Anja’s first BDSM experiences | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Anja has on the net Contact Tied into an older dominant man. At the age of 46, she is a life -experienced woman who only recognized her passion three or four years ago. During sex with her partner, he, how he picked her up again in the kitchen at the stove, pulled her the leggings and panties down and fucked her from behind with her flat hand a few times on her butt.

She made it so horny that he was right after her orgasm had to fuck on the table, whereby he broke the shirt into scraps. “Yeah, gossip me on the tits loved … uhhh” she asked him. Up to this point she didn’t know how cool pleasure pain can be!But to more, too harder, your partner is not ready. Because he loves her too much, he said.

But Anja is no longer enough today. She wants to be taken almost brutally, preferably when she is tied up and at the mercy. Then a man can do everything with her! The main thing is that he makes her even hornier and hits her, also and especially like to be on her bare shaved cunt. After a few emails back and forth, Anja has agreed with a first meeting with this internet acquaintance. Micha, as he calls himself on the net, suggests a meeting on a neutral ground in a street café in the city center.

She should make something nice, easy to put on, he applied her. Friday, late afternoon, the first pictures are exchanged, so that you can also recognize yourself in the café. Micha is already there and sits near the window front at the last table in the row. He sees Anja coming, rises and waves to. She walks towards him with a sparkling heart. “Hello Anja, nice that you accepted my invitation” he greets her.

Kisses on the left, kiss on the right then she answers him. “Yes Micha, very much even. Hello first, everything is fine with you?”” Sure, now “comes back quietly. Anja is positive about his voice, has something like that and at the same time determining. “Take space and have a look at you. Hmm.. I like the white blouse very much, and he also grins cheekily at the “underneath” “, his eyes hanging on her appealing nipples.

Anja gets red on the face slightly. “Thank you, I like being without a bra. Makes me on ”she replies in a nervous voice. “And of course I also like that that you wear a chic mini and don’t hide your well -shaped legs under long pants,” he adds right back. In doing so, he puts his hand on her right thigh and leaves her there. “You are very nice, thank you” she breathes back. Your breath becomes more intense how he lets his hand slide a little bit under the hem of her minis.

But he takes her back right away. “Now honestly … you wear a slip underneath?“He asks with a rather serious look. “Well you go but go” Anja replies excitedly. “What do you think, I have one or not?“Comes Keck from her. “Don’t know … spread your thighs a bit” he calls them now. Anja does that a bit hesitantly. “I say … no, you are naked under your mini … right?“Anja becomes brave.

“Well then look at..“She breathes back softly where she pushes the skirt up a little further. Micha’s hand straighten up on the way, from her knee she slowly hikes up, only a little bit, then he would know. But he pulls his hand away again. “Show it to me, push the skirt up very high and give the view clear. I want to see it now!“His voice now sounds different, researcher.

Anja grabs her skirt hem herself and pushes it up very slowly. Provocatively slow! Then, finally, she gives Micha a unhindered look … on her smooth shaved bare cunt! “I did well, not true? Our chat touched me that way, I just couldn’t help it. I wanted you to see me from the outset as I love to myself. Naked under the light outer clothing. Do you like what you see there? And you like it when a woman does not wear anything underneath?“Your voice flutters in these words, her breathing frequency is significantly increased and the nipples are pressed with primeval power against the thin fabric of your blouse.

“Yes, I expect a woman as horny as you are just that she doesn’t hide. I would like to open the blouse now so that I can also look at your certainly fantastic breasts. Come on, do two or three buttons..“He responds to her audibly excitedly. “You little connoisseur. Well. Just look at how much my tits long to be touched. But just look, don’t touch, ”grins Anja and opens three buttons in her blouse.

Micha pushes one side a little outwards. “That’s what I’m saying. Looks really great what you have in the blouse! Come on, we’re going. I want to see you very naked. As quickly as possible!“Is his reaction. Anja buttons her blouse again. “And where should we go? Yes, I want to show you completely, want to look you in the eye when you take me off. I love these moments when the greed is written in your face directly “.

