Gangbang on vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Finally summer vacation actually wanted my friend and I to Croatia. Actually. Because his boss and thus also put a strain on him and thus also thwarted. He was allowed to continue service and I was alone on the beach. Ok, I wouldn’t be me if I wouldn’t take advantage of such a situation in my favor. Of course I reacted very sadly to him but also bad, which also led to the fact that he encouraged me to take my bondage utensils with me.

As if I were to catch up with his permission. Sure he had become my master, but just because I wanted it that way. My clothes were quickly packed. Underwear, bikini’s and some fashion for 14 days. It was more difficult with my bonds. Ropes, handcuffs, etc. should be with and needed space. I also made the pain, although it wasn’t quite my favorite game. I had planned to enjoy the time with sun and bdsm.

The evening before my trip I took a sleeping pill one. I know that is not the best at 18. However, I wanted to drive through and at around 13 hours of driving without traffic jams I wanted to go fit. On Friday morning around 3 a.m. I was awake. I went to my plan. So on the morning toilet, brushing your teeth and rinsing intestines. Yes my friend loved anal and therefore made it a daily task for me. This is almost autoMash now.

After my plug was in me too, I dressed for the trip. Bra, light top, string and a strechmini. The latter actually just because I could push it up for small games while driving. In front of Würzburg the tank was from my little fiesta the first time empty, which I also connected to a little break. 40 min. Pace to get to the toilet. A test of patience. From now on I preferred to go into the forest than to give me it again.

The next stop was intended for the border area with Austria. As a little Gimmek I wanted to fill my pussy. So I looked around and when I was sure nobody looked and none of the many children peeked into the car I introduced one of my dildos. It was not the largest at 5 x 10 cm, but filled me out. But I couldn’t imagine that exactly that would be uncomfortable.

Because from now on I was in the stop and go. 400 km and 8 hours of travel made the dildo more than uncomfortable and I was happy when I then 2. Could go to refuel. I drove the 3 section through Austria back into the night. With the 5 fuel stop I had arrived in Croatia and down from the highway. An hour later I had arrived in my apartment.

Unpack and go back to shop. I wanted to eat too. After shopping, I put on one of my bikini and went on the beach for the first time. I had found a place quickly a first time the sun burn on the skin. I had to put up with the looks from one or the other young man but also old grandpa. When I came out of the water for the first time, I became clear that I didn’t necessarily know the best color for a bikini.

My nipple piercings but also my lips were more than clearly recognized, which led to some their eyes intensified again. Especially the looks of a group of about 10 boys in my age reminded more of construction site gods than on vacationers. Then in the evening the first FaceTime was announced with my sweetheart. In a nutshell, he asked me that I should tie up my breasts, which I would like to do. Then I should put the adhesive pads from the tens to my more than plump boobs.

He now told me the program and the strength while I had to satisfy myself in front of him. In the end he wished me a good night and then I was alone. The way I was I introduced my vibroei, put a step bondage and put the pads on my buttocks and my labia. Then I put the keys from my handcuffs to the entrance door to the apartment and lay down on the bed, which was at the same time the point that was the most away from the door.

I put the egg on Max. Vibrate and the tens on an ever greater and painful program. Then I let myself fall on my stomach and put my handcuffs in a hogie. Anyone who has ever seen a video with a remote -controlled vibrator will know that it is difficult to concentrate with the vibrations. It is even more difficult to move, or. seal. It was also not to be despised, which was also difficult for me with its pulsating electricity.

Nevertheless, at some point I had reached the keys after my 4 or 5 orgasm and could free myself. I was so flat that I went to bed afterwards and only woke up the next day around noon. After eating and my daily bathroom tasks, yes too on holiday I did that every day, I was again at the beach. Only in the evening did I go to my apartment, which is easy to eat and shower the salt.

Then I’m going again. I had seen something that I had, if possible, had intended as a location for an outdoor session. The path was heavier than I thought, but I was on the small castle ruin, or. Lighthouse Ruin absolutely alone. No human soul was here. I couldn’t even make a way here. Not even a tramble path. I put some stones in places I Z. B. Selfies or photos would take.

On the one hand, I wanted to find out whether someone else came here, or whether it is going to do animals here. From that moment the planning started in my head. Even when I was back in the apartment, the basic structure of my plan was stood. Spreadagle on the pile of stone with electricity, vibration, plug, ball gag and connected eyes. For the release I had to go again the next evening. The plan for the release should prove to be more difficult than expected.

Nevertheless, I could also put a plan for it. The next evening I was back on the ruin. Build the device for my release. Finally my life would hang out and I tried this evening until the light was gone to test the function. Only when I was satisfied with the result did I go back to the apartment. The next day I was back on the beach. In the evening I drove into Zadar to look at the sea organ and the colorful light game.

Awesome horny and can I only recommend everyone. The day had finally come. I packed my bag the night before. At lunchtime I went to the ruin. First I checked my release. Everything was still where it belonged. Then I went off my markers again. No animal and nobody had been here. Then I made a first real trial on the stone platform. Not the most pleasant but for the 4 hours I wanted to be good here.

