Transferred! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The numbers were wrong. Boris Lehnhart had now calculated it for the third time. It was not that the mistake was outraged by him. He no longer had this sensation.

Rather, he saw the opportunities that resulted in it. He leaned back in his comfortable office chair, crossed his arms behind his head and looked at the city’s evening lights. It was surprising that things went so quickly. But it was right for him.

A smile played around his lips. He would not miss this opportunity. His smile became wider and smeared than he thought about it. When he thought of the woman who couldn’t control himself.

The temptation was too big. She constantly had to work with cash and in her view she was the only one who knew at that time which amounts came. You could let something fall under the table here and there. But of course she didn’t know what he knew.

Finally he was the head of this department. The gentleman about the processes and information.

From Boris Lehnhart’s point of view, things were like this: he was responsible for his employees. And that included the young employees who were at the very beginning of their professional development. This had to be promoted and developing their skills.

He put his hand over her. Protective and punishing. And of course he decided who took over which tasks. It was only natural that he expected small consideration for his protection and benevolence.

Sometimes it took something for them to understand that it was not about getting a bun out of the canteen. But at some point they all came behind.

And this small and horny chicken, which has been with him for two months now, would now understand it too. When she appeared for an interview, he could hardly believe his luck. Tits, ass and Legs were perfect.

In addition this pretty face. There was always something for the others. Legs too short, ass too thick, tits too small. He sighed when he thought of how he had to get along with it.

But this one just stuck out. Every day she made him sharp with her high heels, at every meeting in the hallway he had to tear his eyes off her tight costumes. With a look at the clock, he found that the opportunity was cheap. Your colleagues would be in the Quitting time go.

Boris Lehnhart picked up the phone and made it clear to her that he still wanted to have a conversation with her today. But of course not immediately. She should still wait an hour. She should even braise a little more.

That always helped.

When he had started years ago to convince the employees of his perspective on giving and taking, it was difficult for him to work calmly in these phases. He was too excited himself and could hardly wait. It was different in the meantime and he was very productive. His reward drove him forward.

When it finally knocked on his door tentatively, he had completed a considerable workload. But he felt good. He locked his computer with a smile and concentrated on the papers that were in front of him.


His voice was sharp. He knew about the effect of an authoritarian appearance on the young chickens and supported this with the fact that he only looked at her briefly and then turned back to the document on his desk again.

However, her appearance was also sharp. She appeared in a very figure -hugging dress that ended a little below the middle of her slim thighs. The upper part gave a narrow view of the valley of her breasts. Her long blond hair fell on the black blazer.

She wore high heels on her bare feet, whose heels he appreciated today to over 10 cm. She was a real eye -catcher.

He noticed that she stopped at some distance to his desk and waiting for a reaction from him. Should she wait calmly, he thought. He leafed a little in his document and read a section in peace.

Then he put his glasses off and looked at her. She avoided looking at him directly and looked at the floor.

“You know what I want to talk to you about, Julia?”

She shook her head uncertainly and continued to look at the floor. She almost stood tight. He liked that.

Humility couldn’t hurt.

“Well then … I have found irregularities in your area. Since I have entrusted them with the cash management, 500 euros are missing in the documents.”

Certainly she suspected what the topic of her meeting should be. The somewhat panicked look she gave him was certainly due to the fact that it was confronted directly with it. But immediately her eyes lowered towards the ground.

“Please … I … I can explain that.”

“I don’t need your explanation.

There are no 500 euros that have gradually disappeared. But of course it’s my mistake. Finally I trusted them. Something like that always falls back on the supervisor, you know? It is therefore primarily disappointment that I now feel.”

He spoke almost paternal and calm to her.

He sitting upright in his office chair, his hands in front of him on the desk and looked at her penetrating. Her attitude aroused him and he felt the blood in his tail lap.

“Look at me!“A calm but threatening undertone spoken command. She looked up shocked. Their eyes didn’t have an aqueous shine? “You know that I have to report that.

But it is much more important for me how to deal with their breach of trust. Because basically they not only harm me or themselves, but above all their colleagues. Your fate in this house is certainly sealed. Who wants to have a thief in the house? But what does that mean for the women with whom they work together? Who supposedly didn’t notice anything?”

She was now close to tears.

It was difficult for him to stick to himself and to wait. After all, it is better if the chickens themselves come to the solution.

“Please … the others knew nothing about it … I … I need the job.”

“Secure. But think of the external impact. They are gone, are convicted.

