Hardcore anal threesome with two girls | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We were still in bed and talked about the events of the past day. “Did you really like it?“I asked and thought of our first piss games yesterday. She lay half over my upper body and looked at me with sparkling eyes. “If you come along, you can convince yourself of it yourself. “I looked at her attentively. She really seemed to have liked it. “Were you jealous of Gerda?”She thought about it shortly before she answered:” No, “she said gently.

“I wasn’t jealous of Gerda and I am not now. I never had a reason for that. I was just jealous that she could give you something that I couldn’t do. I have seen several times how you react to others with such pictures, porn or even real and have always thought about how I could finally overcome myself to be able to finally be able to exist. “Lost thoughts she played with one of my nipples and I stroked her back and enjoyed togetherness.

We both frightened as suddenly the phone heralded next to the bed. Renate was faster and accepted the conversation. “Who dares it?”Asked, she asked Muffig and listened. Then she laughed. “But no, you don’t bother us. We just considered whether we should get up. Wait, I turn on the speaker, then Dirk can listen to. “She put the listener aside and pressed the button for the hands -free system. “Good morning, my dear. “, Gerda’s familiar voice sounded out of the loudspeaker.

“Gerda Süße, good morning. We just talked about you. “” But probably not because of yesterday?“Asked, she asked in a spirited manner. “But that’s why I call. I wanted to apologize for the mess. This is really embarrassing to me today. “Renate laughed quietly. “Gerda, treasure, everything is good. You have to apologize for nothing. The sofa got nothing and the rest has been wiped for a long time. We even have to thank you. As a result, I finally got through and was able to piss on Dirk as he had wanted for a long time.

“” I also wanted to thank Dirk for the horny Ass fuck. I’m still very flush now. “, She laughed a little nervous. “Tell me sweetie, since when are you actually on NS since? I always thought that wouldn’t be for you. ” “Since yesterday. “, It came a little little out of the phone. “When we fucked alone, I got the urge to pee and just let it run. I didn’t think any further.

It just felt right. ” “That was a good decision. Feel pressed and slipped from us. “And if you continue to be so chewy, you are welcome to come here again. “, Renate added in a good mood. “I will think about it. “Gerda promised Hörbarly relieved and said goodbye. On the weekends and when it came up, even during the week, we showered together. Sometimes there was something, but sometimes not.

That day she put yourself in front of me, put her arms around my neck and kissed me tenderly. I hugged her and pulled her a little closer to me. My hand slid over her back and between my legs. I reached far that I was lying on your venus hill with my fingers at the front. Then I slowly pulled my hand back and my middle finger slid over her clitoris and labia. When he anus reached, pressed the buttocks tightly together and held my finger on the spot.

A noise interrupted our game and we listened tense whether the sound was repeated. It was not repeated, but a new one. steps. They came towards the aisle towards a targeted direction bedroom and adjacent bathroom. In other words: here. The steps were slow and hesitant but still easy to hear. If we had already let the water run, we would not have heard it. “Hello? Anyone home?“We relaxed again. “Here in the bathroom, Melissa. “The bathroom door was opened and Melissa stood in front of us in Adam’s costume.

“There you are. “, She beamed,“ how did you get into the house?“Renate did not ask without anger. “You said that I could come to you today and since the patio door was not really closed, I just came in. “, She was a little confused about the harsh tone and therefore answered a little smaller. “That’s right. The door was not closed. But it was closed and that means that you can’t just come in when nobody can be seen.

“, I too was angry with her behavior even if I knew she didn’t mean it bad. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. “She was close to our reactions to tears. “Come in and shower with us. “I said in a more conciliatory tone and her mine brightened again. A few years ago, we had rebuilt parts of the house and made the luxury of a large bath with an extra large shower.

Five people were able to shower quite comfortably under three shower heads and do other things. Our friends were always happy when we invited them to a shower. Only now did Melissa noticed how big the shower was really and was amazed. For her it was the first time that she showered with us. Renate pinched my legs a little and it was clear to me that she had to pee. She stepped on my foot inconspicuously and gave me a look at what she was up to and I nodded briefly back.

In our shower there was a slightly larger shower head that was entered into the ceiling and had space under which three people. Renate made the shower and activated shower head. Then she turned to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Het me up from behind when you under the shower is. “She whispered to me and I only nodded briefly again. We could have talked normally, Melissa was so fascinated by the shower.

It was only when she stood in front of us and Renate took her to greet her, she looked at us again. Melissa came to me and pushed herself close to me as if she had painfully missed me. I returned her hug and gave her a kiss. After a few seconds she loosened from me again and eel under the warm water jet. With one step, Renate stood in front of me and let me raise.

She helped me a little so that I could grasp her under her butt and spread her legs. Melissa watched us curiously through the movement and when I had Renate, with her butt, for example at the chest height, she beamed all over the face and immediately began the person presented by her pussy to lick. My wife groaned and twitched slightly under the gentle touch. Our guest crowded a little closer to us and took my wife with one hand under his butt, with the other she took me mean tail While she was still licking Renates pussy.

My wife now breathed more violently and cramped a little while the trembling became more violent. Then came the first short ray. Melissa wave back and put his head wrong. The second short ray scored out and hit our guest in the middle of the chest. She squeezed up and beamed all over the face. The next beam awaited her with her tongue at Renates Fötzchen. Because we have already made different games in the shower, especially when there are friends, we have installed two holding rods under the ceiling where Renate was now clinging.

Now she twitched in my hands and I thanked the Lord for her idea with the holding rods. She pissed down on Melissa with a loud groan and said to catch up with every drop. When the electricity started to dry up, the little one stepped back a little and let the rest run over her body and smiled happily. Renate let go of the holding rods exhausted and I carefully put them back on her feet. Significantly breathing she clung to me until her knees could wear her again.

