Erotic first anal sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The next time he runs into me, I invite him, thought Carolin when she saw her neighbors get out of his car. He estimated that he had to be around forty. His mid -blond hair was crossed by gray strands that dominated the temples. His suit could not hide his sporting stature, his narrow hips and his broad shoulders. So often she had done it when he smiled at her friendly and greeted her again.

She always caught her breath, felt her how the red climbed her face and when he disappeared behind his front door, she was angry with herself not to have had the courage to speak to him again. He lived directly opposite, Joe for a quarter of a year. She often watched him, hidden from her curtain, through her window, sometimes he ran naked through his apartment, but she could only see his sustained, muscular upper body.

She imagined how it would be to trace the contours of his muscles with his tongue, as it would be, if his strong hands drove over her body, imagined to be taken hard by him, sometimes hard. She knew that he had a friend, such a blonde with a model figure. Carolin did not find herself unattractive for herself. With her thirty -three years she was slim, certainly not as thin as this blonde. But she knew how men reacted to her.

She saw her pants outdo it when they looked at her on the breasts. Earlier than teenager, she even was ashamed because of her 75D breasts. She remembered that she was often teased and the boys in her class she called “udder slingshot” or “Tittencaro” but that was over. She knew that the same boys who are men today would now have a drool. Even without bra, their two bliss balls did not hung and their nipples on the small farms stretched up nicely.

Whenever the blonde drove up with her sports car, Joe came down and after a stormy greeting he carried his travel bag up into his apartment. Carolin had even had to listen to the wild lovemaking of the two on a warm summer night, whose pleasure sounds penetrated to her through the open windows. She leaned against the cooling radiator under her open window, kneaded her big breasts and rubbed her wet labia, circled her clit and finally penetrated into her hot lust with one or later with two fingers.

In doing so, she painted herself in her imagination to be taken from him, imagined that he drove his great joy donor into her. She abruptly stopped when female calls to pain came to her ear. She asked herself and her whether he was currently pressing his hard penis into her back gate, and her, from his own love juice of slippery fingers anus. She felt the muscle ring, the sensitive curled skin and wondered if she would allow if he wanted to drill his stake in there.

“Yes,” she thought, “of course I would!“A film ran in her head cinema: … how she would turn her her crunchy buttock and if he wanted to penetrate her vagina as she reached for his penis to lead him to her prepared PO opening. A man forgets a woman he was allowed to love in his buttocks, never heard or read that somewhere. With the picture in the head she pressed her middle finger through her sphincter.

The unpleasant feeling, almost like pain, had the experience of the first and only painful attempt to allow it to allow it to be anal: At that time she knelt in front of the couch and her friend, like a obsessed, into her wet pleasure grotto. Suddenly he paused and grumbled her: “You need it harder, how?“, And she already felt something slippery on her hole and at the same time an incredible pain when he wanted to drive his piston into her anus.

Since she couldn’t flee forward, she struggled and screamed until he finally gave up. She heard the apartment door slam when she woke up from her lethargy, then she saw the source of the slippery stuff, a tube of petroleum jet, lying next to her on the carpet. “Oh, if I had just done as if that gave me that, I would have one orgasm played after the other, then it would not have come that far, ”she blamed at the time.

The moaning and groaning, which came to her ear from opposite, brought her back to the present. She listened: “Oooh, Aaah, not so deep”, she heard the female voice and occasionally a biting “mmh”. Again Carolin pushed her middle finger into her Po opening and rubbed her thumb over her clit as she stroked her breasts with the other hand. At the same time as the couple from opposite she reached her climax. Shrill, “yes, yes, yes” and then the long -drawn “Jaaaaaaa”, accompanied by a deep, throat gurgling “oarrrr” and her own, pointed scream, penetrated into the night sky of the hot summer.

Then Carolin sat on her computer and ordered over that Internet Different varieties of anal trends and a small anal plug and, according to the recommendation, an intimate shower, for anal and vaginal use, for the analysis. She also bought a faithful replica of a medium -sized penis in a crystal -clear rubber, which the wreath of one foreskin, Werder and a plump scrotum, as well as a suction foot as a degree. What her competitor could do, she didn’t want to shy away from it either. “Wow, what kind of woman,” thought Joe every time he met his neighbor.

Her pretty face, her big, brown eyes and her pout, framed by a brunette half -length hair, captivated him. Sometimes once he saw her, he had to bury his hands in his pockets so as not to accidentally grasp her on the breasts. Her slim waist and her sweet, round buttock, which she made when you walk, made his mouth dust dry. Joe found his neighbor just sharp, no matter what she was wearing, a business costume, a summer dress or just a shirt and jeans.

