The sleepwalker | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Someday in Summer Tanja began to convert sleep. I don’t know how long this has been going before it noticed;Because I usually have an enviable deep sleep. Not even a cannon ball fired right next to my ear could wake me up.

But that night I only slept restlessly, confused dreams kept me in a dull dull state. I noticed how Tanja rose and that bedroom left.

Her naked butt shimmered in the moonlight, white and round and tempting, I felt an unmistakable tingling in the lower regions of my body and looking forward to getting back from the toilet.

But she came and didn’t come back. Finally I crawled out of bed drunk and hit the bathroom. No light, no noise, on closer inspection no Tanja. It could not be found in the whole house.
I stepped out on the veranda quite worried.

It was a clear, warm summer night, no wind blew, the stars sparkled on black velvet. We lived quite lonely, the path to the village led about two kilometers through a grove, up here, gentle hills rose with fragrant grass.
Then I saw her climbing the narrow path down.

She was completely naked. Her breathtakingly beautiful body shimmered in the unreal moonlight, her full breasts bobbed slightly;I admired her hip swing, the smooth grace of her movements, her whole body shone white and tempting under the stars;And I felt an almost unbearable desire awakening. I stepped towards her, she stopped with this sudden obstacle and kept silent.

Her eyes were open, but they looked empty into the infinity.

‘Tanja?” No Answer. She stood in front of me rigidly, I stared at the lifting and lowering of her chest. Her buds were half bloomed, how hypnotized I stretched out my hand. Under the touch of my fingertips, her whole body trembled;Now, in sleep, when the consciousness is eliminated, apparently fully ruled their animal instincts.

Her nipples fully hardened, a goosebumps covered her plump hills. She opened her mouth slightly, and when she left it out loudly, quietly, hardly audible, but full of uninhibited desire, so it was over with my self -control. I threw her to the ground and showered her body wildly with kisses.

I completely conquered every centimeter of her burning skin;My lips, my hands lit countless fire on their way, in my ears into my ears, her voluptuous moan, I lost myself in this melody, buried my face between her thighs, cost her lust, intoxicated me with the taste of her gender.

My tongue penetrated it;demanding, deeper, more determined;Your body rubbed, her pelvis rose towards me.

Her fingers clawed into my hair and pressed my face between her trembling thighs. I tirelessly licked through her wet grotto, I glowed and grunted, clutched her hints, clawed me into the crunchy meat, a cheeky finger penetrated into her hot anus, I stretched out the other hand, felt blindly after her breasts, caught one, sank his fingers in the soft hill, grabbed more firmly. The other hand was still under her bottom;I squeezed my finger deeper into her, my tongue enthusiastically licked through her cave dripping, I sipped every precious drop ..

… and then she came, with a cheering cry, I tasted her redemption hot on my tongue, felt the triumphant, ecstatic twitching inside, her thighs clasped me, threatened to suffocate me.

I was only able to free myself, panting I snapped for air;Tanja’s unleashed meat lifted under me and she was still shouting her lust into the night.

My head threatened to explode, my cock glowed and twitched desperately in my pajama pose. Dedicated, I straightened up, knelt between her open thighs, wrapped in her intoxicating fragrance. Her body turned in the slowly legend storm, her padding breasts danced in front of my burning eyes, on her face, actually burned lustful reddish spots on her entire body. Her lips were bleeding, she had bitten her in her ecstasy.

I pulled my pants down a bit, leaned over them and raised her upper body towards me.

Her breasts nestled softly around my cock, conjuring up, divine moment, then I exploded. Ignantic, panting, I poured out over her, her neck, her face;I collapse through her, still hot on her bare skin.

*** The next morning our breakfast was unusually silent. Inside, I started a few times to address Tanja on her sleepwalks;But I didn’t raise the courage. Deep in me gave the guilty conscience that I was so uninhibited I exploited had.

With an incredible wildness I had fallen over her, as if not only with her, but also with me the cerebrum Vacation been.
This perfect trance was normal at all? Today I seemed to be incredible that a sleepwalker should not be awakened by such violent sex. Maybe today I should make a detour to the city to the library today? However, I would hardly find the time for it. My schedule was full to burst.

