The tutor [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Well,” he said, “is half as bad, I have nothing else before”. Simon came in shyly, stopped a little undecided in the hallway and finally followed you in the kitchen. “I can offer you something?“” Yes, what’s cold to drink would be good.”” Go inside Living room, I bring you a glass of iced tea “.

He went ahead and you had some time to breathe.

The greeting worked as planned, he obviously had no unusual one. A pretty wild emotional struggle grew in you, on the one hand the excitement before what you had planned, on the other hand, the scrupel to leave it better. With soft knees and pounding heart you brought him the glass. “Tell me where you are here – I fell into my hands when I tidied up my husband, maybe you would like to choose something.

There are a number of jeans that he no longer fits into. Until the things fit my boys, now take a few more years “. You put his glass on the table from behind and came so close to him that your hand touched his arm and you were not sure whether he had goose bumps or whether your imagination went through with you.

“Yes, of course,” he replied “a few pants would not be bad. Are also those that could be cut off?” “Secure.

Do what you want.”Now it was getting serious for the first time” I have the things above. Come on, I’m going to.“You went up the stairs, he behind and went into being bedroom, Simon in tow. “Wait, I’ll get things”. Simon was behind you and you bend to get to the laundry tub under the bed.

With breastfeeding breath you notice how the hem of your dress slipped higher than planned. I don’t know what he could already see. Apparently a lot, because when you looked at him again, he had his typical red face, and already a bump in his pants. Stay calm.

Breathe. Resist the urge to press his hands on you. Not so easy, but it worked. “Here are two T-shirts, try them on”.

Simon took the shirts and pulled his own shirt over his shoulders. His skin was tanned, he was not particularly muscular, but his shoulders were pleasantly wide and his chest was completely hairless. “You actually do a lot of sport? You look me pretty well -trained “. “Yes, I’ve been playing water polo at HTSV for several years.

Last year I even came to the senior team as the youngest player. After all, we play in the district class “. “But there is not much time for your girlfriend, next to School, Sport and also tutoring “. “That’s right, that’s why I don’t have any”.

Simon looked at you “I’ll take the shirts. They fit great “.

“Very good, then take these jeans”. With one eye, you squinted at his pants, where a bump was still emerging. He took his pants – and punched.

“I … I think I’ll go to the toilet again beforehand”. His head was high red to want to fall off his ears. Without a word he turned himself and disappeared towards Toilet.

So up to this far your plan opened and you had Simon where you wanted it, namely in a situation that was embarrassing for him. Now all courage had to be taken together. “I really want that,” you asked yourself, but your hormones answered the question. Only now that Simon was gone do you notice how it all excited you.

You took a stack of towels, ignore your palpitator and remain in front of the toilet door as rooted.

It just didn’t work, you couldn’t do that. Your belly cramped. Your hands trembled and you forced yourself to take a deep breath a few times. “Now or never!”With these thoughts you opened the door, saw Simon sitting in the toilet and saying very frightened” Oh Mr., I thought you were peeing below “.

Of course, there was no question of Pinkeln, your breath caught when you turned to Simon and saw his horrified face. He was sitting on the toilet and was there, his tail to work hard, the plump and red stuck out of his lap. Simon was really out of breath and there was a few seconds of silence in which you looked at you and you had the opportunity to get the upper water again.

“Tell me … it can be true?“You were amazed at how strict your voice sounded“ You are sitting here in mine bathroom and get one down? How should I understand that?“Simon looked miserably, looked at her helplessly and caught and with his erection It was over in a fractions of a second.

“It, oh shit, I’m terribly sorry. I couldn’t know you would come in. I didn’t want you to see that!”. “But I’m not so sure why did you not complete and at all, what is that supposed to be? Do you always do it when you are on the road?“Simon sank even further together“ no!“He silent for a moment“ This only happens here with them ”he was still sitting with down pants on the toilet and you faced him and looked at his slippery cock.

