A wife in the sex club | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A text was ready again. A free weekend was waiting for new activities. My darling had driven away again in the afternoon. As he said, he wanted a little surprise for one Birthday party shopping. The phone rang around 5:00 p.m. It was an SMS from Dieter. “Dear darling, if you feel like a little game, then answer within the next 30 minutes. If you agree, then you have to know that there will be no back for the next few hours.

“I didn’t quite know what to do. I felt like – but what would happen, what could he mean ? My curiosity was just too big and so I taped “yes” after a little breathing space and sent the answer away. It took barely 30 seconds, so the next SMS “I want you to bathing immediately and yours pussy shaving. Be finished in two hours and expect my instructions. “Now I got a little tingling.

What does he have plans, there would be a pleasurable and rubbing at night? If he came home he would immediately tail push deep into me and fuck me hard and firmly fuck? Lick me? Drive me to the brink of madness? I felt how I got damp. Yes, it will definitely be a nice evening and that’s why I’ll do what he asks me. He had done something similar before and I had to wait naked in an armchair with a blindfold.

When he came home, he gently stroked my breasts and his lips soon found my itchy pussy. Almost he would have me right at the beginning orgasm brought, but he stopped shortly before and whispered in my ear and asked me if I was ready to come on the spot. Of course I was ready and how. His fingers slid into my pussy and massaged me in my most sensitive place. He stopped again before my redemption came.

I begged that he continues to continue to penetrate me and that he fucks me immediately and quickly. Then he asked me if I would still dream of being licked alternately by two men and then fucked by two men. Without thinking, I nodded him, after all he brought me back to the edge of an orgasm with his fingers. He continued to ask me: I would definitely not mind if another man was there and the foreplay would end and lick me until the end.

Full of hope that he would bring me to the peak, I responded to his game and told him that I didn’t care. The main thing is that everyone else would redeem me immediately. Again I placed him not to interrupt and continue his finger game, I was about to. But he stopped again. The whole thing would go for some time. Finally he spread my legs, put them on the left and right over the armchair and told me that I could finally relax.

Again he asked me what would be well if he had brought someone who was waiting to continue. Of course I would have agreed to everything at that moment, he had already crushed me to the edge of madness and it was probably just a game. I therefore nodded and told him that he should finally let him start, I couldn’t expect it anymore. I wanted to push his head between my legs.

But he removed my grip and whispered in my ear again. Then he told me that he actually brought someone with a huge stand to finally fuck me. Of course I didn’t believe a word. I heard my sweetheart away quietly away. And then suddenly I heard a whisper, I couldn’t understand anything. But it actually seemed to be there. My heart beat faster on the spot. Immediately after that, steps were heard.

Really a stranger? Someone stood in front of me, knelt between my legs and started licking immediately and violently. Somehow I was messed up, but I had no time to think and only enjoyed the “strange” tongue, which tenderly brought about the long -awaited feeling between my labia. It felt different, somehow more violent, I was able to briefly perceive another, bitter fragrance and now I was convinced that someone else really licked my pussy.

The idea let my feelings lawn and so I came with incredible twitches without warning. The juice only seemed to stream. I finally had my orgasm. But I could only take a short breath. At the same moment I was turned over. I was bent over the armchair and a cock penetrated deeply and demanding into me. Immediately after that I was fucked quickly and hard, something that I particularly loved. After long and deep bumps, I felt hot seeds poured out in me.

Just as suddenly as he had penetrated me, so suddenly he escaped. I heard the steps away. After less than a minute, the apartment door was opened and murmur could be heard. My husband apparently said goodbye to someone. I was actually delighted by someone else ? I was almost convinced, but who could have been ? My husband came back and asked me how “he” was.

I was flabbergasted. He let me braise all evening in the thought that there was actually a third party in the game. While we cuddled together in bed, he asked me if I wanted to repeat such a surprise evening with the man, lick me and let me fuck hard and firmly. The thought of it made me horny immediately. When I answered his question, he said that the “acquaintance” would like to come with a friend whether that would be OKEY too.

In the meantime, his fingers were already deep inside me and I groaned in agreement. He felt my wet pussy and lay between my legs. I imagined that the stranger licked me and it only took a short time to a beautiful and redeeming orgasm. It was only when we came up again after days that he finally admitted that he was and the situation was only played. But he also admitted that my desire for male reinforcements had also horned him very much.

And we already gave ourselves in bed with the provocative dreams, he licked me and I imagined that one or two men would still take part. That evening I fell asleep quite cheekily. Of course I dreamed of the wildest orgies at night. And that was no less realistic than the horny game of the evening. Somehow I started long for this game that this game might even take place real. I looked at the clock and suddenly it was back in reality.

My god, I had to hurry up. The dreaming on at that time cost me a nice time. The water was quickly embedded in the tub. I am in a probably smelling lotion and stroked my body in between every now and then. My nipples stood hard from my breasts. I was wet, I mean, I was really damp. I was wet. It tingled in my stomach. The thought of what was back then and would come today excited me.

But I also had palpitations because I couldn’t guess what would happen. With the razor I removed all the hairs on my pussy. Of course not without touching my clit from time to time. Every time I shrugged when I gently slid between my labia with my fingers. This time I would probably come immediately if he would touch me. The ringing of the phone tore me out of my day dreams.

I reached the cell phone and read the new SMS. “You are probably done right away. Take sexy, but please no slip, you can take it with you, but put it in your pocket. A short skirt is allowed to you. And rightly lay your long coat. Then you wait. “I was visibly nervous now. I had to hurry. It took just under half an hour and then I was able to look at the result of my preparations in the mirror satisfied.