Micha gets up and takes her by the hand. He still pays quickly while going out, then go to the parking garage to his car. “Hop in. We drive into my apartment, ”he says quietly to Anja. Almost 20 minutes later you will reach the destination of the trip. Quick up on the first floor and into his game apartment. There he sits on one of the two cocktail armchairs. “Stand in front of the bed, legs slightly spread hands on his neck,” he calls on Anja.

She does that immediately. For a while he looks at it from top to bottom, sees how her chest rises under the heavy breathing and lowers, press the nipple stone hard against the thin fabric. He gets up and approaches Anja very close to Anja. Always her eyes firmly in view, he opens button around her blouse, pulls her out of her rock cuffs and pushes her over her shoulders very slowly, but still lets her hang there.

He takes two steps backwards and looks at her apparently still firm breasts very carefully before stepping closer closer again. With his fingertips, he strokes her over the cleavage, a light shower overflows Anja with it. A short time later the blouse falls off her shoulders. Micha grabs her nipples with his fingers and pulls two steps forward to stand behind her immediately and let his strong hands enclose her breasts.

He massages it with slight pressure now. Anja moans softly. “Uhhh … that is sooooo good … don’t stop …” she breathes quietly. How he then lets his hands tackle more firmly groanes it noticeably more violently. Abrupt he pulls his hands away again. “So stop” he whispers her in her ear. He goes to a small cupboard in the room, opens the doors and takes two hand cuffs made of padded leather on which two carabiner hooks hang.

“Your right arm please” he asks Anja now. She takes him away behind her head and holds it towards him. Micha lays the soft leather around her wrist and closes the buckle. “The left” he says and also puts on the cuff there. Immediately afterwards he pulls her forward on her hands four steps. At this point there are two massive hooks in the ceiling, between which a steel chain hangs at a height of about 2 meters.

He is turning Anja around now so that she can look towards the bed. There is a large mirror on the wall behind the bed, in which Anja now sees himself as he first lifts the right, then lifting his left arm and the carabiners engaged into the crossing chain. “So now you are at the mercy. I can now do what I want with you. Excite you this thought?“” Yeah, very even … I have to defend me defenselessly to have to indulge in your lust … just so infinitely horny for me! How do you know that?”” Well, I read something like this in your eyes and I hear you practically shouting yes … take me … use me … “Anja repeats his last words sniffing.

“Yes, take me, use me, I am defenselessly at the mercy!“As Micha then tightens her breasts again, goosebumps immediately form on her entire body. Under his light massage she moans, enjoys his touch. But he solves his grip again. Seconds later she feels how he puts a silk scarf around her head and takes her eyesight with it. “What.. What do you do with me … “she pours it quietly to you. “Sweet silence, Anja.

Just let me do it. Trust me, ”he whispers her in her ear, to which he now leads his mouth very close. “Yeah, I trust you,” she gave back. Micha’s fingertips now slide down from the silk scarf over her neck, he presses his tongue very slightly into her ear. “Uhhh … Jaaaa …”. Now you slowly slide down over your backbone to the cuff of your skirt. The safety button is opened and the zipper is slowly opened.

Micha holds the skirt at the top, but carefully slide his hands on the side and down on the hem, where it holds for a moment for a moment. And then, with a courageous jerk, he pulls the skirt down, she groans again! So now she is completely naked in front of this man, whom she has only known for a very short time! “N/a? How do you feel now, my naked girl?“Micha wants to know.

Anja thinks a short moment of what she should answer him. “This moment, just before you pull my skirt down, before I stand naked in front of you … and then tear down the last little fabric … that’s sooo cool!!! To be able to do nothing about being completely pulled out of you is one of the hottest feelings that I have had in a long time!!“And I enjoy it exactly the same way, my horny naked Angel.

I completely have you in my hand. You belong to Me! Say it, I want to hear it from you..“If he whispers in her again and presses his tongue, this time more violently, into her auricle. And again Anja groans. “Yeahaaaa … I belong to you!!! Do what you want with me!!!”” Brave girl, I love it when a woman says to me that I can do everything I want with her!!”” Jaaaaa … you can do that.

Everything, you hear? EVERYTHING!!!!“Micha has now walked around her and touches her lips with his tongue, which almost automatically open up automatically. Anja literally melts at the next 2 minutes under his sometimes very tender, sometimes demanding kiss. As she then feels his hand between her thighs, she willingly opens her legs and his finger in her dripping wet cunt she can get an orgasm during the kiss! Your body trembles, trembles, her pelvis moves circles, she presses it more and more firmly on his hand.