I looked at Tanja. This excessive desire, with which her willless devotion, her pure, unadulterated, animal desire, had met me! I had probably come across one of the deep abysses that lurks in every soul.

It was not entirely clear to me what I should think of the shadows that lurked in this dark, but on the other hand: I had not taken anything that she would not have given me voluntarily ..

Tanja spooned her pampel musee, lifted the cup of the mouth from time to time and sipped a sip of coffee. Her hair was wet from showering, she was wearing one of my shirts, the top buttons were open, and I enjoyed the insight of her breasts. I remembered dreamy of how my cock was immersed in this wonderful, soft valley and had poured out on this delicate skin ..

Our eyes met. My heartbeat hammered through my neck.

Tanja smiled. I got up without a word, stepped to her, behind her, put my hands on her neck, massaged her. I stared into her neckline spellbound;Completely and heavy, as dark shadows indicated, her breasts lured, her erected nipples were pressed through the fabric. I reached under her arms, pulled her off her chair.

She pressed herself to me, felt my desire to feel hard on her round butt. I encompassed her breasts, kneaded her through the fabric, stroked my fingertips around her hard buds. Tanja purred quietly and put her head aside so that I could kiss her neck. A small tattoo, black and red was found directly under her right ear, it resembled a Japanese characters, but looked even more strange (and therefore more fascinating) than the Asian culture.

One could literally feel the meaning of this sign, in my head, pictures and feelings formed, but nothing clear, tangible, only indistinct scheme in the fog.

My amazement only directed me for a moment;Tanja growled unwillingly and rubbed with her back from my cock. That quickly brought me back to the exciting reality, and I deleted the thought of the strange, unknown tattoo by covering it with gentle kissing. Then I started nibbling on Tanja’s earlobes. I slowly buttoned up her shirt when the last button was open, I stepped back and gently roamed it over her shoulders.

I love this magical moment when the last piece of fabric slowly slides to the ground and thus releases a woman’s body.

I gently stroked Tanja’s back, kissed her shoulder blades;Got on his knees and touched her buttocks with her lips, barely noticeable kisses breathed on the exciting skin next to her red panties. Goosebumps blossomed under my lips on their completed curved curves, and slight shudder trembled through their skin.

I got up, Tanja turned around. As always, the breathtaking sight of her breasts, who took me fully and heavily, stretched out with a cheeky nipple … I could only hold back with extreme willpower.

I gently pressed Tanja back on my shoulders so that she had to lie on the table. In doing so, she carelessly wiped all dishes aside. I helped her impatiently, and suddenly I had the glass with the honey in my hand.

Tanja smiled mischievously. I pulled the spoon out of the glass, golden shone the honey on the metal.

Slowly I led him over her body, the honey dripped down and pulled sticky traces over her belly, floated her navel and formed a golden lake. Again and again I dived the spoon in the glass, created daring patterns on her skin;I gradually got higher, over her breasts, which I buried under a thick layer, over her neck, then her chin … Finally I stayed over her lips, her tongue licked after the sticky juice that spread around her mouth, then she caught the delicate thread that septed down from the spoon and let it slide into her throat on her outstretched tongue.

I put glass and spoons aside, nibbled the honey from her lips, kissed and licked me down the sweet track down to her breasts, buried my face in them, the honey glued my face, I kneaded the soft meat, the memory of last nightLively, this swelling noise pulsate again in my head, I kissed deeper ..

“Wait!”She said and straightened up. Her delicate hands nested on my pants, then my upset tail jumped hot and hard towards her.

Her fingers gently stroked over the pulsating shaft, then grabbed the honey. Incredibly slowly she coated my cock with this sticky mass, sometimes paused to expertly examine her work, spoon spoon around spoons on my impatiently fidgeting masculinity, considered …, new layer …, another doubtful break …endless;Then, finally, her tongue tapped the honey carefully, cost him, presented it to me on the top of her tongue.

I felt how the honey flowed down to my eggs, her tongue caught the electricity, then she played around my glans, licked it clean, glide around the shaft, licked it off it. Thorough. Very thorough ..

Your hand massaged mine Egg And finally, finally she graciously picked up my cock in her mouth, let him in one thaw, released him, tickled the sensitive area with her tongue, sucked the honey from the pulsating staff with gonne …, with joyful expectation, every muscle of my body was excited, in my lende the passion simmered higher and higher ..