I was ready. Of course I couldn’t believe a clear thought, but somehow it will definitely be a nice evening, I hoped at least. Then the phone rang again. With shaky fingers I accepted the next SMS: “It starts, my darling. ! Put on your coat and go down. There is a dark sedan with Cologne license plate. A lady will bring you to me. She takes you to a private party with real nice people in a somewhat extravagant club.

I am already there and help with the preparations for the party. Oh, before I forget it, I discussed with the lady that they also open you the party prepared. “Now I was somehow flat. A private party … a club … extravagant. I couldn’t imagine anything precisely yet. While I put the coat on and went to the front door, I was still considering why I should go there without panties. At the same moment the limousine stopped in front of me.

A lady around 40 got out of the car and came up to me. “Hello, I’m Maria, you are sure Karin !”She stated. “Come in, I should pick up a few more guests, it goes on right away, we have another hour to drive” she opened the back door. It was an absolutely exclusive sedan. At the back there was plenty of space on two opposite benches. “It’s best to sit down in the middle, you have the best view to the front.

“I did as she had advised me. As soon as I was sitting, the door fell into the castle with a rich sound. I noticed the tinted windows. Obviously you could look out, but from the outside not inside the vehicle. Maria got in front and the speakers sounded quiet romantic music. The limousine starts with a whirring and we drove out of the city on the freeway outdoors. While driving, I only had eyes for this luxury slide, which had certainly cost a lot of money.

I had completely escaped that I didn’t even know what my sweetheart had planned, what kind of party it was or where the trip went. Maria seemed to read my thoughts in the rearview mirror. “You will ponder the invitation – or ?”She asked me. “Yes, right, my husband only sent me an SMS, actually I don’t know anything … only that they pick me up for a party,” I said. “So it’s really true that you don’t know anything and that your husband wants to surprise you ?”” Yes, “I replied,”..I only wrote something of a private party … somewhere in a club or something … nothing more.

” She smiled. “You will like it, so far every woman has liked it, we will definitely satisfy you … if you understand what I mean ?”. To be honest, I didn’t understand anything at all. Should that be an indication ? If so, what did she mean by that ? Or did I hear something that she hadn’t meant at all, which only arose for my rain imagination ?My cell phone rang. It was another SMS: you are already on the road.

I hope you like the car. You noticed that it has leather seats. Pull your skirt up a little so that you can feel the leather with your bare pussy and spread your legs a little. “Probably I blushed on the spot. Maria looked into the rearview mirror. “You can sit down comfortably,” she said, had known her about what was in the SMS or was it just a coincidence ? I was undecided. I carefully lifted the skirt and felt the cold leather on my pussy.

I imagined that the driver sees everything and on the spot I felt the moisture between my labia. Maria smiled back into the rearview mirror. “You really don’t know anything. And you can’t imagine what I meant by the fact that so far every woman has been satisfied, right is ?”. “That’s right” I answered. “Well, in that case I should slowly prepare you for it, your husband said anyway. “” Yes, he also told me with an SMS that he sent me to my cell phone.

” I answered. “He also told me that there was no back for you, you would want it, he told me. And I should make sure that you are in the appropriate mood when we arrive “The woman spoke in puzzling. But so it was, I had kept myself unconditionally for today when you like. I had approved everything. My sweetheart had made a lot of effort … by car and all of it, so I really couldn’t go back anymore.

I nodded her. “It will be ok,” I said to Maria. “Well then. We can start with the preparations if you want. “At the same moment Maria drove into the next exit and kept 200 meters further in a small remote parking lot. “There are two more guests climbing here … I’ll come back before they are there,” she said. She got out. Again this rich sound of the door when it fell into the castle.

Then she got in the back and sat opposite me. I was about to close my legs a little when she put both hands on my knees “Stay calmly, I’m not looking away, and I find your smooth -shaved pussy really sharp, I am always shaved, you can then be shaved so beautifulfeel when you are licked by a man or you will not find ?“I didn’t know what to answer;“He had told her that I was shaved ?”She smiled at me” You really don’t need to be afraid of how you see, nobody can look in from the outside.

So you can stay very relaxed, nobody will be able to see something and that your pussy is slowly wet, that shouldn’t bother you. “With these words, she pushed my legs apart a little, not too much, just that she could at least recognize something, at least, I suspected. “Sometimes you certainly have very damp dreams, that used to happen to me, even today I still dream how I take part in real orgies, like 3 or 4 or more men fuck and Iloud lust burst.

In the morning I am always so sharp that I have to do it myself, you know the feeling ? Of course I knew such dreams and indeed, sometimes I did it myself. I nodded again, but didn’t say a single word, although the sound of her voice appeared familiar, I wanted to hear her first. “In any case, tonight means fulfilling your damp dreams for you. Nothing will happen to you that you don’t want to voluntarily …

But you will like it, just trust me, ”again I nodding silently. The thoughts that she just called in me made me pretty hot, but as far as the fulfillment of my dreams was concerned, I was still at a loss. All my erotic and horny dreams suddenly seemed to turn off in my head like a film. It was also right, in my dreams I had a lot of sex and once I was really hard by several men on a table.

Maria got me out of my dreams again. “First I’ll connect your eyes to you. We do this with all new guests because our villa should remain secret. We also connected your eyes to your husband on the way out. “She already had a black blindfold in her hand, which she wrapped around my head. “At the party I take off the bandage again, ok ?” I nodded. She put her hands on my knees and pressed her apart a little more.