But their colleagues and I too will have to explain ourselves. We will be distrust. Maybe you take this as an opportunity to restrict freedom, to check more sharply or even to remove one or the other place among your colleagues. You don’t just have to live with the fact that you are a criminal record yourself.

You also have to live with the fact that you have destroyed the lives of some of your colleagues. Then they are blameless on the street. Because of you. Because they couldn’t pull themselves together.”

She started crying.

It sounded a bit theatrically, but he wanted to see that.

“Please, Mr. Lehnhart … I pay the money back … please don’t report me … I need the job but … I do everything you want.”

bingo. That was the central sentence. He leaned back in his chair with satisfaction and leaning his chin on his fingertips. His cock was hard and hurt something in his position.


She looked at him and only seemed to have understood what she had said.

The tear flow was dried up. He could see how it worked in her brain. Then she looked back on the floor. Her voice was hardly more than a whisper.


For the first time in her conversation he treated himself to a short smile.

She belonged to him.

“What should I do with you, Julia?”

Sighly he got up. Slowly he came out of his desk, stopped in front of her and looked at her taxively. Then he went around her, with his hand stroking her hip. His gaze felt her body.

He could hardly believe that it was finally at the destination.

“You are a beautiful woman…”

“Thanks.“Your voice was still a whisper.

“I could imagine a solution to your problem. You pay the 500 euros back and I forget the matter.”

“Thanks. That’s very kind of you.”

Still she didn’t dare to see it up. He stopped behind her at an angle.

He sucked in their perfume deeply and briefly closed his eyes. He loved these conversations.

“But I expect a certain accommodation for that.”

She narrowly nodded and he left it. He went back to his desk and leaned onto the edge.

“Please put your blazer off.”

It took a moment to move. Then she followed his wish with slow movements with hanging shoulders.

He gave her the time because he knew that the cubes had fallen. He looked at her calmly and with crossed arms. The dress was sleeveless and actually sat skinny. As he had imagined.

“Now loosen the belt and take off the dress.”

She started undressing with stalling movements.

Still she didn’t dare to see it up. Only in the second attempt did she manage to open the belt. With slightly shaky Finger she got the side zipper to hold and slowly pulled it down. It seemed to him as if she continued to look for a different solution and now wanted to win time.

She got the time, only the solution would not find her. A grin stole on his face and he looked at the constant body of the young woman who continued to see his eyes. Finally she was only in bra, Slip and high heels in front of him, the view to the ground. It was perfect.

He left her and just looked at her. Despite their size, her breasts stood in front of her body, her semi -transparent slip revealed a shaved shame. It was difficult for him to keep the calm. How frozen she stood in front of him.

“Very nice.

Please put your bra down now.”

Mechanically her hands went back to the closure and opened the bra. She grazed him and exposed her splendor. She was exposed to his eyes to be defenseless. He was excited.

As he had guessed, her breasts were like hemispheres in front of her body. If he was honest, he hadn’t seen it yet. At least not in Natura. He walked around her and stood close behind her.

A strange sound came out of her mouth when his hands encompassed her breasts and first explored them carefully, then kneaded. He let his hands slide down to her hips and pressed her round butt against his hard cock. He rubbed it with it. One hand continued to ran into her panties and he heard this strange, groaning sound again.

To his big surprise, she was no longer completely dry. He grinned greasy.

“So you like what we both organize here. You little sow. That’s good.

Your colleagues needed significantly more time and a certain help. I knew we would get along.“She heard a soft gasp, which he interpreted as lustful. “Fine. Now turn around and blow my tail.”

He let go of her and hesitantly turned around.

For the first time she has looked at him again for a long time. It was difficult to decide which expression was on her face. It was not uncertainty. Despite and pleasure? Anyway, she crouched and he didn’t even have to tell her what to do.

She opened his pants and freed his hard cock. At this point he always loved the frightened look of the little chickens when they saw his big cock. She too did him a favor. But he hadn’t seen a short smile too? She looked up briefly from her big, clear eyes to him and then picked up his glans into her mouth.

He groaned involuntarily. She knew what she was doing. So much was certain. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her warm cave.

Her tongue danced his glans, her lips kept his trunk tightly enclosed, she carefully let him feel her teeth. His hands looked for her head but all the freedom. He enjoyed how she grew along his long staff. Wherever she had learned that, it was perfect.

