Our way to anal ecstasy [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Unfortunately, a few days have passed since our last fuck, without us being able to even live out. I was traveling professionally and Anna for a few days with hers Family. But we both came home on Friday afternoon. Our anticipation was incredible.

Until then, we had no time to try all of our new purchases for our anal game. However, that should change quickly.
On Friday I came home around 6 p.m. Anna should come back from her parents later.

I opened the door and could hardly wait Anna’s coming. When I entered the hallway I saw candlelight in the living room. My heart made a little jump. “Hello?!“, I called into the apartment.

“Come in quickly,” said a familiar voice. It was Anna. I dropped my things on the floor, took off the jacket and hurried into the living room. I stopped in the door with an open mouth.

Anna sat on the sofa, had an incredibly horny lingerie and smiled. All of our toys were properly set up on the coffee table in front of her. I discovered a few things I didn’t know yet. So she was shopping.

“I missed you so incredibly,” she said. “I want you! And I’ll not let you out of the apartment all weekend.“Well, that can be cheerful, I thought to myself and realized how my pants mean mine tail Already started to get hard. He wanted to get out. She looked so incredible.

Your big breasts are tasting out of her bra -occupied bra. She had a decent double-D. And of course everything. Just a dream.

“Come here,” she whispered. I didn’t let that tell me twice. On the way to the sofa I got rid of my clothes. When I got to her my thing was already like a one.

She grabbed my cock hard, pulled me down and kissed me. I let myself slide on her and we kissed as violently as it hasn’t been for a long time. She sat on me and pulled out her bra. Her perfect breasts fell towards me and I buried my face between them.

How I missed the three. She slid down on me and started kissing my glans. Then she started blowing. And how … the saliva ran out of her corners of the mouth and over my stiff penis down to my testicles and even further … she took it in her hand and wandered down with her mouth.

She started as crazy mine Egg to reclaim. First individually, then both at once. In the meantime she cheekily put her index finger in my ass. An incredible feeling.

I stroked her over her smooth blond hair and grabbed her on the back of the head. She knew what that means … as long as we didn’t see each other, it didn’t take long to finally give her my juice again. She smiled at me, raised her head and devoured my cock. Everything was full of her drool.

She rammed my big thing into her mouth and continued to massage my asshole. I noticed how I pushed against the inside of her throat. She coughed up and hardly got air. But they seemed to do that as much as me.

I winced violently and pushed her head back. A huge load sperm Injection over her whole face.

It didn’t want to stop. Your hair, your eye, her lips and her mouth … my sperm was everywhere.

She snapped and looked at me shocked. “Oh man, I didn’t expect that much,” she said coughing. So she had unexpectedly got something in her throat. But immediately she smiled again and stroked the sperm into her mouth with her finger.

Then she came up to me again and put her tongue in my throat. “Now we can really get started,” she whispered.
So now I was asked. I packed her firmly on her butt, raised her and put her on the sofa.

Completely horny she stretched the Legs In the air and I tore down the string. I left the suspenders. Don’t bother what I have in mind. I pulled her legs apart, knelt on the floor and had her beautiful, lusty pussy directly from my face.

However, the sight was not preserved for long because Anna grabbed my head and he was pushing his legs.

She couldn’t and didn’t want to wait anymore. I started licking up and down like wildly between her labia. Then I spread her pussy and sucked on her clitoris.

God was horny to finally taste their juice again. But I couldn’t wait for a long time, I really wanted to go to her other hole. As she clawed in my hair, I slid down with my tongue down to her back entrance. She moans loudly and satisfied when my tongue penetrated into her asshole.

In doing so, she pressed my face firmly between her legs so that I buried my half face in her wet pussy. I noticed how her juice ran down my cheeks. After some time and keep crying out again and again, I couldn’t wait any longer.
With a jerk I lifted my head out of her love grotto, looked up at her and we started smooching. Without warning I took my middle and index finger and put it in her ass.

She pushed out a frightened cry. “That’s exactly what I was waiting for,” she said moaning. “Let’s try our new toy.”

She sounded like an excited child. What we plan was now by no means something for children.

I straightened up and took a look at the table. She had carefully sorted everything according to the size. Dildos, vibrators, plugs and anal chains. “Choose something,” she said with a smile.

“I’m on first.“I reached for a red plug, about 10cm long and about 2.5 cm thick. But she took my hand and just said: “Bigger!“From this word alone I became horny again. She led me to a significantly larger plug. Black and made of plastic, very slightly compliant.

I was amazed. The plug was a good 15cm long and was a diameter of just over 4cm at the bottom of the thickest point. I grabbed the plug and looked at it grinning. Then I grabbed her on my neck and said: “Go, doggy on the sofa.“She immediately turned, knelt in front of me and spread her ass cheeks with her hands.
Her asshole was still so moist from her own juice and my spit that I don’t need anything else.

I started the plug started to press. She groaned.

The first centimeters were easy. When the plug became thicker, I noticed how her slopes clawed in her butt.

I pushed on and she screamed. I was waiting for a short moment, but she vigorously pulled her cheek baking apart a bit. I understood the wink and slowly pressed on. She buried her face in a pillow to dampen her loud screams.

With a last strong press on my part, the plug suddenly penetrated it completely into it. She tore her head up and her relieved moan filled the room. She turned to me, looked at me exhausted and said quietly: “Halleluja, but that was violent.“She rose carefully. “It’s an incredible feeling,” she said.

“He fills me out so incredibly. It is really difficult and presses from the inside against as if it were getting out. But now it’s your turn.“Without a word I put my back on my back the couch. She knelt in front of me and I wanted to see what she is doing.