As in a trance I let it happen. She stroked with one hand along the inside of my thigh. “Your husband said, I should make sure that you are really cool when we are in the club. I promised him and I assured him that your pussy will be wet when we are there. With these words, her fingers penetrated deep between my legs. I couldn’t avoid backwards. She came suddenly, but not too hard, into me.

“Hey, you’re really wet, that’s good, but some people will be happy, you will surely have a lot of fun tonight. “She supported her words with stroking movements in my pussy. I couldn’t think of a clear thought. She kept going and would have stroked a quick orgasm if it hadn’t knocked on the side window at this moment. I was startled. But Maria calmed me down.

“Don’t worry, dear. These are our regular guests John and Chris. You drive along and will affect us for the rest of the trip … Unfortunately I have to stop now, because we are finally expected “. Her fingers were still playing in my pussy all the time. With one hand she opened the door. The two climbed. “Hello, May I imagine that this is Karin, our new guest, the party was specially arranged for you. “They greeted with a narrow” Hello, how are you “.

I heard Maria whispered to them. Somewhat irritated, I tried to close my legs and put my hands between my thighs. “She is ashamed ?”Asked one of the two. “Just fixed her, you will know how to help,” said Maria. I didn’t quite understand what Maria meant by that. The two took a seat to the left and right of me. Someone took my arms and pulled my hands out of my lap.

It was Maria, as I noticed shortly afterwards. “You have decided to go along and not only you should have fun, but above all our male guests, some of them have been coming for years. Do you understand what I mean ?”She said and continued” I promised to your husband that we bring you to the club with a dripping wet and hot pussies and this is only possible if you are not so tentative.

So from now on we will simplify the whole thing, because everything I promise I will hold that too. “I felt how they tied soft cuffs around my wrists, then they stretched out my arms sideways and somehow tied them on the handles that were over the two doors. The man on my left put his hand on my thigh “We take care of the lady” I heard his sonorous voice with English accent.

The other put his hand on my other thigh, “we will keep them in the mood,” he said, also with an English or American slang. Maria now got forward and slowly started. Almost at the same time both started to stroke my thighs. “You drive the first time with ?”Asked one of the two. I nodded. My defenseless position had my heart insisted like wild. I didn’t know if I should be anxious or not.

Although I felt terribly exposed, this situation excited me immensely. One of the two touched my breasts with his hand and stroked my hard nipples, which were securely and hard under the thin fabric. “Then we will horny you a little bit for two …” he said. His hand massaged my breasts. When he briefly pinched his nipples, I winced together. Then he leaned to me and kissed me. His tongue penetrated deep in my mouth.

Again and again he pushed her deep between my teeth as he kneaded my breasts with his hand. I shivered. Maria had made me so sharp that I didn’t even come to the idea of defending myself. I was happy to accept his touch. “Chris ! She has great breasts, “he said,” feel too, she likes that “. Of course, the other now put his hand on my breasts. Slowly he stroked my nipples.

And while John, as he was called, kissed me again, the other hand was stroking between my open thighs to the edge of my pussy and gently circled it with two fingers. I couldn’t suppress a cozy groan. Maria pushed me up within a very short time and the two continued straight ahead where she had stopped. I would have loved to have it if he penetrated his fingers deep into my pussy, but he did not make any institutions, not even when I raised my lower body and pressed a little bit towards his hand.

Chris had slowly pushed under my bra and pressed and squeezed the two nipples of my breasts alternately. “Your breasts feel great,” he said. I only produced a violent sigh. John played with his fingers between my labia, “You’re already really wet” he said so loudly that Maria could listen to the front. Now he took my clitoris between his fingers. He squeezed them together slightly and twirled it.

I already believed that under his touch I would come to orgasm immediately and suddenly. But he noticed how I reared up briefly and immediately he listened to “Maria really prepared you for the party, you come at any moment … “He said softly whispering in my ear. After I calmed down briefly, he put his hand back in my step “… If you want, I’ll stroke you for the rest of the trip, we will soon be there “.

“Yes, please, stroke me, it’s wonderful how you two do it,” I said. The two now touched me much more carefully than before. Chris leaned over my breasts and licked and sucked on the nipple. A tingling went through my stomach. Every now and then John touched my clit as gently as it carefully. The two did that really well. I could have sitting between them for a few more hours when the car suddenly stopped. “We are there” called Maria.

“Too bad” said one of the two “but you will surely get a little more from both of us tonight, promised”. She got out and opened the back door. The two passengers opened the ligaments, took me on my arm and helped me to leave the car. On the way to the entrance, the two men led me. Maria made a bell three times in a row and shortly afterwards we were opened. You could hear in the club music. We went inside.

Voices could be heard inside. It seemed to be a slightly bigger party. Maria took my blindfold. We stood in a spacious entrance area. The door entrances were hung with thick blankets. Significant candlelight created a cozy atmosphere. “So, my little one, we are in our sanctuary. Chris can show you the house right away. We have a lot of rooms here, as you will find out. I’m looking for your husband, he is sure to wait for us when I have found him, then I will come after, ok ? Only now did I notice Chris and John, my two companions from just.

John was dark -skinned and very strong, whereas Chris was rather slimmer. The two took off their things and undressed except their briefs. Now I could see their half -tire cocks with both of them, which emerged under a large bump. “Come on I help you out of your coat, you don’t need it anymore. “The two took me in their middle. John stood close behind me. He put his arms around my body and pressed my breasts through the half -open blouse.

