Lady Ramona – The weekend | Erotic sex stories

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Lady Ramona – the weekend

One day when I came home, I learned that my wife would like to drive away with the children for a whole weekend, but since she only comes back on Monday evening, I couldn’t help because I wasn’t a job, so I had to do it alonestay at home. I didn’t think it was that bad, because I could recover something like that, really sleep in. But I didn’t dare mine mistress Confirm, I would really like to relax, she has used me almost every day for the past few weeks, but if she should find out later that I was alone and did not tell her, she would punish me terribly and I didn’t want that. I wrote an email to her and shared her respectfully what was going on and what I was going to do, so relax.

Your answer came very quickly.

You have deserved it my slave for the past few weeks, but until then it is 3 days, you will be juicy every evening until then so that you will not get any stupid ideas at the weekend. So it happened, she quoted me to her every day and I was sucked in empty every day, not always by my mistress personally but I was empty, not only my eggs were empty, but also my head, my soul, she broke my will completely. Finally it’s Friday, I came after Quitting time Home, threw the work things into the corner and went showering, after that I just sat down in the living room and I enjoyed the peace, my cell phone rang but I didn’t feel like it, I just wanted to calm down.

When it was evening and was already dark outside, I sat down on the computer to look through emails. I immediately noticed my mistress’ two emails and I let.

In the first she kindly wrote that she wishes me a quiet weekend and I should collect strength.

But in the second she was angry.

Since you do not go to your cell phone and do not consider it necessary to answer your mistress, I thought about it differently, write me an SMS immediately if you read it.

Mistress, I’ve read your email now, I’m sorry that I was only doing it now, but I fell asleep. I sent the SMS away and hoped that she was looking up with me, but she wrote back. We have exactly 6 p.m., you will be moved in my bathroom on time at 7 p.m.

I lowered my head, got up and got dressed. At that moment I didn’t even have the will to think about it, I didn’t want it, but I had no choice, I quickly made all the phone to land all the calls on my cell phone and I went to the car and started.

When I arrived in Mistress, everything was dark, I went to the bathroom to move around and only found my head hood with a note on it.

I pulled out and let the note, should I not be there until 7 p.m., go into the living room, drink what I have put on for you and lie in front of the bed, don’t dare to go to my bed. All naked and the hood in my hand, I went into the living room, looked at what is on the table. I found four small glasses with pure vodka in it. Next to it a note, it said.

That has to be enough for the whole weekend, good night.

What does she have before I thought, she wants me to sleep on the floor all night? And where is it then? I knew that I didn’t allow me to think about it.

I poured all four schnapps one after the other, pulled the hood over my head and lay down. I fell asleep quickly because I was totally finished from the hard week and that alcohol did his contribution to this. I slept deeply when I woke me up deep in the night when I came to me I heard steps in the room, My mistress It’s back, she sat on the bed, leaned over me and pulled the hood off my head, my eyes first had to get used to the brightness. I looked at her now and noticed that she was drunk and I got it to do with the fear, why is a mistress capable of when she is drunk? But she looks at me and smiles.

I was at a BDSM party, it was awesome, I mine slaves Borrowed, twice, and she laughed very loudly, I am working tomorrow, only come back in the afternoon.

Because I want to buy something nice for me for part of the money, and now my sweet slave, she leaned back and turned her thighs on, I would like to have an orgasm, I have now understood that she also had fun at the party. I stuck my head between her thighs, she had no longer on her panties, I licked her as best I could, but it wasn’t enough for her, she pushed me away, stood up, took two steps away from the bed, turned tooTo me and slowly started to pull her leather clothes out when she stood very naked in front of me she took my hood and put her over my head, at that time I didn’t know that I would no longer see the rest of the weekend no more daylight. Now she turned me my collar and stood on all fours on the bed, she pulled on the chain until I stood directly on the bed, she pressed her butt against mine tail and said. Fuck me now, but really nice deep, I put my cock slowly and until the attack in her cunt and started to fuck her, but after a few minutes she took a step and lay down on the bed, she turned around,Made her thighs apart and pulled tightly on the chain, so that I was on her now, put him in a slave and fuck me, I also, I continued to bird my mistress until she finally came and I was behind it immediatelyfrom.

