First BDSM experience for a couple | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Marie got boredom she married her Peter 2 years ago, she was already aware that her sweetheart had a very labor -intensive job! As a senior civil engineer for large projects, he has to travel a lot. However, since he insists that his wife should not be working, old school stops, Marie spends a lot of time in the absence of her 20-year-old man Internet. As a 27-year-old woman you have your needs …

And it can’t hurt if you sometimes look at a few porn to experience at least a certain stimulation. Today is another day when she just misses her Peter so much. When surfing, she comes across a page with various short videos, in which women of all ages can be fucked really hard by sometimes really sweet guys. There is a super -stocked man in the thirties to fuck a neglected housewife according to all the rules of art! As always, when she looks at something like that, she showered and creamed freshly.

And it is naked. With so much sex on the screen she can never keep your fingers quiet. Also this time caught They are massaging their tight and firm tits and rubbing their nipples. But not just the nipples! She also lets her hand slide between her thighs and masturbates until she completely out of breath orgasm receives!She continues to surf and comes to a video that she hasn’t known so far.

A very beautiful, young woman is flogged up by a much older man in it! First she is startled and presses on, but then she goes back to this clip. Somehow she really turns it on to see how the woman tied to a cross is getting hotter among the lashes. She quickly runs into her husband’s study and gets a 30 cm long wood line from the desk with which Peter always works on his drawings.

Back in front of the PC, she watches the man hits the breasts of the beautiful young woman with a whip and how she groans under this treatment. “I can do that too,” she says to herself. She takes the ruler firmly into her right hand and lets it clap on her left chest rather carefully. Uiii, but that burns properly, she thinks. The same result on the right breast. The man in the video now strikes much harder.

The young woman is getting wilder. Marie is now almost imperceptible to her breasts. As much as it hurts, the desire in it increases so much to strike even harder. So hard that she actually shouts out of pain loudly!At the same time, she feels how the juice runs out of her cunt. How can that be, she thinks. There is this huge pain on her tits, and the juice runs out of the cunt! It begins to slide on her leather armchair and keeps the ruler on her breasts again and again, which have already become pretty red.

And how she then strokes her fingertips slightly over the nipples, she experiences a very intense orgasm without reaching on your own cunt! Orgasm through pain! Craziness!! How horny it would be if you are now the ruler on yours pussy slogan!! Whether the highlight will then get even stronger? She absolutely has to try that!So she slides a bit forward on the armchair until her butt hangs over it.

She spreads her legs as far as she can. Your pussy is now totally open. The man in the video now also hits his slave’s unprotected fuck column. But with a belt! Marie gets up and hurries into the bedroom, where she pulls a wide belt out of one of Peters Jeans. With this she runs as quickly as possible to her armchair and is open again far in position. She wraps the belt around her right hand, as she sees in front of her in the video.

And then … the leather claps slightly on your cunt that has now leaked. What a great feeling!!! Better, much better than with the ruler!How that burns! How cool that is at the same time! She realizes that she is getting going more and more, how her breath is becoming increasingly violent and the blows that she also balances herself on her column! After about 25 sometimes rather hard blows it happens! She screams loudly, much louder than before and certainly much louder than with sex with her beloved man! She gasps and moans, her pulse races and she puts a hand on her cunt just beaten up just how automatically a hand.

“Hello my darling, I’m back!! Hoppala, what are you doing there?“She hears her Peter’s voice at once. Due to sheer lust, she did not notice that he has been in the door frame since who knows how long has been in the door frame. It becomes bright red on the spot! “Hello my darling, it just came across me. Are you now angry?”” How can I be angry with my so horny woman! Are you alone … didn’t even know that you are in it … but you can have that, my angel, ”he says quietly to her.

As soon as he took a seat on the sofa, when he pulls his naked woman over and puts her over the knee. The first time, Since they have known each other, he has been doing them now! Again and again his hand claps on the naked buttock of his beloved Marie in front of him!”Yeah … my horny stallion … Hit me … yeah, firmer, even harder.. Jaaaaaaa ”moans Marie, whose buttocks are now quite red. “That is.. Sooo horny my gentleman … yes, just punish me! beat me!!“Peters hand now hurts a lot of hurt himself.

So he steals the butt and wears his girl into the bedroom, where he puts her on the bed. He gets two ropes out of the household drawer and a good dozen laundry clips. With the ropes he captivates his naked girl with arms and legs wide -spread on the metal struts of her marriage bed. Then he quickly gets a silk scarf and connects her eyes. “What do you have … with me … uhhhh, I’m sooo horny dearest..“Mauche Marie.

Just wait, my horny woman, ”Peter answers just. Now he sets the first clothes peg. Directly on the nipple of Marie’s right breast. “Auuuuaaahhhhhh … “She sounds. The second on the other nipple. “Uhhhh … but that pinched …”. “That doesn’t matter, my angel, it should also!!!“Three more brackets around the nipple clip round off the horny picture on their tits. A little below the chest height, two brackets are now placed in their flanks.