Chris started to open the buttons and together they grazed the blouse over my arms. John’s hands were under my bra. He gently pressed my nipples while Chris opened the zipper on my skirt. When he grazed my skirt, I closed my eyes. I was almost naked, just with stockings, suspenders and bra, between them. Chris picked up my things and put everything neatly on a wooden bench. John took my head and turns it to the side that he could kiss me.

At the same moment I felt a hand on my pussy. Chris pressed his fingers between my damp labia from the front. “Come on we go through the rooms first, you will surely be excited to see what awaits you. ” he said. John turns around “I also look around, let’s see what’s going on today … How do we see us later,” he said. Chris and I went down a staircase. Once at the bottom, I noticed that it got even darker, you could only see one or two meters away.

Chris pushed me in front of him. We went through a narrow gear. “You always have to go through here. Now this gang is still free, but mostly the hottest scenes often take place here. Do you see the holes in the walls ? The room behind it is stick dark, so you can’t look in. But if you go close enough to the holes, it shouldn’t take long for someone to stretch out their hand from the inside and start to fumble.

Of course, this leads to traffic jams and here in the aisle there is very quickly fumbling and real wank orgies – just let yourself be surprised. If you want to go into the neighboring room, of course you don’t know what to expect in there. But all women and men like to stay there for a long time. It is the space where you can quickly drop all the covers because nobody can see it. Often you only hear lustful moans and nobody knows exactly what they are doing.

“It went on. We came to a door. There was a sign in the middle: Please only enter the hosts accompanied. “Oh this room is new, I don’t know it yet”, he tried to open, but obviously it was closed. It went to the next room. There were mirrors everywhere on the walls and on the ceiling. There was a huge bed in the middle, related to a red ceiling. “Well, you see yourself, the mirror room, there is always something going on here..“It went to the next door.

Here, too, a sign was attached to the “BI”. “The room is explained by itself, intended for both men and women”. After that, two more rooms came. They were provided with a kind of traffic light, red and green. “If the traffic lights show red, it means that a woman can occur. Then it is automatically switched to green. I will not tell you more. “Next came the BDSM – space as I could be explained. There were bondage tools, blindfolding and many other things, which I couldn’t grasp at first glance.

In a small niche, which was bordered on the room, there was a rectangular box in the middle of the room. “This is the buck, you should try it if you just want to indulge yourself. There are no limitation of the participants here. So if you want to be spoiled by many men, just lie on it and wait. “In addition, there was a buck, which was also covered with black leather, it was a semi -circle arched upwards. I looked curiously at.

“You can lie on your stomach or back and then let yourself be pampered. , Just try it, “he pushed me a bit and I lay back on the go back – his lead had made me totally horny and I could hardly wait for more to follow. My legs hardly touched the floor left. I just dropped my shoulder and stretched my arms over my head.

It was really nice. Chris put a hand on my breasts and massaged her, then I felt his lips and tongue, which gently licked over my stomach. “You like that, that’s right ?” asked he. I only gave a slight moan from me. In which I laid out lustfully, but gave him to understand that I liked it particularly well. But Chris stopped beautifully, he pulled me up on my hands and we went a little further further.

Next we came to a swing that was attached to the ceiling, in the corner there was a gyno chair. “It is similar, put in and let it use. “I would have loved to try both immediately, but Christian continued. Now came a room, the meaning of which was mysterious. “Entering at your own risk – and a big” O “was on the sign. “This room harbors a secret that you shouldn’t tell more, you have to have your experience yourself at some point.

I can only say that much that it is a special experience and many women like to go into it “. There were two so -called theme rooms, a Bedouin tent and a palm room. Both rooms were furnished accordingly and full of lawn. Finally he showed me the showers, the bathroom, a very nice whirlpool and a sauna. Chris took me to my arm and led me back. First encounter In the dark gear we came back to the dark corridor.

At the very front I recognized a few people. “Hello there you are” I heard Maria say. “”..and ? how do you like it ?”, she asked. Christian took the answer from me “I think she would like to start …” he said to Maria. “Your husband is already there, he’s still a few meters further, I think he hangs there a bit – I probably pressed him too close to one of the lower holes – everything is new for him,” Chris pulled me on too.

And then I could see him in front of me. My darling stood directly on the wall and pressed his lower body against it. When he saw me, he took me in his arms and gave me a long kiss “Well, surprise succeeded ?”” Yeah, I breathed in his ear, which was really successful. “” Then just stay here … it just starts … and everyone was just waiting for you, “he said. He was still pressing his abdomen to the wall.

I saw that he had put his cock through. His hand stroked my hip and looked for my moist triangle. I took his hand and let him know that I had shaved myself. Not more. He would have liked to really reach me between my legs. Chris asked me if I would like to see some room. He put his arm around my waist and a hand grabbed my bottom from behind.

He stroked me. Well, the selection of premises was quite large and I thought about whether I should go to a room … Chris stroked my hips with his hand and his fingers felt his pussy. I willingly opened my legs to him. With both hands he circled my wet labia. Finally he continued the game out of the car. I burned and felt the moisture in my pussy. Chris came a little closer and his cock touched me at the side.

He was hard and stiff and he was big. His fingers grazed through my labia. With my hands I supported the wall and spread my legs a little further apart. He had unhindered access to my hot pussy. Chris recognized what I wanted and finally penetrated me with two fingers. I felt his circular movements in me. It tingled everywhere. He fucked me with shocking movements. First slowly, as if he wanted to test carefully whether I like it.