The next time he saw her, he would address her, he took it firmly. “Come out again like this?“Asked Joe his neighbor, who was just getting out of her car. He had parked relatively tightly back to her BMW. Carolin swallowed and tore himself together: “I can ring if it doesn’t work”. Then she followed: “I am called Carolin”. Joe also introduced himself and they handed their hands.

Joe looked her straight into her eyes and she felt the touch, like an electric blow. It crackled, she felt static charged, felt her neck hair. Also Joe did not want to let go of his hand and put on a question: “We want”, but Carolin intercepted him: “You may eat with me?“Joe answer almost hastily:“ Yes, gladly. Then when?”” Uh, right, tonight, uh, at half past eight?”Said Carolin. “I bring the wine with me,” said Joe, briefly overwhelming that he had two hours of two hours, two long hours of imagination, desire.

“Ok, see you right away,” she called and hurried to her doorstep. Joe asked again: “Red or white?”She laughed:” Red!”Joe sat again in his home office and did some tasks, even though he was difficult to concentrate. Again and again his thoughts wandered to his neighbor. If she just wanted to talk to someone, she wanted him to sex? Of course he had felt her eyes that she looked at him and even observed him from her opposite window.

He was consciously walking through his apartment with a free torso – or he had only imagined that the curtain of her window was moving when he looked in her direction?”It won’t work anymore today,” he told himself and ended his work. When he moved out to take an executive shower room, the imagination won over the upper hand. His penis pounded: “As it is to stroke her dream bus, sucking on it, she is more the calm or living guy during sex, how far does it go? “I just ask her which languages speaks, French, Spanish, Greek?“, He laughed inside, knowing that he wouldn’t talk to a woman like that.

Joe set up for the evening and put on a jeans and a shirt that he wore loosely over his pants. He was finished a minute before half past eight, hurried down the stairs to the front door and found that he had forgotten the wine and condoms, in all cases, ran back up and grabbed the wine bottle. In front of the mirror he checked again whether the condoms in the pocket of his jeans emerged.

You didn’t see anything, God-Sei-thank you. Carolin was startled when she saw a packet in front of her apartment door. Their landlords who lived in the ground floor apartment had accepted it for them. She quickly took it up and put it in the bathroom, ran into her bedroom and pulled out her anthracite-though costume, almost tore down the white blouse and then stood in front of her mirror. “Hopefully I’ll like him. May I be too fat after all?“She thought unsettled.

Then she had to laugh at herself: “No, Joe is really fidgety, I will heat that!“Approval in the mirror, she rolled down her owner -free stockings, opened her bra and drove herself over her breasts with her hands. “Nothing hangs yet,” she murmured inside, standing in front of the mirror on the side. She quickly got out of her panties and hurried to the bathroom. Everywhere she felt her pulse when she pulled out the package.

Sec after the objects of her nightly shopping, the art penis, the bottle of Pjur-Anal, a tube anal-cream glide, the anal plug and finally the intimate shower. First she grabbed the penis replica from the packaging and washed it down thoroughly. Carolin was pleased that he really felt so real, and took him to her mouth, circled the crystal clear, not entirely released by the foreskin, and watched himself in the mirror as she pushed him into her mouth.

Only the taste of a man who was missing. She attached the suction foot to the sucker edge, spat on the glans again and sat down, pulling it through her labia to the entrance to her pleasure cavity, on it. She was startled when the tiles threw back their “Jaaaaa” loudly. She ordered herself to be quieter and rode off. In her imagination, she painted how it was to be used by a man, let the penis slide out of her vagina and knelt in front of the tub to suck him deep in her mouth as if it had ordered her fantasy lover.

She pressed her mouth deep until she felt him in the throat. She wondered how it would be to feel this thing in her buttocks. But first she wanted to look at the other things and take it in use. After she was on the toilet again, as the instructions recommended, she filled the balloon of the intimate shower with lukewarm water and then screwed up the spout again. In order to make it easier to penetrate, she rubbed the round head with a little anal glory.

“Outsch”, it escaped her when the ball head pushed her sphincter through her sphincter. It felt, like the spout, through the rejuvenating shape, almost deeper into her rectum, pressed the balloon and the lukewarm water sprayed deep into her intestine. “So it has to be when he pumps his juice into me,” she thought, repeating the process until she finally felt cleaned. Then she rubbed the lubricant out of the tube into her PO opening with a finger and knelt into her tub to the bottle with the lubricant on her rosette to start and spray a load in it.

“Sure is certain, as pig farm as it was then, it shouldn’t do so this time,” she said to itself. She felt the oil wet her intestinal walls from the inside, as it ran deeper and deeper, and finally turned to shower. Carolin is quickly being and felt like part of the oil left her anus. “Better now than after”, she thought, and forced herself a finger through her muscle ring again to make sure that no more excess sliding oil would escape and maybe an embarrassing stain would come on her dress.