You dirty slave, she said. I allowed you to come? let alone make my cunt dirty with your sperm?

down with you, leak everything clean, immediately. I crawled down a piece and started licking everything clean, at the time she took the chain, wrapped her around her thigh, so that I couldn’t even get my tongue out of her cunt, she turned to side, my head stayed onher cunt. For a long time I lay like that, I slowly noticed as my own sperm, slowly dry on my mouth and formed crusts, but there was no escape and my mistress sleeps, I should try it too and I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, my mistress was no longer in bed, but I heard the water splash in the bathroom, I thought she was definitely in the bathroom and gets ready to work, I hoped to come and say that Ishould tighten and disappear home, but it turned out differently. My mistress came into the living room and said. Lay yourself flat on your back you slave, I did it, she leaned over me, grabbed my tail with her hand and brutally caught him jerk off, She said.

I’m going to juice you now, I’m going to work now, but you also have to earn money, you will be defending today I am working two visits that have paid good money for you, and I don’t want to be ashamed if you are too fast againInjected, I don’t tell you what to expect, let yourself be surprised. She now took him in her mouth and started to blow him brutally, after a few moments she lifts her head and screams, beige it is 6 p.m.Came again.

She didn’t even wait until everything was pumped out of the eggs, she stood up, put her hand on her cunt and let a lot run on it, she now took her hand full of sperm and smeared it on my back, she said. They like such a dirty slave and laughed that they order to sit down, I did so too, she stood in front of me and said. I don’t have to tell you what you have to do now or? No my mistress, she pressed her cunt in front of my face and I started licking her cleanly when I licked everything clean, she turned and pressed her butt hole against my face. There is also something going on.

I pressed my tongue between her buttocks and started licking her bottom hole cleanly, that enjoyed it for a few moments. But then she just went away, she only came back for a few minutes and says. Take your leg up, now I noticed how she puts on her stockings again, now the other, she said. Now you go on your knees in front of the bed, put your above body on the bed and put your hands to the side, I felt how she fixed my hands on the bed now, now I had no chance to escape, but it wasn’t enough for her, she was not enoughPut the gag in my mouth and say.

So that nobody hears you and she laughed loudly and took a rope and tied my upper body to the bed, she pulled everything so tight that I could hardly breathe. My mistress got up, gave me a folding on my buttocks and said. I’m sorry but they want to have it, no, I’m really not sorry and she laughed. I have to go now, have fun earning money and I don’t bring me any shame.

She turned and went, I still heard the front door slammed. She left me like that now, I couldn’t believe it, how should I endure so many hours? I fell asleep. I lost the time when I woke up, it was dark, but not because it is dark outside but because I had this damn head of the hood and I didn’t see anything because it was not even light or dark around me. My legs already hurt, my arms and my lips that enclose the ball.

I heard a sound now, someone is at the door and just turn the key around. I tried to lift my head to hear better what happens there, but I had no strength more, my head fell back on the bed, I was no matter what happened to me, the main thing is that it was quickly over. It also went quickly, I heard heavy steps that come to me, no word, no sound, absolute silence, the sound of a tube that goes up and again. I feel a cold finger boring into me and massaging my sphincter so that it relaxes, now I feel how someone kneels behind me, and slowly presses his cock into me, I moan loudly and try to push my body forwardto escape it, but there was no escape, I was so tied that I couldn’t stir a cm.

In the meantime, he sank his cock deep into me and started to fuck my butt, but it didn’t take long and I felt how he unlocked his warm sperm in my ass and slowly pulled out his cock out of me. I heard how he pulled himself back and went to the door. Tell your mistress a thank you from me and that she was right with the horny ass. Thank God he was gone, I felt the whole sperm now runs out of me and my legs down, but it slowly became firmer and crusted soon, I fell asleep again.

I was woken up on the bottom with a strong folding. I lifted my head frightened and tried to listen to what is going on here, at the same time I hear how someone crawling around on the bed, a women voice says. Do something for your money, not sleep, it sounded very strict, I haven’t heard my voice yet, she sat down in front of my face, she took my head a little higher and pushed her abdomen when she let go of my headHas, my lips landed directly on her bare cunt, lick me slave, do it me. I stretched out my tongue and started licking her cunt, I thought that it was not that bad, the main thing is that no more cocked today, at the same moment I already felt the cold finger on my bottom hole, he smeared the whole thingHole with lubricant, he even took the tube and sprayed something directly into my hole, in the meantime I totally forgot that my task was licking and I felt a strong blow on my back, it must have been a whip, I started again immediatelyto lick and she groaned.