My lower body pushed towards his fingers and he fucked me a little faster. Someone touched my breasts and stroked my hard nipples firmly. It was Maria. “Well, you have already told your husband how the two men stroked you on the way ?“I swallowed. “She is so sharp that she gets a mega orgasm right away,” she said and then I hear my darling answers “Sure she has nothing against it, she can hardly wait, you can see that.

“” I think you want to feel a hard cock in you right away, right “. I stammered out a “yes–“. Maria went to her knees in front of me. Her hand also stroked me now. She took my clit between her fingers and pressed him hard while Chris now moved his fingers a little slower in me. It was a wonderful feeling to be touched so tender and so hard by the two. I wanted to feel more in my pussy and I was looking forward to Chris Schwanz.

I hoped that he would soon penetrate me to fuck me. In the meantime, more people around us had positioned. Many hands touched and caressed me. I started moaning. Chris pulled his fingers out of my pussy and cleared the place for Maria’s fingers, who gently massaged me further. Two men kneaded my breasts and soon I felt their hot lips on one of my breasts. I felt like Maria entered me with other fingers.

She continued the fucking movements with which Chris had just stimulated me. “Your husband told me that you don’t make anything out of women. As I see, you like it anyway – it will be the best if I show you what we women do on it, you will like to be fucked by me, just wait. “She put her lips on my clit and started sucking while her fingers penetrated me even deeper into me.

Slowly she spread finger in me. I almost believed that she wanted to spire me inside. Then she slowly fucked me with her hand. The many hands, the sucking mouths on my chest and their massaging fingers in my innermost let me moan loudly. I felt that I would soon find out a tremendous orgasm. My moan was increasingly violent, I couldn’t get enough of all the touches. I pressed my lower body against her hand.

“Make it slowly …”, said a man next to me, “… I want to finally fuck her … she comes right away when you go on like this !”” I only prepared them a little for you … “Answer Maria and said” You can now fuck her, she is already waiting for it very greedily … “Maria stand up”..Frank will fuck you first, it is his privilege that all newcomers will get his cock first and I think you can now use a strong cock. “It took a moment to collect myself.

Then she almost brings me to orgasm, I thought and just before she redeemed me, just stop. Of course now I finally wanted to feel a tight cock in me. Before I could react, Maria pulled me behind her hand behind her. Frank, her husband, followed us. The two opened the door on which I had previously read that the room may only be entered accompanied by the hosts. Delighted the room was also greatly darkened.

“This is our private room, only one person can always come in with both of us. So you will not be disturbed by anyone, neither by the others nor by your husband. You are all alone with both of us and we will introduce you to our club life entirely according to our desires. We both will spoil you and we will make sure that you can let yourself go properly. I recognized a black lounger. “Come on here.

This is one of the most comfortable loungers of the club, you will be amazed at “Before I lay down, they brushed off my bra. I lay down on the couch and felt the pleasant warmth of the soft jacket. One of the two bands my ankles firmly with a cuff. Just when I wanted to ask what she was doing, Maria said “just don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything. We just want you to go completely.

You will now learn that you are available to us and afterwards the others without restriction and you will like it … “Only now did I notice that every leg was on a padded support that was slowly depressed by Maria. “Relax” she said, “it starts”. With her hand, Maria touched my thighs and slowly approached my pussy, she gently stroked my clit. I closed my eyes around the unusual situation.

Maria’s man was right at my head end. He pushed his stiff cock to my mouth. I took his cock in my hand and started sucking him. “Yes, suck him hard …. Let’s go Maria, make her really sharp, she should beg for her to be fucked by me. I want her to come at my first push. “Maria took my clitoris between her fingers and pressed them together to gently stroke shortly afterwards.

I sucked a little more violently on his cock. I felt how she circled with her fingers around my labia and finally entered me. Immediately she fucked me by drilling her fingers deep into me and pulling out again so slowly. She made me insane straight away. But I finally wanted to feel a cock, a cock that would fuck me for a long time and finally bring me to orgasm after these ordeals.

I groaned louder and louder while Maria intensified her fucking movements. “Please finally push me, please, I want more..“I borrowed him. “Yes, my little one, now you can feel Frank’s cock, you deserve it …” Maria strengthened the pressure in my pussy with her fingers one last time, at the same time she licked my clit. I could feel that I was standing in front of a wonderful orgasm. “I want to fuck her now,” he said to Maria. And I was able to feel how he stood between my wide -open legs.

Maria stroked my clitoris slowly but firmly. Then he penetrated me with a violent and deep push. I felt his strong and big cock deep inside. It was a great feeling. He fucked me with quick and firm bumps, “I inject everything into you” he called. His fast and hard bumps exploded everything in me, I screamed my lust “More, fuck me even more, just don’t stop …”.

I only felt a tremendous gush of the smallest explosions in my body, at the same time he pulled his cock out of my pussy and his glowing juice splashed on my stomach. I stayed with your eyes closed and felt the relaxing pats of the two. Although I just had a very nice orgasm, the stroking led that I wanted to continue immediately. They stroked my breasts, their hands were very gentle. As soon as one of the two touched my nipples, it started to twitch in my pussy.

“You can probably do it again ?”Asked Maria, she pissed a little more firmly into both breasts” I think we are now giving you free for our other guests … Or do you want to stop ?”I didn’t quite understand what she meant, but of course I wanted to go on” No, don’t stop, I want to “more”, I replied briefly and briefly “Ok” she said, “That is nice that you want more,”And you will definitely get more …” With these words she closed my legs, and pushed the couch, which obviously let himself be rolled, through a hole in the wall, that is, not the whole thing, only my lower body was up toPushed through the hole to the breast approach, “Next door, a lot of horny men are probably waiting to be licked, fingering and fucking, you are now officially released to all guests.