Satisfied, she found that her buttock was nice and slippery. “So it definitely doesn’t hurt so much, I will endure that,” shot her through her head. When she came out of the shower, she was surprised that the time, as in the flash, had passed – damn it was twenty after seven. She hastily stowed her “toys” in the drawer of her bathroom cabinet and tied her dark hair into a braid, stuck a light-turkey-colored string tanga, from which she knew that he shone through the chosen white, light summer dresswould.

As soon as she was dressed, it rang the doorbell. She looked breathtaking when she stood in the door frame in a white, airy, light-light, knee-length Neckholder summer dress and shone when he went up the stairs. “If I had put on another pair of pants,” thought Joe when his penis filled with blood and got space problems in the jeans. “The wine for tonight”, he laughed at her when Carolin bat him in and then closed the door behind him.

“Wow, she has nothing under the dress?“He asked himself when he saw that there was no bra in the back section. The sweat came from all pores. Carolin noticed that her outfit did not miss its effect, saw that beads of sweat formed on his forehead, but her pulse also hit her throat. At first she did busy and, as provocative, went to her showcase cabinet as possible and took out the wine glasses. She felt that Joe persecuted her with his eyes.

So she decided to offer him a show. When she put wine glasses on the table and prevented herself a little, he recognized when the thin white fabric of the summer dress flagged on her buttocks, the contours of a string that emphasized her wonderful, round buttocks even more. Carolin felt his eyes and when she turned around, she laughed: “You like it?“And Joe became red. “Caught,” he thought, and stuttering he returned: “Uh, yes, you look great”.

“Oh, God, now I screwed it up,” thought Joe. “Joe,” she said, with a cute smile, “that with the food, uh, we have to make a frozen pizza. Are you already hungry?”” No, “said Joe,” the food can still wait “, and now laughed too. “But maybe you can open the wine,” she beamed at it and reached into her showcase again to give Joe the corkscrew. As he turned to open the wine bottle, Carolin nestled against his back from behind and drove her hands over his chest, down to the stomach and then hung her thumb into his waistband.

Joe felt her plump breasts on his back and opened the bottle in awkward and clumsy. “Finally done,” he thought, turning around, she wanted to pull her, she kisses her. She let go of him and took a few steps back, reached out and pulled the loop on her Neckholder dress, let the fabric slide forward and revealed the view of her large, round breasts, whose warts set up to hard tipshad.

Slowly the dress slid down and when it was a ring around her feet, she got out, turned around, Joe turned her buttocks, and slowly raised it. “Oh, God,” she heard Joe Stämen. With a climbing hip, slow as she could, she went towards him and let himself sink to his knees right in front of him. With a quick grip she opened the buttons of his jeans and pulled them down to the knee height.

His penis, caught in his shorts, painted himself as a thick tube under the fabric. Carefully stretch the rubber band, carolin freed the prisoner and Joes of a large, circumcised piston. “Oh, nice, better than in my dreams,” she thought, and squeezed her lips greedily over the exposed glans and sucked it slightly on it. She had trouble taking him in, but fully enjoyed what would come, gladly get used to the pressure. “Oh, no, please don’t,” she heard Joe call.

When he felt the hot wet oral cavity, he believed that he had to explode immediately. He felt the typical pull in the testicles when he pushed away Carolin to escape her hot lips and her skillful tongue. But she held him on his buttocks, dug her fingernails into his meat. Carolin straightened up a bit and embedded his penis, steeply pointing up, between her breasts and gently moved up and down.

Only very slightly pressed her big balls with the upper arms, looking at him in the eye and breathed in him to take off his shirt. Joe observed how he slid through the valley, like his glans, when she drove downwards, looked out of the gorge of her breast at the top and disappeared again when she moved her body upwards. Carolin felt the twitch in his penis root and pressed the thumb slightly to the place where the penis shaft merges into the scrotum to brake his excitement a little.

He should enjoy the enjoyment of her breast massage a little before she wanted to give him relief with your mouth and tongue. Once again she licked along his tribe and left a lot of saliva, took it again between her breasts and continued to massage him. When his violet-swollen acorn stepped out at the top, she greedily licked it with her tongue, tasted the first drops of pleasure, the salty, anise taste. Joe had put his hands on her shoulders and enjoyed the gentle friction, now he didn’t care whether he was already shooting in this way.

