Evi anal | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The three of us had an eventful evening. We were Monika, my girlfriend, Evi, my acquaintance who had separated from her husband and had lived in my guest room for 1 week, and I, who I didn’t know anymore. I’ve been with Monika since about. 4 years together but I was fascinated by Evi the little blonde bitch.

Evi had Monika in the evening seduced and we had a great three. After that we had drunk a little and three of us slept on my double bed mattress on the floor.

In the morning I woke up early and decided to go under the shower as long as the girls still slept. While I was soaping, the door opened and Evi came in. Evi has a short blond hair, full breasts, and is totally shaved.

“Good morning. Did you sleep nicely “she wanted to know. “Deep and firm” was my answer. “In whom?“She laughed, we got into the shower cubicle to me.

She hugged and kissed me. Her body pressed towards me and I felt her tits. Evi has really great boobs. She has a lot more than Monika and you feel firm.

And the nipples are big.

Your hand reached for mine tail, who immediately upgraded himself under their touch. She took the shaft and stroked my acorn with the stretched index finger. “Are you actually happy with Monika?“She wanted to know. “Mostly yes, I love her.” “And me?“She didn’t listen to my cock tenderly to touch.

“”You too!“What should I answer too. Evi was sexually a dream woman. “And fulfills your wishes in bed?““ Well, Monika is a bit reserved, a little shy. Not as horny as you.“Evi smiled when she heard this and strengthened the pressure of her hand around my shaft.

I started to move back and forth slowly. “Have you ever fucked her in the ass?”” No, I tried it once but she was strictly against it “. I became more rainy. Evi’s hand was now around my glans and pulled the foreskin back and back before.

“And yesterday she really blown one for the first time?““ No, she blown from time to time, but yesterday I was allowed to come into her mouth for the first time.“My cock was steel hard.

This conversation, Evi’s tits on my chest, her hand that jerked my cock … And from above still the water from the shower head. Evi crouched. She now jerked my cock faster.

I started to gasp and leaned against the cold shower wall. My lower body moved back and forth, in the same rhythm as Evi’s hand jerked my cock. She looked at my lümmel. “I want to see how you splashed” and she reached my eggs with the other hand from below.

She pressed my sack and jerked my cock.

I felt how I was about to explode. Evi must have felt it too. “Come on, spray off!“She asked me. And I did it.

My loins got together and the juice climbed up, sprayed out of my cock and mixed with the shower water. Evi tried to catch some of it with her hand and then licked his hand. “Hmmm, I like your sperm.“I doubted that she only meant my sperm.

“And I wanted to have a cock too”. That was new to me..

“Just think if you need him“ something better I couldn’t think of, and I enjoyed it too. Since Evi’s moving in I hadn’t had to get it down anymore for a lack of a woman. Sat up again and kissed me. After that we soap into each other, with a little more time related to the soaping of your cunt, which was slightly opened.

But she escaped me and climbed out of the shower cubicle to dry out. “I’ll go back to bed,” she said, and she was gone.

A little later I had cooked coffee and brought three cups into the bedroom. Next to Evi there was a black vibrator on the floor, plus a tube and a creme with cream. Monika looked at sleepy when I came in.

“Hmmm, I can now need. Since you have been awake for a long time?““ No, I was just just under the shower.“Was my answer. Monika straightened up to take the cup. Evi let her hand slide on Monika’s back and stroked her slightly.

She stroked the backbone, then back up, and then around Monika’s little tits. With the palm of your hand, she drove over the nipples that slowly became hard. Monika put the cup away, slid down a bit in bed and turned to Evi.

She hugged her and put her cheek on Evi. I was flabbergasted.

My prudish Monika really liked yesterday’s evening. I looked at how Evi scratched Monika’s neck with her fingers, then drove along the back, then let my hand hike to the back and Monika’s cunt stroked. Monika is only partially shaved, she left a nice triangle over her cunt. She opened her thighs something so that Evi’s finger got her cunt better.

I grabbed the vibrator next to Evi.

It was such a latex thing, black with a small tongue over the tongue, two switches. One for vibration and one who moved the thing completely.
Monika had closed his eyes and moaned slightly. Her thighs moved up and.

Evi played with one hand on Monika’s tits and with a finger of her other hand she stroked Monika’s cunt. I knelt on the other side of Monika and switched on the vibrator. Both switches! Slowly I let the device circle around the entrance of her cunt, which gaped open. The outer labia were swollen and were wide open.

I could see the wet properly.

