My horny work colleague | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Just like me, Claudia worked for a large international group and we shared an office. When this story started, I was in the mid -thirties and she was in the late twenties. Claudia could be nice and nice if she wanted to, but if someone got too close to the pelle, she could also be a beast. Since she was very attractive and also liked to go a little flicker, she was of course very often affected. Some male colleagues were almost at her feet, she kicked for it and partially made ridiculous.

Since I still lived in a permanent relationship when she started with us, I came, God – thanks, not to excite her, even though I also liked it very well. Concrete wishes in this direction were only created when my relationship was broken. Warned of the failures of the colleagues, I waited for a good opportunity to possibly also try my luck with her. I had enough time, because the broken relationship had to be digested first.

When she got me out of an embarrassing mishap and also made sure that the dear colleagues also got everything, I saw my chances of sinking to zero. Of course I was also really angry with her. She wouldn’t have had to hang my misfortune on the big bell. The whole thing was not the fine English way either, especially since my workplace was not more secure due to this incident. To make matters worse, she could not leave it in the period afterwards to remember the incident every now and then.

For a while later I got my chance, because she also happened a very embarrassing mishap, the only witness of which now I was. Sometimes life is just. When she saw my grin, she first became pale and then asked tentatively: “You won’t ..?“, She didn’t get more out. “What should prevent me from doing so?“I asked her with satisfaction. “Please don’t,” she flexed with a loyal eye premium at once again nice and nice.

If she hadn’t hewn me in the pan a few weeks earlier, I would have been completely softened. But since she hadn’t known mercy, I fully cost the situation. Now she should feel what I had to suffer. It was also immediately clear to me that this was possibly my long -awaited chance that I could not let go unused because it may never have come back. At your request, I only reacted with an even broader grin.

“Is there something that could stop you from doing so?“She asked, then quite small, with a thin, peppery voice. “Offer me something,” I asked her, “but don’t bore me!“I had dreamed of such a situation without expecting it to come true. “If you want, we’ll spend the weekend together and you determine what we are doing”, she offered me tentatively. Although that was certainly not a “immoral offer”, it was a lot for their circumstances.

Especially since, as far as I knew, she had never even went to eat with a male colleague. It has even been rumored, it would be lesbian because nobody had seen her outside of working with a man. “Sounds not bad for the beginning,” I replied grinning, “if I can also determine what you are wearing, the deal stands!“She hesitated something, but then reluctantly agreed with my proposal. It was not easy for her to see that this was not easy for her.

Who knows in which clothes she saw in your imagination at the weekend. In the early Saturday afternoon I drove to her and let her clothes show me. Friday to Quitting time I had already prepared her that she would not wear pants. I would have loved to know what was going on in her imagination after this announcement. After all, “no pants” could also mean that she was not allowed to wear a slip. In view of the many small stitches she had given me, Claudia was probably expecting the worst.

With the fact that I was allowed to choose clothes, skirts and blouses, Claudia had no big problem, but when I also insisted on her laundry, it cost them plenty of overcoming again. Already that I looked at her laundry exactly for this purpose without she having to show her (worn on the body), she was extremely uncomfortable;That was not to be overlooked. After all, she followed our consultation after I was vigorously on it.

I wanted to humiliate a little bit, but without putting over. When she was finally completely dressed according to my wishes, we went to stroll in the city center. We spent a very nice day together, Claudia was as tame as I had never experienced it before and the time passed like in flight. At around 6 p.m. we drove back to her to put her on for the evening. For 8 p.m. I reserved a table in my favorite restaurant.

For the evening I chose a black stretch dress that was free of shoulder and went to the middle of her thighs. Below she wore a tiny, black string, a holding lifting and black holeless stockings. Also to this selection, she reacted disguised than some other women, who should not have carried anything under the same conditions. With Claudia’s reactions it was almost astonishing that she had such clothing at all. The time in the restaurant was very pleasant again and Claudia even voluntarily selected her dishes.

I had never experienced her so humbly before. Then we went dancing and had a lot of fun together. We danced a lot and came closer and closer. Claudia became more and more relaxed and when we danced an extremely slow cuddlyefox around two o’clock in the morning, our lips found themselves to our first, tentative kiss. This seemed to be broken with her, because her kisses became more intense and in the end even really passionate. Around three o’clock she asked me to bring her home.