But I also felt how my buttocks are being processed further. Until it was finished to climb, it didn’t take long and I felt a cock bored again, I thought Mistress, what was you doing to me? Why? Is it so much money? But again I felt a whip on my back, I licked and tried to forget what was happening behind me, but it didn’t work, he fucked my bottom hole so wild that it hurt, but I couldn’t even say somethingBecause defend me. But also came right, he downloaded his sperm in my butt and pulled out his cock, another blow on my back, I forgot to lick again. Now she said that doesn’t work with you, put the tongue in there now and finally lick me decent, or should I complain to your mistress? I put my tongue deep into it and continued to lick it as I can best.

In doing so, I felt the whole sperm runs out of me again, down my legs, except on the floor, but I didn’t want any more blows and I continued until the woman came, she groaned loudly and screamed. Yes yes yes, she took my head and pressed it against her cunt until I had no air when she noticed it let go of it, she rose from bed and went, I just heard her say softly. we go. Shortly afterwards the door slammed and I was alone again.

I have never longed for it that my mistress is here and my head cray. With these thoughts, I also noticed that I got hungry, thirsty, I couldn’t think about it beforehand and I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, my stomach hurt with hunger, I didn’t know how late it was, but it had to be Saturday. I heard voices outside in the stairwell and thought to myself. Please not, please no more cocks.

But when the voice came closer I realized my mistress, I was really happy that she was, but she wasn’t alone. When they were both women in the hallway, my mistress said. But please don’t be frightened, I have no idea what condition he is. Don’t be afraid you really think I’m flower sex fan, come.

Ok ok, I warned you. My mistress came in first, looked around, and said. Well, it looks like someone had a lot of fun here, just one not, and she laughed when her friend saw it, she just said. Sweet, Ramona I knew that you became more confident after the separation, but so? I think it’s great, that’s a great thing.

Yes, my mistress said, I don’t like to admit you but he also contributed something to it. slave? This is my colleague, work colleague, that’s my slave. And she laughed. Sit down Sweet I will prepare a bathroom for the slave, her friend sat down totally curious about the bed next to me and watched me, my mistress said.

I just wanted to offer you a different place but I see your interest is awakened and she went into the bathroom. Her colleague was so curious that she couldn’t leave it over my back and let her finger walk to her bottom cheeks, but when she heard that my mistress came back, she stopped with it, got up and sat down at the table. My mistress came in and started to captivate me, sit down now and pull out the ridiculous and fully dirty stockings, you only pull them when guys are on it, and now off the bathroom, she pulled tightly on theChain and when I got up she went into the bathroom with me, where she confessed to me in the tub and wash me, but I shouldn’t take the hood out of the idea. I answered.

yes my mistress.

Wash yourself off, I want to use you today too, not only others when you’re done you call for me. She closed the door and went out, I was relieved that she was back, I felt safe and I started washing myself. In the meantime it rang the doorbell and I shrugged with fear, but it turned out that it was only a pizza and disappeared again. I was now finished with washing and called out loud.

Mistress I’m ready. She took the time to pick me up again, but that didn’t matter, I slowly realized that I was only happy when she was near me. Only the ordeals showed me how important my mistress is for me. She came in now and pulled me out of the tub on the chain, she dried me off and pulled me into the living room.

We have come up with something that sweetened the evening with you the evening.

Now put your back on the table, I’ll help you. While my mistress turned my feet on the table legs, her colleague took care of my hands, my head hung down from the table, my tail stood like one and both women laughed. I felt how they distributed small pizza pieces on my whole body and then pick them up directly with the mouth. From time to time I got a piece in my mouth, which breastfeed my hunger a bit, I also noticed how her colleague pushed the whole tail into her mouth and then she said.

Oh an oversight and both laughed, now I felt a cold liquid on my stomach and both women started to absorb it, hm tasty of the red. When the pizza was all and apparently the wine, said her colleague. You notice something?

No, my mistress answers. I can’t go home anymore, at least not drive myself and you probably don’t.

That’s what my mistress said, you can stay here, the slave can also sleep on the floor. he stays here the night? Ok, I will like to do, but if he is here we could … yes we could, don’t speak anything against. My mistress fasted me on my stiff cock and said.