Again he felt his juice, only this time Carolin didn’t stop him. She sucked his plump acorn into her hot wet oral cavity and sucked it tenderly until she finally left her head and sniffed back and blew him as if there was no tomorrow. She felt his body tensioned how his abdomen turned her oppression, heard him, choked, briefly when his acorn drilled too deep into her throat. She quickly encompassed his shaft to prevent it too deeply, and her mouth filled with his seed, more than she could record.

Joe was in the seventh heaven, he saw stars and as if through a veil, this wonderful, pretty woman, who spoiled his piston with her full lips and, contrary to his girlfriend, swallowed his seed, yes, literally died, sucked out of, sucked out,When he was hot in her. Carolin swallowed and swallowed, sucked and massaged until Joe was stuck with trembling knees and leaned down his penis limp. She wrapped the drops of his juice that she could not catch on her breasts and straightened up.

He pulled up Carolin and pushed her open the couch, on which she laid out with spread legs. Carolin groaned when Joe got over her and she felt his sustained, muscular body, saw his penis, which was already half -tapped. Now Joe wanted to smell, taste, feel, feel every curve, every deepening, every cave of her beautiful body: “God, you are beautiful,” she heard him murmur. He tenderly kissed her face, her eyebrows, stroked her temples with his nose until her mouths finally met, her tongues wrapped up, circled.

Under her whirlpool and moaning, his tongue wandered her neck, nibbled on her shoulder and circled her plump breasts, which she greedily stretched out to him. He smelled her fresh summer perfume: “Bulgari White?“He asked himself and had the tart, soap -fresh taste in the mouth. One shower after the other flooded her starved body when Joe licked along her ribs to finally give in to his own desire and alternately suck her nipples. Slowly he slid deeper again, circled Carolin’s belly button and then left the damp track of his tongue on her lower abdomen.

Carolin had left a small, short -shaved line from her brown pubic hair, which ended directly above the approach of her shame, over which Joe now tongued – down to the approach of her labia. He bent her legs up and spread her. Joe saw that pearls of her love juice ran over her dam to her corrugated rosette, and from there licked up to her clit through the sticky-wet gap of the swollen labia-again and again.

He let his tongue circle around her hole for longer, smelled and tasted of the lubricant. “Wow, she likes anal,” he thought surprised. It was only when he drilled his tip of his tongue a little in the narrow ring muscle that she twitched back. “Oh God! He really wants it, ”she shot through her head. Without commenting on her twitch, he drove through her labia again, up to her pulsating pleasure pearl and slightly stroked her tongue over it, she circled to finally push his wet lust grotto with his tongue.

He enjoyed her fragrance, the aromas of pleasure, as he called them. Every woman smelled differently, but everyone had something in common, the delicate smell of urine and coffee, sweetened with Hong of the acacia. He tasted her sweet nectar, sucked him eagerly, couldn’t get enough of using her lust grotto with a boring tongue. He then sucked her swollen clitoris very slightly between his lips, and tangled her tender with the tip of the tongue.

“But he knows how to deal with women is tender,” she thought. Joe knew that most women did not stand on the direct irritation of their pleasure pearl and when it, then she had to be so tender, almost breathed. Again and again he took off, described a different path with his tongue, to the inside of their strong thighs, to their strips and then again to their clitoris. Whenever Joe felt that her lower abdomen began to flutter when the entrance to her pleasure grotto and her rosette drew rhythmically, he moved away from her pleasure point, when her excitement had subsided, to continue there again.

“Oh, please! !“She shouted and pressed his head tightly on her shame, but again he got rid of. This time he devoted himself to her breasts, then slipped up to her mouth, kissed her passionately. She tasted her own love juice, which stuck around Joe’s mouth, peared down on his chin, felt his hard lance on her labia and hoped that he would finally spice it on with it now. “Please,” he heard her whimper, but Joe wanted to drive her crazy, let her experience that she should never forget.

He let his penis past her entrance to the pleasure, gliding up through her labia, so easily pushed her clitoris. “Finally fuck me!“, She shouted at him, grabbed his shaft, but Joe withdrawn from her and turned her on his stomach with a swing. He pushed her upper body down so that he was on the couch and her buttocks, as he presented two round balls, in between the deep furrow with her delicate, oily shiny wrinkled skin and underneath the sweet fruit of her opened plum.

He leaned forward, biting it slightly on the neck, again she felt his piston, only this time sliding through her poreates. “Please, please, I want you to have you in me,” he heard her in a tiery and and violent sewing her: “No matter what hole”. She was startled by her own statement and, reflexively, pinched her sphincter. Carolin felt how the dripping drops ran over her back, gathering in the furrow of her back muscles felt shivering: “Oh, God, he won’t be,” she thought.