When I got to her, I went to her apartment without talking about it, which she didn’t refuse to. There we kissed, as soon as we had arrived very passionate again and ended up in bed shortly afterwards. It was a long night with wild, a **** lish sex. From then on we were together and spent most nights together. Mostly in my apartment. As tame as on our first weekend, it was rarely afterwards.

Since Claudia was strong, proud and stubborn, she sometimes made it quite difficult for me and the constant fights between us sometimes cost a lot of strength. Then another fight came. Instead of enjoying our weekend, it was Friday afternoon, we discussed continuously and the fronts hardened more and more. Evalable facts often ignored them consistently, if she had been in something, so this time again. From a certain point she could only give in.

She didn’t even make me prove that I was right. Finally, to end the discussion, I challenged it to a bet. Since I knew exactly that I was right, as mentioned, I offered her to bet and the loser had to submit to the winner for a week, obey him and even let the winner punish himself if necessary. Laying them a bit over the knee couldn’t hurt, I thought.

The winner of the Sir and the loser of the slave would be for a week. I saw how it worked in her. I had unsettled her for a moment, but only for a short time, then her stubbornness prevailed again. She agreed to the bet and we started to discuss the exact conditions. At Claudia’s wish, the loser should buy a slave neck band that the winner was allowed to choose and that the loser had to wear constantly at home.

Of course, cuffs for the arms and legs were not to be missed. Claudia enforced some tightening, which I thought was really blatant and flashed me. Among other things, she demanded that the winner were allowed to pronounce punishments without having to prove or justified a misconduct of the loser. Even with the allegations drawn on the hair, the loser had no veto law and had to accept the punishment expressed. So the arbitrariness was open the door and gate.

When I showed her shortly afterwards that I was right, she became pale and had to sit down because she got soft knees. The fact that she basically had to run around in the apartment naked for a week and not only had to submit to me outside of working hours was her idea. She had really crazy the really hard conditions. I didn’t even want to go so far as far. So she couldn’t even complain about it with me.

After Claudia had driven it so far, I decided to give her an apprenticeship and to take advantage of the situation she had created herself. Without giving her a lot of time to think about it, I took her by the hand and asked her to accompany me in the city. I knew that there had been a fetish shop at the train station for several months and headed for it. As quietly as on the way and then in the shop I rarely experienced my Claudia.

First I chose a beautiful wide leather neck band with several rings, which could be secured with a small padlock against unauthorized removal. The matching cuffs for hand and ankles could also be secured with padlocks. Then I got ahead by the seller, who, as it quickly turned out, had a lot of expertise. She was able to describe the effect of the individual percussion instruments exactly and helped me with the selection. Claudia stood next to it all the time with a red head, gave a quiet, complaining sounds from time to time, and listened to how the seller showed me a wide variety of options, which obviously already gave her mental hell tumbles.

In the end, the seller recommended a book about BDSM and slave education that I also took. I had read a lot of SM stories until this day because the topic fascinated me, but never tried to get Claudia to try one or the other. Until then, I had excluded them to be able to persuade them to play them at light bondage games. The risk of leaving her and losing her was just too big for me.

After we left the shop with our purchases, I first stowed the bags in the car, Then took Claudia in her arms and kissed her tenderly. The horror still stood in their eyes. “You think I was a malignant sadist?“I asked her gently. She replied quite a bit: “No, actually not!”” Can you imagine that I would do something to you that could harm you or endanger your health?“Then I wanted to know.

“Not really”, she replied a little more calmly after a short thinking. “What is like such afraid of, you have so little trust in me?“I asked. “Of course I have confidence in you,” she replied in a small scale, “but I was probably quite exaggerated again and if I were in your place, I would be pretty strict with me!“So much insight was a big step for Claudia. “So you know that you deserve a punishment?“, I stop immediately.

From experience I knew that you had to laboriously recapture every foot width that had been revealed to Claudia to Claudia. “Somehow already,” she admitted hesitantly and quite bent after a few sighs, “but I can make you a little milder if I promise you to be more peaceful in the future?”” How long would you persevere your promise?“I wanted to know grinning then. With this question she moved her face as if she had bitten a lemon.

