The tutor [5] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In fact, the trend continued, but not in the sense that you wanted. Just a few minutes after the number with Erwin, your thoughts were back at Simon and the next afternoon. What did you say Simon? Women like it when the man is gentle and tender? And Erwin earlier? You cheered it on.

To take you harder and both gave you great pleasure.

But it was precisely this fact that frightened you too. Your sexuality has become more and more a dominant topic in your life and you have recently taken exactly what the sense of you was. Anyone who offered you something, your husband or a strange young guy who put everything into the background and you had to admit that your fantasies went on and more and more driven. The thought of not simply getting what you want at some point scanned you.

On the other hand, the imaginary scenes that constructed your head and hormones. Lying in the sun you closed your eyes and the well -known warm shower of light excitement grasped again. In front of your spiritual eye you saw yourself again with Simon, you saw Erwin, Erwin and Simon, Simon with a buddy, then everyone together and the focus was always on.

You had the power, control over sex, it happened exactly as planned by you. Sometimes gentle and romantic, sometimes hard and dirty.

You are imperceptibly glatted into a state by mixing dreams and reality. That could be so good for a long time?The sun was already high in the sky again, it was a hot Sunday afternoon and your husband drove with the children to the quarry lake after lunch. Papa afternoon was announced. You all enjoy this regular ritual when Erwin packed the children, somehow spent time with them and you could relax at home.

A short in-dich-reinhearing was enough: the sense was after the gentle Simon!The same time, the same place, you had agreed, which meant that you would still have about an hour. You also said Simon that you would come up with a new lesson for him.

It was already giving you an hour before Simon came, a pretty dough feeling in your stomach when you think about what you would do with him. He would have to touch you again, so much was certain, you wanted to feel his uncertain fingers between your legs. In any case, kissing was not in there, you had already done that at the very beginning, at least no kiss in the face.

Would you blow him today? Should he lick you? You went into the house with approximate ideas, wanted to take the shower – but that should be done Simon. As always before you saw yourself, your heart beat to the neck, your hands somehow felt paralyzed and yet you walked into the house of Katharina twenty minutes in front of five minutes in front of five minutes where you can address the beautiful, large bathroom as usual with candles and the shuttersrun down. The candles just burned when the doorbell rang. You would open the door naked today, shot it through your head.

While your heart slipped into your pants and you couldn’t get any air with excitement, you pull your dress over your head, put your sunglasses on and after a look through the door spy you opened the door.

Simon grabbed air. He hadn’t seen you naked yet, and since he hadn’t even seen a naked breast in Natura before, the sight of your densely hairy cunt took his breath. “Come in, we can start right away,” you said and Simon was missing the words. “Ok” he stuttered and even his steps stuttered when he came in.

Similar to your very first encounters with you in the hallway you could feel his eyes burn. Back then on your correctly dressed butt, today on your completely incorrect naked pussy. “Simon today we have two very central things,” you said “How do I am naked. There is the simple reason that you will deal with my body today.

You will explore him and you will find out how he reacts to different stimuli. That is point one.”

Simon became bleach and whispered your sentences after “her body – explore – stimuli – oh, shit” you decided to take control again more. He was finally yours Pupils. “But at the beginning and in between we have to take care of you again.

I noticed the last two times that it is very quick to orgasm to jerk off.“Simon started coughing hectically. This direct language was still uncomfortable for him. “This is completely normal for men or boys who have their first sexual experiences and you can train that. We start with that.

Go up to the bathroom and take your off!“He swallowed. You were very proud of your authoritarian tone. There was no way around what you say and all of this, even though you were in front of him splintered. He went up the stairs while you are a beer in the kitchen.

The unpleasant feeling of the last hours was evaporated, you had everything in your hand and were on him on him. The memory of being alone sperm On your skin, goose bumps caused you.

“Simon, one thing must be clear, of course, if you are no longer interested in our lessons, we will stop. You just have to say it.“Simon was sitting naked on a stool, his rag tail Big and hard from his lap “Mrs. B, where do you think about it! If you know how grate I am that you don’t tell anyone about my problems and help me to get rid of them … “” It’s good, I just wanted to say it. Paj3 on.

You now open your thighs and I sit on the stool opposite. You can take a look at me. Then you start to jerk off and tell me what it feels like. I give you further instructions.“When you were sitting and your own legs spread a tiny piece, Simon started with wanking.

He took his prengel firmly and whispered, fixed his eyes on your tits, “it is like last time, an urgent, demanding throbbing in my” cock “you added” yes, in my cock. On the one hand, I have the need to rub more and faster, on the other hand it makes me feel bad, so I should definitely stop.”