Joe felt the twitch in her poreates, knew that she had panicked her anus too. “But not as tough as she does,” he thought, putting his glans on her rosette and pressing slightly. Carolin scattered quietly. Joe immediately retired and leaned to her buttocks. Licked her over the delta, where the back turns into the buttocks, where the beautiful balls connect to her couch, bit her slightly into the buttocks and nibbled down to further down.

Wherever they are particularly sensitive, where the delicate skin of the POS turns into the thighs, he let his tongue circle again, drove to the middle to her shame, tongued through her labia and drilled his tongue into her vaginal entrance. Carolin breathed in the stakkato – kneading her breasts, pulling her nipples, she got louder and ended with a steamed screeching when she flinched in the first climax under his tongue.

Again, Joe slid to her innocent back entrance and drilled his tipping in her buttocks, and fucked her so a few millimeters into her back hole, the distraction of her peak exploiting. Her pleasure grotto still contracted, again, he licked through her labia again. Carolin grabbed her buttocks with both hands and pulled her apart, offered Joe the opportunity to push his tongue deep into her boiling cave. But only Joe’s index finger slid into the wet hot and rotated while he cheated his tip of his tongue over the wrinkled skin of her rosette.

Carolin felt the penetration of his finger, how he massaged over the inside of her lower abdomen, as he circled and felt, she felt that she was back shortly before an orgasm. “Yeah,” groaned Carolin “she felt a fingernail over her sensitive wrinkled skin scratching, twitching something back and relaxed again when Joe was now also added to the middle finger, and squeezed into her wet lust grotto. With a long -drawn “Aaaah” she let air escape and pressed himself towards his fingers, relaxed her ring muscle and Joe’s first finger member penetrated into her oiled anus.

She firmly cramped her sphincter, she had the feeling of having to go to the toilet, but Joe stopped the pressure. The finger link of his index finger was almost squeezed, so the ring muscle spanned it and he enjoyed it. Carolin felt he touched nerves in her anus, which she didn’t even know about being there. She revealed herself. It hurt, but somehow it was also pleasant, the tightness, the burning that she felt in her buttocks.

She tried to relax. He now fucked them extensively with a show and middle finger of the one hand into their smacking front lust grotto, while the index finger of the others is slowly getting further into their buttocks until they finally touched themselves, only separately by the thin cutting. When Joe pulled his index finger out of her intestinal channel and now brewed her little rosette with a compressed point of view and middle finger, Carolin reared up. “No Please not”. The strain pain was too big.

Joe slowly pulled his fingers out of her love holes, put his piston on her wet, fleshy labia, drove through the furrow with his glans, nudged her clitoris and then found the entrance into her embers. Slowly he pressed his penis in, Joe felt the heat, the wet tightness, which enclosed his glans and moved on. “Aaaah, slow,” Wimmer Carolin. She thought she would tear, spelled. Joe pulled his piston back and turned them over that she was now on her back.

For a lighter penetration, he pushed a pillow under her crunchy buttocks, grabbed her ankles and spread her legs back up again. Again, in front of her kneeling, he put on his spear and slowly moved up with slight fucking movements until he pushed two thirds into her cervix. Carolin turned up, “not so deep, aaaah” and he almost completely pulled his piston back to penetrate her deeply again – again and again … a single smacking, groaning and whimper filled the room.

Carolin threw her head back and forth under the moaning, felt how her abdominal blanket began to flutter, her vaginal muscles clasp the patch of pleasure in her, pulled together trembling – she opened up – and shouted out her next orgasm. Joe felt his testicles pulled together, as it started in his loins and pulled his penis out of the hot clasp of the pleasure cavity shortly before his “Point of No Return” to give her the rest with his tongue.

Which he drilled into her entrance and then let the gap flutter over and over again over her clitoris. At the same time, he pressed his middle finger into her hinter gate and slid, lubricated from her pleasure juice and the lubricant to the stop into the incredible tightness. He bent his finger in such a way that he also narrowed her front lust cave, which triggered further contraction with Carolin. Carolin groaned, whimpered, screamed: “Oooooh, Goooooott, Jaaaaaaa”, again he pulled his finger out and again put indexing and middle fingers on the narrow, sensitive hole, slowly slid into the tightness to further stretch it and for the recordingto make up for his piston.

Slowly she became calmer and, breathing heavily, stayed with high -spread legs on her back. She deliberately felt Joe’s finger in her narrow buttocks how she massaged her anus’ throat from the inside, and she turned from time to time that she could also feel the pressure of the tightness in her front lust cave. To be tired to defend herself, she slowly enjoyed the new feeling of this stimuli of nerves, of which she did not think she could trigger such feelings into her.