“You don’t have to go to work slowly?“What a common AAS! I desperately looked down, she knelt in front of me, grinned at me, with an innocent eye premium;Then her lips swing my cock again. I reached into her hair and carefully drove my limb into her mouth. She sucked it with relish, enclosed it, and then I fucked her, again and again I drove my cock into her mouth, first carefully, but over time the desire teared all the inhibitions, always wilder and firmly I pushed her hair againstMy stomach, her retracted cheeks closed wet around my cock ..

And again I felt the tension tear my nerves, helplessly I struded into the sun.

A few more desperate, unlanded bumps in which I could hardly keep on my feet, then I exploded. My butter -soft knees gave up, we sank to the ground while my seed was injected into their mouth. She swallowed greedily, but in vain, it was too much, she ran white from her mouth;Reluctantly, she released my wildly twitching cock to her that sperm hurled into the face in endless fountains.
I was impatiently awake the following night;And really, suddenly Tanja hit her blanket and rose. Only a short hesitation, during which I could enjoy the flattering game of the moon on her bare body, then she walked out to the door.

Immediately I was on my feet, slipped into my clothes hastily.

I heard the front door falling into the castle, looking out the window. She climbed up the path, where I had intercepted it yesterday on her way back. I quickly followed her.

Even today the night was pleasantly warm. The moon shone bright enough to not lose sight of Tanja’s shimmering figure.

The persecution was not a problem here, in the open field, but unfortunately it headed for the forest too. I acceler my steps. Actually, I could have walked right next to her, since she hovered in complete trance through the area, but wherever she was going, you would certainly make sure that she was getting there alone.
What did I expect to find? Basically, I was only confused: the strange sign, the animal devotion, the sudden sleepwalk, her nightly disappearance in the forest. There was no explanation for it that would have occurred to me.

As I feared, I often lost sight of Tanja between the trees, but luckily I discovered them – after desperate, hectic search and countless blue stains from stumbling to thorny scrub or gnarled tree roots – every time again.

Tanja himself found her way with unwavering security;I remembered films in which sleepwalkers climbed safely over the steepest roofs, while those who wanted to keep them from the crash ..
… damn, another tree root ..

I rose cursed and rubbed my crashed knee. I finally recognized the obvious goal of this nightly hike, my heart stopped a few blows, my brain switched off completely. Starked amazed at the flying saucer, the longer I stared at it, the more I was able to convince myself that I only dreamed of it all.
The thing was round and about the size of a house, you could say that much, although the outlines were only indistinct in the dark;Colorful lights flashed rhythmically on the threatening shadow between the trees. I tried to process this structure in a sample ..

(… a UFO … impossible … a UFO? … Nonsense …) ..

And while I was swallowing on this chunk, it started without hesitation.

Tanja was undeterred to this thing, and when she was right in front of it, Eineluke opened on the underside and dived in glistening light. The bright rays flattered around their body, electrified every inch of their skin. Apparently a very intense caress;Tanja’s face glowed into ecstasy, she joined her eyes. At first she just groaned softly, but then she pushed chopped out lustful screams, began to fluctuate, sank to the ground.

She was laboriously leaning on her trembling arms, her whole body walled in wild twitches. Her troublesome butt trembled with desire, she was still shouting her lust and pain towards the light ..

Without thinking I jumped out of my hiding place and hurried to her. This strange light also caught me immediately, although it was damped by my clothes. An unbearably intense tingle burned through my skin, inflamed every cell of my body.

My clothes melted, I stared at the boiling, bubbling mass on my arms. The pain forced me to his knees. I struggled out of my things;Sached her from me. On the ground they crumbled completely and seeped into the ground.

Now the full dose caught me, boiling hot streamed this strange power through my body;Each fiber was feverish before desire.

The light filled my head;Visions of unknown lust rock in it;I recognized tumbling, dancing splinters of pairing bodies, devoured, merged in impossible ways;Countless variations of love, countless beings in eternal hug. Faces members, knowing eyes;In them, secrets of millions of years were hidden in them. So different as diverse as they were; they all shared the burning intoxication of the highest rapture. Probably now I was also shouting full of lust and painful desire;But the blood burned unbearably loudly in my ears, drowned out everything else, robbed me of the senses.