“Probably not for very long”, she admitted to the same time and grinned a bit ashamed again. “I probably rode my shit quite a bit,” she said a moment later in wise self -knowledge. The fact that she was not looking for the blame for her situation or where else was worth a lot, after all, not everyone can do that. However, I found the most remarkable that she had not even tried to question the bet, which I had actually calculated a little.

“You can say that loudly,” I confirmed her smugly and then asked, “you are now ready to wear the consequences?”” Yes my sir, I will bear the consequences and make the greatest effort to make you satisfied, “she promised humble and took her first steps as a slave. The fact that she had a rather queasy feeling was written on her face. Like so many other people, she likes to connect to others and assumed her own way of thinking on others.

This in turn suggested in connection with her reaction that a very difficult week would have come to me if she had won the bet. On the way home I gave her the first instructions. A few times I had the impression that she wanted to protest, but then it was pineled and instead confirmed well with “yes my sir!“What she cost plenty of overcoming, as I clearly heard out. Once at home, she immediately hurried into the bedroom while I unpacked our new toys in the living room.

After a short time she came back into the living room naked and, as I had already ordered it in the car, she knelt on the carpet with her legs spread wide and sat on her heels, so that her pubic area could be seen well. I knew very well how much overcoming Claudia that cost because she was practically only naked directly during sex and had just dressed again afterwards.

After a few experiments in which she only brought about a croak, she finally said with thin, rougher voice the magical words that she certainly cost a lot of overcoming: “Your slave is ready my sir, please have your wishes!“Then she made a very tortured sounding sound. When I subsequently surrounded her slave neck band, a tremor went through her body. She got goosebumps, her nipples became stiff and a quieter, complaining sound escaped her lips.

While I secured the collar with the padlock, I had the impression that there was a change in it. She suddenly looked a bit calmer and relaxed as if she had accepted her situation despite fear and shame or at least resigned herself with it. What wasn’t really right was that she was a little violent breathing. I let her get up, also put the other cuffs on her, connected her eyes and then pushed her on the wall where she had to support herself.

I wanted to fuck her from behind, which she had rarely allowed to me in the past because she mostly found it too humiliating. As a rule, she only allowed me to stand while standing or knees standing or kneel. I quickly slipped out of my clothes and stood behind her. Inviting she stretched her butt towards me and I accepted the invitation, reached between her legs and experienced a surprise.

Not only that she groaned lustfully, as wet as at that moment I had rarely experienced Claudia. Despite all the fear and shame she felt, she was obviously horny by the humiliating situation. I hadn’t expected that, especially not to this extent. That opened up completely new opportunities for me! It offered me the opportunity to go on when I had planned it until then. Without warning I penetrated her shortly afterwards and took it hard and regardless.

I used it as a pleasure object that only counted my pleasure. Although she had never gave many noises during sex, this time she groaned her lust after just a few bumps and uninhibitedly. After less than ten minutes (estimated), Claudia came to the most violent orgasm, which I had experienced with her until then. Since the whole situation had naturally horned me up, her amazing orgasm tore me along and I also came very violently.

As soon as her climax was abbot, she started sobbing. I turned her over, took her blindfold, took her in her arms and kissed her tenderly. Suddenly it was clear to us that this bet would change our lives and we had crossed a border that we probably couldn’t go back. In her eyes I saw that the incredibly great desire that she had felt right before scored her very scared.

It was immediately clear to me that the way in which this pleasure had come about. Although her submissive inclination was obviously quite pronounced, Claudia had either never deliberately felt her, played her down or so far very successfully replaced her. That was probably no longer possible after this experience. So much self -fraud just didn’t fit Claudia. Strangely enough, we didn’t need to speak to understand each other. We had never been as close to ourselves as at that moment.

I kissed her tears and then kissed her back on my mouth. Slowly the fear of her eyes and some trust and confidence came back, although she was still visibly unsettled and confused. At least that’s how I interpreted her mine game, which I watched closely so that I could react correctly and in good time if necessary. In the SM stories that I im Internet had read, had to The slave After sex, usually clean your sirn with her mouth and now I asked for it from her too.