It was only when Joe started with light fucking movements that she grabbed his wrist and held it tight, she felt too strongly germinate stretching pain. Joe smiled and slowly pulled his fingers out of her narrow buttock, which only slowly sustained after a while. Legend to the carpet in a back, asked Joe: “Ride me. Please”. She smiled at him: “Yes, gladly …” and first knelt between his spread legs, his steeply towering penis glamting and began to lick it, to lick, and finally sucked the glans into her hot mouth.

With her full lips and tongue edited, she stimulated Joe, torn between the hope that he would soon come and regret that it could then be over. Again and again she pressed his big shaft between her plump breasts, rubbed him in between and licked over his penis tip and looked back in the eye, heard and enjoyed his moan, felt his excitement grew again and started again and started againanew.

Carolin slipped higher, climbed over him and reached through her legs to Joes Penis. When she felt his glans at her entrance, she lowered herself. When his big piston stretched her lust channel, she groaned. Slowly she started her ride, while Joe enjoyed the wet hot friction on his shaft and stroked and kneaded her breasts. He saw her plump breasts swing up slightly in the beat of her movement, saw her beautiful face, the open mouth, the lusty sounds, saw her sensually closed eyes.

His hands slid over their strong thigh muscles tense by riding. Again and again she shed up and let herself sink down, his spear got deeper and deeper. Carolin felt how a little extended in her when she finally took him up to the attack. She felt her thigh muscles left the strength and bowed, down her torso, rubbed her abdomen on his, hoped that he would finally hammer from below, but Joe continued to behave calmly.

“Please, push me, please,” she whispered and Joe began to plow their wet cave with rotating movements. With both hands on her buttocks he kept her tightly pressed her and circled with his abdomen, no forward and back, only circular friction she felt in her depth and then played a finger on her hole and penetrated and penetrated. “Oh, no,” she said herself, “I don’t stand it”, and she rode back until her thigh muscles tangle.

She got up with trembling legs and set up with spread legs above him. As she drove her hand over her chest, the other reached her shame to her shame. Joe watched her hustle and bustle with glassy eyes, admired her beautiful body, saw the heavy breasts, the velvety, sweaty balls that rose and lower with every breath. Carolin went one step further towards his head, further fingering himself.

Joe looked between her spread legs from below, saw her fingered her breasts with a finger in her vagina and kneaded her breasts. Again and again it shot through his head: “What a woman”. He was no longer capable of more thoughts, she totally captivated him. Carolin knew that she was really hot with her masturbation, saw his dreamy look, saw his lust in his eyes flashing.

Suddenly she had the need to feel his tongue again and lowered herself. Now she wanted to determine where she wanted to have his caresses and stayed in the crouch above his mouth. Joe support her by putting his hands on her tense buttocks and Carolin felt the wet stroking his tip of his tongue on her pleasure column. She moved her abdomen slightly forward, already flinched his tongue over her hole, lowered a little and enjoyed the gentle drilling in her wrinkled entrance.

There she had enough and she pulled her body back, felt his tip of his tongue on her dam and then on her lust grotto, on her labia and then on her clitoris, over the joe from a hints. In the meantime it had become night, Carolin’s shiny body caught the cold light of the street lamp and the moon, Joe was enthusiastic, from her beautiful sight. Carolin suddenly rose, stepped onto the light switch of a floor lamp and rose again over Jees lying, this time its seductive downside.

Comprehensively with his hand, she lowered her body and led his penis directly between her pulsating labia. Carolin suspected that Joe would love this sight, he seemed to be almost fond in her round Knackpopo. “Aah, …, Mmmh …”, Joe took it when he saw his penis immersed in between Carolin’s shiny wet labia. He looked at the crunchy buttocks, her posple and the next destination of his desire, her little butter. Carolin leaned forward, leaned onto his shin and presented with one hand, by pulling her round baking apart, her star-shaped, wrinkled, shiny rosette through the glide oil and his caresses, which opened slightly under the train.

She lifted her abdomen so far that Joes Pfahche almost slipped out, and then lowered again under circular movements of her pelvis, slid up again that only his glans was in her, let her pelvis circle again and took his penis again,as far as it was possible to. Joe knew that it would not take long in this way until he came, the enormous irritation of his glans, through her circles movements, the incredible heat and confined of her love cavity, the sight of her splendor pop, her leaking labia.

He sat up, gripped from behind with both hands on her plump breasts and let her sink back with her. Now, as from his senses, he rammed into the hot grotto from below, the carolin on the back, and repeatedly pushed her front abdominal blanket and turned with her to continue to hammering into her. “I can no longer … Aaah”, Carolin was lying when she perceived the contractions of an approaching climax almost painfully.