When her breath went calmer again, she said a little angry but still laughing: “The little bitch with her tongue has exactly the piss hole caught and constantly irritated. “” It worked. “, The scolding, laughed and acted a violent pat on the bare butt from my wife. With an indignated outcry she came to me in the hope that I protect her and got the next pat on her butt. This time not quite as firm.

She made a disappointed “Ohh” and threw me a Dachshund view of the Renate and I could only laugh. We devoted ourselves to personal care and soap each other. Renate and I knew the feeling of feeling many hands on the body for a little longer, but for Melissa it seemed new. At first she looked a bit irritated as Renate and I insisted her but then she enjoyed it. She stretched her arms up and turned between our hands so that everyone came everywhere.

Freshly showered we went three into the kitchen and prepared breakfast together for us. Coincidentally, my view of the clock fell and I saw that it was only 9 a.m. “But you are very early on, but that this Sunday is Sunday. “I said to Melissa. “You were so loud at times yesterday that we heard you. I became so horny that it still followed me in my dreams.

“Renate and I looked at each other and my wife got red slightly red. “Papa felt a little disturbed but calmed down again. At Mama I had the feeling that she would jump up every moment and run here. “My wife got nervous. “It was so bad?”” Nah. Mom just wanted to take part. It has become so horny that it has disappeared in the bathroom for a while. I heard her moan.

“The breakfast lasted almost two hours. We ate slowly and talked over all the time. “So that this does not turn out to the brunch, I hereby declare breakfast to end. “We got up together and cleared the remains and the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Everyone took a cup of coffee and then we sat down in the living room to let the day continue to run comfortably. “Are all Sundays with you?“, Melissa broke the silence.

“Unfortunately not everyone. When a visit comes, it can be hectic but that depends on the visit. “, Renate replied. She sat next to me on the soda and had cuddled on my side. “Why is it different if I’m with you?“I hesitated for a moment before I answered:“ Because we don’t have our own children and you are something like a replacement for us. We practically adopted you. “Both women looked at me in astonishment with big eyes.

“I…. You too?“Renate had tears in his eyes. “Yes, I would also like to have children and see a replacement in Melissa. “I kissed her tears from her face and she smiled gratefully at me. When I turned my attention back to Melissa, I saw that her eyes were also damp. Renate was a little faster than me. She moved away from me and waved Melissa to sit between us. She just couldn’t resist this request.

With a few steps she was with us and cuddled into the gap. As on command, Renate and I bent down to her and tried to kiss her tears away. Under my lips I could feel how her face moved into a happy smile. After a while my wife got up and stepped onto the patio door. “It’s a shame that it is no longer as beautiful today as yesterday. Everything looks so dreary again.

“, She said in a sad voice. I went to her and also looked out. I just had to agree to her that the weather was anything but beautiful. I stood slightly offset her and from an impulse I stroked her butt, which she immediately stretched out to me. Slowly I let my hands hike up and hike up. So I came closer to her so that she could feel my body on her back.

She nestled against me and enjoyed the feeling of feeling my hands on her as she slowly moved on her breasts. When I had reached my first goal, I stroked it and gradually went to knead over her vigorously. Renate thanked me with a cozy sigh. I let a hand slide over her stomach until she had reached her next destination. In the window I watched Melissa’s reflection of how she watched us and imitated the movements of my hand in itself.

I kept Renate closely enclosed. My right hand knead her left chest and my left hand stroked her venus hill. She opened her thighs and cleared my hand to my hand. She was moist again and I was able to penetrate her freely with my fingers. Melissa also pushed two fingers into her pussy and made a quiet moan. I meant to come to us and lick my wife’s pussy.

She couldn’t wait to be with us and to take part. As she licked Renate, she continued to massage her breasts and I devoted myself to the anus of my wife. First I massaged him carefully with my finger but when I realized that he became soft we went to our knees together. Melissa was now under Renate and the two licked each other their pussy. I knelt behind my wife and started carefully to penetrate her anus.

She was now so moist that it didn’t make a lot of effort. Slowly I moved back and forth and with every push I penetrated a little deeper into her and her breathing became more violent. The faster, firmer and deeper I pushed into them, her groan became more violent and louder until she really screamed her desire and lust. After a while she gave me to understand that she wanted a change of position and simply dropped to the side.

Melissa literally fell on Renate to lick and began on her battered anus. So now I had the little one kneeled up with a raised butt. I grabbed her pussy with a trial basis and with pleasure that she was just as wet as before Renate. Her anus was soft, so she had already expected me there. Nevertheless, I started to penetrate her slowly and carefully and also helped me with her wet with it.

Again I moved back and forth slowly and again I got a little faster with every push and penetrated a little deeper into it. As I got faster, her breath also went faster. He became a moan, then a gasp until it became screams from it. I now quickly and firmly pushed to the attack and the screams had become a whimper. Melissa just managed to massage my wife with the thumb because he loosened orgasm With Renate and she poured over Melissa’s hand and on the floor.

That was the trigger for Melissa’s orgasm. With a small outcry she came violently and sprayed her juice against my thighs. She had no strength to stay on her knees and fell on my wife, which I slid out of her and came in so, not as planned, but splashed the entire load over the two women. I lay down on the floor to them and kissed them. Melissa put an arm around my neck and pulled herself so that she was half on Renate and half on me.

So we lay for a long time without saying a word and just try to get back on the bottom of reality. In the late afternoon, Melissa said goodbye and went back to her parents. Renate and I began preparing dinner and talked about the long weekend and what we had experienced with our guests for a while.

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