Again Claudia crossed a border because she had so far put my penis in her mouth at most immediately after showering. Now she knelt down in a blunt moan in front of me, licked and sucked until it was clean. It cost them a little overcoming at first, but much less than I expected. Then I kissed her tenderly and told her that she would be the most wonderful slave in the world, which only put a timid, somewhat shameful smile on her face.

Shortly afterwards she even looked a bit proud. That was exactly what I was hoping for. Claudia should learn to subordinate itself, should exceed limits, but in such a way that she would be proud of her performance afterwards. Since my sperm now followed gravity and running down on her thighs, I gave her five minutes to clean and then wanted to see her in the bedroom. As she hurried into the bathroom, I quickly got dressed in order to expect her in the bedroom.

When she appeared there, I took the cuffs from her and gave her a dress and shoes that she had to put on. Since I had got hungry in the meantime, I wanted to do the Chinese with her around the corner to eat something there. With no reaction she showed that it would be uncomfortable to carry the collar in public, which was very surprised because I had expected protest, at least with a breastfeeding. Surprisingly, Claudia bothered much more that she was no longer allowed to wear a panties under her dress.

I concluded this at least from the longing -scale looks that she stealed in the direction of the closet, in which she kept her laundry in the direction of the longing. A request in this direction or even protest failed to materialize. After strengthening ourselves a little later in the restaurant, we quickly returned home. When I left the restaurant, I clearly noticed Claudia the relief that I had given up any games there. Apparently she had expected that because she was very tense there.

In the case of the opposite conditions, she would probably have done it differently. However, it should still exceed at least one limit that day. So far she hadn’t been ready to shave her shame, not even after having shaved myself in the pubic area. That should still happen. Once at home, Claudia hurried into the bedroom to take off her dress and put on the cuffs. While she was doing this, I had brought the shaver out of the bathroom and just turned it off when she already came into the living room and humbly asked me to help her put on the cuffs because she was not really tight, at least not thaton the wrists.

That came to me very much!I ordered her to lie back on the table, which she obviously did not understand but did obedience, although she was to look at how much she was ashamed to have to present herself like this. Lying on the table with the legs spread out, she finally presented her pubic area even more openly than some time before. I really put on her cuffs and then captivated her arms and legs with the new ropes on the table legs.

She watched me suspiciously, but did not resist. Shortly afterwards she was nicely spread and unable to move tied up on the table. The feeling of being naked and completely defenselessly at the mercy caused Claudia a lot of discomfort, which was to look at, but also a significantly increased lust, as I realized when I looked at my work. The lust nectar ran down in the Poritze again in a considerable amount. When I started cutting her pubic hair briefly with a scissors, she finally understood what I was going to do.

Immediately she started to beg and zetter. So I went around the table, gave her a kiss and asked her: “I have to ask my car if I can drive with him?”” No Sir, you don’t have to do that, “she replied confused and looked at me without understanding. “I have to ask my slave if I can fuck her?“I asked her pretty hard. “No Sir, you don’t have to do that either,” she sobbed. “I have to ask my slave if I can shave her?“Then I wanted to know.

This question first elicited her a very tortured sound moan. Claudia’s subsequent expressions of expression was worth seeing. It was to be seen that she was experiencing a change of feelings, which resulted in the fact that her inner resistance finally collapsed. “No sir, you don’t have to do that either,” she replied miserably after she had given some complaining sounds. “Would you like to ask your sirn for something?“I asked her in a stricter tone, whereby I had to suppress a satisfied smile.

Claudia knew exactly what I was expecting from her and I knew exactly how much overcoming it would cost her. I saw how it worked in her how she fought her pride and stubbornness, which was a big step for her, because if she had rejected immediately, that would not have been a surprise for me. The shave to let her shame go peacefully about yourself, but also to ask for a completely different one to ask a completely different one.

It was clear to her that the question of whether she wanted to ask me for something, nothing more than the demand to ask me to shave her. I looked at that. As prudish as she was, she would have done a lot to keep her protective pubic hair. Instead, to have to ask me to make them completely naked there, was an incredibly big step for them. Much faster than I was expecting, Claudia managed to overcome her inner bastard and then asked for it and with tears: “Please … shaving … shaving my … my pussy my sir!“I could hardly believe it when I heard it;I wouldn’t have bet on it beforehand.