She kept my eyes and just said I should be surprised. So I closed my eyes.

She grabbed my hard stiff cock firmly with one hand and immediately started licking my asshole with her tongue. I instinctively spread my legs and put them on the couch.

So she had full access to me. I heard how she licked and sucked and noticed how her drooling ran everywhere in and around my asshole. Suddenly I felt something cold between my legs. She heard to lick me and I knew what would come.

She let go of my penis and put it in her mouth. Keep keeping up until her lips climbed at the bottom of the shaft. God was grateful for this woman. She could “deepthroats” like a porn star.

What requires long exercise on the side as she once told me. Anyway, I was as thrilled as she blows you that I twitched briefly when she started to push the toy in the back. He was made of glass and had 3 balls one above the other, which grew from ball to ball. She had spoiled me anal before, but I didn’t know this size yet.

She noticed that I had some problems. Immediately she started to compensate for these problems, in which she started to fuck me with her mouth like crazy. Fast, hard and deep. In between, I partly thought that she would vomit.

But that was not the case, just here and there a little choking. In this way, I only noticed at the end how she just pushed me in the 3 ball of the glass plug. I groaned, grabbed her head and pressed it onto my cock until it was no longer possible. It was indescribable and actually I could have inject another full load in her neck at that moment.

But we just started. She hit my thighs to mean me that she slowly suffocates down there. So I let go of her head. She rapidly up and spat out a lot of slimy spit.

I grinned at her.

And because she is the perfect woman, she grinned back. “Fuck me!”She said, knelt on the couch and stretched her ass towards me. She was so horny that the plug always bobs a little back and forth, probably because her asshole pounded so much.

I waited a few seconds because I could hardly believe my luck and sight in front of me.

Then I grabbed her ass and pressed my cock into her until the stop. As before, she screamed in her pillow and I started fucking her wildly. Without inhibitions and as firm I could. With my left hand I pressed her to the ground at the front and with my right hand I hit her ass with my flat hand.

We had never done anything like this before, but I immediately noticed how horny it did me. The first few blows were soft and Anna did not come any reaction. Then I struck more firmly. And firm.

It crashed really loudly. Suddenly on Anna’s pillow tore her face and looked at me with a face -frowned face. I couldn’t say if it was anger or something different. I interrupted my bumps and blows for a moment and looked at them questioningly.

From her only a determined “further!“, Then she turned her pillow again. I pushed out a little cry of joy and started to penetrate her again. Hard and quick. I noticed that her right buttocks had become pretty red.

So I changed sides and began to edit her left buttocks. We fucked ourselves in ecstasy!
Suddenly I noticed how the plug kept coming out of Anna’s ass. I didn’t think anything about it but suddenly she cried out and tried to push my way away. I immediately pulled my cock out of her warm pussy.

At the same moment, the plug jumped towards me under loud shouting and moaning and a jet scroll out of her cunt on the sofa. While she was pressed, her asshole was wide that I could actually see the inside of her asshole a little bit. The plug had stretched her properly. The whole thing lasted about 4 seconds, then pulled her rosette Back again and the ray dried up.

Anna turned horrified to me. “I just peed on our couch? What happened?”

I noticed how uncomfortable her was and she calmed her down immediately. I already knew something from porn, but I have never experienced it live. Among us, I was thrilled.

I explained to her that this is completely normal for some women when they have an extreme orgasm. At least that’s how I imagined it. After I calmed her down, I asked her whether something else was uncomfortable. She told me that she had never felt her body so intensely while fucking.

So everything was in the best order. We kissed, then she lay down on her back and wanted more.
So I knelt in front of her and put my two thumb in her asshole. Then I slowly started to spread her hole in her tongue in her.

She giggled and I noticed how she relaxed. Suddenly I noticed how she pressed her rosette towards me. I looked up at her but she just looked at me and meant me that I should put my tongue deeper into her asshole. It tasted so intensely.

I grabbed a vibrator behind me. It had about the size of a normal ice from the supermarket.

I put the egg in top of her and raised my head. I couldn’t wait any longer.

She had closed her eyes and enjoyed the vibrations. So I thought to myself, I am surprised. I took my cock and pressed it in her firm and determined in the back. Annna’s eyes opened up terrified, but as willingly as her ass picked up my cock, she closed her eyes again.

I grabbed her ankle and began to push my hard part deeper into her. I noticed the Glastoy in myself with every bump. I can only repeat it, an indescribable feeling. Meanwhile, Anna played with her breasts.

She was so excited that her nipple protruded at least 2cm into the air. The sight of her tits swing up and down while I fucked her deep into her ass. It couldn’t take a long time. I grabbed a little firmer and started to push into her as quickly and hard as I could.

Be clawed into her tits and screamed. I couldn’t last long, it was so exhausting. A few more last bumps and we both screamed up. I pulled my cock out of her ass and sprayed on her.

Until high in your face. At the same moment she pressed out the vibrator and another fontaine syringe from her pussy over my cock, my chest and over her into her face.

I fell backwards and looked at Anna. It was heavily breathing on the couch.

Her whole body, her face and hair were covered with sperm and her own urine, which comes from the so -called “squirting”. She licked her lips and cost our juices. This sight made me so horny that my cock was still hard and stiff. She opened her eyes, blinked me and said: “So you can’t just cum.

Next time I spray on you and not around.” She smiled. I couldn’t help lick her breasts to taste her. I liked it. And her too.

“Goes okay,” I said grinning to her;“And we should also clean our couch. “We both laughed. Then we snuggled up on the sofa and enjoyed the moment

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