“I am to blame for the fact that you wank around here?” “No of course not. It’s just … “He literally wrote on the cold toilet lid” You smell so good and whenever you are nearby … then … “” What then?”You said impatiently” then., Then … “” My goodness, that’s so difficult? Then you get a stand?” “Yes.““ If that’s true, then at least say it yourself.” “I can not say it. Not if you are there “.

You have now become so horny that you could hardly stand it anymore. The feeling of being able to do the boy in your power, with him what you wanted, triggered fantasy in you that you have never had before.

In the last few minutes a change had taken place in you. Your greed had moved more and more into their heads and there were completely new desires. So far you have been horny for his cock, on his body, on quick sex. But in these minutes you understood that you would be able to own him.

You sit on the edge of the bathtub and gently put your hand on his thigh. You looked him in the face and said softly “I understand that my presence is so excited that you are one here jerk off Must and smelled in my underwear in the bathroom last week?”The rest of the little blood fled from his face” How do you know that from?“He asked rushed.

“Because I’m neither stupid nor blind.““ But everything is of no use. You have to be able to speak about it if you want to get rid of this problem. So what happens to you when I’m nearby?“Your voice was quiet and authoritarian, Simon took a deep breath and stammered“ if, so if they are nearby, then ..

Then I almost always get a stand “. “See, it works. And actually you would like one now, because I’m near you.“You spoke the last words more and more gentle and the atmosphere in this actually not very exciting bathroom continued to condense. It was as if someone was insulating the light, turning on the heating and a few candles and spraying any fragrance into the room.

“Why don’t you get any now?”” Oh shit, Ms. B. I feel very miserable. I’ve never felt something like you before, she … “You interrupt him with a look at his lap, where his cock slowly swelled” How does that feel that? Can you describe it? In any case, the sight is very interesting, in any case for a woman “.

Slowly Simon also forgot the situation around him and he closed his eyes. “It is terribly uncomfortable and embarrassing to me.”” “I know, but still tell myself how it feels”.

“Demanding. It is very challenging, a throbbing feeling, at the same time beautiful and axious “. “You don’t need to be afraid at all, I will not tell anyone,” you said and put your hand on his shoulder “and now you show me how to get relief”. “Come to me, then you can smell me.

Where would you like to smell most?“With your hand you pulled him next to yourself on the tub edge. He glowed and trembled all over the body when he finally said “I would like to … no, I can’t say”

“Then point your hand on the spot.“Simon carefully raised his hand and pointed on her shoulder. “I would like to smell under her arm”.

Slowly he leaned his head to you and smelled hesitantly on your armpit. You gently led his hand to his cock, put his fingers about it and carefully started to jerk off. The greater his excitement, the greedy he sucked in your fragrance, he jerked what the stuff was, gasped and after less than a minute he came, injecting himself in his hand so as not to get dirty. A little while passed, the light became brighter again and you looked at each other.

“Go to the sink first and clean yourself”.

“Have you often done such things with a girl?“You asked him when she goes down again. “No” he said quietly “never”. “I could imagine that your cock sometimes causes you very nice problems, or? It would be best if I help you a little bit. To get your lust under control.

In any case, not many women would react as understanding as me.““ I am also grateful to you, but please do not please anyone to tell anyone, I would not stand that.“Ok, you can rely on me. On Friday you will come back to Mathenach-Hilfe, until then I’ll see where and when we will meet next time. But don’t worry, we can do it.“Simon shyly gave you hands and left the house.

Now first a schnapps. And another one.

One is still going still. With the pictures of the crazy last 20 minutes in the head, you sit on the sofa and try to reflect on what had just happened in the bathroom. You hadn’t imagined manipulating him that easily and it had worked so well that your greed had grown bigger and bigger. He thought he had to be grateful to you.

You shouldn’t reveal anything. He wanted to learn from you. “There is no such thing,” you laugh out loudly, “he is grateful to me that he has to serve as a subject of my imagination”. And this imagination only really started to get going.

The game could go on!

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