Horny ass fuck with my anal bitch! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

There have been days since I mean myself tail Had in hand or had seen her naked. I could only think of her and her body. The black long hair, her gray-blue eyes, these lips, their C-cups, the flat belly with the approach to a six-pack, their long sexy Legs And of course you too Gorgeous plum shape. Every time I think of you, I can only imagine her naked. She is so incredibly sexy!But today was the chance again, because like every Sunday we wanted to watch our series together again and every time we did it, we kept landing in bed.

I had already prepared everything she comes in at the door at any moment. Series was ready to start, food was on the table and a bottle of wine was not missing. There she was! Even dressed extremely sexy today. With a stomach -free top and hot pants she came up to me and we gave ourselves a cheek kiss as a greeting. Then we started the series and started eating. I couldn’t wait for the end because I was very hot on her.

I would have loved to cancel the series and take it directly on my living room table. She didn’t make it easy for me either, because she snuggled up to me with her ass Directly at tail height. She knows that I love her ass but she wanted to get started right now? I steered off with her from the series because I liked it better. I spread her legs up and down, but stopped on her ass briefly and grabbed.

After a few times she turned her face to me and smiled. Then I kissed her and it had already happened. The series was now only a minor matter. But we didn’t care about it completely. We kiss, I stroke her through my hair. I paused briefly, looked her deep into her eyes. She returned and bit on the lower lip. God is this woman sexy! She depends on push me on my back.

Now she wants the upper hand. She sat on my lap and she should already feel my hard cock. She slowly pulled out her top and showed me her well -shaped breasts. Then she bends and kisses me. My hands instinctively migrate to her ass and pack tightly. She liked it that I find her ass so horny. Now my hands wandered along her ass cheeks into her hot pants and I found it again she had no panties.

There was probably just as sharp on fucking as I was. I straighten up and raised her with high. She knew it was time to get rid of all the clothes. She started to take off me. First the t shirt, then the jogging pants. When she pulled it down, my hard cock jumped almost in the face and her eyes shone. I couldn’t react as quickly as she had in her mouth. I let myself be in the couch Sack and she spoiled me.

I can’t help myself, but the eye contact when she has my cock in her mouth is amazing! She was extremely good today. Usually she doesn’t get it up to the eggs but I liked it. Good again every time for a surprise. Without any commitments, she asked me to fuck her mouth. She reached my hands on her back of her head and made fucking movements herself. I didn’t let that offer me twice and packages.

I started lightly but quickly decided to get harder. She liked it, because her hands wandered into her pants and she is already rubbing her wet pussy. Now I pulled her up to me kissed her and turned her over because I wanted her ass! Slowly I grabbed the waistband of the pants and pulled it down and the ass revealed himself directly at the face height. I couldn’t help it, I had to kiss him! When the panties were completely gone, I pulled her cheeks apart and kissed her on her sweet asshole.

However, it did not stay that way I circled with my zubge, licked it with relish and kept trying mine Tongue put in. In the meantime she had leaned forward with one hand at the table and the other spoiled her pussy. I put her asshole again on the kisses again but this time I hiked up. I kiss every centimeter of your lower back along her cheeks until I am shoulder blades between Edn. Her head turns slightly back and she whispers “push it into my ass”.

Without hesitation, he sat on her asshole and slowly pushed him in. First the glans disappeared very slowly and then the rest followed. My cock had disappeared in her ass until the stop. At the first push she groaned and I continued. Her asshole was so tight, I never stayed in it for long. Today it has to go differently. I grabbed her shoulders and became more violent. She was getting louder and her hand between her legs faster and faster.

However, I couldn’t stand it in her hot asshole. I inject my load completely into it but this time I just fucked it. She pulled the hole together again and again and her legs became shaky. She could hardly hold herself when it came to her. During her orgasm I did not listen to I continued to push in her asshole. She calmed down again and I slowly pulled him out of the hole.

Laid me to her ass kissed him again and she turned to me and took him back in her mouth. Then she looked at me and said “You sprayed me in my ass?“I only answered“ You were so horny today!”. Then she smiled and only said “Then we are now looking at the series and then you can maybe spray me in the face again. I want to go there too “.

We cuddled and naked together and continued the series.

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