He saw stars and struggled not to spray. Actually that wouldn’t be bad, but he wanted to fuck this little sow. He let her continue for a moment and then he pulled her up. At another time he would relax Blowjob pick up with her.

“Lay on your desk.”

His voice was scratchy and it gave him a little sting because, from his point of view, he lost authority.

Under no circumstances did he want to show her that she had power over him. With a little soft legs he followed the young woman who was now upright and sexy before him. Your curves were just perfect. According to his wish, she positioned herself in position and spread her legs without being asked.

She looked at him with a smile and confused him for a moment. Then he concentrated and was able to act again. His hands walked her breasts again and he twirled her nipples. Her gasp showed him the pain she felt but she still came towards him rather than escaping.

With her eyes closed she put her head back. Now it was clear to see in her face. Again he was confused and limited himself to kneading her breasts. They were unusually firm.

He had already found that before. She opened her eyes and smiled at him again.

He released her breasts from his hands and pulled her panties over her buttocks. She supported him by raising her hips. She stretched the legs of a candle the same and it excited him to pull her the little piece of fabric over her long legs.

A little longer than necessary he nested the string over her high heels. For a moment his hands held their stretched legs and admired the horny picture that was presented. The high heels, the long and smooth legs and their pussy lips, which are pressed at the bottom between the legs. He almost came.

But he could control himself. He opened her legs and saw that she was really wet. His eyes almost stepped out of his head when he realized that. He almost looked into her eyes automatically.

Again he saw this smiling look. But she didn’t say a word. She drove him crazy.

He now fell on her like a wild bull. He drove his hard cock firmly through her lips and again he heard her now loud cry.

Pain and lust were in it. He kept her legs spread wide and pushed himself further into her. But he couldn’t wait until he was entirely in her. He didn’t know how long he could endure in this hot and narrow channel and began to take her with hard bumps.

He hammered into her with all his might. The young woman took everything. Moaning loudly she lay under him, her eyes closed, her hands on the breasts. He clawed in her legs and almost got out of time when he was force his movements.

With one hand she rubbed her pearl and came towards his thrusts. His pest got louder and he knew he couldn’t keep it long anymore. He grabbed her breasts again and then it broke out of him. His juice shot into her under his loud moaning.

He still saw how she reared up under him before he was black in his eyes. His hands were looking for on the desk. At first, he did not realize that the door to his office flew up. He was done.

She had finished him. He had never experienced that before.

“Until the end, I had hoped that the allegations against them turn out to be a misunderstanding, Mr. Lehnhart. That has now been done.”

He saw up from just half opened eyes. At first he recognized the chief of security of her company.

He straightened up and his cock fell out of his employee. He did not even notice how a surge of his own juice sucked his pants and shoes. Frozed he looked at the people who are now in the room. In addition to the security chief, two of his people and the HR manager stood.

This now turned to the employees of security.

“Please guide this gentleman in front of the door. Please take the key and card from him beforehand. And you, Julia, thank you for your selfless commitment.”

The last sentence she said with a smile. Boris Lehnhart was now completely confused.

“What’s going on here? Why let me put me at the door?”

The chief of security looked at the HR manager, who then explained the situation.

People from Security had moved next to him and had trouble not to squint on Julia, who were still naked on the desk with your legs opened.

“For years there have been allegations against them for extortion and coercion, especially of their young employees. They remember that we have already had two conversations. At first we did not give anything on it because they enjoy a fantastic reputation in this company. Last but not least, she has retained her friendly relationship into the leadership from serious studies.

The allegations do not tore off. There were always rumors and at some point we could no longer close it. However, since you managed to attach something to every employee that had previously complained about her, we had little in our hands. Coincidentally ”, in this word she looked at the chief of security,“ resulted in Contact To Julia, who has a certain experience in …

After a long discussion, we then slipped them into their department. It was clear that if there was something on the allegations against them, then it would be a potential victim. It took two months but I am glad and ashamed at the same time that we now have clarity. Tone and image recordings speak a clear language.”

She nodded to the security guards who could give up their posts in front of Julia with a certain relief.

The completely shaken man went with them without showing the slightest resistance. The HR manager accompanied her shaking head. The chief security chief went to Julia and put his jacket around her shoulders.

“You really had fun with this guy or? We almost couldn’t believe it.”

Julia grinned and looked at him.

“If you know what you get involved in here, you can actually enjoy it. Then it is nothing more than with a customer with certain preferences.

I also had a lot of fun to get him out of the frame.“She winked too. “And that I like big cocks, you know pretty well.”

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