He certainly has nothing against and both of them started to tie me. My mistress took the chain and pulled me to bed, I should lie down when I put myself, they both took my hands and legs apart and tied them to all four corners, they pulled the captivation so tightly that I was afraidTurn out my hands out. I got a gag again and from now on they ignored me. I heard both of them sit on the sofa and let the television run, I didn’t notice what kind of film it is, at least it was not youth -free.

At some point I heard her friend say. I really can’t look there anymore, you really can’t do that with me, Mona, you know how cool I am? My mistress very cold. Go there, get an orgasm and come back to me on the sofa, but don’t mess me up, he still has to do something today. They laughed out loud.

Mistress her colleague really couldn’t stand it anymore, she stood out quickly and sat on my face, taking her hands my cock and stroking her glans, she groaned as if she was coming, she was like that belowWet that it really went down into my mouth, I now drilled my tongue in her and started licking it. That was too much for her, she stood up turned and slowly sat on my cock. My mistress looked over every now and then and smiled. She rode me now as if from his senses, I no longer endured it myself and splashed into her, so it doesn’t work you slave, she rode a few more seconds until the whole juice was out of me and sat down on my mouth againDon’t tell me what to do now, I put my tongue in her and licked it on, after a few moments it came, very violently, when the horny feeling was almost over, she put her body on mine and recovered something,I stretched out my tongue and licked her cunt a little more and she enjoyed it.

My mistress said. Hey sweetness no cuddles, that only spoils a slave. She didn’t have to tell me what I had to do now, I put my tongue in her and licked it on, after a few moments it came to her, very violently, when the cool feeling was almost over, she put her body on mine and recoveredSomething, I stretched out my tongue and licked her cunt some more and she enjoyed it. My mistress said.

Hey sweetness no cuddly units, that only spoils one slave. They looked at each other and her friend slowly got down from me, naked as she was, she sat down on my mistress on the sofa and they push with a glass of wine. To tonight. Thanks Mona.

They continued to look.

I was now alone on the bed, legs pulled apart, my arms also stuck at both corners of the bed and I couldn’t see anything, I only heard how both women were amused and enjoyed their wine. I was naked and delivered to the whole world. It has to be damn late now, I thought. As if I could read thoughts, I heard my mistress telling my mistress.

Mona I’m slowly tired. Then let yourself go, I’ll be added right after the film. And what about him? We cannot get sweet, better bed pad, or? hm you are right and should I get the desire at the sight at the sight? Do I have to tell you again and again that you can use yourself?

they laughed. Her friend lay down next to me, her head on my chest, covered us both with the blanket and put her hand on my eggs, she began to massage it easily, which my cock had totally upgraded again, thenbegan to stroke him.

When he stood splendidly again, she slipped deeper and started licking the acorn with her tongue, I was so far again that I had to be careful not to come in her mouth. My mistress saw the spectacle, turned the TV out and now put on my other side to suck my chest sucking on my chest and biting in in between. Now she took her hand and started to stroke her cunt, she stuck her fingers deeply and then she stroked a little over my lips with her same hand and put her in my mouth, I licked herA little clean and she disappeared again, her friend continued to play with her tongue on my glans. Her girlfriend now wanted more, she got up and slowly sat on my stiff cock, she leaned her body so far back that you could see her cunt well again at the front.

My mistress crawled on me now and lay down so that I now had her cunt on my face and of course started licking it greedily, but her head landed on her friend’s belly, who was just sitting on my cock, my mistress startedKissing and licking her belly button, but her tongue hiked deeper, but since it didn’t work, she took her fingers and still mapped her cunt her girlfriend was still sitting on me. Then she already came and she groaned loudly. Both women looked at them afterwards and they changed the positions without a word, my mistress slowly sat down on my cock but this time differently, with their backs to me, their friend pressed her wet place on my face and dropped her upper body forward, she dropped forward, sheFirst stroked the butt of my mistress, who just rode me faster and faster, but her hands wandered further forward and she started to work on my mistress’s clit, I couldn’t control myself anymore and came at the moment I was injecting everything into mineMistress and now expected that they punished me for it, but the two of them did not let themselves be disturbed, my mistress continued to pursue my cock and enjoyed her friend’s massage. It couldn’t be long that my mistress came too, she groaned loudly, and enjoyed the earthquake in her, her friend lay down next to me in the meantime and stayed so simply, cuddled with me, my mistress didn’t want toGet up, she just turned around, took care that my cock stayed in her and dropped to me.