“Where do you feel the desire to be the strongest?“Your words were quiet, your cunt is soaking wet. “It rises. From the bottom, from the eggs and higher in the tail “.

He jerked faster and faster and you said quickly “If you feel a slight twitch, then say it!“Simon closed his eyes and rubbed his cock faster. You could recognize sweat on his reddened face when he called “now, ohhhh, now start to twitch …” With a jerk you took his hand away from his tail – just in time, because the thin, watery liquid seeped out of his tail tip.

“No! Oh shit! I can not deal with this!“Simon was desperate. He looked down at himself, completely angry, because he had never experienced this moment of delayed orgasm. You could see how he twitched, like his Egg started to tense, ”concentrate!”Said you perch” What do you feel?”” I don’t stop it, “he cried” I want to continue immediately – please!”Gently you put your hand on his shoulder” calm down a little, “you said very quietly now” It will be great.

Let the shower subside a little. Just see how your heart beats … “.

When your ear touched his chest he flinched and you were a little afraid that he would inject your face out of sheer excitement. His heart actually hit like crazy, but his breath was slowly calmer. “That was very brave and as a reward we do it again later.

How do you think about it now?”” I can’t believe it, actually I only feel my cock, it is … I’ve never experienced anything like that … “” Here I have a bottle of care oil, Simon.“You further lower your voice, it was almost only a whisper“ As promised you will get to know my body now. Be very gently, explore everything you can find. I will stand against the wall here with my back to you.

Start with my back, then you walk over my butt, my legs and feet. Then I’ll turn around. Come on, start, touch me ”

You trembled when you press your arms against the wall and take a small step backwards. Simon took a little oil on his hand without a word and started touching your skin with inexperienced hands “A little in advance” You already had to breathe so hard that speaking cleverly “Pay attention to how I react, that is very important.

Other kind of how I breathe or moan, or how I press myself, you can notice how it is most beautiful.”” Tell me one honestly, Ms. B. Are they really excited or do they just do that?”After a short consideration you said” half, half “.

Of course that was lied because it was indescribably beautiful. Simon took more courage, he learned it quickly and your back didn’t seem to inhibit him. You close your eyes.

He massaged the oil tenderly, looked for your ribs, stroked the spine and took new oil for your flanks. He initially missed his ass, instead he crouched and massaged your thighs and calves. When you could feel his warm breath on your ass, you can no longer cancel it. Without a word you took all courage together and turned around.

Your breasts weighed under the heavy breath, your cunt was so moist that it steamed. And Simon? His eyes were torn open and he stared at your gender. “We didn’t talk about them yet.”You sit on the floor” Just call her cunt or cunt, pussy is ok too. Are you ready for them?” “Yes.

I want to touch your cunt!”. This sentence from this mouth let you groan softly.

“Sit down on the floor, lean against the wall and spread your legs,” you said in a trembling voice and when he did, you put yourself in his lap. His cock pressed on your back, he was hellishly hot and would explode immediately. You put up your legs and put Simons arms around you on your stomach.

“You will theoretically know what a cunt looks like, or“ “Well, from the School And so “” then try how it feels.“Simon’s heavy breath on your neck and his hard cock on the back you felt how he started to stroke your hair all gently. He moved his fingers along this triangle, drew your strips. You could only moan quietly. You would never experience such a moment again.

Suddenly Simon took a hand out of your lap and put it on your chest.

There was no other way, you reared up with a long, deep sigh while Simon stroked your chest. Of course he noticed how hard your warts had become. He took them between the index and middle finger, rubbed them in between. He interpreted that you stop breathing, because suddenly he pinched his fingers together, which made you again, but this time already made you opened more uncontrollably.

Then he discovered your wet column, but at first shyly but then it was increasingly courageous he stroked, almost landed on your ass. He couldn’t quite orient himself yet, he stroked and pressed and circled on you and you felt the orgasm waves like a storm surge. Sometimes only with one finger, sometimes with the whole hand he searched your cunt for the long -awaited entrance, he kneaded your lips and whenever he happened to touch your swollen pleasure point, you screamed briefly. “Oh Simon!”.

You turned around, took his hand and with your help he managed to put two fingers in you.

You came at the moment, instinctively moved his fingers in your cunt. You moved him on to you and press his face on your breasts and your hand on his cock. In the middle of the orchan in you, his tail twitched. Simon’s sperm ran burning hot over your hand and only now that your own orgasm had subsided, you notice how loud both of her broken and screamed.

It smelled fantastic of body juices but you were a little afraid of how Simon had experienced all of this. But when he got upset, he beamed happily and tears ran over his face “Mrs. B., I never thought in life that sex is so incredibly beautiful.“You looked at yourself and you think about what would happen at your next meeting.

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