The first anal sex with Denise | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

One morning mine came Daughter, Before she went to me and said that her friend Denise would come by. If she arrived a little earlier, I should send Denise to my daughter’s booth. She would then deal with it as long. Since I Vacation had and nothing else was planned, it was clear from my side. The girlfriend has often been a guest with us. A small freaky brook that had it behind the ears.

And it was also early. Even as teenager she had to have taken around with schoolmates or boys from the training. And if the rumors were right that she put into the world herself, then she was already in more than just flower sex. But what the hell, I always thought. I myself was ready for many crashes very early. Since my wife and I got different vacation due to business, my wife was already working again.

Until she and my daughter would come home, I had a lot of time to take care of this and that. And since Denise should only come around the time like my daughter, I prepared a schedule that should allow me to shower before more life went into the house again. When you deal with brakings in this way, time really flies away. After lunch I surfed in a while in Internet.

Then I looked at the clock. It was just 2:30 p.m. But since I didn’t feel like doing anything anymore, I thought around and now wanted to jump under the shower. So go up and pull me off. I wasn’t even a minute under the shower, There it rang. I just thought, damned crap, who is that now. Maybe DHL or something. So get out of the shower and the bath towel wrapped up.

It’s a good thing that I am not so jammed and have no problem with making the door open. But I still wanted to know beforehand who rang there and only went to the intercom at the top. “Hi. I’m that Denise. “At first I thought, fuck. But then I pressed the door opener and let it in. I called her from above that she could get in and that I wanted to take a shower. If she was thirsty, she should help herself.

Since everything was ok, I really wanted to take a shower. I was just about to pull myself up when I realized that the cabin was opened. When I turned over she stood there. Denise. Naked. And cheekily she said to me that I should make some space and just came in. I asked her if she would spin. “Oh come on. Do you think I would never have noticed how you pattern me when I was there? So I always enjoyed tease you.

And I could also use a shower. If you soap my back to me?“Admittedly. As I said, she was a damn cheeky thing. And seen on the slamotten side, you could never assign them any fashion symptoms. She once represented a skatertussi, sometimes a bit punk, then the metal type again, and recently seemed to please her the gothicstyle. Your tattoos and piercings also seemed to be more and more. And her outfit always fell out quite sexy.

At the moment as a black bitch, she fit both in a nightly grey club and on the grain. I didn’t see how she came to us that day, but it was certainly a pretty revealing outfit again. And in fact, I actually often saw more skin on her one time or another one or the other time. Your butt in the string under the short skirt and the network tights. Her little breasts, which were only held by a breath of bra, and how she gave the eyes to it if they prevented themselves in a wide -cut shirt.

A provocative bitch just. And now she stood naked here and now wet in front of me. She also did not miss a coincidence to touch me. And when she turned to bend down for a shower gel, it was also completely intended that her butt was pushing my cock. With this robbery, her way of itself and her still with baby bacon but still quite slim body, which she knew how to use it, she dropped me into a real shock.

I just stood on the back wall and watched her hustle and bustle. Their body. And like through a finger snip I found back to my reactions. However, far from hunting them vigorously from the shower. “And? How is it now? If you soap my back to me?“My brain now slipped completely into my loins. From now on I was just a tail -controlled and started to take around with her. I don’t just get her back on her.

No. She didn’t have to get anything herself at all. What she also gave me. Although, actually she only took care of mine tail. And she kept it more and more. Finally she just rubbed herself on me and let the soap run on us. Then she leaned and started blowing my cock. With the last spark that I still had, I turned the water off to hear if someone came home.

Which would ultimately not mattered, because we couldn’t have dry and put on so quickly. Then she straightened up and looked me deep in the eyes. “Come on, admit it, you have imagined that for a long time. I with you too. Now we should take advantage of it. “Again she nestled against me and whispered me,” go, take me. “To do this, she opened the shower, went out and sat on my bathing towel wide -legged.

“Come on. Do what you want with me. “And I did it. I let her lie down completely and began sucking the tits and her knobble nipples. Then I kissed over her stomach to her nude snail and let my tongue dance. Oh yes, she liked it unmistakable. And the more I sucked on her labia, circled her clit or let my tongue slide through her entire cunt, the more honest her reactions became on it.

Especially when I push her two fingers in. Her whole behavior also made me sharper. Then the point had come when I wanted everything from her now. So I lifted myself over her and gave her what she hoped for. tail. “Ah, yes, finally. Give it to me. take me. fuck me!“She didn’t have to tell me that twice. And totally horny I fucked on it. We will always be wildered with each other shortly.

We did not register that we continued to slip on the bathtub on the tile floor. We also ignored that it was really hard and my hands occasionally slipped away. I was only fascinated by these horny brats, and she that I kneaded her tits or spread her legs with my arms so far back in order to fuck in her as deep as possible. “Oh god, your cock is so cool.

Give me hard. “Shouldn’t she have told me. I hammered into her so strongly that it just clapped that way. Her tits wobbled so wildly that you could think they would fall off right away. Then this twitch in your nude snail and the trembling of your body. She literally vibrated and got an enormous orgasm. In doing so, she tried to claw with spread arms on the tiles. When her finish then waned a little, she sniffed heavily.

“You fired me shit. Are you always like that?““ Only if the old one is as a horny thing under me as you are. But listen. You’re not already done now, or? Just don’t think I’m done with you now. There you are now to blame yourself. “She couldn’t tell more than with my eyes. Because now I had it turned around and put her upper body over the bathing clan.

Then she had to make her legs apart again and I drove back into her. Oh yes, that was just as horny as just. Just that I now had her horny ass in mind. So far I only saw him covered, even if sexy was covered. But now, without everything and still moist from showering, he had completely different thoughts germinated in me. And the more I rammed her from behind and her asses so wonderfully wobbled when I bumped against it, her kimme opened up a little, so it came more and more about me.