Joe let off from her and pushed her into the dog position, pressed her bottom down a little that his glans was now at a direct height with her rosette and pressed it lightly against it. “Oooh, no, careful”, Carolin was pushing up. Joe took her hands and put her on her buttocks: “Help me, pull your cheeks apart, please”. The ring muscle opened a little under the train, Joe asked Carolin, but as if she had to pupen so that her tight buttock relaxes.

In fact, her back door opened something in this way and he pressed his lubricated glans against it. Millimeter by millimeter she slid into her anus – Carolin shouted up: “Auuuuah, oooh, auuuu!“But never wanted to give up. She pressed her butt firmly towards the thick intruder. “I tear, oh, God,” she thought, and felt his acorn passed her tight muscle ring. “Is it possible or should I stop?“Asked Joe. “Keep going!“Carolin shouted at him and he pushed his pipe further into the painful tightness under her constant whimpering and lamenting.

One third with his hard penis in her anus, Joe felt the next resistance, the inner sphincter. Joe waited with very light pressure until this lock would open and reached to her breasts to stroke and knead them extensively. Carolin tore her head back and held her breath when she felt his piston deep into her resistance. That hurt so much, she almost got black in front of her.

Something in her seemed to tear. If the pain predominated, lust gained the upper hand, it was not sure. If it was unconditional submission to indulge in anal a man, or why was this penetration tolerated as a woman, she asked herself. She reached back with her hands and tried to hold back Joe. Carolin already thought she had made it, Joe’s journey inside her in the end when he was waiting in her in her. She clearly felt how a lock seemed to open in her buttocks and suddenly felt the stake further advanced.

“How deep should that still go?“, She asked herself when she could no longer feel his tip,“ where is he now?”. She only felt him again when his piston finally stuck half in her buttocks and he slowly began to move a little forward and back – a little out and a little deeper – until he finally sank him almost entirely into herhad. Carolin felt that the cramp -like stretching pain had decreased somewhat, she had the feeling of diarrhea, her intestinal channel burned, like fire, she bit her hand and suppressed her screaming and whimpering.

Joe pulled his hard penis back to the acorn wreath and slowly drove back into the narrow embers. He felt Carolin’s sphincter a little relaxed, and this time slid even deeper, until the attack in her narrow buttocks. Carolin had the feeling that the penis had to come out of her neck, so deeply she felt that she would be slightly sick for a moment. She forced herself to breathe deeply and evenly and it went again. As the anus spanned his piston, massaging his little, shaky, cramp -like twitches, he enjoyed the fullest.

It was for him, and of course, also because he didn’t want to hurt Carolin, the reason to move back and forth only in slow motion in her narrow, glowing Pokanal. Again he pulled his piston out of her hole, the acorn wreath pulled her outer ring muscle, which knows his tension around the shaft, with outwards. “No, in again,” she cried out when she felt, how Joes penis drove back and pulled her ring muscle outwards.

She pushed towards the penetration, could not endure the emptiness that he left behind. Carolin supported her hands to straighten up. So upright kneeling, in front of Joe, his penis pressed towards her abdominal blanket. She felt it in this new corner in her front lust cavity, he filled her out everywhere. With her hands to the back of Joes Po, she kept it close to herself, pressed into herself and had her sphincter twitched and relaxed.

This is how a suction was created, accompanied by a firm massage For Joe, the entire shaft was, how to become crazy, pressed onto the wonderful-festivals buttocks, trapped in boiling hot clasp, he felt how his testicles started to contract. “No, not yet,” it shot through his head and loosened from Carolin to slowly pull his penis out of the embers. Her hole remained open in the diameter of Joe’s piston. Again he pressed Carolin into the doggy position and drilled his tongue in the sensitive rear pleasure throat, tongued along the jagged, opened ring of the hole and stimulated Carolin by playing on her clitoris.

Slowly the muscle ring pulled back under Joe’s tongue and he straightened up again to press his glans back in – she pulled it out again and pressed her back into the tight anus – until he felt how his playmate felt himselfAnother climax built up. Carolin sagged forward, was lying on her stomach and Joe meager her on her. Only now did he push his penis back into her in the entire length, and now fucked her very slowly, very deep.

Again and again he pulled his shaft so far that she only felt his glans and drilled it in again. His loins clapped against their buttocks and now he couldn’t hold back his pent -up lust. “Please, stay calm, don’t move anymore, please,” she pleaded. Joe obeyed, pressed himself into her as deeply, felt her trembling butchers on his loins, her tremendous body under his, the salt tasted of salt on her skin when he caressed her neck and again her rhythmically climbing and relaxing anusPressure, this massage.