Monika groaned and put his hand on Evi’s finger to reinforce the pressure. I slowly penetrated her cunt with the vibrator. My cock was hard again and got off. I kept the vibrator firmly in her cunt and felt the circular movements of the device in her.

Monika’s thigh opened and closed, she threw her pelvis back and back and groaned louder. Evi was fully concentrated on editing Monika’s clitoris and I looked at how horny she was herself. First of all in the bathroom and then seduced Monika again. And the rubber phallus of the in Monika was the rest.

She dripped with lust. Monika groaned Lauter and I was still fucking her with the vibrator.

Suddenly she cried out briefly and her pelvis pressed her forward like wild. She threw her head from one side to another. The eyes are still closed.

I stopped bumping the vibrator back and forth, but I let it switch on. Her lower body now circled very slowly. Evi had withdrawn her hand and played on her own cunt. I slowly pulled the vibrator out of Monika.

There was a smacking sound. The replacement cock shone from her juice. My own cock was still steep from me.

Evi stopped playing around and grabbed the cream tie next to the bed. She reached into it and then she grabbed my stiff cock, pulled the foreskin far back, and lubricated my stuff on the bare acorn.

“That hesitates the effusion,” she said. Then she took the cream tube and pressed a strip of cream on her fingers. She spread her legs very far and smeared the cream around her sweet asshole. With one finger she tried to lubricate the rest of the cream into her asshole.

“Come Klaus, fuck me in the ass!“I thought I didn’t hear right! This little bitch actually wanted to be fucked by me in my ass.

A dream came true. For me this was the first time, Since my Monika had always strictly rejected. “Turn around” I ordered her. She lay on her stomach, put her legs on and stretched her bottom up until she knelt on the bed.

Buried the head in the pillow, the tits rocked free, the bottom raised up, hands on the ass cheeks around the hole.

“Los Monika, lie down and lick her!“Monika looked at me big, but did how to be called. She slipped from below until her head was at Evi ’cunt. She pushed her hands through their thighs. I was so horny now, I just thought about it anymore.

However, this penis cream was probably a bit. Monika began to lick the cunt from Evi, who was slightly twitching while touching. With her hands she pulled her cheek apart. I saw the round little hole, greasy from the lubricant, and and put my steel -hard stiff stiffs.

Evi kept silent. I tried very carefully to push him in a little bit. It went better than I thought. He really slipped.

When I was about a centimeter in it, Evi screamed!.

I immediately pulled him back. “Has hurt” “No, that’s just a mistake, keep going. Put it back in “I took my cock back in my hand and put it on this rosette again. This time I pushed him deeper.

Monika was under Evi and worked on her cunt with her fingers. Her eyes were straight up and watched how I slowly penetrated Evi’s ass.

Evi screamed with lust. I’ve always imagined that, but reality was much better. It was so tight in it, I had the feeling that my cock was in a suction machine.

And I could feel Monika’s fingers inside that stuck deep in Evi’s cunt. I caught carefully to fuck Evi. Slow so that I don’t hurt anything. But the concern was unfounded.

The cream and Evi’s lust were enough.

“I crush!“Evi screamed,“ Oh is that awesome.“And now she started moving back and forth with her ass. I saw down and that was really cool. My cock deep in Evi ’ass, Monika’s finger in her cunt, and Evis’s plump tits like wildly rocking with her head in the pillow and screaming. Cream or not, things went so quickly, I couldn’t even pull it out.

My cock exploded in Evi’s asshole. I shot the hot load into it. Shortly afterwards he just flopped out. I didn’t take anything anymore around me, I just let myself fall on my back.

I was exhausted.

A short time later I looked at Monika. It seemed thoughtful to be thoughtful. When she noticed me asked: “Did you like that?” “I nodded. “Was great!“But that was definitely hellful?”She asked Evi.

The only smiled. “Nah, not at all. This is much more intense than at the front. Only one is even better at the front and back at the same time.““ I don’t know, that’s too brutal for me, said Monika.

“Always depends on it. Have you never introduced yourself to be raped?““ Well, yes, but not in the buttocks.“I listened to an interest. look there. My prude Monika has already from one rape dreamy.

And then tender? She had never told me about her fantasies. “You have to try it too.”Said Evi. “You already swallowed sperm yesterday.““ Well, maybe someday.“Was the answer.

Evi’s version: After we had fun in the evening and I licked Monika, we all went to sleep. In the morning I woke up when I heard Klaus got up.

I was hoping that he would delight me with a morning fuck. I secretly hoped that Monika would wake up. When he went into the bathroom I gave him some lead, then I went afterwards when I heard the shower.