All of the tapping of their cuddly tits did not distract me from it. As soon as I grabbed her ass again, I was more and more interested in whether the rumors that she spread among her friends themselves really voice. I just wanted to fuck this teenary that is so adult to age. I really grabbed and pulled her cheek apart. Then hers smiled me rosette literally. I just had to do it and let a thumb slide over the hatch. At first no reaction from her to it.

So I became a brazen and pressed my thumb a little more firmly. Yes, I pushed the tip a little. Then she noticed it. “Oh! What are you doing? What you up to? Do you want to … “” Sure I want. You make me horny. You just have to fuck such a hot ass. ” “Oh shit! No! I’ve never assholes you before. please don’t!”” Hey, very quiet. Then you just learn it now. So sooner or later, you do it.

Then I can get you too. “But … Oh fuck!“And already my thumb was really bored into her. She fidgeted and pinched her cheeks together. But I didn’t let go. And the longer I continued to molest it, the more relaxed it became ultimately. But I wasn’t a inhuman. Next to her on the tub shelf was by chance my wife’s body oil stood by chance. I grabbed the powder and poured a good amount into their crack.

Then I deteriorate it around the rosette of the little ones and kept putting my thumb into the hole. “Oh shit, no. What are you doing?” “Stay calm. I’m showing you now how horny this is. “Still trembling she just stayed in the position in which she was. In principle, she could have wrapped herself and jump away from me. But she didn’t. So she was anxious, but apparently interested. I let it get on it now and got my cock out of her dripping pussy.

I smeared the little oil that was still in my palm of my hand around my stand. Then I put on the back entrance and pressed forward. Crap, slipped. Denise twitched and hissed. Again scheduled and pressed against it. Now it worked. Denise shrugged again and hissed again. Just a little more painful. But my nille was in. You only heard from her * ohs * and * from * when I started moving. With small bumps back and forth I got used to the feeling of my cock in my ass.

And little by little I pushed him deeper and deeper into her. “Oh God Damn! If I hadn’t come to you. Boah. Fuck!“But you were not interested in her whimper. And I just fucked her on. Not as violent as I had plugged her into the cunt beforehand. And it was enough for it to get used to it more and more. In between I pulled my lout out of her again, knocked against her cunt briefly, but pushed me back into her ass.

And she gradually changed her reaction to being fucked in the back. It even escaped her slight, amused prustions when I drove out of her again and she drove out some air. Which could not dissuade me from converting them again into the air pump. After some time of anal use, she asked me how long I wanted to fuck her. The floor would be pretty hard with time. I should be happy to come. Oh, look at.

Not the ass was their problem, but the hard tiles. As I said, I’m not a inhuman. And so I pulled back from her and let her sit down. But not without anything. I held out my cock so that she should take it in her mouth. “What? But that was … “Not chattering, blowing, I thought and just pushed him into the brass man. She revealed itself without further words and blew well.

But she just had to do that briefly. I actually wanted to try to empty my eggs now. I pulled her to me on her legs. She lay on her back again and made her legs wide. And she had my crossbar back in the punch. Apparently she liked that again. But she made the bill without me. Again I pushed my arms on her knees and pressed her legs backwards.

And my cock longed for the virgin tightness of her ass again. Let’s see how she reacts to it, I thought. Get out of the crack and back into the dark hole. “Crap! Yet again? Uuuh!“She bit her on the lower lip, grimaced, but accepted it after a few bumps. respect. I repeated this until she got used to it that she rubbed herself on the clit. This even led to the little brat stood shortly before her next finish.

I felt how it started to bubble in her. Her nipples visibly became hard again. For the last time I switched from her juice into her intestinal exit and slammed it in the back again vigorously. Then she pressed her orgasm deeply sighed out of herself. And since she twitched so wonderfully in the ass, it helped me to cum. Everything into your rectum. Until I completely emptied myself. Only then did I leave her in peace.

The pearls on their skin were no longer water droplets, but now welding beads. She straightened up and looked at me with a mixed look. On the one hand, relieved that it was finally over, on the other hand she wanted to kill me most. They didn’t necessarily hide it either. “Asshole! Just fuck me in the ass. Shit it hurts. “I stroked her over the dashed hair. “Sorry. But that was somehow time. As often as you have already presented my ass.

Come on, be honest. It wasn’t that bad. “With a little watery eyes, she looked at me. “Yes OK. I had already thought of trying it at some point. But we could have talked about it beforehand. ” “Oh yes? Just as you talked to me about it beforehand to just jump into the shower?“Then she had to smile ashamed. And at the same moment she jumped up and sat on the toilet.

“Holla! How much did you shot into me there? That soup out like diarrhea out there. “I couldn’t help but a malicious grin. As she let herself run empty, I washed my cock briefly and dried myself off. Then I went into the bedroom and got dressed. In that time she quickly dried her hair and then slipped back into her clothes. And of course she had quite loose clothes that suggested a lot.

We then went into the living room and drank something together. In the meantime my daughter came home. She already assumed that Denise would be a little earlier than she was here. She also thought nothing else that Denise was sitting here with me. However, at the greeting, she noticed that her friend smelled so freshly showered. “You, I still had some time at home. I ruined myself quickly before I drove here. “” Hmm, which shower gel you have been using recently? Smells like that of my dad.

“If that were a criminal case and my daughter a commissioner, she would have come up with us. But they were not interested and the two went up into my daughter’s booth. Then Denise turned her curly head to me again and smiled at me with a wink. I was curious to see if she would come back to me again. I would have repeated it with pleasure.

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