First anal sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

On a trip to the USA with friends I learned L. know an American as Teacher worked. Was 26, about 3 years older than me. L.

Was athletic and equipped with a lavish buttock. She was almost as big as me, had long dark brown hair and green eyes. Their appearance was a little hippie as in the WWW .We liked ourselves immediately.

The first physical approach was on a train journey where I offered her, her long Legs stretched out on mine because there was little space.

She accepted immediately and I enjoyed the leg contact and the proximity for the rest of the trip. She also had nothing against my hand on her thigh. The next day we had to share a hotel room – somehow it turned out and we both had nothing against it. Hardly alone in the room the cuddling started, but more than the breasts under the T-shirt and tongue kisses was not inside.

She didn’t want to take off the jeans, and so we spent a restless night fumbling and cuddling with me, but also with a permanent stand that found no relief.

The next night we spent alone in one room, this time with friends. This time she had only left her panties and a long XL T-shirt, but she didn’t want to move out. After all, I was completely naked in her bed, we cuddled, wet each other, I kneaded her breasts, she also allowed me to stiff tail rubbed her bare thighs, but she didn’t want to attack him.

We kept waking up and cuddling at night, and my permanent stand still did not find any relief.

The next morning in half sleep, she also completely undressed. It was about 5:00 and already bright in the room, but no danger that our friends, who slept in another room, would suddenly come in.


lay flat on the stomach, very relaxed, and had slightly spread her long, muscular legs. I was sitting on her big, solid buttocks, and my hard and overwhelmed tail protruded diagonally. He insisted full of lust, and I stroked her pretty back and her long, brown hair. I started kneading their buttocks more and more.

She giggled quietly and spread her legs even more. I leaned forward and clamped my cock between her ass cheeks. My cock was hot, her ass cheeks were comparatively pleasantly cool, and I slowly started to blow back and forth. She obviously liked that, pressed her butt against me, had his eyes half closed, and grinned horny as far as I could see from my position.

So far she had done quite prude, and finally cum Between her buttocks was the best I could hope for at the moment. We rubbed together, we went back and forth with small smacking noises. I started thinking about whether she would let me in her buttocks. Since I was so cool and finally once Anal intercourse Wanted to try, despite the little chances of success, I wanted to test how far it would let me go.

My cock was quite slippery and her PoSpotes too. I spat in my hand, took my cock briefly and started to quickly rub my glans with saliva. She noticed none of it and I pressed the tip of the tail against her Po hole, but not too firm. At first she continued to move her butt, while I pushed the glans down rhythmically against her Po-hole and also smeared with my finger saliva there.

I pressed a little firm, penetrated very little, and felt strong resistance. She loosened from her relaxation, pinched her buttocks, tried to turn away, and said “Hey Man, no, not there”, but she laughed. I tried to stay up, held her on my hips, and continued to drill around her po hole with the tail, and begged “Oh, please, let’s try, it feel so good …” Suddenly she relaxed again, spread againLegs as before, and resigned “Ok, Let’s Try it”.

I was surprised and thrilled.

There was l. Labored all the time, I didn’t even want to wank a wank, but now let himself be fucked in the buttocks before we had made it “conventional”. I sat up again, she was still on the stomach below me. I massaged my stand vigorously a few times a few times until it was really rock hard, then smeared a lot of spit on it, and started to drill out very carefully again on her PO hole.

I press and not much happened, just a big resistance. In my fantasies I had imagined it easier, but I did not give up and press and turned, and suddenly penetrated the glans.

That went very quickly and was an indescribably cool feeling. I pressed a little more and the glans literally slipped into L.’s intestine, where it was firmly surrounded.

L. moaned quietly and pressed it slightly, squeezed the front part of my cock with her locking muscle, and that was enough for a huge one orgasm insert. Before the first drops of sperm could spray out, I quickly pulled out my cock. The associated feeling accelerated my orgasm and I sprayed violently over her buttocks.

There was a lot of thawing and I sprayed plenty of heavy drops.

“You liked it?“Asked she asked slightly, but with a happy grin on her face when nothing came more. “Yes, it was great. And you?”” It’s not my favourite but it’s ok.

It looks like you Really Needed That!“, She laughed. She was still lying on her stomach and I lay down on her in mine sperm In large quantity, which was distributed over her bottom and back. My sloppy cock was trapped again between her buttocks, and I pulled the blanket over us. We do it satisfied.

I still had sex with l many times. Almost always anal traffic and often in this position. Unfortunately, I never asked her whether that was her first back then Ass fuck had been or whether she already had experience in it.

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