Marie screams briefly. “But they are bad …” she says. Peter smiles nasty. He puts the last two out on the labia that is bleeding out by the belt campaign. Then he pushes her one too Dildo into the cunt and switches it on. “This is how you stay now! I want to listen to the bathroom! I’m going to take a shower first! And then … “” What then..“Asks Marie, who is already heavily pouring. “Darling … what then???” Again no answer.

Instead, the shower rushes next door in the bathroom. The dildo in her clap -wet cunt does its devilish service. She gets a wave of pleasure twice during showering and she loudly crows her lust out. There, the shower goes out. A short time later, Marie feels something on her skin. “What is.. that … love??“She wants to know. “This is a feather mine Angel. It now brings you madness!! Betting??“He strokes the feather gently over her skin, Peter begins between the breasts and then works bit by bit over the belly button to her cunt.

Marie naturally expects that he would now touch her on her clit, and so she pushes her pelvis a bit higher. But nothing happened! Instead, the spring keel now goes to its left thigh on the inside from the top in the crotch to their toes. Marie is close to madness! What a great feeling!!! On the other hand, it goes up again from the toes from Langsa. This time the spring only touches them very briefly between their labia!But that is enough to press the dildo out and snuffy and strangingly to get an orgasm on their bonds! “My Darling.. This is so miracle … but now please fuck me! Put yours tail In my totally wet cunt.

Please, please, please!!!”” First I take off the brackets, love “replies Peter and snaps one of the eight clips down on their breasts with two fingers. Marie screams really loudly! “Ahhhhhhhh … you scoop …”! Zack, the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth in quick succession. The cry doesn’t want to end at all! And he strengthens again how Peter snaps the two brackets from her nipples! In this scream, Peter is now sucking on the painful rock -hard nipple.

He has never seen his girl so horny!!! She groans and croaks … just horny!”Hmm, the clamps on your cunt, I let them first” she hears him, he has already said that he has already laid on her and pushes his huge cock between the brackets into the twitching cunt meat. An enormously deep suck in breathing air is the result, immediately afterwards Marie presses the air out of the almost closed lips again.

Her voice begins to buzz quietly, singing, while Peter keeps happening hard and his lance drills deeply into the body of his Marie, which is trembling with excitement! “Uhhh … Jjaaa … jjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhai!!!!!!!!!“While his cock is still in her, he kisses his girl violently and very intensely! Peter has not yet sprayed! He loves it too much when his Marie takes his hammer in her mouth and lets it slide deep into the clever! He now kneels over her head, puts a pillow on her neck so that the head can be overstretched backwards.

Now comes his favorite position! His full 24 cm press into Marie’s mouth, no twitching, no chokes, his balls clap on Maries lips again and again. Peter kneads with great power Marie’s wonderfully solid tits and keeps twisting her nipples! Oh yes, he knows how he can make his girl horny!!And so your whole body twitches and trembles while Peter discharges with a primal scream deep in her neck! Then he lets himself slide on her and lick the eggs by her while he pulls her cunt lobes apart on the brackets and stimulates her clit with his tongue and teeth.

Not long, then his girl cries out a hammer orgasus for the umpteenth time today!Only now Peter gets down from her, loosens the bonds and pulls them over themselves, where the two feel like kissing wildly for ten minutes! “Oh my horny piece, how did I look forward to it!!! To finally fuck you really tough again! And when I watched you there as you chased yourself up with a belt, there was no stopping for me! And I just had to captivate you and get it as violently as possible!!! My angel, I love you sooooo very much!!!!“After a further long kiss, Marie also gets to answer.

“You have no idea how much I miss you, my beloved man. So much that I get it myself almost every day. And today … I did for the first time. But don’t guarantee the last time! I wish so much that you then punish you like today. No matter where and how, please fill me again and drive me to madness!!! You promise me that??”” I promise you my girl, my horny fuck piece!! And next week when I’m in Singapore … we scyped together.

Then I want to watch you from a tens of thousands of kilometers how you get it yourself and how you hit yourself. Promised?”” Yes my beloved gentleman! And tomorrow we’ll go to such a shop and buy an extra thick dildo! And one for my ass. And a whip!!! But you have to try it out in the evening when I stand tied up and naked at the door … “” But surely!! But why only in the evening?? Immediately after we are back home, you will completely undress in front of the apartment door outside in the stairwell.

Then I want you to creep into the apartment naked in front of me! Only then will I chastise you with the whip. Agreed?” “What a question!!! Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa … Do what you want with me!! Leave me from now on when we are afterwards, be your slave! I therefore ask you from the deepest soul! Just use me how you like it! I can hardly believe that I would ever say something like that. But yes, I think I think that! A lot!!! Please fuck me now and here again? I want to ride on your lance, my horny knight!!!!“That night the two didn’t really get much to sleep! The two of them have never driven it together as often as that night! By the way, the two can buy a new wood line the next day.

Maries Knackarsch scraped the thing!!! Much to their joy, by the way!!E n d e the story.

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