This wonderful feeling of being sucked even deeper into the embers. For Carolin it seemed as if his penis would grow even further in her narrow buttock – and then she felt how glowers lava poured into her, how he pumped more and more pumps into her under the grows and screamingBy her butt opening, the shaft for squeezed how his body flinched on her wall and then tackled on her together.

She felt the pressure in her buttocks, when his penis shrank, how he slid out of her with smacking sound and a gush of his seed. She quickly shook him off and ran into the bath. After she was on the toilet, she stood in front of her mirror, her hair stuck to her, dripping on the upper lip, but she smiled. Her butt burned, she felt her heartbeat in her entire abdomen.

When she came out after a while and gave him access to the bathroom, she noticed how hungry she was now. She heated up the oven and went back towards the bathroom, where she heard the shower. “I will do that well now,” she told herself and entered. Joe laughed at her when she climbed into the tub and nestled against his soap body. Immediately his hands went back to their beautiful body, soaps, they inserted her, the traces of love wash her off.

They flushed each other’s soap from their bodies and dried up full of tenderness. “I turned on the oven, we can eat something right away,” said Carolin and then laughed: “After all, I invited you”. When Joe wanted to get dressed, she said: “No, please stay that way, maybe there is still a dessert”. Joe admired this woman how uninhibited she moved in her nudity when she pushed the frozen pizza into the oven.

He let himself sink on a chair, poured wine and Carolin sat on his legs, pressed her body to his and pulled his head between her breasts, which he immediately caressed again. In between they took their glasses and drank the red wine. Everywhere she felt his hands as she stroked her body, felt his penis awakening again on her poreates. “First you eat,” she laughed when the short -term alarm clock shrilled and she rose.

She went to the stove with intentionally wobbling buttocks and leaned out to take the pizza out when she heard Joe: “Oh, you witch”. She laughed out loud when she continued to present her wobbling back, who divided pizza into handy cake pieces and went back to the table. Again she settled on his lap, turned his hard penis up and moved up close to him. With slight movements she felt his trunk sliding through her labia.

As he continued to stroke her, she fed him and with pizza and occasionally led the wine glass to his or her lips. When they had eaten the pizza, Carolin got up again and put the plate on the sink and went back to him: “You can still wish for something you want to do with me,” she beamed at him. “Wish you something, I am wishful,” smiled Joe and Carolin took him by the hand and led him to her bedroom, left him in the door and got the wine glasses, the bottle and the tube anal glory that shePut on the bedside table.

She laid down on the bed and spread her arms. Joe climbed over the foot part to her, began to get her calves, up, up the inside of her thighs to her shame and tasted her nectar again. She pulled him up to her hair, lifted her abdomen by putting her legs on her legs and sitting around him. Joe Penis quickly found the entrance and he slid into her. He penetrated her on both elbows, deep into her embers and pulled him back back that only his acorn was in her.

He fucked her very slowly, Carolin winced towards him, both moaned around the bet until, under him, winding, shouting at him in a climax and ultimately biting him into the shoulder. Joe rolled around that she was now on the top, and drove his piston into her until Carolin rose, grabbed the tube and smeared the rosette. Then she turned and crouched, he was turning his buttocks over him and pressing his acorn in her buttock.

Panting, she waited for her anus to get used to the stretch and then lowered deeper. What a picture offered Joe when the star wreath, framed by the round buttocks, stretched and took up his acorns and slowly slid into the depth. What a feeling when the incredibly tight muscle again spans his glans, his shaft, her inner embers, more and more, increasingly, and deeper, and deeper. Carolin felt his shaft sliding into her rectum, she had to stop again and again when the feeling of tearing became too strong.

In short, she shot the thought of the submission through her head again, despite the strain pain she had to smile: “I subsequently submit him,” she thought and moved down, now lieden up his stake to the stop. She wanted to friction now, she could no longer endure, so she only let her anus twitch her anus again, felt as she sucked it even deeper, and enjoyed this feeling of abundance everywhere in her body.

Joe felt the muscle ring on his penis root, again felt the sucking on his trunk, the firm clasp and the massage, the friction on his shaft, he felt how it started to bubble in his loins and how his body reared and how his juice, his penis succeeds from the inside. To be glowing, shot through her anus, shot into it in countless bumps in her. She felt the tremor of his body and then the hot discharge in her depth.

Happy let herself sink back, was now on him and felt his magical hands everywhere again, noticed how his penis retired and left her Poschlund, followed by his juice. She let herself slide aside and pulled Joe to herself so that he was tired of her back. For a moment she enjoyed his breath on her neck, his kisses on her neck until she fell asleep and endlessly fell asleep. Also Joe no longer came to think about whether he should go and fell asleep happily: “Wow, what kind of woman”.


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