Both women fell asleep in such a way that I did not take long, I also got tired and fell asleep. In the middle of the night I woke up, one of the women held my cock in my hand and pressed firmly, but they continued to sleep, one of them had to dream of something nice and we fell on. At some point I woke me up, both women were no longer in bed, but I heard them wandering around in the room, the covers were gone, so they could see me completely naked again and still tied up. It had to be Sunday morning when I didn’t offset myself with this back and forth, I didn’t hear much, many steps, door, door to, water in the bathroom until I could hear her girlfriend.

Bye Mona and thank you.

not sweet, always happy.

The apartment door went and it went.

I hear my mistress say now.

Well slave, you like it yesterday? I couldn’t answer, had the gag in my mouth again, she continued to speak. As often as yesterday, you have never been fucked through or? She was right, I was enough, my cock felt like a washcloth and my ass hurt again when the idea of what happened yesterday. But it comes even better, believe me. There was a fear of showing through the whole body, it should get worse today? Now she came to me took my bonds on my feet and hands and said you off from bed, she pulled on the chain and took me to the bathroom.

Get into the tub and wash yourself, but properly, we drive away today, I’m going out with you. She went out of the bathroom and I washed myself as she ordered me, thoughtless and with broken will. She came back into the bathroom after a few minutes and asked. Slave is ready with your cleaning? yes my mistress, that’s me.

Ok then I want you to go to the toilet now and do it all, you call me when you are done. Yes, the mistress, I said and crawled out of the tub without drying out, because if my mistress wanted it, she would order it to me. When the tasks were done, I called my mistress when she came back into the bathroom she grabbed her chain and pulled me back into the living room. On the bed lies your pants and a shirt, you put it on now and wait, she showed me the way to the bed, I sat down and started without watching what I do to put on things, my mistress disappeared in timeEven in the bathroom.

I got ready quickly, I also found my shoes, I also allowed myself to put on. I waited.

After eternity, it seemed to me, my mistress came out again, I heard her gear that said to me that she was coming to me directly, she stood directly in front of my nose, took my hand and put it on her butt. well you can feel now how I look. I felt her butt, it was closely packaged in leather, my hand slipped deeper and the leather already ended, she had a very short mini skirt that hid her bottom, next I felt the tip of her keeper stockings, then the nylons, they went up to just before the knees, from then on leather again, it had to be her boots, she interrupted me now.

that’s enough, we have to go. She took the chain in her hand and pulled it up, I got up and we went into the hallway together, she put on my jacket, the hood over my head so that you do not immediately see that I have the head hooded, she pulled herslong coat, but once again put to the chain, this time very close to the neck so that it can lead me down the stairs a little better. She took her pocket in her hand and we went out, it worked better than I thought I got over the stairs and the car was right at the entrance, she opened the door, pushed the seat and pushed me roughtook a seat in the back and when my mistress got on, we immediately started.

We drove for a long time and my mistress had hardly spoken all the way. After a while my mistress stopped and said.

we are there. She got out, took me out of the car and led me behind the chain, caution stairs, she said, and we went down a few steps and through a heavy door, then a few meters along a hallway and into a room, in a room,who had turned out to be changing room at the moment. She closed the door behind us and ordered me to take me out when I stood in front of her again, she put the ball in my mouth and again she pulled on the chain and we continued along the hallway. We went into a room where I immediately felt that we weren’t alone there, my mistress said.

Hello everyone, answers came out of every corner immediately. . I thought I could hear that there were 2 men and several women, certainly five. My mistress went through the room with me for a few meters until it stopped and told me.

Here you stay here until something else is ordered to you. She went away now, I didn’t know where and also not what it looked like, I could only imagine what was going on there. I heard plates, chairs, glasses and many quiet voices. I stayed on the floor now and waited what happened next, it sounded as if the gentlemen had eaten for lunch.

When the plate of noise fell silent, the wine glasses followed, the gentlemen were doing really well. I heard a woman say. want to visit our slaves now. Again I heard chairs being pushed away, I heard steps everywhere now, but I knew I am not the only slave there.

I felt hands, everywhere, my cock was also examined, this is a slave market here? I thought to myself.

Someone said. Lady Ramona I would like to see what your slave has to offer. It was a male voice. My mistress said.

But please, what would you like to see? My slave should test how big his cock will be. As soon as a mouth was crowded towards my cock, took it deep into his mouth and started sucking, it didn’t take long for the little one to grow to his full size, and the man said. Not bad, you can do something with, The slave Now let off me and let me sit with the stand. These kind of tests and exams had to endure all slaves that were there that were there.

