Anal sex on the final trip | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My name is Aynur, I am 33 years old and have already organized one or the other escapade in my life. As you can see from my name, I have Turkish roots. My family came to Germany from Turkey about 35 years ago and settled in a small town in NRW. There I grew up very protected with my younger siblings and even visited the high school. In addition to the German School, the Turkish tradition, religion, and community, also had a large part in my childhood.

So as a young girl, of course, I was explained very early on what kind of Turkish girl and what wasn’t. And I can already reveal that much now, mine Mother it was of the opinion that most of it was not for a Turkish girl. My family is really loving, but also very conservative and strict. Especially with regard to the interaction with the male gender. And especially outside the family or with others than Turkish nationality.

But as is the case, nothing is as much irritated as forbidden fruits. Of course I always came through school with German boys and girls in Contact. If the topic of boys had little interested in me in youth, it changed suddenly when we got a new classmate in the upper level. His name was Sven. He was big, had bright blue eyes, and bright blonde hair. So he was anything but the oriental type.

Unfortunately, at this age I noticed for the first time how this type of man could irritate me. And even if I had a bit crush, my shyness and my good upbringing did not let me guess something of my butterflies. After all, I knew which type man my family had intended for me and Sven really didn’t fit into this scheme at all at all. And since the Turkish community is quickly gossiped, I deliberately pay attention to keeping my feelings.

So although I was largely compliant in accordance with the rules, I would like to treat myself to one or the other reverie from time to time. In particular, I was looking forward to the every week’s physical education lessons. I am very sporty and also ambitious. But what I was even more fun than throwing baskets with my friends was when the boys covered me harder from behind. And of course I was particularly happy to be taken into account by Sven. That was probably the reason why my parents were initially that I took part in sports or even swimming lessons.

Fortunately, I was able to soften them so that I was able to sweat with the boys regularly during my school days. Due to the close physical contact, my fantasies that have been more and more daring. Every evening I was looking forward to my bed, because then I could do what I wanted from Sven so eagerly with my fingers. I wanted to be touched by him everywhere. The thought of how he touches my big breasts hard and my big nipples and the nipples would be caressing a cozy shower regularly driving through my body.

So that you get an idea of me, I am very petite, weigh only around 50 kilos at a size of 165cm. I have slim sporty legs and a little snack behind. In contrast to my delicate residual body, I am very feminine at the top. I have very big heavy breasts 85D with huge atrial stoves. Overall, I am a dark guy with my almost black hair that I like to vary, and of course tanned, a dark type.

In the meantime I became of legal age and the last school year rippled so without that I would have come into contact with Sven Intimer. We talked regularly in everyday school life, but due to my shyness, our conversations mostly ran a bit bumpy so as not to say that. I would like to have kissed him so much or, like other classmates. But as nice as the thought, in reality it was absolutely taboo.

I wouldn’t change our final trip either, even if it went into the city of love. When we arrived in Paris, we first moved into our hotel and distributed ourselves to the rooms. I shared a room Michaela. A school friend that I have known since primary school and who lived and loved completely differently than I did during this time. While parties and boys were absolutely taboo for me, Michi was generally known as a small bitch.

She liked to flirt, drank at the weekend alcohol, and then got one more often with different boys. After we had moved into our rooms, we went to a kind of bistro on the first evening. There we laughed together and drank plenty of. Even I treated myself to a glass of wine that made me noticeably looser. Later the class then set off in a disco whose name I no longer know today. What I still know is that we celebrated and danced pretty much on the dance floor.

I was dancing on a great song when suddenly two strong hands gripped my hips from behind. I really frightened it, it was Sven who could hardly help but a thieving grin on my opened eyes. Without continued to go into my surprise, he turned me back and nestled against me from behind and kept me under control. I like it very much when men touch me hard and they know what they want.

The alcohol strengthened the nice feeling even more and I wish Sven never let go of me again. He then turned me again so that we saw each other for the first time and deep in the eyes. I got hot. Almost at the same time, Michi stabbed and our duet became an uncoordinated threetome dance. Because Michi was now so drunk that she could hardly stand anymore. After one or two glasses, we inevitably made our way back to the hotel.

Fortunately, it was only about 500m away, because Sven and I had to support Michi who had to hand over to our hotel twice for the very great way. We finally managed to hide them half -comatously into the upper of the bunk beds and to take her trousers and shoes out of it under cursing murmur and cover her. After approx. Michi sagged for 2 minutes and snored loudly. Sven and I sit down on the lower bed and listened to the sustainable noises together.

We both had to laugh and looked at each other. Again deep in the eyes. And then he kissed me. His lips were damp, full and warm. It tasted like wine and peppermint me became very dim with palpitations. He was courageous and soon took me to my breasts and started kneading them and pulling my warts. I escaped a quiet moan, my cunt got wet like a Swimming pool.

But suddenly I heard my mother’s voice in my mind and pushed him back. I explained to him that I was still Virgo be and that must remain because of my family. Sven was incredibly nice, he really had understanding and said that he could understand it and that he would not do anything that I wouldn’t want. He offered we could just let the clothes on and just cuddle, make spoons, and fall asleep together.

At dawn he would then sneak back into his room and nobody would get something because his room can be done as well as Michi was already in his bed. In short, I moved closer to the wall of Sven turned the light and came into bed under the ceiling. We gave ourselves a short good good night kiss and I turned on the other side with my face to the wall. Sven put his hand on my hip and so we were breathing softly for a few minutes.

As long as Sven came closer to me and put his pelvis out and it turned out to be against my buttocks. I noticed that his dick was swollen sharply. I was startled again, but at the same time it felt very cool to feel a big stiff cock on my butt. He now pressed more firmly to be so tail Massified my wet slot from behind. I had to bite my lips so as not to get up. But it did not stop.

I noticed how he opened his pants behind me and he slowly started pulling his foreskin back. Then he fingered so quickly that I could not intervene my pants and tore with a strong jerk the jeans down to the knee height. I tried to stop him and reached backwards. I got his cock in my fingers. My god what a hard chunk. The cunt juice greedily ran down my legs but I warned him again that I had to stay a virgin.

He didn’t stop for a second with what he did, he greedily grabbed my legs and stroked my slot. Then he spread my butt and put his fingers on my hole. He licked his fingers and stuffed it into my ass pretty bluntly. An opening that I had often liked to explore for myself in advance. After all, even when I plug in a toothpaste box, I couldn’t tear the maiden hewn.

The idea finally felt a real cock in me almost shattered me. I turned my head to him and we licked and kissed passionately. I whispered to him that he would like to go in my butt. These words heated Sven so much that he pushed his stiff penis deep into my greedy pofote without any further prelude to my stiff penis. He fucked hard into my rosette and I worked on my thickly swollen clit with my index finger.

I was so horny that I grunted like a little piglet. Sven was almost too nice, he breathed in my ear if he would hurt me. I denied and asked him to stuff me more firmly. I needed that. This announcement was too much for him, he pumped his juice loudly into my ass loudly. He had sprayed so much in the seed. To be able to get pregnant with fear and panic, I jumped out of bed above him and desperately searched for tempos to protect my virgin cunt from the lively mucus.

I put together paper towels and wiped his seed out of my butt. A little perplexed but he loved me, kissed me, and stroked my hair. After I had freshly set myself, we now turned closely to bed and fell asleep together. That night I slept deeply and firmly like one Angel. Only from there I couldn’t tame it anymore. But I tell you about it another time.


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