“I got incredible palpitations at the thought of what would happen now. I was obviously in an adjacent room from the breasts down. Maria and her husband began to stroke my breasts. And suddenly I felt several hands on my body. I was gently stroked on both legs and on my stomach. One hand lay on my pussy. My clit was gently massaged with two fingers. I closed my eyes and gave myself the caressing hands completely.

Someone licked my pussy. He gently played around my hot hole with his tongue and soon pushed between my wet lips. I was licked very slowly and intensely, soon I felt this certain tingling in my stomach again. Someone entered me deeply with his fingers and soon made quick, fucking movements. I had to moan, my heart raced. “Do you like it ?“Asked Maria. I stammered a quiet “Yes, it’s great”.

“What is happening right now ?“She continued to ask. “Someone fucks me with my fingers and licked me,” I replied. The nice agony didn’t seem to be taken over at all. But suddenly the touches on my pussy stopped. Unexpectedly my legs were pressed apart … , widely depressed. And then I finally felt someone entering me with his cock. I could feel every vein. And then I was fucked hard and firm. But it only took a short time and he pulled his cock out of my pussy far too quickly.

At the same moment I felt his hot load splashed on my stomach. Shortly afterwards the next one penetrated me and also fucked it like a wild one. It was a wonderfully thick cock that I now felt in me. Maria and her husband stroked my breasts a little firmer. “Well, you will be fucked nicely ? she asked. I could only nod moaning. “She’s definitely ready again,” she said to her husband.

Again I felt the treacherous twitch in me. The second man also pulled his cock out of my pulsating pussy shortly afterwards and splashed his juice on my body. It was a wonderful feeling and I wanted to feel more of it immediately. Again it didn’t take long for a new man to penetrate me with a great cock. I now received his bumps with full pleasure. I was fucked slowly and deeply, accompanied by gentle touches on my clitoris.

I literally reared down under his tender touch and quickly felt that this tail would bring me to orgasm. Marie and her husband also realized that I was about to. With his fingers, the stranger strengthened his pressure on my clit. Maria and her husband leaned over me and at the same time sucked on my nipples and helped me approach a wonderful orgasm. Now I was fucked a little faster. He understood his craft, sometimes very slowly, then suddenly he quickly fucked me to my final explosion.

I groaned my lust out loud and could just feel how he also sprayed his juices on me. Now I felt tender touches on my legs and my stomach. I was stroked and kissed all over the body. Then I felt a tongue pounded between my labia, I was carefully licked. Should this insane feeling not stop at all ? “Well, you have enough ? Then we pull you out. “Said Frank.

“No, not yet,” I replied, “I’m just licked so wonderfully. “” Well, as you mean, “he said,” you are the queen of the night and can enjoy as long as you want, there are enough men who still want to eat you tonight. “I saw that his cock protruded again stiffly next to me. Maria jerked him lightly and pressed his cock against my chest. “If you keep going, I’ll spray everything off,” he said to Maria.

“Come on, take his cock in his mouth and get it,” Maria pushed the tail so that she could push him into my mouth. I immediately started to suck and suck his hot cock. And then I felt a big cock that penetrated me. He too was very careful, knowing that I had only come shortly before. I pressed my lower body towards him, hoping that he would soon strengthen his gentle bumps.

But he did not do any institutions, on the contrary, the more I pressed, the slower he became. I felt his cock deep inside. He had to be really big. Again I groaned softly into myself. Maria now jerked her husband’s tail a little faster and he slid out of my mouth. As soon as he was outside, then I already felt his hot juice sprayed on my breasts. “Oh, that’s wonderful, spray everything on me,” I said almost unintentionally, but it was a great feeling.

“You like it if you are splashed on your breasts ?”, Said Maria” yes, it’s great, “I replied. I was still fucked slowly, but that was just too little, I wanted more and pushed again against the wonderful cock. And then he started and fucked me with deep and firm bumps. It only took a short moment and I felt the next orgasm coming closer again.

He too pulled out his cock and shortly afterwards I felt his warm splashes on my body. I was about to protest, so I already felt the next cock that penetrated me immediately and deeply and firmly. He also fucked me with quick bumps, as if he could no longer expect it to be awaited more. His cock felt pretty thick, everything seemed filled. His bumps quickly and violently brought me to my climax.

I just didn’t want to defend myself against the great feeling and groaned my pleasure loudly until I finally experienced a wonderful, redeeming orgasm. He or she had done me … at least at the moment. With your eyes closed I stayed lying down and felt my hands, which now stroked me tenderly and gently. “Well enough ?“Asked Maria. What a question. Maybe at the moment. But enough ? No. Not yet … not yet. The two helped me get up after a few minutes too short.

Together we went into the adjacent shower and cleaned ourselves from our previous little orgy. Of course, both of course helped me to get nicely with shower gel and then rub it dry with towels. But nothing more happened.. unfortunately. Then we went together to the bar. I finally got something to drink. Maria went away briefly with her husband, they wanted to do something quickly, and there was probably a guest, because the doorbell rang at the door.

I hadn’t seen a short intermezzo on the male man, he was probably busy. But John and Christ, my wonderful companions from the car just came to the bar and stood left and right next to me. “Well, you are still satisfied ?“Asked John. I smiled and told them that it is incredibly casual and very romantic and I am excited about the further course of the evening. “By the way, you feel great,” said John, “It was very exciting to fuck you” So he was there too, I was startled, but at the same time had to find an increasing excitement.