There was also a woman and wanted to be licked, she said she didn’t get a cat in the sack. My mistress said. Use yourself, I myself would like to look around for a new toy. I heard my mistress walking away, someone pulled on my chain and I followed, she sat on a chair and pressed my head against her cunt, lick me nicely, I want to know if it is worth borrowing you, I started her immediatelyCunt to edit my tongue, she threw her head slightly back and enjoyed it, I really tried, I didn’t want to disappoint my mistress.

In the meantime she murmured. Your mistress probably also did a slave, she can be done from behind and I want that too, she got up, pulled on the chain so that I got up, knelt on the chair and stretched out her butt, I couldBut don’t see, I only realized where she reached for my cock and said. Fuck me now. I started to fuck her, she groaned so loudly that everyone in the room looked over to us, which I couldn’t see.

Suddenly the woman said. That is enough, now a little licking, she sat down again, I knelt and started licking her cunt again, at moment later it came tremendously, she pushed me away and just went there, I stayed there without sitting there. I was sitting there now and heard how it was moaned around me everywhere, my mistress was also listening, but I didn’t see where she was and what she was doing. Someone now grabs my chain and pulls on it, of course I follow inconspicuously, a men’s voice says my slave is sitting here in front of you, I want you to fuck her now, but hard, that’s her punishment, she bitten a gentleman in the tail, the wild bitch.

Once again he pulled on the chain briefly and I already noticed her ass in front of me, I stood behind her, felt my cunt with my cock and led him to her, she was so moist and wet that I already thought thatI am not the first one who is now climbing over it, his voice interrupted my thoughts. Fuck her, you are not here for a pleasure, I started to step into her, more firmly, I heard him command, so it is good, and now you inject deep into her, as I did on the command, it came to me immediately,I shot the whole load into her, immediately spanned the chain and pulled me away from her, I just thought poor girls have to let every cock come here. When my chain was released, I stopped in all fours and waited what is coming now. But there wasn’t much, my mistress came to me and said.

Follow me, it was an extremely successful noon and you have increased your market value, we’re going home now. She pulled tightly on the chain and I followed her. We went to the changing room, there she helped me to put on me, but my head hood I had to keep, we went to the car, I got in the back and my mistress behind the steering wheel and we drove off. My mistress only said one during the trip.

The rest of the day you are only there for my pleasure.

When we arrived in my mistress’s apartment, she took my jacket off and said. Take off completely and wait. I pulled out in the hallway and heard my mistress running water into the tub, thought my mistress would like a clean slave for the rest of the day. Come here she called, so without watching something I tried to find the way to the bathroom, which also worked out well.

Sit on the floor and wait. My mistress got into the tub herself and relaxed a little, I heard how she played with the water, how the calm enjoyed. After a few moments she got up, dried and said. Now you, get in and wash yourself.

When you’re done, you call for me. Now she went out of the bathroom and closed the door, I was alone, so I washed my whole body off.

When I was done, I called out loud. Mistress, I would be ready. However, my mistress took time again.

But my mistress didn’t forget me, she came to the bathroom, put on the chain and took me out of the tub when I was standing next to the tub, she said. On all fours you slave, which I did immediately, I now felt how she gave me my bottom with lubricant, put my finger in my hole and also lubricated in it. You will now carry the toy in you, as long and as often as I want it as she pushed the first ball of the anal ball chain in me, she said. I’ll check out tomorrow if you have it in it, you will go to work, maybe I will also come there to watch if you have it too.

She introduced all balls and now pulled me into the living room, where she went to all fours and said. Now you fuck me as you fucked the slave today. I climbed my mistress from behind and started as firm as I did with the slave, it seemed to be groaned, she groaned loudly, which I did not see, she also smeared her butt with Gleit and saidBut you in my butt, this is a command.

I took out my cock out of her and carefully put it in mistress. When my cock was in her in her I caught my mistress in the ass, she was so tight that I couldn’t stand it long, I came in it, I still fucked her for a few seconds until she slowly on the floorput and let me stand on all fours, she was there for some time and said.

Now pull your hood off now. I did it, my eyes hurt me, after all I haven’t seen any light for two days. Think of the balls, she said suddenly and smiling she whispered. disappear now, wants to be alone.


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