My cock vibrated in front of my stomach, requested;He pushed me forward, like a wish rod, led me to Tanja.

Only indistinctly I could see the curvature of her butt. Again and again the other pictures pushed themselves in front of it, the bodies frozen in ecstasy. I felt desperately, as if by itself my pulsating desire found the way, slid between her thighs, penetrated into her. Her butt clapped against my stomach, from further afar I heard her cheering cry.

The moist hot meat into which my cock was dipped, the round tight butt in which I clawed my hands: these were the last bastions of reality in the resolving world.

The light deleted everything, every thought, every memory;I encountered desperately to at least save this piece of reality. Her butt urged my impacts;But the light was now gnawing on her cheeks, sprinkling them with stains made of glowing lava.

The visions became more real, an ever rasp-re seed sequence of foreign extraterrestrial bodies received the bumps of my cock. I tried to capture Tanja’s body, but her reality slipped from me;Under my hands, a glowing, trembling mass pulsates concentrated lust. The light also ate on me, first I recognized the spots of blazing light on my arm, on my stomach, finally everywhere.

I slowly dissolved myself, and I still drove my cock in wild frenzy into the constantly changing visions of female lust.
… then, finally, the orgasm: An all reusable explosion;I exuded myself, dissolved myself, completely dipped into the eternal, infinite sea of light ..

Sn «Epiloges is strange, often Tanja and I stand in front of the mirror and marvel at the strange tattoos that we both have directly under our right ear. I actually can’t remember any opportunity that we could have so senselessly drumbled up that we were crazy enough for a tattoo on the one hand and, on the other hand, completely removed this event from our memory. But at some point lately we have to have gone under the needle, the proof of this is adorned with irrefutable our heads.

Well, it doesn’t look that bad, and the hair covers it too.

We have recently. In the morning we wake up, with scratched feet, the sheet is full of dirt. There is no means against it. Completing the door does not help because we also find the key in our sleep.

Maybe a timeline? Or a combination of numbers, from which Tanja and I know the other half? Would we deny in the trance?We don’t get much to think of tricky tricks. Both of us packed a kind of spring frenzy, and on every opportunity we fall on one another. You can’t say that it somehow bothers me.

Every subtle sexual gesture of Tanja brings me to frenzy, licking her tongue over my lips, preventing me, so that I can’t see anything in your neckline, a certain swinging way, everything strikes a string in me, irresistible.
Not only do we both seem to be affected by these two phenomena;Many people complain about nightly sleepwalks.

On television, video recordings ran from sheer naked people who walk through the streets and across fields. It was somehow scary to shape these zombings;Uncomprehensible memories were moved deep inside me, but then Tanja came out of the shower and tried to cover up her charms with an enchanting little towel ..

And we also share this second thing with others. Friends report us in trust of an incredible revival of their bedroom activities;And when Tanja and I are looking for a somewhat hidden place on the way;we often browse couples who had the same idea. The other day, in the elevator, Tanja’s boss and his secretary and after Ei-nner fright, the clothes also tore off ..
At a meeting of our board of directors, his only female member should have given himself to all colleagues, naked to the conference table, surrounded by greedy cocks that entered her, exploded on her rubbish, under her delicate hands or between her soft lips;If only half of what was told to me, then I would like to be with me ..

I experienced another orgy live.

Suddenly a kind of acute voluptuous fever broke out on the bus, inflamed by a smooching teenage couple;After all, wrapped bodies wrapped everywhere on the seats and in the aisle, a woman crouched in front of me, a strong guy clutched her butt and pushed his cock in, she herself took me in her mouth ..

The other day in a talk show, a discussion about bisexuality was out of control, first the male guests nibbled the moderator to prove that only men can make a woman happy;The female guests first heat each other and then the moderator to convince them the opposite, then the audience was actively involved in the controversy;And how the matter was discussed at home in front of the screens, I can only speak for Tanja and myself ..
I can only remember a time before. The days are blurred in an increasingly faster, greedy sequence of the ecstasy, which deletes everything else. Something will happen, something is announced … something threatening? Something wonderful?Maybe I should go to sleep a little earlier today.

I always have such beautiful dreams.

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