Micha loosens briefly from her, goes to her knees in front of her. A kiss on her wet pleasure pearl, and a little later slide two, then three fingers, finally even the whole hand under the back pressure she made, deep into her fuck column. With partly strong movements, Micha rams his hand, which is now becoming fist in her cunt, and in again and again. In and out. 3 minutes long! Anja sings the song of lust quietly, breathes deeper and more and more violently … until the pent -up lust discharges in an insane orgasm scream and her whole body is violently in hers Tie up wind!”You horny buck you.. Yeah … fuck me … use me … she gasps how the wave of pleasure is slowly becoming weaker.

She hears Micha somewhere in the room, but not directly with her. There, now he’s back. But what is he doing now? He wraps a rope around her right ankle and pulls the noose. Anja notices how her leg is slowly raised. Micha had put the other end of the rope around the chain where her arms are fixed. She can’t do anything about the fact that her leg is pulled up and outwards and is tied up so.

Her cunt is now totally open, the juice runs down on her main leg. A few seconds later, Anja sniffs violently, puts something on her unprotected cunt. Something … that would soon rob her senses! Micha has put the tab of a riding crop, or better between her labia. “What.. What do you do with me … ”she poured them out in full excitement. “Be quiet … and enjoy” comes back as an answer. And then … Micha begins with it, the whip very carefully on her dripping wet pussy to let dancing.

Very easy touches, you can’t even call them blows, make the already horny mare to sing again. Micha increases the intensity of the touch, the small leather piece now claps well on Anja’s cunt. “Uhhh … “In her lust, she can no longer control what it gives. And Micha? Is a real master of pleasure pain! With repeatedly interspersed, significantly harder blows, he brings them to other highlights directly on Anja’s lustperle within two minutes! Then he loosens the rope and leads her leg back into the safe stand.

He now also loosens the carabiners from the chain and takes the sniffing naked woman firmly into his arms, presses her tightly, enjoys it, as Anja likes to return the pressure and rubs her pussy on his pants. Micha loosens the silk scarf, the two see a felt eternity deep into the eyes. This rays of her blue eyes, this incredible satisfaction … just brilliant!Anja goes to her knee without a word and opens the belt of his pants with trembling fingers, opens the zipper.

Micha’s powerful piston jumps straight into the face. “May I, Lord?“She asks softly. Lord … she called him for the first time. Michael’s pride knows no more limits!”Thinked, you never ask …” he laughs back. “Oh yes … D a s I would have loved to do it in the café, Lord. Come on, lie on bed. So that I can show you how much I feel like it with you!!!“She pulls him on his tail After him, “on the way” Micha stripes off his pants, then slowly falls onto the bed.

Anja gently stoles her oh so soft lips over his bar, carefully pushes the foreskin back and plays with her tongue on his glans. Micha is in the seventh heaven! Such a horny, naked and absolutely hot woman has not felt on his piston for a long time. The way she spoils him, how she slides her tongue down on the shaft, how she licks the eggs, sucks it into her mouth … to let up again on the other side and immediately glide its 21 cm in herLaying throat is really robbed of his mind.

Certainly for 5 minutes he is pampered. To, yes until the juices rise with him. He tugs his cock out of her mouth, grabs her pretty strongly and presses her head backwards. While he then discharges himself loudly over her face and his full load there and distributed in her mouth, Anja himself jerks his cunt and still comes to another orgasm during the cumshot. With great dedication and care, she takes his juice out of her face with her fingers and licked her with relish before she still cleans with her lips and tongue.

As she is done with it, she drops on the bed next to her master and cuddles closely to him. For minutes nothing but silence and light stroking each other. “Micha, Lord, I thank you from the deepest soul for what I have experienced today. My gut feeling didn’t disappoint me! I ask you that we will do something like that or whatever you want to do with me very soon! I need something like the air to breathe.

Need your tenderness as much as the blows on my cunt. Need your cock deep inside me and yours sperm on and in me! Do you promise me that you take me so hard again? I hire you!”” I promise you, Anja, slave. That and much more!!”END.

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