My joy was all the greater. That’s why I kissed her tears, then kissed her gently on her mouth and then told her that I was incredibly proud of her. Then the tears dried up and a tentative smile showed himself on her face. Suddenly she asked surprisingly: “Please sir, may I watch how you do it”, and then promised, “I will definitely keep it very quietly!“For that she got a tender kiss. Then I loosened her handcuffs and helped her straighten up the upper body.

Then I continued, shaved her nicely, loosened her legs so that she could pull her legs on her chest and also shaved her pofalt thoroughly. Then I checked the quality of my work with the tongue. That was not new territory for you. She had liked that before, but couldn’t enjoy it often because her hair bothered me. In the past, however, she would have preferred to extinguish the light.

I licked her column, which, as already mentioned, already emitted, nibbled and sucked on her inner lips and then dealt with her full swollen buttons, which protruded under the protective skin fold. Her lustful moan grew louder and shortly before she came, I stopped. I wanted to make her horny, but I didn’t let her come yet. Claudia made a disappointed loudly, made a pout, but said nothing.

I pulled her off the table, took her in her arms, kissed her tenderly and stroked her all over the body. “Will you be a obedient slave, my darling?“I asked her in a friendly manner. “Yes sir, I want to do everything you want,” she promised obediently, although I listened to her voice, how horny she was still. In order to get her redeeming orgasm, she would probably have promised almost everything in the situation without thinking about any consequences, as she was just as it was.

“Are my wishes your wishes too?“, I wanted to know afterwards and stroked her legs to distract them a little, which was a little sneaky. “Ohhhh Jaaaaaa Sir, your wishes are also my wishes!“, She groaned and turned under my hand, her cunt rubbing on it like a snake. With big steps she headed for another orgasm. “If my wishes are also your wishes, you will surely give me the little pleasure to ask me to fuck you in the ass or was that a lie?“I finally asked her and was excited to see how she wanted to get out of the number.

Only a few days earlier had she categorically explained that she was never guaranteed Anal sex would do it, but that was known to be in a different life. Now she looked at me in horror and did not bring out a word. Since Claudia only gave a few complaining sounds instead of answering, I asked her whether she thought she could successfully refuse her rosette. So I elicited her once again a very tortured sounding moan. “No Sir, what you want, you will also get,” she replied after a few sigh with a barely suppressed groan in the voice.

“How do you like it better if I just lubricate some lubricants to your rosette and then pushing it in vigorously or when I prepare you lovingly, carefully widen you and only when you are so far fuck in the ass?“Then I wanted to know from her. “If you prepare and widen me, I will definitely like it better,” she suspected sobbish after a short superiority. “And what do you have to do to prepare you and widen you?“I wanted to know then.

This time she didn’t take long to overcome herself and suddenly said with a subliminal moan in the voice: “If it is your wish to fuck me anal, it should also be my wish. Please fuck me in the ass, my sir!“However, her face was to be seen that she had decided to do a little evil with her request from her point of view. I hugged her and assured her that she was the most wonderful woman in the world.

She looked at me in astonishment and I asked her if I had already done something with her today that would not have liked her in the end. Claudia looked at me a moment, then smiled a bit ashamed and finally replied in a rougher voice: “No sir, so far everything was incredibly cool, even if I have never been humiliated so!“And why do you still don’t trust me, why do you allow your fear to be greater than your trust to me?“I asked her seriously.

“Please forgive my sir, everything is still so new to me, I put a lot of trouble to make you satisfied,” she replied miserably. “To make it easier for you to obey me in the future, I will make you known to your teachers,” I immediately announced to her and also asked, “Are you ready to get to know your teachers?“Without understanding who these teachers were, this showed me her facial expression, she replied tentatively:“ Yes sir, please make me known to my teachers!“The matter with the teachers was obviously suspect, especially since there was never any talk of involving other people in our game.

The confused Claudia obviously. She was highly unpleasant before others. However, she also became aware that I had previously enforced each of my wishes. The hope that something could change in it apparently did not have. So she was silent and waited. Then I led her behind the large leather armchair and fixed her feet on the legs of the armchair. Due to the width of the armchair, their legs were of course also spread wide.