He is one. I opened the shower cubicle.

His cock hung down limp. I was really greedy for Klaus and had done everything so that he returned my feelings. I had crushed myself into him immortally.
“Good morning, you slept nicely?”I asked Klaus. ‘Deep and firm“ “In whom?“I joked and reached for his cock, who slowly upgraded himself under my hands.

“Are you actually happy with Monika?”” I love her “wrong answer! “And me?”” You too “better. “She fulfills your wishes in bed?““ She is a bit reserved, not as horny as you.“I was reassured. So Monika was in bed a rivet. “Have you ever driven it anal?“I massaged the foreskin of his penis.

“No, she is strictly against it.“And until yesterday she has never blown you one?”” Yes, yes, but she never swallowed it.“His dick was set up from him. I crouched and started to him jerk off. The water ran over his body and over my hand. I jerked his cock with real pleasure.

“Show me how you injected“ I love watching it injects a male cock and the light sauce is shooting out.

I always get very weak. I jerked his cock and pressed his eggs with the other hand. They felt hard. He came relatively quickly.

(So he also suited me well. I don’t like men who need forever until they inject.
I prefer it to relax faster for the second shot).

His cream shot out of the strap and was washed away from the water. His cock did not listen to twitching. I had become extremely horny, especially when he then concentrated on my cunt.

But I had something different. “I’ll go back to bed” With these words I left the bathroom and quickly got the black latex covered women’s friend, sliding cream and an ointment to delay the orgasm In men. Then I scurried back to bed.
Monika was waking up when Klaus came with coffee. She set up and took a mug.

I tenderly stroked her back with my fingers, down the backbone, up again, and then included her chest from behind. Her nipples got tough and she turned to me.

We hugged ourselves and I rubbed my cheek on yours. My hand snapped her neck under the long hair, then down again, the firm back, and then to the front of her clit. She reacted immediately and opened her thighs slightly.

I let the other hand hike to her little tittis. Monika groaned softly. Klaus had obviously seen the vibrator and now used it with Monika. He led him to her cunt and fucked her with it.

His cock stiff from him because he knelt. I would have loved to put him in my mouth and sucked on it, but I had something else in mind. However, it looked rat -sharp as his stiff lümmel cheekily stretched forward. I started playing my pussy with my fingers.

My juice flowed out of me.

Monika came with a short pointed scream. Her cunt was very sticky and the vibrator shone when Klaus pulled him out. I got warmer around my pussy and I believed my breasts would swell until they burst. But now I was on my turn! I took the penis cream and massaged it into the acorn of Klaus ’cock.

Spray now not my dear, I thought. Monika and Klaus looked at me a little more vew dog. Then I took the sliding cream and distributed it around my buttocks. “Fuck me in my ass!“I asked Klaus.

I stretched my butt up and pulled my höchlein a little so that Klaus could put his cock in.
He first asked Monika to lick me and she really did it. I had spread my legs apart and I felt Monika’s warm tongue on my clitoris. I would have loved to get rid of it, but I had to give Klaus a chance to put his cock in my po hole. So I kept silent.

When Klaus slowly pushed his cock in.

Until then I had never been fucked in the ass by a man. My (still) husband Walter was sexually a lurbs! It hurt at first, despite the sliding cream, so I involuntarily shout. Klaus immediately pulled out his cock. “It hurt?”” No, “I replied bravely.

“Make on, put it back in.“It had hurt hell. Despite sliding cream. But when he pushed him back in I bit the teeth together.

And after a short time it was very pleasant and I started to counter. It was really cool.

All women who have never done it before miss something. I felt his cock like I had never felt a cock. And Monika’s finger in me gave me a feeling of full pleasure. I think I was pouring my juice into quantities and I came incredibly strong.

I must have shouted at the whole house with lust.

Klaus was probably similar. He still came in my ass! That was a nasty feeling. I’ve never received an enema at the doctor, but that’s how I imagine it. His sperm ran out of my buttocks when he let himself be clumsy.

Monika later asked Klaus if he had liked it. He only replied “great”. I had to grin. I couldn’t have said more.

“But that certainly hurt very much,” she asked me. Poor Monika. For Klaus I would have taken all the pain in the world.

“No not at all. It was great.

There is still an increase, and that would be to have a tail at the front and one back in the back.”” That would be too brutal “defended Monika. “You have never fantasized from how that would be raped?““ Well, but not in the buttocks.““ You have to try that. It is great.”

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