“Yes, that’s right,” said Chris, “it was really great with you, you taste good and feel great. “In these words he put his hand directly on my crotch and had his fingers vibrated. “If you need us again, let me know, we are on the spot. “His hand felt good and I opened my legs a little further. Now John was on the spot and put his hands on my breasts from behind.

The two spoiled me for the next ten minutes with gentle and careful pats and made sure that they didn’t put me too high. While Christian stroked my pussy, John massaged my breasts. From time to time he pressed the hard nipples with two fingers. John asked me which of the rooms would be the most burning. I told him that this mysterious room with the “O” would somehow magically put on me, but I was also a little afraid to go there.

John pits into my breasts and I groaned softly under his touch, “Nothing happens there that you don’t want, you don’t need to be afraid, you will like it,” he said. In no word he got into what I would expect. Chris pressed a finger past my panties and felt himself between my labia, gently stroking my clit. I leaned against John’s chest with my back, which was more appealing to my nipples.

I winced together. It was a very nice feeling and I had it granted. Rhythmically he pressed my nipples between his fingers, while Christian stroked my pussy a little more intensely. Again John pushed a little more firmly. A short pain drove through my body from top to bottom, I groaned. Chris continued to massage me. “If you both go on like this, I’ll come right away,” I said quietly in John’s ear. John now grabbed me quite firmly from behind with one hand between the crotches.

His fingers pressed his fingers between my labia, with the other hand he pinched hard into my nipple. I shivered under his touch. “I think you want to be fucked again if you want more, then we will now bring you to the room of the” O “, he said,” the last step through the door will be easier for you to find your wet pussyWay away there “. Before I answered, they took me by the hand and took me half dazed out of the bar.

We went into the dark course. I could hear a woman’s violent moaning. There were quite a few people who were going and I could only guess what they were doing there. In front of us was a smaller traffic jam and we had to stop. Chris stood behind me and pushed his abdomen to my buttocks. Suddenly I stood in the middle of several men, I could only recognize their faces shadowy. They carefully stroked my hot body with their hands.

After not recognizing resistance, their touches became a little firmer and more targeted. Someone felt with one hand between my legs and divided my labia apart to penetrate with several fingers immediately. I tried to support myself, but I couldn’t find anything that just offered me. But now the men made for this. They put my arms on their shoulders and included me at the waist. From behind I felt Chris, who also supported me a little. Someone sucked on my breasts while my pussy was served with a wonderful finger game.

I could hardly master myself and moaned my lust a little louder. I liked this almost absolute darkness better and better. John crowded between the men and together with Chris they slowly but with delicate violence out of the crowd of men. “You wanted to experience something,” said Chris, “so you shouldn’t stop here. “I agreed with a heavy heart and after a few meters we stood outside the door.

I looked at the “o”. John opened the door, gave me a fleeting kiss and wished me “a lot of fun” while he gently pushed me through the door. Then the door was closed behind me. In the room of the “O” it was nothing to see except for the miserable appearance of a small candle. I perceived noises from people, just a whisper … there was no more to hear. I have no idea how many were here in the room.

Then I saw someone took the candle and came up to me. In the glow of this candle I was only able to identify an extremely strong and trained body. The light was not enough to recognize a face. But my view of his exposed cock, which is already stiff from him, fell for that. He was a truly huge cock and he was very thick. When he was about to be just before me, he slowly moved the candle up and down in front of my body.

I heard murmins from a corner and “Ahhh” “Ohhh”. “Hello, welcome, we have been waiting for you for a few minutes. By the way, my name is Wolfgang, ”said the man. His hand touched my breasts, pressed them moderately and slowly moved between my legs. “You have already been able to try a few cocks and now the curiosity has driven you to us … “His hand continued to move“ You know the history of -o, so I need nothing to explain to you.

It is very simple as long as you are here, we will prepare the lust for which you are asking for. “He said in a calm tone” and now open your legs “. I swallowed but followed his request. My abdomen burned again and I hoped that he would soon play with me. “As long as you are here in the room, your legs remain open … No matter whether you stand or lie or kneel or sit … is that clear ?“He put his hand back between my open legs.

“Just don’t worry, you will like it. If you don’t like something, just say stop and we will respect it. “To be honest, it sounded more like a phrase than a well -intentioned advice. But his voice made a calming impression. As soon as he had pronounced, he crowded into me with several fingers. “You are nice and wet …. That’s good, we can start right away, you are sure you are already impatient “as he was right.

A short break joined his words “Are you ready ?“He asked me as he penetrated me with his fingers deeper into me. I nodded and answered with a short “yes, ok” his fingers circled in my pussy and suddenly rummaged up my feelings. I kneeled slightly. Not long and I would come with the slightest movement. Chris and John, especially the men in the corridor, had already opened me too much, I needed a redemption as soon as possible, no matter how.

Wolfgang took my hand and slowly pulled me into the room. Now I recognized shadows from several people in the flickering light. “Turn around” he said. I turned around and now stood my back to the people. Wolfgang was right in front of me. “How should you stand there ?” asked he. I immediately put my feet apart and stood in front of him again with a wide -legged one. “I had just warned you …

“He said with calm but firm tone. “Bring the spreader bar to me..”He cried in a half” we still have to teach her how she has to obey. “I’m startled. Then I heard slow steps to come to me. There were two men. They knelt next to my legs and pulled them apart a little further. I was able to watch with whipped heads how to attach a metal rod with leather loops to my ankles. After that they immediately removed each other again.