Then she had to bend forward over the backrest and I tied her hands on the front legs of the armchair, which was completely defensive and helplessly at the mercy, inviting her ass, raising her ass. I looked at my work satisfied, then reached the leather paddle, stopped her face and asked her to greet her first teacher with a kiss. Finally Claudia understood who should be her teachers. The relief that it was not other people only lasted for a moment, because she had never been able to deal well with pain.

She finally obeyed with fear of wet, wet eyes and kissed the paddle. Then I stroked her back, her butt, and finally her shame, which was still so wet that the pleasure slime ran down on her thighs. Now I gave Claudia two strong strokes on each buttocks. Their outcry sounded more like frightening than after pain. After three strong strokes on each buttocks, in which she mastered far better than with the first, I put the paddle aside.

Her butt now shone light red. Until then, Claudia had kept himself really well, which I also told her. Then I kissed her tenderly, gently stroked her and reached the whip. She also had to kiss that again. After that I also gave her ten pranks on the buttocks and thighs, but not very strong, so that it hurt, but only slightly reduced stripes. I didn’t want to overwhelm her and I couldn’t really enjoy it to hurt her.

My sadistic vein has never been very pronounced. That’s why I watched Claudia very carefully during the chastification, in order to be able to cancel immediately, I should have the impression that she was overwhelmed. Although Claudia spread out short, shrill pain screams in these ten strokes and also tried to pull her butt in, she thought she was very good again, so I finished it and did not stop it. Again I stroked her head, gave her a kiss and told her how proud I was because she had kept great and was very brave.

But Claudia gave me a tentative smile and also looked a bit proud, even though her butt burned completely like fire. Immediately after that I asked her if she was ready to get to know her third teacher. She not only explained her willingness to sob, but even asked me to get to know this, which surprised me. I had probably underestimated her. With the cane, she then only got two lighter blows on the bottom, which she had groaned up and then three strong pranks, which quickly left strong, red streaks and let them whimper.

With a few kisses and with caressing her cheeks, I comforted her until she stopped builder after a short time. I also bought a cooling, pain -relieving ointment on the advice of the seller. I was now wearing them on Claudia’s abused butt. I saw that the pleasure slime had now ran down half the thigh. Even the very painful pranks with the cane had hardly or not at all affected their lust, because the electricity was not yet dried up.

Her labia were swollen and opened wide, including the inside. I let my finger slide through her column and gently stroked her inner labia, which triggered a violent, very lustful moaning with her. When I carefully stroked her clitoris, she only came to the absolutely violent orgasm with violent twitching and trembling with a violent orgasm, which I had ever experienced with a woman. After she calmed down a bit, I slipped out of my clothes, standing behind her and pushed my joy donor into the dripping cunt to fuck her hard and demanding immediately.

Once again I used her body for my lust and Claudia moaned loudly and uninhibitedly her. For me it sounded as if her lust was even bigger this time than before, while I had taken her unsccondus. After just a few minutes she came again as violently as shortly before. I continued to fuck her without a break and her climax never fully removed, but always came in waves until I came and moaned with satisfaction in her.

When I then walked around the armchair and looked into her face, she looked at me from a glassy eyes with a smile and somehow seemed away, as in the drug rush. Claudia was happy, but also at the end of her powers seemed to me, so I loosened her caps. After a while she suddenly asked tentatively whether she could say something. When I allowed her, she said: “You were absolutely right, dearest sir.

In the future I will blindly trust you and that you will fuck me in my buttocks, I’m already looking forward to it!”” You are no longer afraid of it?“I asked surprised. “A little bit,” she confessed tentatively and blushed, “but the curiosity of a great new experience and the desire that you are proud of me is greater than the fear!“I could hardly believe what I heard there. Claudia always managed to surprise me!Some time later she asked, a little shy again: “Sir are a bit proud of me?”” Not only a little bit of my darling, “I replied,” I’m even very proud of you.

How you jumped over your own shadow several times today was surprised and very impressed by me!“Happy and with trust she smiled at me and snuggled up to me. Soon afterwards I fell asleep. “I uploaded this story as a network find”.

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