch. Sena watched my fight with a lascivious smile for the next few minutes. Then she rummaged again in her backpack, which apparently offered an infinite fill width for BDSM equipment, and took out a short rope, a Hitachi vibrator, a tube of lubricant and a black strap. She bent and put the vibrator with the help of the rope so that his head pressed against my now moist column.

I bite hard on the bridle when I felt the vibrator. Only now did I realize how close I was to an orgasm, I almost ran out. My moans only got louder when Sena took the lubricant and spent it generously on my butt. I closed my eyes that cool gel felt good on the burning bottom. While the hot wax spread on my back and got hard, my butt got a soothing and welcome cooling.

While I enjoyed the anointing, Sena didn’t remain idle. She strapped the strapping dildo around her hip and rubbed the remaining lubricant from her gloves onto the spanking. With a smile she stepped towards me from behind and grabbed my hair with one hand. Sena pulled firmly to them, so I had to pull my head and groaned, my gaze was now stubbornly directed forward. The tip of the dildo pressed exactly against my hole and I held my breath expectantly, trembling in my bondage.

“Ready, sweetness?“Sena’s warm voice alone made me come to orgasm almost. I nods excitedly and everything I felt was like the Hitachi began to vibrate before Sena entered my butt. The gag could only dampen my pleasure screens, so I groaned so loudly. Sena put her free hand on my hip to have more stability, then she began to insert the rubber peak deeper into me. My moaning got louder despite the gag and I closed my eyes, Sena worked quickly, but carefully in my butt.

Meanwhile, the vibrator made a comfortable and extremely welcome feeling between my legs, I could feel how my juices ran out of me and the bound legs ran down. The deeper Sena the Dildo in my butt, the faster and harder it became. With one hand she pulled my hair vigorously and had me cry out between the moan. It was a hard ride that she carried out with me, just as I loved it.

Sena took me from behind without a lot of squeamliness, the sofa creaked and squeaked in the rhythm of Sena’s bumps. The dominatrix was now completely in its element, her thighs clap against my buttocks littered with stripes when they penetrate me completely with the whole dildo. My lustful screeching and moaning, the whir of the Hitachis, the creaking of the sofas and Senas Keuchen filled the room. I felt my vagina pulled together and looked back from the corner of the eye on Sena.

I winded as loud through the gag as it was possible for me so that Sena could understand me. Sena looked up from my back and directly into my eyes. She slowed down the pace a little and then shook her head strictly. “Oh no sweetie, I don’t allow you to yet orgasm. Make me proud and keep you back until I give you permission!“This increased the pace of the bumps and I grunted. All my concentration now turned to hesitate to hesitate as long as possible.

I trembled all over the body and had to bite on the gag, my body literally screamed for the climax. Again I taped through the bridle, Sena eyed me strictly. But this time she raised her hand, which had so far rested on my hip and played with the slowly drying wax. Without any warning, she let the leather hand clap on my butt. She met one of the many stripes and I screamed shouted at.

“No hand, you have to hold out for another minute, then you can come. But if you win again, I’ll break it off here immediately and you get a chastity belt and three weeks of orgasm!“Your threat was followed by another blow. I screamed and looked at Sena with big, shocked eyes. For a short moment, I forgot how much my body left after an orgasm, I saw flashing eyes in Senas in front of cold.

She meant it deadly. I quickly nodded, it was allowed to allow my long hair and concentrated me again. All of this happened without Senas lost pushing of pace or depth. The sweat ran from my forehead, my body trembled like Espenlaub. I straightened my eyes back and looked at the clock. My eyes fixed the second hand, which stepped at his way agingly slowly. Every second felt like a millennium, the pulling between my legs was no longer endured and drove me crazy.

Finally Sena leaned forward and whispered a “You can. “In my ear. I screamed with gratitude and solved my resistance. All of my dams broke, I fidgeted uncontrollably in the bondage when a violent orgasm shot through my body. I collapsed completely exhausted on the upholstery while I squirted. Sena waited until the orgasm had subsided, only then then she pulled the phallus out of my butt and put the vibrator off with a word.

While I drove the aftermath of the climax over me violently through the gags, my mistress leaned over me and loosened the ropes around my ankles. I only noticed on the edge of how Sena put me completely on the sofa and freed myself from Knebel and Armmbinden. The clamps on my nipples and the wax on my back were also removed. I just let her do it, the orgasm had swept away completely.

Sena stowed her equipment back in her backpack and put a soft blanket on me while putting her jacket back on. “Until next time, mouse. “Sena whispered in my ear and pressed a farewell kiss onto the welding wet forehead. I only heard how the clacking of her boots removed and the apartment door opened and closed before I fell in a deep sleep.

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