Now it was no longer possible for me to close my legs. “I hope it will be an apprenticeship for you and you will follow my instructions in the future,” he said. I nodded. “Well, please … it works,” he added. “To be honest … I like that even better” while he said this, he pressed his hand between my legs and stroked the entire palm of my hand over my vulva. “You are very wet, it makes you horny,” he said.

I could see how he slowly jerked his cock. Then he knelt in front of me and looked into my face. I instinctively closed my eyes. I felt his careful stroking, then he penetrated into me without resistance with one or two fingers. It was a fantastic feeling to finally feel his fingers in my pussy. I automatically got a bit into my knees and pressed my abdomen towards his fingers. Now I felt like he seemed to push a finger into me.

“No, not” I stammered and reached for his hand to prevent him from. He stopped immediately and stood in front of me again. “It is probably clear to you that you just interrupted me,” he said threatening. “You come in here, want to be fucked and then you start to resist, hardly that we started. It is time for us to take a harder gait. “As soon as he had spoken when two men were left and right next to me.

“Hold your hands,” he said. The two men put their hands around my joints and pulled my arms away from my body on the side. I was now completely defenseless in front of Wolfgang. Again he knelt in front of me and I felt how he entered me with several fingers. This time he fucked me a little slower than before. He pulled his fingers out several times to slowly penetrate again immediately afterwards. I moaned vigorous. I noticed the pressure that he already had several fingers in me.

I had the feeling that he would totally fill me. But it didn’t hurt, on the contrary, gently he continued his work and slowly fucked me. I could feel how I got more and more wet. “That should be enough,” he said suddenly, “after all, we don’t want you to inject now – she puts her over the goat” The two men took me at the waist and wore me a few meters further. Then I was bent with my torso with my torso slightly after diagonal over a narrow, leather tray.

My breasts were just above the goat. With my knees I lay in a softly padded hollow on the side of the goat. Someone attached my hands to the front end. I was defenseless now. Although the situation was new, I trusted that everything that would come is even more beautiful. “Let’s start” he called into the room. I noticed that the other people came closer. And already her hands touched me around and started to stroke my back, others touched my breasts and kneaded them.

Someone penetrated me with a finger and massaged me. Shortly afterwards my clit was gently stroked. Now there were several fingers that penetrate me and carefully stimulated. There were definitely five or six people around me. From the corner of the eye I could see her stiff cocks that you jerk off. The situation was more than horny now. I had the feeling that my whole body was irritated. A man who stood on the side of me pushed his cock to my mouth “, suck me” he said demanding.

Without hesitation, I opened my lips and sucked his cock, which he slowly kept wanking. Meanwhile, my pussy was continued dangerously irritated. There were several or all fingers that suddenly penetrated me and carefully moved deep inside me. “Should I finish her now ?“I heard a female voice behind me. “No, definitely not, she is still fucked properly. “Wolfgang called. Only now did I understand that I was fucked by a woman.

She let her fingers slide in my pussy a little slower and out. But now she stimulated my clitoris a little more violent. I groaned and the tail slid out of my mouth. Now she continued her fucking movement and immediately I had another cock in my mouth that I tried to suck as soon as possible. Now it wouldn’t take long and I would get a huge orgasm. But as soon as I had tense my body, she stopped.

“I think she is ready, you can now fuck her properly,” she said. At that moment my hands were bound. Apparently all men led me and the buck was driven away from me. I now knelt on all fours on the floor. Immediately someone penetrated me with fingers and continued the briefly interrupted game. I saw the wanking men around me. Again someone offered me his cock to suck and I willingly put him in my mouth.

Then one lay down under me so that he was lying between my open legs with his head. I only needed bending against his tongue and he started licking my clit. At the same time, I felt how the woman’s hand spread in my pussy and stretched me. She did this several times in a row and I already believed that I would explode immediately. “You can fuck her, she’s so far,” I heard her voice.

She slowly pulled her fingers out of my pussy, but continued to stroke her. The man below me now lay down so that he could penetrate me with his cock. I wanted to set myself upright to ride on his wonderful cock, but someone kept me in the bent position. Then I felt a second cock that gained access to my pussy. Slowly but firmly he also penetrated me. I could hardly believe it, but I was fucked by two cocks.

At the same moment someone poured his cock on my mouth. Three cocks in my body – incredible. I was treated incredibly carefully and gently. It didn’t take long, I noticed that the two men wanted to stop. With my help, the man managed to loosen under me. But there was a replacement immediately and I was on another man. He also penetrated me and carefully fucked. A second cock also pushed into my pussy.

Both slowly fucked me with deep bumps. I started to moan again. It was time again soon. The feeling of the two cocks was breathtaking. I was totally filled out and every movement was felt in the smallest detail. My breath grew more violently, I felt my heart lawn and wanted to be fucked quickly and unconditionally by the two. But the woman interrupted the beautiful game and called “stop !“The men immediately hired their activities.

“We should redeem them,” she said. “Place her on the table”. Again everyone helped me and put me on a very low table. I immediately felt the pleasant and soft edition. The spread rod was taken from me. I was pulled to the edge of the table on the legs. “Lot calls her husband in and finally sprayed her fully,” she said. As soon as she had spoken out, my darling actually came from a side room. His cock stiff from him stiff.

The men had built up around me and jerked their cocks. While my darling entered me, I felt the first hot splashes on my breasts committed from a moan of the men. At the same moment when my darling started, I came with a huge orgasm. He pulled his cock out of my pussy at lightning speed and also sprayed his juice on my stomach. My upper body was covered by the white juices. As soon as I got air again, I was rubbed dry with a soft terry towel.


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