For safety in front of sharp edges, I put a blanket brought with me as a base. Now I could start. First I put on the Ballgag. Not 20 meters next to me was the beach and even if there was rarely someone was there, I didn’t want to be audible. Then the plug was on and then my vibroei. With a step bondage, I prevented that these things that were important to me were unintentionally slipping out. Now I put my two at hand, because now I could start captivating myself.

Through a hole in the stones I could pull the rope that should be knotted on my leather cuffs. I had to attach the rope for my handcuffs on a hook on the ruin. After I had put together everything, I aligned my release. The key to the handcuffs would then fall into my hands. In the event that this would not fit 100%, I also placed an additional emergency rope on the knot that attached the rope with the handcuffs that I could then use.

Then I started the release. I now hook my leather cuff with the carabin hooks. My legs were now spread at a 70 degree angle. Even while sitting I put on a breast bondage that my breasts squeezed a bit. 4 hours completely bound would be too dangerous. Then the pads of the two tens were on. I fixed the first 4 pads on my buttocks. I then fixed the 4 pads of the other on my labia and the left and right of my venus hill.

I was finally able to start the vibroei. The batteries kept for about 3 hours at full strength, which was ok for me. The tens’ batteries should last about as long. So I should have 1 hour to regenerate. One last check. Everything was on. Now I was able to put on my blindfold and when my handcuffs were locked, I could enjoy the time. The vibroei drove me from one orgasm to the next and with the two tens devices this was additionally reinforced.

I still thought an amazing session. But like out of nowhere I suddenly had hands everywhere on my bare skin. My piercings were painfully twisted so that I reared up in my bonds. “Cutting the horny cunt the pussy free” “right” “There is still something” going, with a knife or scissors my step bondage was cut open. “Look, the little one has a vibroei inside” “pull out the thing. “I winded myself in my bonds as when it comes to my life.

Then I got a blow on my chest and finally a slap in the face. “Still still, bitch” how many were you? I had already heard 7 or 8 different votes. Then the first pressed his tail To my grotto. After a few minutes a change. I was glad that nobody hosed in me. After the third I didn’t resist. The feelings were too horny with this Gangbang. Too hard the twitch in me.

Even if I couldn’t see it, but my body only had to be drafted in front of cream. Everywhere I felt how the sticky mass ran down on me. “Andre, come on. Don’t you want to do it, “” let it go, that’s not a good thing to do what you do there. Not good at all ”after another round, the boys let go of me. But they also left me just like that. “So Andre never becomes the right guy. “That was the last thing I was still hearing.

Then it was quiet. After all, my release key also fell into my hand. After I had my hands free again I took off my blindfold. Everywhere cream, which ran down to me. From the hair to my Venushügel. How should I get past all the people? I somehow had to go back to my apartment. My hope was that nobody was on the small section of the beach, so that at least I could scrape the rough from me.

Fortunately, that was also possible. When I was in the water, I could see how my tormentors’ cum of my tormentors loosened from me. Despite that I was probably raped there, it was the most violent sexual experience I had so far. The boys, as planned with my vibroei, had driven me from one climax to the next. In an unobserved moment I crept back to the beach and back to the ruin.

20 minutes later it was tidy here and when I had my bikini again I strolled back towards my apartment. On the place I was in the sun the days before, there was only one of the boys’ group. I don’t know why, but I felt like that. “Well Andre, your friends no longer dare to go to the beach or they are so exhausted from the same that they have to sleep.

“His face became bright red. I had hit the mark. “Um … so……. me “” Why not? Still Virgo Or is the little other too small?“The redeen remained on his face. You could literally see how he ranked for words. Finally he lowered his head. “I’ve never. I didn’t want to come to the start. “” At least you are honest “in his swimming short you could clearly see that it was highly excited. And I liked what I saw.

“Come with us” I took it by the hand and literally dragged him behind me until we were in my apartment. I threw my bag into the corner and turned around to him. I opened the grinding of my bikini and let the fabric triangle slide to the ground. 8 boys had just taken me, but this guy I wanted to do it. A male virgin. “Don’t you want to put your pants too?“I was finally seeing his cock.

The comment donor I had not felt earlier. And my first look hadn’t deceived me. There was a real gem. Not even very hard, but certainly 20 cm long. From where I know this? The thing was already bigger than that of my friend. I didn’t say anything anymore, but got on his knees in front of Andre. Slowly I let my tongue slide along his spanking from the approach to the glans.

Even in licking I enclosed his pleasure donor with my lips. I already had the first load in my mouth. Even if I tried to swallow everything, one or two drops ran from my mouth. After I also sucked the last drop out of it. This time it was Andre who took me up and promoted to the bed. “Please make careful, I haven’t had such a big caliber myself in myself,” what did I talk.

He should fuck me. Firm and hard. Then the moment came when his glans opened my lips. My eyes twisted with one, albeit slowly, slipped off his cock to the stop and remained there for the time being. “Fuck me” I breathed towards him and he didn’t let that 2. say. Again and again he let his spanking slide out almost to the top and then sinked him again to the root.

Andre finally came in me with a great explosion. Good that I take the pill. We had together for almost a week now Vacation. And advise where Andre spent this time. Maybe, but only maybe I let myself be carried away by a story from the 2. Week to write. But likes must be used.

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